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        Radio Night

        by Yurii Andrukhovych

        Andrukhovych’s hero, rock musician Joseph Rotsky, supported the revolution in his home country by being a "barricade pianist". Forced into exile, he earns his living playing salon music. In a Swiss hotel he is forced to perform for his country’s dictator. He throws an egg at him, accidentally killing him. After his release from prison, Rotsky retreats to the Carpathian Mountains, where he is soon found by secret service agents and other sinister characters who are out to get him. His escape takes him as far as Greece – with his raven Edgar and his lover Animé as his faithful companions. He ends up on a prison island on the prime meridian, where he hosts his own radio programme: "Radio Night" – his own label that allows him to broadcast music, poetry and good stories into a darkening world. Yurii Andrukhovych’s long awaited new novel, a revolutionary saga, biographical burlesque and agent thriller set against the backdrop of the immediate present – Andrukhovych pulls out all the artistic stops to counter the fears and real threats with the sovereignty of imagination. Radio Night received great acclaim from readers and critics alike.

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        May 2020

        Starry Night

        by Cai Jianhe

        "Starry Night" is a collection of contemporary classical poems. It contains nearly 200 ancient poems of various styles written by Mr. Cai Jianhe in recent years, including nearly 100 poems of Qilu and Qijue, and more than 50 poems of Wulu and Wujue. Nearly 50 words. The author composes his personal heart tunes with classical poems, writes the new voice of the times, and the song age develops. The works have a wide range of subjects, rich content, precise metric, and sincere emotions. There are records of personal sentiments of longing for relatives and friends and repaying with friends, as well as expressions of Xiangxi’s poverty alleviation and the country’s feelings of helping Xinjiang. There are not only mountaineering and water, cherishing spring and pitying autumn scenery, but also nostalgic for the past. , Do not forget the original spirit of the times. "

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        September 2018

        Good Night 321

        by Lan Shan

        The Creative Thinking, Development, and Enlightenment Book Series consists of two volumes, which are a set of cognition enlightening books with context meant to help children from 1 to 3 years old to learn characters and numbers. The series of books doesn't contain the boring sense of cramming but combining simple storylines with creative expressions to meet the kids' basic cognitive needs at this age. This set of books uses a childlike illustration style, which is in line with what kids like at that age. Also, the book associates emotions with color and cognitive knowledge and develops kids' ability to read, observe, imagine and create while reading with fun. Good Night 321 tells the story of animals counting and sleeping with the theme of Good night.

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        Good Evening, Good Night

        The cultural history of sleep

        by Karoline Walter

        What we associate with sleep is shaped by the culture we live in. Whereas the God of the Bible never sleeps, the sinful human falls asleep every night and is thus marked as an inferior being. In the Age of Enlightenment, (too much) sleep was considered a waste of strength, which could otherwise be used to change the world. These days, sleep seems to be subject to the same tenets of usefulness as everything else and is seen to assist with the optimization of one’s self. However, culture and technology also influence how we sleep: for example, the constant availability of light, the modern conditions of work and all sorts of distractions have meant that we no longer follow our natural rhythm – a first sleep before midnight and a second sleep after a longer period of wakefulness, during which we may be active. In “Good Evening, Good Night”, Karoline Walter uses numerous examples from history, literature and research to illustrate how sleep and sleeping have changed across cultures and eras – an entertaining read, certainly nothing to put you to sleep.

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        At Night, Everyone is an Enemy

        True stories

        by Bruno Schrep

        One wrong word, one perceived insult – a small matter may begin a chain of events resulting in tragedy. This was the case with Anothai S., who died in a brawl in Hamburg in September 2014. A quote from the circumstances of this death, reconstructed by Bruno Schrep for the SPIEGEL magazine, has given this book its title. “At Night, Everyone is an Enemy” compiles true stories of people who have been torn from their normal lives and plunged into despair from one moment to the next. In one case, it is a rumour that destroys all plans – the accusation of having abused children. Likewise, the information that your father and mother, who raised you, are not your biological parents, can turn your life upside down. And many an accident destroys not only the life of the victim, but also that of the person who caused the accident. As an accurate observer, Bruno Schrep describes human tragedies with empathy, but also with a keen eye for structural problems.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        November 2019

