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      • Adriana Hidalgo editora

        Adriana Hidalgo editora is one of the most prestigious publishing houses in Argentina, with great recognition in Latin America and Spain. Founded in 1999, it specializes in literature, essays, philosophy, art and illustrated books. It publishes both argentine and translated authors. Its catalogue currently holds more than 400 titles and it stands out for its literary profile and for the constant discovery of new authors. In 2009, and with our publishing house’s 10th year’s anniversary, Pípala was created: an illustrated book’s imprint of Adriana Hidalgo editora Pípala is now an independent imprint for illustrated books for both children and adults, based on a powerful catalogue that is in permanent development. It publishes translated works from all over the world (Corea, France, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, etc.) as well as original works in Spanish from Latin American and Spanish writers and illustrators.

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      • Hungry Tomato Ltd.

        Hungry Tomato designs and publishes children’s (5-11 years) non-fiction books that stimulate and encourage reading and learning with fun and engaging topics. We call this soft learning for educational markets. In just a few years, we have published over 200 titles, with 700+ titles licensed in 19 different languages across the world.  Our new pre-school (0 to 4 years) Tiny Tomato imprint launches in 2021 with books designed to promote learning through interaction. These books will feature tactile and engaging material to help nurture and encourage young children’s understanding, early learning and development  Beetle Books (US) and Hungry Banana (UK) are two imprints with books featuring some of the best artists and authors in the world today. We work with established and well-known illustrators as well, as is part of our ethos, new and exciting young talent. Together we produce beautiful books that become bookshelf favourites in homes schools and libraries all over the world. For those kids that prefer fact to fiction we produce books that will keep those pages turning.

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        April 1975



        by Adrian Naef

        Adrian Naef, geboren 1948 in Wallisellen (Schweiz), lebt in Zürich. Nach dem Studium der Ökonomie arbeitete er in der Jugend- und Erwachsenenbildung, als Religionslehrer, Journalist, Musiker und Schauspieler, als Körpertherapeut, Spitalpädagoge und Bildredakteur.

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        The Arts
        December 2024

        Addressing the other woman

        Textual correspondences in feminist art and writing

        by Kimberly Lamm

        This book analyses how three artists - Adrian Piper, Nancy Spero and Mary Kelly - worked with the visual dimensions of language in the 1960s and 1970s. These artists used text and images of writing to challenge female stereotypes, addressing viewers and asking them to participate in the project of imagining women beyond familiar words and images of subordination. The book explores this dimension of their work through the concept of 'the other woman', a utopian wish to reach women and correspond with them across similarities and differences. To make the artwork's aspirations more concrete, it places the artists in correspondence with three writers - Angela Davis, Valerie Solanas, and Laura Mulvey - who also addressed the limited range of images through which women are allowed to become visible.

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        February 2016

        Szenen einer drohenden Heirat

        Ein voreheliches Memoir | Das perfekte Geschenk zu Hochzeit und Valentinstag

        by Adrian Tomine, Katharina Dittes

        »Müssen wir die wirklich alle einladen???« Was könnte ein schöneres Geschenk für Hochzeitsgäste sein als ein Buch aus der eigenen Feder? Das dachte sich der Graphic-Novel-Autor Adrian Tomine und bannte auf Papier, was ihn und seine Braut Sarah in den Monaten vor der Hochzeit umtrieb, was ihre Nerven blanklegte und ihnen den Schlaf raubte – denn der Weg zum Traualtar ist ein steiniger Pfad: Bei der Gästeliste trennt sich die Spreu vom Weizen, an der Frage „Band oder DJ?“ scheiden sich die Geister, und die Menüfolge ist ja sowieso Geschmackssache. Und zwischen Probeessen, Tanzkurs und Blumenbouquets tönen bald die Zweifel an diesem Wahnsinnsunterfangen lauter als die Hochzeitsglocken: Hilfe! Wie kommen wir aus der Nummer wieder raus?! Für alle, die noch nicht vor dem Standesbeamten, dafür aber kurz vor dem Nervenzusammenbruch stehen, ist Adrian Tomines charmante Graphic Novel genau das richtige Beruhigungsmittel. Sie zeigt, wie wahnsinnig und wie wunderbar es ist, eine Hochzeit zu planen. Happy End garantiert.

