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      • Martini Maria Cristina | MMC Edizioni

        MMC EDIZIONI is a publishing house based in Rome.Born in 2001 as a generalist, along the time it has specialized almost exclusively in non-fiction, dedicated in particular (but not only) to the city of Rome.The main series, called "A walk with history" offers an alternative vision of the city through the historical reconnaissance and analysis of some of its urban furnishings that are not taken into consideration such as small fountains, clocks, inscriptions, sacred shrines, plaques. This series stands out for a particular graphic style and for the abundance of photographs, specially made for these books.Other series on Rome are instead dedicated to in-depth studies on specific historical and customs themes, or on the mysterious aspects of the city that also reveal its dark side.In the MMC catalogue are other non-fiction books on topics such as Music, Interculture, Anthropology and a series of stories for children encouraging solidarity, non-violence and respect for the environment

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      • Marshall Cavendish

        Topical, authentic and high quality books under the Marshall Cavendish Editions imprint provide general interest content that informs, entertains and engages readers.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 1987

        Der erste Beernhäuter

        Satzanordnung, Titelholzschnitt, Initial und Bilder von Marcus Behmer

        by Marcus Behmer, Marcus Behmer, Manuel Schnitzer

        Satzanordnung, Titelholzschnitt, Initial und Bilder von Marcus Behmer

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1995

        Der Glasmensch und andere Science-fiction-Geschichten

        by Marcus Hammerschmitt, Franz Rottensteiner, Marcus Hammerschmitt

        Marcus Hammerschmitt schreibt Science-fiction-Erzählungen, die technologische Phantasie, psychologische Einsicht, Lust am gedanklichen Experiment und poetische Erfindungskraft vereinen. Wie Herbert W. Franke oder Peter Schattschneider basiert er seine Geschichten auf einer soliden Grundlage, entwickelt seine Szenarios und Fabeln spielerisch, verknüpft sie aber dramatisch mit den größeren Problemen von Ökologie einerseits und den Zweifeln und inneren Konflikten des einzelnen andererseits.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Die Treuhand

        Idee – Praxis – Erfahrung 1990-1994

        by Marcus Böick

        Die Treuhandanstalt war eine der umstrittensten Organisationen in der deutschen Geschichte. Als »größtes Unternehmen der Welt« führte sie einen Vermögensumbau von bisher unbekanntem Ausmaß durch. Zwischen kollabierendem Realsozialismus und sich globalisierendem Kapitalismus überführte ihr Personal die »volkseigenen« Betriebe der DDR vom Plan zum Markt. Verkäufe an zumeist westdeutsche Investoren, Branchenabwicklungen und Massenentlassungen prägten ihre krisengeschüttelte Geschäftspraxis nicht weniger als wütende Proteste, politische Kontroversen und öffentliche Skandale. Jenseits zeitgenössischer Bewertungen als alternativlosem »Erfolg« oder neoliberale »Abwicklung« wirft Marcus Böick erstmals einen zeithistorischen Blick auf den widersprüchlichen Auftrag des Wirtschaftsumbaus und rückt dessen Personal in den Fokus. An der Schnittstelle von Wirtschafts- und Kulturgeschichte zeichnet er mit präzisem Blick die zugrundeliegenden Ideen, den dynamischen Organisationsalltag und die facettenreichen Erfahrungen der Mitarbeiter nach, die die Transformation so maßgeblich wie unvorbereitet mitgestaltet haben.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1987