        Dark Tourism and Pilgrimage

        by Daniel H Olsen, Maximiliano E Korstanje

        In recent years there has been a growth in both the practice and research of dark tourism; the phenomenon of visiting sites of tragedy or disaster. Expanding on this trend, this book examines dark tourism through the new lens of pilgrimage. It focuses on dark tourism sites as pilgrimage destinations, dark tourists as pilgrims, and pilgrimage as a form of dark tourism. Taking a broad definition of pilgrimage so as to consider aspects of both religious and non-religious travel that might be considered pilgrimage-like, it covers theories and histories of dark tourism and pilgrimage, pilgrimage to dark tourism sites, and experience design. A key resource for researchers and students of heritage, tourism and pilgrimage, this book will also be of great interest to those studying anthropology, religious studies and related social science subjects.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2017

        Night Watchman: A Selection of Poems by Yu Kwang- chung

        by Yu Kwang-chung

        This collection of poems chosen and translated by Yu Kwang-chung, the poet himself, covers over eighty poems from 1958 to 2014. Unlike other poetry anthology, the poems in Night Watchman have been handpicked by the author personally. It includes classic works like Nostalgia, Jadeite Cabbage, Four Songs of Nostalgia, A Tug of War with Eternity, On the Rivers and Lakes, etc. and poems in different styles which have never beenpublished in the mainland before. These works, translated into English by the author,combine the charm of classic Chinese literature and the spirit of modern western literature, and embody the sound interaction between writing and translating.

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        Children's & YA

        Day and Night of the Little Wooden House

        An Invitation Letter from Nature

        by Xue Tao

        An Invitation Letter from Nature series is Xue Tao's first set of nature-themed picture books. Since childhood, Xue Tao has enjoyed getting along with the plants and animals in nature and felt the rise and fall of all beings with a sensitive heart. This set of picture books for nature and ecology education just pays tribute to nature, as well as to a vibrant childhood.   An Invitation Letter from Nature series focuses on the theme of nature in the form of transitions through the four seasons. It currently has five books: Epic of Mountain Forests, Day and Night of the Little Wooden House, One Year of Me and Tree, Missing Bugs and Grass, Birds and Little Beasts as Companions. Each book has its own theme, just like five different landscape paintings, presenting different life experiences.   The book Day and Night of the Little Wooden House depicts the construction of a little wooden house, the changes around it from day to night and from spring to winter, and the days the little boy spends with various insects and beasts, all together creating a beautiful fairy tale.

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        Yalda’s Night

        by Ghada Al-Absi

        The life of poet Hafez Al-Shirazi forms the background from which this novel draws its great ideas about life, love and poetry. And although this book is based on the visions of this great poet, it is not a heterosexual biography of his life but rather an imagined novel inspired by his poetry.   The events of the novel take place in one night when Hafez dies, only to be born again. Throughout the long night, the author reviews stories, conflicts and milestone events in history, and Hafez has the chance to meet the poles of Sufi love in multiple chronological paths within the novel. He contemplates the black death and is defeated by the Farsi language with his early failures in poetry, but he finds salvation in the Arabic language by memorising the entire Qur’an. As a result, Shams Al-Din chooses another name inspired by him: Hafez, who the world will embrace until the Shiraz baker becomes a minister, on a human journey in which the Shirazi tests and loses everything successively.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2014

        The Black Steed

        by Zhang Chengzhi

        This is a collection of works by writer Zhang Chengzhi. The Black Steed, Rivers of the North, and Golden Pastures included in this collection have already been translated into different languages. The Black Steed, through the life experience of a man leaving and returning to the countryside and through a beautiful but sad love story, reflects the choices of the Mongolian nationality in the conflict between old and new concepts and the struggle and outcry of the new generation of the grassland.

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        Biography & True Stories
        February 2024

        Revolutionary lives of the Red and Black Atlantic since 1917

        by David Featherstone, Christian Høgsbjerg, Alan Rice

        Revolutionary lives of the Red and Black Atlantic brings to light the life histories of a wide range of radical figures whose political activity in relation to the black liberation struggle was profoundly shaped by the global impact and legacy of the Russian Revolution of October 1917. The volume introduces new perspectives on the intellectual trajectories of well-known figures and critical activists including C. L. R. James, Paul Robeson, Walter Rodney and Grace P. Campbell. This biographical approach brings a vivid and distinctive lens to bear on how racialised social and political worlds were negotiated and experienced by these revolutionary figures, and on historic black radical engagements with left political movements, in the wake of the Russian Revolution.