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        November 2022

        Cancel Culture Transfer

        Wie eine moralische Panik die Welt erfasst | Das Phänomen »Cancel Culture« verstehen

        by Adrian Daub

        Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa, ja in der ganzen Welt – das Gespenst der Cancel Culture. Glaubt man diversen Zeitungen, dürfen insbesondere weiße Männer jenseits der vierzig praktisch nichts mehr sagen, wenn sie nicht ihren guten Ruf oder gar ihren Job riskieren wollen. Ist da etwas dran? Oder handelt es sich häufig um Panikmache, bei der Aktivist:innen zu einer Gefahr für die moralische Ordnung stilisiert werden, um ihre berechtigten Anliegen zu diskreditieren? Der Ursprung der Cancel Culture wird üblicherweise an US-Universitäten verortet. Adrian Daub lehrt im kalifornischen Stanford Literaturwissenschaft. Er zeigt, wie während der Reagan-Jahre entwickelte Deutungsmuster über Campus-Romane verbreitet und auf die Gesellschaft insgesamt übertragen wurden. Man pickt einige wenige Anekdoten heraus und reicht sie herum, was auch hierzulande zu einer verzerrten Wahrnehmung führt. Anhand quantitativer Analysen zeichnet Daub nach, wie diese Diagnosen immer weitere Kreise zogen, bis sie auch die Twitter-Kanäle deutscher Politiker erfassten.

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        January 1984

        Adrian der Tulpendieb

        Ein Schelmenroman

        by Rombach, Otto

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        La faim justifie les moyens (Hunger justifies the means)

        by Gilka

        Elo the crocodile finds himself in a small dilemma: he must choose between his stomach and his heart. But hungry for several days, he will not hesitate long.

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        Children's & YA

        Heart of Mist

        by Katrin Lange

        A girl torn between two brothers. Regardless of which one she falls in love with it will be disastrous for the other. Christopher and Adrian have sworn that no girl will ever come between them again, because there is a sleeping monster inside Adrian, just waiting to hurt his brother. But then Jessa comes to High Moor Grange… Jessa would do anything to find her sister Alice, who has been registered as missing for five years. High Moor Grange is the first clue she has been given after all this time – but apart from a ruin shrouded in mist, all she finds there are the owners of this dilapidated manor house. Jessa suspects that they both know more about Alice’s disappearance than they admit. Christopher wants nothing more than to be rid of her, and constantly gets on her nerves with his arrogance – and even his warm-hearted brother Adrian seems to be harbouring some secrets. Jessica knows that she ought to stay away from the twin brothers, because instead of finding answers at High Moor Grange, she finds herself in danger of losing her heart in a battle against a 200-year-old curse. Dark, irresistible and deeply romantic – a modern Beauty and the Beast story by the queen of emotions!

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2006

        A farewell to arms?

        Beyond the Good Friday agreement

        by Michael Cox, Adrian Guelke, Fiona Stephen

        The signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998 appeared to open up a new phase in the history of Northern Ireland and indeed world politics generally. Hailed from the outset as a model that would inspire peace processes in other countries, it sought through careful negotiation and delicate compromise to bring to a conclusion a conflict that had cost over 3600 lives, damaged Britain's international position and at times come very close to undermining relations between the UK and Ireland. While the peace has held it is obvious that serious divisions continue to make a final settlement of the Northern Irish question very difficult. This comprehensive and original study is the first to explain in detail how the Good Friday Agreement ran into trouble, why we are still some way from a final settlement, but why a return to war is most unlikely - even in an age where global terror now threatens world order more seriously than at any time in the past. This new edition of an established, authoritative text will be essential reading for students, researchers and academics of Irish politics, conflict and peace studies, and international relations. ;

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        June 2003

        A Midsummer Night's Dream

        Second edition

        by Jim Bulman, Carol Chillington Rutter

        A Midsummer Night's Dream is Shakespeare's most enchanting comedy, and in the twentieth century it has become perhaps his most popular play. It contains some of Shakespeare's loveliest poetry and is one of his most complex and effective dramatic structures. After an historical survey of the Dream from Shakespeare's time through to the nineteenth century, Jay Halio focuses primarily on twentieth century productions and adaptations, for film and television as well as for the stage. Chapters are devoted to productions by Max Reinhardt, Peter Hall, Robert Lepage, and especially to Peter Brook's landmark production in 1970 and the reactions to it. Using a wealth of personal experience, as well as original promptbooks and critical reviews, Halio shows how differently but still very effectively the play may be staged, as the wide variety of plays he records. This second, enlarged edition contains three new chapters on Adrian Noble's RSC production and film, Michael Hoffman's film, and the Dream in China. Written in clear, jargon-free language, this is the only book so far in print that offers an extended study of major twentieth-century productions of the Dream in their historical context.

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        September 2022


        Fuckability, orgasm gap and #metoo

        by Henriette Hell

        Lust, a mortal sin? These times are over. In today's public perception, it is more likely for a boring sex life to be categorised as that. In statistical terms, people have never had as little sex with each other as they do today. And yet tips for a good sex life are to be found on every (digital) corner. Sex has mutated into a lifestyle product, and terms like 'fuckability' and 'MILF' trip lightly off our tongues. Henriette Hell takes a closer look at the thing about sex. She traces the history and genesis of 'sexual liberation', and sheds light on the 'cheating gene' and the #metoo debate. The author asks (and answers) the question of whether sex is becoming more and more antisocial and what actually still turns us on today. In doing so, she focuses on the former mortal sin of lust, which is inseparably linked to the systematic suppression of female lust (and its liberation).

