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      • Mercure de France

        Provided with a remarkable collection, Mercure de France follows an exacting editorial policy: French and foreign literature, poetry, history, anthologies... Awarded many times, the publishing house is associated with prestigious names: Romain Gary, Colette, Ionesco , André Gide, André du Bouchet, Henri Michaux, Adonis, Yves Bonnefoy, Andréï Makine, Gilles Leroy, Anne Serre, Gwenaëlle Aubry, Julian Barnes...

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      • Mercis Publishing bv Dick Bruna inc.

        Mercis Publishing bv is the publisher and world-wide rights holder for Dick Bruna’s books, including Miffy. Mercis Publishing has published the Dutch version of the Dick Bruna books since 1995 and coordinates the publication of all Dick Bruna books in other countries. Dick Bruna’s books have been translated into more than 50 languages. The list includes picture books, board books, bath books, novelty books and colouring & activity titles.

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        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        March 2025

        Between the salt and the ash

        A journey into the soul of Northumbria

        by Jake Morris-Campbell

        A poet's quest to understand the deep past and uncertain future of his homeland. After inheriting his great-grandfather's Davy lamp, poet Jake Morris-Campbell sets out on a pilgrimage across his homeland. Travelling from the Holy Island of Lindisfarne to Durham Cathedral, he asks what new ways might be made through the old north. This region, a hub of early Christian Britain and later strongly defined by industry and class, now faces an uncertain future. But it remains a unique and starkly beautiful part of the country, with a deep history that is intimately entwined with the idea of Englishness. Jake's journey along the 'Camino of the North' sees him explore the shifting nature of individual and regional identity across thirteen-hundred years of social change. At the same time, it challenges him to reconsider his own trade of writer and how it relates to the lives of the people he meets along the way. Between the salt and the ash asks what stories the North East can tell about itself in the wake of Christianity and coal. Rejecting the damaging trope of 'left behind' communities, Jake uncovers neglected seams of culture and history, while offering a heartfelt celebration of the place he calls hyem.

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        Teaching, Language & Reference
        November 2010

        El Camino by Miguel Delibes

        by Catherine Davies, Jeremy Squires

        Upon entering the Royal Spanish Academy in 1975, Miguel Delibes delivered an address which reclaimed El camino (1950) for the emerging Green movement. With a blend of hilarity, satire, pathos and tragedy, Delibes artfully explores the process of crossing boundaries in pursuit of maturity and social advancement, whilst also implying that real education is the unfolding of the human heart among friends and sweethearts within a shared social and natural space. This new annotated version of the text comprises an introductory essay discussing green issues, attitudes towards the Spanish peasantry under Franco, and the function of the novel's subtly orchestrated comedy. It also contains explanatory notes on the text, discussion topics and an extensive Spanish-English glossary. This edition is intended primarily for English-speaking students of Spanish literature and culture at school and university. ;

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        Roter Mercedes

        Gedichte 1984-1986

        by Bukowski, Charles

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        Abschied von Gabo und Mercedes

        Erinnerungen an meinen Vater Gabriel Garcia Márquez

        by Garcia, Rodrigo / Übersetzung: Link, Elke

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2023

        Nombres propios (Proper nouns)

        by Mercedes Alvarado

        In the face of uncertainty, we have lost the right to mourn; in the face of this, perhaps all that remains is to search, to ask, to name. This is a book that puts memory in the foreground, a recognition of the collective mourning that runs through us. Nombres propios is an approach to the legitimate and loving resistance that sustains the living victims of violence in Mexico. As Natalia Mendoza notes in the prologue: Alvarado's verses point to the concrete mechanism that could inaugurate a new time.

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        March 2005

        Der Jakobsweg

        Ein Reisebegleiter

        by Andreas Drouve, Andreas Drouve

        Seitmehr als einem Jahrtausend zieht der „Camino de Santiago“ Reisende in seinen Bann. Der vorliegende Band führt umfassend in den Santiago-Kult ein und stellt die wichtigsten Stationen des Weges vor. Ein unentbehrlicher Reisebegleiter nicht nur für Pilger ...

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        September 1997

        Das Top Quark, Picasso und Mercedes-Benz

        Oder Was ist Physik?

        by Grassmann, Hans

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        August 2008


        by Andrzej Stasiuk, Olaf Kühl

        »Beim Anblick eines Mercedes die Tränen runterschlucken. In die silberne Zigarre des ICE steigen, Herbst im Herzen. Durch das Olympiastadion in Berlin spazieren und eine Zigeunermelodie aus Siebenbürgen vor sich hinsummen.« Der Erzähler des Bestsellers Dojczland, ein literarischer Gastarbeiter auf Lesereise kreuz und quer durch die Bundesrepublik, verbirgt nicht, daß er lieber auf dem Bukarester Gara de Nord als am Stuttgarter Hauptbahnhof angekommen wäre. So selbstironisch spielt Stasiuk mit Ängsten, Vorurteilen und Klischees, den eigenen, den fremden, daß ihn ein polnisches Skandalmagazin als »bezahlten Einflußagenten Berlins« anprangerte.