        Von dem Fischer un syner Fru

        by Philipp Otto Runge, Uwe Johnson, Marcus Behmer, Beate Jahn

        Dieses Buch hat eine vielfache Geschichte: Zum einen enthält es das Märchen, das der Hamburger Maler Philipp Otto Runge nach der Volksüberlieferung aufgeschrieben hat und das später von den Brüdern Grimm in deren Märchensammlung übernommen wurde. Zum anderen enthält es die 1913 von Marcus Behmer geschaffenen Illustrationen. Erstmals erschien dieses kleine Buch 1920 und gehört zu jenen Veröffentlichungen, die das bibliophile Anliegen des Insel Verlages auf das Beste bezeugen. In bewußter Wahl von Papier, Schrift, Satz, Format und Illustration war eine Ausgabe entstanden, die wohl zu Recht von Buchliebhabern und Fachleuten – wie Hans A. Halbey schrieb – als »eines der vollkommensten Buchkunstwerke des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts« geschätzt wird.Nun wird eine dritte – festtägliche – Fassung vorgelegt: mit farbigen Bildern, deren Reproduktion ein von Marcus Behmer koloriertes Exemplar der Ausgabe von 1920 zugrunde liegt; und einem zusätzlichen, sich dem Künstler widmenden Nachwort.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2020

        Maiden Jia Mei

        by Qin Wenjun

        This book is Qin Wenjun's latest original work. Mrs. Qin uses the delicate and unique style of women to describe the girl's subtle emotional changes and the tempestuous spiritual journey, portraying a growing girl's image. The lovely Jia Mei is really an enviable girl. She is innocent and lively, kind-hearted and compassionate. This seemingly ordinary junior high school girl, together with her friends, performed a colorful and amazing growth story, and therefore depicting pictures of the colorful life of contemporary middle school students, enriched with strong artistic appeal.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2007



        by Marcus Braun

        Sie sind jung, verliebt und unterwegs ans Meer, Kate und Fabien, Fabien und Kate, sie drehen das Autoradio lauter, stemmen die Füße gegen die Armaturen und schließen beim Fahren die Augen. So fangen sommerliche Roadmovies an, manchmal auch abgründige Psychodramen, Armor ist beides auf einmal und einer der seltenen deutschsprachigen Romane, die das Schwerelose und Komische zur literarischen Tugend erheben. Vielleicht, weil so vieles an ihm französisch ist: die Figuren, die Atlantikküste und diese elegante Art, fatale Verwicklungen als Spiel von Anziehung und Abstoßung zu inszenieren. Was eben so passiert, wenn eine Handvoll Menschen an einem entlegenen Ort aufeinandertrifft: Kate und Fabien, arrogant in ihrer Unschuld, die schöne Isabelle und ihr undurchschaubarer Mann Jacques, außerdem das Mädchen Marie. Eine malerische Bucht wird mehrmals aufgesucht, der Verzehr von Schalentieren bleibt nicht ohne Folgen, les femmes sont très fatales, und das Meer – man kann darin auf einen Seeigel treten, man kann darin umkommen. Marcus Braun ist ein Meister reduzierter Szenen und Dialoge, die vieles unausgesprochen lassen und noch mehr vorstellbar machen. In Armor inszeniert er lakonisch leicht ein raffiniertes erotisches Spiel, das an die Filme der Nouvelle Vague erinnert. Man denke an Jean Seberg und den jungen Belmondo.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Slope of Sisters

        China Story Picture Books

        by Lu Mei

        China Story Picture Books is the first set of children's picture books launched by the Bingxin Award Committee. This set of books covers the works of seven Bingxin Award-winning writers of different ages including children's literature masters and promising young writers. The illustrations are full of traditional Chinese cultural elements such as dragon lantern dance, paper cutting, oil paper umbrella, and bamboo. Powerful painters at home and abroad are invited to do illustrations, which brings interesting fusion and collision of Chinese and foreign cultures to the books. In addition to the original illustrations, the stories are more touching. Every child can harvest the courage and wisdom for growing up from these stories.   The series consists of 7 picture books: The Dragon Lantern, The Path of Golden Flowers, The Child in Three-Story Attic, The School Day Gifts, The Secret of Crossing, The Slope of Sisters.   The Slope of Sisters tells a story of meeting childhood self. Xiaomei incarnated a waterblue dragonfly she met in her childhood. She flied over large fields with wheat waves and the childhood hillside full of broad bean flowers, and recalled the summer vacation she spent with her sister in her childhood when her sister firmly said: "You should learn to be strong and don't cry."