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        Children's & YA
        March 2020

        Amelie Trott and the Earth Watchers

        by Moyra Irving

        This is the extraordinary story of how one small girl stopped a planetary catastrophe. It’s a very timely book, written for the child in us all, with a forceful message about the power of young people to transform the world - a theme currently demonstrated by brave young heroes like Greta Thunberg. And with magical synchronicity, the very week Greta began her lone vigil outside the Swedish government last year, over 1,000 miles (1,897 km) away in the fictional world of books, Amelie Trott took to Parliament Square, London - on a mission to avert the End of the World. It’s a family drama with an international feel - set mainly in England but with episodes in Washington DC and around the world.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2015

        Der Hunger

        by Martín Caparrós

        Alle zwölf Sekunden stirbt irgendwo auf der Welt ein Kind unter fünf Jahren an den Folgen von Unterernährung. Das sind drei Millionen Kinder im Jahr. Insgesamt knapp neun Millionen Menschen. Jedes Jahr. Wir wissen das, wir kennen die Zahlen. Der Hunger ist, so heißt es, das größte lösbare Problem der Welt. Eine Lösung ist allerdings nicht in Sicht. Und das ist eine Schande. Fünf Jahre hat Martín Caparrós den ganzen Globus bereist, um diese Schande zu kartografieren: Er war in Niger, wo der Hunger so aussieht, wie wir ihn uns vorstellen; in Indien, wo mehr Menschen hungern als in jedem anderen Land; in den USA, wo jeder Sechste Probleme hat, sich ausreichend zu ernähren, während jeder Dritte unter Fettleibigkeit leidet; in Argentinien, wo Nahrungsmittel für 300 Millionen Menschen produziert werden, obwohl sich viele Bürger kein Fleisch mehr leisten können. Am Ende dieser Reise steht ein einzigartiges Buch: Großreportage, Geschichtsschreibung und wütendes Manifest.

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        Forestry & silviculture: practice & techniques
        October 2007

        Biodiversity Loss and Conservation in Fragmented Forest Landscapes

        The Forests of Montane Mexico and Temperate South America

        by Adrian C Newton

        Increasing concern surrounding the loss of natural forests and the decline in biodiversity has lead to a rise in research and policy initiatives in recent years. However, interest has focused primarily on lowland tropical rainforests. Tropical montane and temperate rainforests, which face similar pressures from human activities and play major roles in the livelihood of rural communities, are often ignored. Biodiversity Loss and Conservation in Fragmented Forest Landscapes is the product of over 10 years of intensive field research into the changing montane and temperate rainforests of Mexico and South America. By concentrating on these largely overlooked environments, the studies reported allow for comparative analysis across areas and help identify how human disturbance has impacted the biodiversity of all forest types. Chapters incorporate features of landscape ecology, floristic biodiversity, conservation and policy and vary from in-depth investigations of a single study area to integrated examinations across regions.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2013

        Die Tribute von Panem 1. Tödliche Spiele

        by Suzanne Collins, Maria Koschny, Sylke Hachmeister, Peter Klöss, Markus Langer, Eduardo Garcia, Matthias Scheuer, Die Tribute von Panem, Frank Gustavus, Markus Langer

        Die Hunger Games als Hörbuch. In einer nicht näher definierten Zukunft, nachdem Nordamerika durch Kriege und Naturkatastrophen zerstört wurde, entstand die diktatorische Nation Panem, bestehend aus dem regierenden reichen Kapitol und 13 ärmeren Distrikten. Nicht zufällig erinnert Panem  an Panem et circenses, lateinisch für Brot und Spiele, aus römischen Zeiten: Auch hier sollen Tribute wie damals Gladiatoren das Volk belustigen. Eine von ihnen ist die 16-jährige Katniss Everdeen, die anstelle ihrer jüngeren Schwester bei den Hungerspielen im Kapitol von Panem antritt und um ihr Leben kämpfen muss. Als ihr Mitstreiter Peeta ihr seine Liebe gesteht, wird die Sache noch schwieriger, denn am Ende darf es nur einen Sieger geben. Wird es ihnen gelingen, das Kapitol zu überlisten und beide zu überleben? Der packende dystopische Bestseller ist erzählt aus der Perspektive von Katniss  – und was sie denkt und fühlt, ihr innerer Monolog, steht in starkem Kontrast zu dem spektakulären, grausamen Ereignissen in Panem … Mögen die tödlichen Spiele neu beginnen …  - Der erste Teil der Erfolgstrilogie von Bestseller-Autorin Suzanne Collins gelesen von Maria Koschny - Auftakt der Ausnahme-Fantasy-Dystopie - Ausgezeichnet mit dem Deutschen Jugendliteraturpreis (Preis der Jugendjury). - Bekannt als Kino-Blockbuster mit Jennifer Lawrence in der Hauptrolle.

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