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        October 2012

        Tod in den Anden


        by Mario Vargas Llosa

        Auf ihrem Posten in den peruanischen Anden sitzen Korporal Lituma und sein Helfer Tomás wie in einer Falle. Unter ständiger Bedrohung durch Terrorkommandos und eine gewalttätige Natur sollen sie das mysteriöse Verschwinden dreier Menschen aufklären. Überall schlägt ihnen Mißtrauen entgegen, unheimliche Geschichten dringen an ihr Ohr. Hätte Tomás nicht die brennende Erinnerung an seine abenteuerliche Liebesgeschichte mit Mercedes, von der er Lituma Nacht für Nacht erzählt, die beiden müßten eingehen in dieser feindseligen, abergläubischen Bergwelt.So abweisend das Klima und so verstörend die Bruchstücke der Wahrheit, die sie nach und nach ans Licht bringen, sie lassen nicht locker. Was in den Bergen geschah, hat die Ausmaße eines unfaßbaren Dramas.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2024

        Riddles at work in the early medieval tradition

        Words, ideas, interactions

        by Megan Cavell, Jennifer Neville

        Capitalising on developments in the field over the past decade, Riddles at work provides an up-to-date microcosm of research on the early medieval riddle tradition. The book presents a wide range of traditional and experimental methodologies. The contributors treat the riddles both as individual poems and as parts of a tradition, but, most importantly, they address Latin and Old English riddles side-by-side, bringing together texts that originally developed in conversation with each other but have often been separated by scholarship. Together, the chapters reveal that there is no single, right way to read these texts but rather a multitude of productive paths. This book will appeal to students and scholars of early medieval studies. It contains new as well as established voices, including Jonathan Wilcox, Mercedes Salvador-Bello and Jennifer Neville.

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        Animal husbandry
        December 2008

        Resource Allocation Theory Applied to Farm Animal Production

        by Edited by Wendy Mercedes Rauw

        According to the Resource Allocation Theory, an individual’s genetic potential can only be realized in an environment in which essential food resources are adequately supplied. This book describes resource allocation patterns in natural populations, the costs, preferences and trade-offs of maintenance, growth, reproduction and immune function, the consequences of selection for high production efficiency in livestock species, methods that can be used to quantify resource allocation patterns, and the application of resource allocation theory to improve animal production and wellbeing.

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        December 2018

        Versammlung der Toten


        by Carsten Regling, Tomás Bárbulo

        Sie sind die Verlierer der Krise in Spanien. Guapo und seine Jungs, liebenswerte Grob-Assis mit beschissenen Jobs und einem Haufen Schulden. Kein Wunder, dass ihnen die Augen leuchten, als der Juwelenschieber von den Steinen in einem Safe in Marrakesch anfängt ... Die Versammlung der Toten ist ein cooler Thriller über die Wut der Abgehängten, über einen Bankraub und den Tanz am Abgrund, den er für vier Freunde bedeutet. Zwei Millionen, die sollen am Ende rausspringen. Von Madrid runter nach Marrakesch fahren, bisschen durch die Kanalisation kriechen, vielleicht zwei Stunden schweißen: das wär´s dann schon. Zur Tarnung als Touristen nehmen sie in dem Mercedes-Bus auch ihre Freundinnen mit, und vom Auftraggeber ist ihnen ein Kontaktmann an die Seite gestellt. Aber da fängt die Scheiße schon an. Wie sollen sie diesem Typen vertrauen, wenn der kaum den Mund aufmacht? Und sind die Marokkaner wirklich so dämlich, dass sie solche Klunker nicht besser sichern? Kann doch nicht sein! Und schon vor der Grenze hat Guapo alle Hände voll zu tun, die Operation auf Kurs zu halten, und das ist erst der Anfang ...

      • Fiction

        Hotel California

        by Ramón Valdés Elizondo

        Damián flees from two assassins who are chasing him on a lonely desert road. He manages to elude them but his car is running out of gas. In the distance he discovers a hotel that looks abandoned from the outside. He knocks on the door and is greeted by Mercedes, a beautiful blonde who invites him in. Inside the hotel is spectacular: every detail is taken care of to perfection, but there is something shady lurking within its walls and corridors. Damián thinks he hears voices calling his name, although he attributes them to stress and fatigue. Our anguished protagonist lives a terrifying experience when he tries to leave the next day and inexplicable things happen that prevent him from doing so. Suddenly, Damian will be trapped in this place that changes, that whispers, that makes us doubt if he is living a nightmare or if everything is a product of his hallucinations. A novel written to the rhythm of rock, with nods to horror classics and a twist that will take you to a place you may never be able, or want, to leave.

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        September 2019

        Conga Line on the Amazon

        by David Myles Robinson

        David Myles Robinson was eight years old when he first got hooked on travel. Since then, he’s seen most of the world—all its continents plus, he laments, “far too many places where travel is now off-limits.”After a lifetime of visiting near and far, in heat and in cold, in comfort and in danger, Robinson has put it all together now in this unique collection of the varied travel adventures he’s found—and the lessons he’s learned from them. A Fellini-esque view of the Amazon, a Mercedes caravan to Istanbul, Jane Goodall's amazing chimps—just part of a travel trunk full of experiences guaranteed to keep you seesawing from “Boy, I'd love to do that" to “Sure glad it was him, not me.”In Conga Line on the Amazon, Robinson brings to his first travel book the same gift for intriguing narrative and sharp characterization that has won praise for his six highly successful novels. Some of his tales may be for the strong of heart, but they’re all for the reader with a yen to be entertained by one intrepid man’s adventures and misadventures exploring the strange and wonderful world we live in.

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