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2003

        Das Mädchen mit den Goldaugen

        by Honoré Balzac, Ernst Hardt, Ernst Hardt, Marcus Behmer

        In den Jahren 1908 bis 1911 hat der Insel Verlag die erste deutsche Ausgabe von Balzacs Comédie Humaine veröffentlicht, und Balzac ist bis heute in vielen Ausgaben bei der Insel präsent.Das französische Original des Romans Das Mädchen mit den Goldaugen erschien 1835 in Paris; Ernst Hardt übertrug ihn erstmals ins Deutsche. Diese Ausgabe erschien 1904 im Insel Verlag. Sie wurde von Marcus Behmer ausgestattet und mit Zeichnungen, Vorsatz, Titelrahmen, Vignetten, Kopfleisten und Initialen versehen. Im Herbst 2003 erschien der bibliophile Nachdruck im Rahmen der »Jubiläums-Editionen« des Insel Verlags in einer limitierten Auflage von 1000 Exemplaren.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2019

        Cucumber Fairy Tales

        by Mei Zihan

        The writer's classic work is an excellent reading template for children. As the leading figure in promoting mass reading in China, Mei Zihan enjoys a high reputation and appeal in the minds of Chinese teachers and children. The Mei Zihan's Little Red Sail Phonetic Series is aimed at students from grades one to three in primary school. It is a simple, readable and humorous child growth story with a pinyin-assisted for helping self-reading. The story is well written and closely related to the rich and interesting elementary school life. All four books in the series differ in their difficulty levels, from easy to more challenging in order to nuture an advanced reading ability. The first and second volumes focus on the children's life and emotional experience, pay attention to the language rhythm, increase the proportion of poetry content, control the number of words and the length of the story, and focus on the short reading. Volumes three and four focus on imagination and expression, the content theme is set deeper. Reading instructions are available after each book.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2019

        A Slow Train

        by Mei Zihan

        The writer's classic work is an excellent reading template for children. As the leading figure in promoting mass reading in China, Mei Zihan enjoys a high reputation and appeal in the minds of Chinese teachers and children. The Mei Zihan's Little Red Sail Phonetic Series is aimed at students from grades one to three in primary school. It is a simple, readable and humorous child growth story with a pinyin-assisted for helping self-reading. The story is well written and closely related to the rich and interesting elementary school life. All four books in the series differ in their difficulty levels, from easy to more challenging in order to nuture an advanced reading ability. The first and second volumes focus on the children's life and emotional experience, pay attention to the language rhythm, increase the proportion of poetry content, control the number of words and the length of the story, and focus on the short reading. Volumes three and four focus on imagination and expression, the content theme is set deeper. Reading instructions are available after each book.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2019

        My Swan

        by Mei Zihan

        The writer's classic work is an excellent reading template for children. As the leading figure in promoting mass reading in China, Mei Zihan enjoys a high reputation and appeal in the minds of Chinese teachers and children. The Mei Zihan's Little Red Sail Phonetic Series is aimed at students from grades one to three in primary school. It is a simple, readable and humorous child growth story with a pinyin-assisted for helping self-reading. The story is well written and closely related to the rich and interesting elementary school life. All four books in the series differ in their difficulty levels, from easy to more challenging in order to nuture an advanced reading ability. The first and second volumes focus on the children's life and emotional experience, pay attention to the language rhythm, increase the proportion of poetry content, control the number of words and the length of the story, and focus on the short reading. Volumes three and four focus on imagination and expression, the content theme is set deeper. Reading instructions are available after each book.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2019

