Waste and By-products Utilization
by N.L.Panwar & Neelam Rathore
The present book Waste and By-products Utilization is present in a balanced way theory and practice of waste management, so that a conscious selection, design and operation of the management of waste may be practised. This book provides a detailed overview of urban liquid and solid waste management, industrial liquid and solid waste (including hazardous and non-hazardous waste streams) management and waste management technologies. The book provides technologies covering useful waste treatment technology options, which can not only control pollution, but also ensure maximizing resource recovery from waste. The new technologies have been incorporated to give the reader the tools necessary to plan and evaluate alternative solid waste management systems. Besides being used as textbooks at academic institutions, it is believed that this book is an important for practising professionals, such as engineers, biologists, chemists and environmental scientists, acting in consulting companies, and environmental agencies. The information provided in the book will be useful to waste management practitioners and help them manage their waste in an environmentally sound manner.