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      • Island Press

        Island Press began with a simple idea:knowledge is power—the power to imagine a better future and find ways for getting us there. Founded in 1984, Island Press’ mission is to provide the best ideas and information to those seeking to understand and protect the environment and create solutions to its complex problems. We elevate voices of change, shine a spotlight on crucial issues, and focus attention on sustainable solutions. Our network of authors includes E.O. Wilson, Paul Ehrlich, Sylvia Earle, Gretchen Daily, Jan Gehl, Daniel Pauly, and many others. By working closely with experts like these, Island Press has developed a comprehensive and growing body of knowledge—vital resources for all those working to protect the environment and create healthy communities.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 1977

        Barbara und andere Novellen

        Eine Auswahl aus dem erzählerischen Werk

        by Hermann Broch, Paul Michael Lützeler, Paul Michael Lützeler, Paul Michael Lützeler

        »Aldous Huxley«: Broch … ist völlig zu Haus auf der Spiegeloberfläche und agiert manchmal dort mit unfehlbarer Virtuosität. Es liegt an der doppelten Fähigkeit dieses Autors, seinem Vermögen, gleichzeitig zwei unvereinbare Welten zu zeichnen. Dieser Band legt eine Sammlung von 13 Novellen vor, die besten aus Brochs Gesamtwerk. Die früheste »Eine methodologische Novelle«, wurde 1917 geschrieben, die späteste, »Die Erzählung der Magd Zerline«, 1949. Die Besonderheit dieser Sammlung besteht in der erstmaligen Präsentation aller vorhandenen Tierkreisnovellen in ihrer Ursprungsfassung. Bisher unveröffentlicht ist die Novelle »Esperance«. Das Nachwort ist eine Einführung in das novellistische Werk Hermann Brochs. Der Kommentar referiert die textkritische Situation sämtlicher Novellen, die an einen Philosophen erinnern, »der gleichzeitig ein Künstler von außergewöhnlicher Bildung und Reinheit ist«.

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        by Mohd Sani bin Badron, Suzana binti Md. Samsudi, Haji Mohammad Rohaizad bin Mohamad Rasid

        This volume is part of The Khayra Ummah series, being itself the culmination of a sequence of colloquium of several themes organised by IKIM. The issues addressed in this series are: Islamic economics; Islamophobia; governance; moral deterioration; disruptive technology; the Islamic state and society; enviromental degradation; and the Islamic mind.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2024

        British Bangladeshi Muslims in the East End

        The changing landscape of dress and language

        by Fatima Rajina

        Drawing on the everyday experiences of 43 British-Bangladeshi Muslims living in East London, this book explores stories of migration and belonging vis-à-vis dress and language. In narrating those stories, the book is framed within the broader socio-political conversations happening regarding Muslims in Britain and their 'place' in this society. Recent work on Muslims focuses on their religious identity and its formation, not paying attention to the role of dress and language. With the former, much of it tends to, obsessively, focus on Muslim women only. This book, alternatively, explores religious identity formation in addition to examining the British-Bangladeshi Muslim community's relationship with their ethnic identity vis-à-vis dress and language. As such, the analysis provides a rich, bottom-up analysis of the community, and readers will be able to understand a community holistically, away from the over-sensationalised community within broader socio-political context.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2007

        Islam in Europa

        Eine internationale Debatte

        by Thierry Chervel, Anja Seeliger, Thierry Chervel

        Wen soll der Westen unterstützen: gemäßigte Islamisten wie Tariq Ramadan oder islamische Dissidenten wie Ayaan Hirsi Ali? Der französische Philosoph Pascal Bruckner sorgte Anfang 2007 für Aufsehen, als er in einer polemischen Streitschrift den vermeintlichen liberalen Konsens im Umgang mit dem Islam attackierte. Beweglicher und schneller, als das in den traditionellen Medien möglich gewesen wäre, entwickelte sich auf den Seiten der Internetplattformen und eine kontroverse Debatte, die den aktuellen Stand der Diskussion um Multikulturalismus in Europa markiert – und darüber hinausweist.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2024

        Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United States

        Power, identity and strategy in the Persian Gulf triangle

        by Luíza Cerioli

        This book offers a nuanced snapshot of the complex geopolitical dynamics in the Persian Gulf, underlining the interaction between Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the US. Examining their interwoven relations since the 1970s, Luíza Cerioli's framework reveals how changes in US-Saudi ties have ripple effects on Iran-US and Iran-Saudi relations and vice versa. Using a historical lens, she explores how enduring US-Saudi connections hinge on order expectations, delves into the cognitive factors shaping US-Iran enmity and traces the source of oscillation in the Saudi-Iran ties. Employing Neoclassical Realism, the book investigates status-seeking, national identities and leadership preferences, offering a deeper understanding of the region's multipolar system. By combining International Relations and Middle East Studies, Cerioli's work contributes to both fields, unravelling the intricate interplay between international structures, regional nuances and agency in shaping Persian Gulf geopolitics.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2010