        Biting off the Tail of the Cow

        by Mei Zihan

        The writer's classic work is an excellent reading template for children. As the leading figure in promoting mass reading in China, Mei Zihan enjoys a high reputation and appeal in the minds of Chinese teachers and children. The Mei Zihan's Little Red Sail Phonetic Series is aimed at students from grades one to three in primary school. It is a simple, readable and humorous child growth story with a pinyin-assisted for helping self-reading. The story is well written and closely related to the rich and interesting elementary school life. All four books in the series differ in their difficulty levels, from easy to more challenging in order to nuture an advanced reading ability. The first and second volumes focus on the children's life and emotional experience, pay attention to the language rhythm, increase the proportion of poetry content, control the number of words and the length of the story, and focus on the short reading. Volumes three and four focus on imagination and expression, the content theme is set deeper. Reading instructions are available after each book.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2025


        by YUAN MEI

        Yuan Mei, a famous writer in the Qing Dynasty, compiled all the stories he heard about gods and ghosts, monsters, fox fairies, and even strange people and wonders. The story is concise and clear, the characters are concise and vivid, and the language is simple and natural. In many articles, it also shows its liberal, humorous and humorous language characteristics.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Big Big Banana Rides a Dog

        by Mei Zihan

        An argument happens in the kindergarten: Big Banana said that he dares to ride a puppy down the street. Meanwhile, teacher kitty said that he once rode a tiger on the street. However, all this happens in their dreams. As a result, kids begin talking about all of their dreams…These lovely “nonsenses” are not lies, but really fairy tales in the eyes of a person who loves kids a lot. The book is written by famous children’s literature writer-Mei Zihan, and its stories are humorous and slightly naughty, and full of vivid illustrations. The book is painted by youthful painter-Bu Jiamei, and she deftly uses color to distinguish reality from imagination, which makes the book colorful and strongly expressive.

      • Trusted Partner

        Smart Wooden Shoes

        by Su Mei

        The Lightning Bear and Awu Dragon Series is the newest knowledge fairy tale of Ms. Su Mei, the winner of the Bing Xin Children's Literature Award. This series has 6 volumes, shaping two very vivid fairy tale characters Lightning Bear and Awu Dragon, and the strict natural science knowledge, physical science knowledge, mathematical knowledge, necessary safety awareness, etiquette norms are integrated into the wisdom of life. The stories are imaginative, humorous and fun which will leaving a deep impression on children, allowing them to learn more and develop more abilities in the stories.

      • Trusted Partner

        Elevator Adventures

        by Su Mei

        The Lightning Bear and Awu Dragon Series is the newest knowledge fairy tale of Ms. Su Mei, the winner of the Bing Xin Children's Literature Award. This series has 6 volumes, shaping two very vivid fairy tale characters Lightning Bear and Awu Dragon, and the strict natural science knowledge, physical science knowledge, mathematical knowledge, necessary safety awareness, etiquette norms are integrated into the wisdom of life. The stories are imaginative, humorous and fun which will leaving a deep impression on children, allowing them to learn more and develop more abilities in the stories.

      • Trusted Partner

        Singing Ice

        by Su Mei

        The Lightning Bear and Awu Dragon Series is the newest knowledge fairy tale of Ms. Su Mei, the winner of the Bing Xin Children's Literature Award. This series has 6 volumes, shaping two very vivid fairy tale characters Lightning Bear and Awu Dragon, and the strict natural science knowledge, physical science knowledge, mathematical knowledge, necessary safety awareness, etiquette norms are integrated into the wisdom of life. The stories are imaginative, humorous and fun which will leaving a deep impression on children, allowing them to learn more and develop more abilities in the stories.

      • Trusted Partner

        Awu Dragon Falling from the Sky

        by Su Mei

        The Lightning Bear and Awu Dragon Series is the newest knowledge fairy tale of Ms. Su Mei, the winner of the Bing Xin Children's Literature Award. This series has 6 volumes, shaping two very vivid fairy tale characters Lightning Bear and Awu Dragon, and the strict natural science knowledge, physical science knowledge, mathematical knowledge, necessary safety awareness, etiquette norms are integrated into the wisdom of life. The stories are imaginative, humorous and fun which will leaving a deep impression on children, allowing them to learn more and develop more abilities in the stories.

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