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        Biography & True Stories
        November 2024

        Walking in the dark

        James Baldwin, my father and I

        by Douglas Field

        A moving exploration of the life and work of the celebrated American writer, blending biography and memoir with literary criticism. Since James Baldwin's death in 1987, his writing - including The Fire Next Time, one of the manifestoes of the Civil Rights Movement, and Giovanni's Room, a pioneering work of gay fiction - has only grown in relevance. Douglas Field was introduced to Baldwin's essays and novels by his father, who witnessed the writer's debate with William F. Buckley at Cambridge University in 1965. In Walking in the dark, he embarks on a journey to unravel his life-long fascination and to understand why Baldwin continues to enthral us decades after his death. Tracing Baldwin's footsteps in France, the US and Switzerland, and digging into archives, Field paints an intimate portrait of the writer's life and influence. At the same time, he offers a poignant account of coming to terms with his father's Alzheimer's disease. Interweaving Baldwin's writings on family, illness, memory and place, Walking in the dark is an eloquent testament to the enduring power of great literature to illuminate our paths.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2021

        The Red and the Black

        The Russian Revolution and the Black Atlantic

        by David Featherstone, Christian Høgsbjerg

        The Russian Revolution of 1917 was not just a world-historical event in its own right, but also struck powerful blows against racism and imperialism, and so inspired many black radicals internationally. This edited collection explores the implications of the creation of the Soviet Union and the Communist International for black and colonial liberation struggles across the African diaspora. It examines the critical intellectual influence of Marxism and Bolshevism on the current of revolutionary 'black internationalism' and analyses how 'Red October' was viewed within the contested articulations of different struggles against racism and colonialism. Challenging European-centred understandings of the Russian Revolution and the global left, The Red and the Black offers new insights on the relations between Communism, various lefts and anti-colonialisms across the Black Atlantic - including Garveyism and various other strands of Pan-Africanism. The volume makes a major and original intellectual contribution by making the relations between the Russian Revolution and the Black Atlantic central to debates on questions relating to racism, resistance and social change.

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        May 1977

        Kunst, Wahrnehmung, Wirklichkeit

        by Ernst H. Gombrich, Julian Hochberg, Max Black, Max Looser, Maurice Mandelbaum

        In den drei in diesem Band versammelten Beiträgen ist die Rede von den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen »ästhetischer Repräsentation«, künstlerischer Erfassung und Durchdringung der Wirklichkeit. Von jeweils präzis bestimmten Positionen aus - einer kunstgeschichtlichen (Gombrich), einer psychologischen (Hochberg), einer philosophischen (Black) - wird dieses Thema erörtert.

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        December 2014

        The Shadow of a River

        by Qiu Shanshan

        After I Wait for You in Heaven has sold well for more than ten years, Qiu Shanshan again presents a heart-warming work The Shadow of a River. The novel starts with dreams and memories and tells the ever-changing youth of Taoshu and the frustrations of her family by using the four seasons as the timeline and adopting the double perspectives of a child and an adult. The novel gives an euphemistic and unhurried account of the confusion and fragility of time as well as the tenacity of life, reflecting the ways of life during a historical period and highlighting the good and evil nature of ordinary people. The work, with proper rhythm, fluent and simplistic language, and well-balanced structure, is like a well-crafted long scroll of painting.

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        Children's & YA
        August 2016

        An Eventful Night of Prince

        by QIN Wenjun

        Prince is a fifth grade little boy, and his family has moved into an old house with some gruesome legends spreading about this old house. Prince’s grandmother tells Prince that Prince’s father is the one who insists on buying this old house without giving any reasons, but he goes abroad after their moving in. For Prince, as long as Prince’s mother accompany with Prince, he never feels anything wrong with this house until one night Prince is waked up by a wolf appearing at his bedroom and he finds that his mother has left with a note saying that she is going to take his grandmother home. A series of weird things start to happen one after another: a mysterious long lane behind a wall of Prince’s father’s study; Prince’s friends somehow disappear in the lane when they get inside of the wall; several animals come to Prince to help him; Prince’s grandmother appears and tells Prince that his mother is not with her… An unknown world is in front of Prince, and what Prince has to confront is just the tip for the iceberg.

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