        Queen Barbara


        by Michal Witkowski, Olaf Kühl

        Tagsüber ist Hubert Kleinganove und betreibt eine Pfandleihe im Kohlenpott Polens der achtziger Jahre. Nachts vor dem Spiegel und mit Perlen geschmückt nennt er sich Barbara Radziwill – nach der Königin von Polen und Großfürstin von Litauen. Sein Geld verdient er mit »Baguette überbacken«, dem Dönerkebab der Volksrepublik. Und mit gestohlenen Chrysanthemen vom Friedhof. Wenn es eine Schuld einzutreiben gilt, sind seine »Hofdamen« zur Stelle, Sascha und Felus. Die beiden Ukrainer wissen, wie sie ihn um den Finger wickeln können. Michal Witkowski, ein Meister der Vielstimmigkeit, verwebt den Slang der Straße mit der sarmatischen Adelsplauderei zu einer Lebensbeichte, vergleichbar einem Mix aus Dorota Maslowskas Reiherkönigin und Grimmelshausens Simplicissimus.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        January 2024

        Capitalism in contemporary Iran

        Capital accumulation, state formation and geopolitics

        by Kayhan Valadbaygi

        By situating Iran within the neoliberal global capitalism and resulting geopolitics, this book traces the patterns of capital accumulation and transformations in class and state formation emanating from it. It shows that Iranian neoliberalisation has brought about two capital fractions, namely the internationally-oriented capital fraction and the military-bonyad complex. It substantiates that the co-existence of these competing class fractions with different accumulation strategies has generated hybrid neoliberalism. The book further demonstrates how this new class formation has reorganised the function and operation of state institutions and transformed state ideology. By documenting the ways in which Iranian neoliberalisation has reshaped the subaltern classes and formed Iran's volatile foreign policy, it also provides a novel account of major events and processes in contemporary Iran, such as the post-2017 wave of uprisings, the nuclear programme and international sanctions.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        December 2018

        Ji Kang: The Prominent Celebrity in Wei and Jin Dynasties

        by Pi Yuanzhen, Huang Dingsan

        Ji Kang (223-262) was a renowned ideologist, litterateur, musician, painter in the Wei and Jin dynasties in Chinese history. The book serves as a biography of Ji Kang with the illustration of his life stories to introduce the lengendary life of Ji Kang and explore the historical implication.

      • Trusted Partner

        Blood and Milk

        by Mohamed Al-Jezawi

        The novel poses the problem of identity, as it is the essence of the psychological and intellectual conflict of the main character (Hassoun), who is disputed by two contradictory identities; He was born in the land of Yemen from a Muslim father and a Jewish mother and carried the inheritance of the two religions and their old and new conflict.Hassoun's internal journey continues with his own human crises and transformations that he witnesses along with his external journey through various societies that he went through in transitional stages of their history. Over two thousand seven hundred years, Hassoun seeks to discover himself and reach his identity by retiring at times, and by experimenting at other times, thus he goes through multiple experiences to get closer to himself.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2005

        Liebe Alice! Liebe Barbara!

        Briefe an die beste Freundin

        by Schwarzer, Alice; Stoffel-Maia, Barbara

      • Trusted Partner

        Medication Management in the Hospital

        A workbook for ward pharmacists

        by Dr. Insa Gross, MSc Andreas Fischer and Dr. Holger Knoth

        The ward pharmacist in the hospital is like the airbag in a car. As part of a fail-safe system, they monitor and optimise the patient’s drug therapy. Ward pharmacists work hand in hand with medical and nursing staff. That situation is also reflected in this workbook. All the cases presented were patients who had been cared for, evaluated and documented by a physician-pharmacist duo or similar team with combined medical and pharmaceutical expertise. The editorial team considered it important to illustrate all critical indications typically encountered in a hospital. In assessing and selecting the examples, they were able to draw upon the many years’ experience of their pioneering work as hospital and ward pharmacists. Practical tips, checklists, comments and advice for working in the ward environment round off the individual chapters. By learning from actual cases, this book offers the unique chance to develop an instinct for the pitfalls of drug safety. That applies to those who have successfully completed further training in the field of “Medication Management in the Hospital” and for all who wish to ensure the optimum treatment for their patients through competent work in clinical pharmacy.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2009

