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      • Suug Productions

        Kontexte, Blickwinkel, Sichtachsen und Perspektivwechsel Was wir machen Das Internet sollte Zugang zu Wissen organisieren und ist ein Werkzeug zum Austausch von Ideen, Visionen und Lösungen. – Suug Productions kreiert Projekte mit Sinn – und dem Anspruch, die Welt durch neue und ungewöhnliche Kontexte, Blickwinkel, Sichtachsen und Perspektivwechsel zu einem etwas reizvolleren Ort zu machen.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Small Animal Veterinary Psychiatry

        by Sagi Denenberg, Ali Thompson

        Problem behaviours are often the result of how an animal thinks and feels, genetics, and environmental influences. Steering away from just description diagnoses and focusing instead on emotional and cognitive causes, this book provides a practical approach to diagnosing, treating, and managing behaviour pathologies in dogs and cats. Beginning by addressing cases in the first opinion practice, this book then considers physical disorders that may lead to or exacerbate abnormal behavior. From there, the focus shifts to mental and emotional health, from an assessment of normal behavior and giving juveniles an optimal start in life, to diagnosing mental and emotional disorders, addressing emotions such as anxiety and frustration, and how to manage these issues - by modifying behavior, managing the animal's environment, training, and, when necessary, the use of medications. The second half of the book then addresses owner concerns, including management problems, aggression, affective disorder, elimination disorder, abnormal and repetitive behaviours and ageing-related problems. With an emphasis on helping first line veterinarians identify common presentations and offer help to owners, this book: - Addresses both normal and abnormal behaviour in cats and dogs from an emotion and cognition perspective; - Provides behaviour modification protocols, and drug doses and indications; - Includes handouts to be used both within the practice and with clients to help the veterinary surgeon manage the case. Written by international experts, the book translates their insights and experience into approaches taken in behavioural medicine. Also including the most up-to-date drugs, it is an important resource for both small animal veterinarians and students of veterinary medicine or animal behaviour.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1981

        Das Problem von Sprache und Denken

        by Gottfried Seebaß

        Die exemplarische Diskussion der Sprachphilosophien Herders und Humboldts im ersten Hauptteil des Buches dient der Einführung in die Sachfragen des Zusammenhangs von Sprache und Denken. Die Gründe, die Herders und Humboldts Vorhaben scheitern ließen, bilden die Grundlage für eine Systematisierung und Präzisierung der Fragestellung, die Seebaß im zweiten Hauptteil unternimmt. Sie führt noch nicht zu einer Form der Frage, in der das Problem von Sprache und Denken definitiv entscheiden wäre, wohl aber so weit, daß eine in dieser Beziehung weiterführende Auseinandersetzung mit vorliegenden oder denkbaren Argumenten, die eine solche Lösung für sich beanspruchen, möglich wird. Der dritte und umfangreichste Teil des Buches ist dieser Auseinandersetzung gewidmet. Diskutiert werden einschlägige Beispiele aus dem wissenschaftlichen Verständnis, der Philosophie, der Linguistik, der Psychologie und der Medizin.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022

        From Dream to Trauma: Mental abuse in partnerships

        by Caroline Wenzel

        The level of domestic abuse has been increasing for years, but often only cases of physical abuse hit the headlines. Hardly anyone talks about the mental, or psychological, abuse that usually precedes a physical or sexual assault. Those affected do not usually recognise the destructive dynamic in their relationship until far too late. In this book, three case histories illustrate the typical forms of mental abuse in relationships. In addition, experts explain the topic from psychological, therapeutic, political and legal perspectives, and the head of a counselling centre for male victims of mental abuse also has his say. An important and startling book.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2020