        The silence of Barbara Synge

        by Bill McCormack

        'The silence of Barbara Synge' provides a fascinating companion volume to Bill McCormack's acclaimed 'Fool of the family' (2000), a biography of the playwright J.M. Synge (1871-1909). Taking the alledged death of Mrs John Hatch (née Synge) in 1767 as a focal point, this book explores the varied strands of the Synge family tree in eighteenth and nineteenth century Ireland. Key events in the family's history are carefully documented, including a suicide in 1769 which is echoed in an early Synge play, the effects of the famine which influenced 'The playboy of the western world' in 1907, and the behaviour of Francis Synge at the time of the union. 'The silence of Barbara Synge' is a unique work of cultural enquiry, combining archival research, literary criticism, and religious and medical history to pull the strands together and relate them to the family's literary descendent J.M. Synge. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1988

        Religiöse Entwicklungen im Islam

        Beobachtet in Marokko und Indonesien

        by Clifford Geertz, Brigitte Luchesi, Bassam Tibi

        Clifford Geertz formuliert zunächst einen allgemeinen Rahmen für die vergleichende Erforschung von Religion und wendet sein anthropologische, soziologische und historische Perspektiven integrierendes Konzept bei der Untersuchung der Entwicklung vermeintlich ein und desselben Glaubenssystems - des Islam - in zwei ziemlich gegensätzlichen Zivilisationen - Indonesien und Marokko - an. Eine Sozialgeschichte der Vorstellungskraft bietet Clifford Geertz für Marokko und Indonesien. Darauf aufbauend formuliert er im letzten Kapitel einige allgemeinere Bemerkungen zur gesellschaftlichen Rolle der Religion.

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        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        May 2022

        Advances in Fig Research and Sustainable Production

        by Moshe A Flaishman, Uygun Aksoy

        The common fig (Ficus carica L.) is one of the oldest fruits domesticated by humans, and is native to southwest Asia and the Mediterranean. Figs have been associated with health and prosperity since ancient times. They are rich in fibre, potassium, calcium, and iron, as well as being an important source of vitamins, amino acids, and antioxidants. In recent years, increased consumption has caused fig production to shift to new countries such as Mexico, Brazil, India, and China. However, fig is a challenging fruit crop to grow. It is susceptible to insect pests and diseases as well as injuries from abiotic stress during fruit development and ripening. As a delicate fruit it also requires complicated postharvest procedures and climate change presents additional challenges. Comprising 29 chapters written by international experts, the book includes sections on: History Biology and Orchard Management Fruit Ripening and Postharvest Management Pests and Diseases Omics Analysis Cultivars and Breeding Products and Trade. This volume serves as a comprehensive reference for current and future practices of fig production, consumption, research and innovation, and is essential for academic researchers, and those involved in research and development in the fig industry.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1991

        Deutsches Roulette

        Gedichte. 1984–1989

        by Barbara Köhler

        Die Geschlechter, die Sprache - und die Geschichte sind in Barbara Köhlers Gedichten Deutsches Roulette bedrängend allgegenwärtig: Geschichtslandschaften um Dresden und vor allem die Elbe, der stinkende ehemalige Grenzfluß.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2000

        Kibla – Reisen in die Welt des Islams

        by Juan Goytisolo, Christian Hansen, Thomas Brovot

        Juan Goytisolo ist ein Reisender zwischen den Welten. Der Umstand, daß der gebürtige Spanier abwechselnd in Paris und in Marrakesch lebt, prädestiniert ihn zum Mittler zwischen Orient und Okzident. Seine ebenso sachkundigen wie einfühlsamen Essays und Reportagen tragen dazu bei, die Stereotypen und Klischees zu korrigieren, die bis heute das Bild des Islam im Westen prägen, und beleuchten eine Wirklichkeit jenseits der Legenden, die seit Jahrhunderten den Blick des Abendlands auf das Morgenland verstellen. Goytisolo, der die Welt des Islams zwischen Tanger, Timbuktu und Samarkand bereist hat, fordert uns auf, eine faszinierend vielseitige und lebendige Kultur zu entdecken, deren reiches Erbe vielerorts Gefahr läuft, von der wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Globalisierung überrollt zu werden. Seine Themen reichen von der Geschichte der Muslime in der sich auflösenden Sowjetunion über türkische Busbahnhöfe, die jemenitische Architektur und den Islam in Schwarzafrika bis hin zum Treiben der Gaukler auf dem Djemaa el-Fna in Marrakesch. Dabei versäumt es Goytisolo nicht, auf eine gefährliche Alternative hinzuweisen, die heute für viele muslimische Länder zu einem Teufelskreis zu werden droht: die Alternative, sich zwischen einer die Identität verbürgenden Tradition und Notwendigkeit des Wandels entscheiden zu müssen.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2021

        Buddhas vergessene Kinder

        Geschichten aus einer tibetischen Stadt (Die bewegende Tibet-Reportage der preisgekrönten Journalistin)

        by Demick, Barbara

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Barbara Steckhan und Karola Bartsch

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        Understanding Political Islam

        by François Burgat

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