        Beiträge zum Problem der Ursprünglichkeit der mittelalterlich-scholastischen Ontologie

        by Hans Blumenberg, Benjamin Dahlke, Matthias Laarmann

        1947 legt Hans Blumenberg aus Bargteheide in Holstein an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel seine unter schwierigsten persönlichen Umständen entstandene Dissertation Beiträge zum Problem der Ursprünglichkeit der mittelalterlich-scholastischen Ontologie vor. Hinter diesem Titel verbirgt sich eine mit ständigem Bezug auf die Philosophie Heideggers und seine »Fundamentalontologie« geführte Auseinandersetzung mit dem Denken des christlichen Mittelalters, in dem die Frage nach dem Grund des Seins eine so krisenhafte wie produktive Zuspitzung erfahren hatte. Die Dissertation wird von den Gutachtern Ludwig Landgrebe und Rudolf Schneider mit »ausgezeichnet« bewertet, aber sämtliche Bemühungen, zeitnah einen Verlag für die Arbeit zu finden, scheitern. Blumenbergs brillantes Erstlingswerk blieb mehr als 70 Jahre ungedruckt. Nun wird es erstmals publiziert in einer leserorientierten Edition, die unter anderem Übersetzungen der zahlreichen altsprachlichen Zitate wie auch ein »Verzeichnis der Referenzliteratur« bietet, das die Lücke des im Original fehlenden Literaturverzeichnisses schließt und dieses darüber hinaus durch heute zugängliche Ausgaben ergänzt. In ihrem Nachwort beleuchten die Herausgeber den Entstehungskontext dieses Werks, das überraschende Perspektiven auf Blumenbergs Biographie und Denkentwicklung eröffnet.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2024

        The Mindset Challenge

        For mastery of life and living

        by Kate Munari

        What kind of mindset do you really need to succeed  as a Helicopter Pilot in Afghanistan? Kate Munari really wanted to fly helicopters, and she really wanted to go into a combat zone. What it took to get her there, how she coped with everything from enrolment, to pilot training courses, preparation for deployment to one of the most dangerous places in the world, for anyone to be in 2008. Three successful tours of Afghanistan was the highlight of a 17 year career as a helicopter pilot for Kate, and she shares her stories to inspire anyone wanting to know more about the mindsets she employed during that time, and for her life in general. It’s a riviting tale of determination, courage, and ambition. Her personal stories include insights into:  12 hours per day transporting troop in Helmand Province while being shot at. Advanced training and formation flying that will leave you breathless. Flying under extreme pressure in various parts of the world. Enounters with Royalty, Tribal Chief's, and Interrogators.  This book is perfectly targeted at Leaders who are either in business or running teams of any size in any industry, based on Kate's development and insights as a military person. It is also ideally targeted at young women - 15-30 years of age who want to be inspired to either join up, punch well above their weight in any career path, and navigate a journey into what's truly possible for women any where in the world, in any industry based on a resilience and capability focused mindset.   As a full time presenter, Kate speaks to audiences throughout Australia and New Zealand about her perspectives on leadership borne out of her experiences both in the Navy and as a civilian. Her book is due for release in 2024.

      • Trusted Partner

        Mental and Behavioral Disorders in Early Childhood

        Textbook on Basics, Clinic and Therapy

        by Rüdiger Kißgen, Kathrin Sevecke (Eds.)

        One in five children in a kindergarten class is at risk for mental health problems. By making a diagnosis as early as possible, the child may receive targeted support and be strengthened in his or her further development. This textbook aims at increasing competence in the expert treatment of mental disorders and behavioral problems in early childhood. After a compact presentation of child development in the first six years of life, possible clinical disorders are presented, stringently structured according to classification, prevalence, causes, diagnosis, and therapy. The disorders that are covered in this book include autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders, affective disorders, sleep, eating, and crying disorders, trauma, stress, and deprivation disorders, and attachment and relationship disorders of early childhood.

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Children with Behavioral Problems

        A Guide for Parents of Children with Rude, Angry, or Aggressive Behavior

        by Walter Matthys/ Christine Boersma

        Parents as well as those working with children can find themselves confronted with questions about children’s rude, angry, or downright aggressive behavior. This book seeks to inform parents, teachers, and other caregivers about behavioral issues, how to get to the bottom of the problem and evaluate whether external help should be sought. It provides practical tips that help reduce harmful behavior. This title can also be used in youth mental healthcare for psychoeducation.   Target Group: Parents, caregivers, teachers

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020

        Birds in the Mind

        Life Stories from Adolescents with Mental Health Issues

        by Bernd Gomeringer,Jessica Sänger, UlrikeSünkel, Gottfried M.Barth, Max Leutner

        Mental health problems in children and adolescents are a taboo subject. “As ever, there are social misgivings”, says child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr. Robin Funke. “Many families find it tough when they first come to us. They feel this is a failure.” But what is it like living with depression, compulsive behaviour, anxiety and panic attacks, or with eating disorders, bulimia or anorexia? Schirm e. V., the friends association for child and adolescent psychiatry in Tübingen (Germany), asked young patients to share their stories. A moving book was created about living with mental health problems, about the dayto- day routine in psychiatric practice and the power of confidence.

      • Trusted Partner

        80 Picture Cards for Coaching, Training, and Psychotherapie

        Initiating Learning- and Change Processes

        by Evelin Fräntzel, Dieter Johannsen

        People think and remember in images, images influence our feelings and our perception, they shape our interpersonal communication and interaction. Coaches, supervisors,trainers, consultants, and therapists can use picture cards as a creative method to initiate learning and change processes among their clients. The card set can be used when working with groups and teams as well as in individual settings. Using the picture cards and the detailed exercise descriptions, processes ofprofessional and personal reorientation and further development of clients can be effectively supported. The enclosed booklet gives numerous suggestions for the use of the picture cards in practice.   For: • coaches• supervisors• consultants• group leaders• psychotherapists• psychologists• teachers, educators, personnel developers

      • Trusted Partner

        Worlds Apart

        A Conversation About Mental Health

        by Wayne Reé, Nurjannah Suhaimi

        It’s been a while since you caught up with Charissa. You finally – finally! – find thetime to meet your friend for coffee, but after the usual pleasantries, she opens upto you.She’s been diagnosed with depression. A moment like this can feel like a fork inthe road. Will it lead to an emotionally rewarding conversation or... cause a lot ofconfusion and awkwardness?Many of us still largely choose not to talk about mental health – and that oftenbreeds misconceptions and social stigma. Join Charissa as she guides you throughthese unfamiliar territories and terrains that can be difficult to navigate.Let the conversation begin.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Resource Activation in Psychotherapy, Coaching and Counseling

        by Miriam Deubner-Böhme, Uta Deppe-Schmitz

        People who have good access to their own resources and can thus meet their basic physical and psychological needs are satisfied and well equipped to get through even difficult times in a healthy way. Resource activation therefore plays a central role in therapy, coaching and counseling. It helps clients to rediscover buried resources and to use available resources for particular and everyday challenges. The fan contains 210 resource-activating questions that can directly be asked to clients and are formulated accordingly. The questions are related to strategies for strengthening physical and mental health, positive experiences, and the activation of resources in various areas of life, such as partnership, family, work, and leisure. The fan is ideal for preparing counseling and therapy sessions. For:• psychotherapists• coaches• counselors• psychiatrists• supervisors• trainers

      • Trusted Partner

        Resource Activating Coaching

        A Guide for Coaches, Counsellors, and Trainers

        by Miriam Deubner-Böhme, Uta Deppe-Schmitz

        This title offers coaches, counsellors, and trainers a variety of strategies that will allow them to enable their clients to find and use their resources, incorporate them into the coaching process, and use them to effect change.To use the full range of benefits resource activation brings along, this title shows a variety of methods to identify and work with clients’ resources. It contains exercises to break through entrenched patterns, enhance the mood, and pause. It enables clients to consciously make decisions and make optimal use of their existing resource potential and to use it in challenging situations. One chapter is also dedicated to the use of resource activating exercises in group settings.

      • Children's & YA
        September 2024

        Picture book "Bibbi"

        by Meggie Berns

        Feodora + Gino present: Bibbi Feodora goes to the market with her mom. That's when she meets Gino. A grumpy honeybee attracts the attention of the two dino children. She seems to have a problem that is really putting her in a bad mood. But now Feodora + Gino are curious to find out what they can do for the little bee. Eucational approach: What does the book Bibbi aim to express? Even if you sometimes get the impression that something seems too difficult or too strenuous and you would rather throw it all away, you should take time to reflect on things carefully. Sometimes something you have to do might not be so bad after all! Each of the picture books has a basic theme that is dealt with. There is always a conclusion with which the story ends. This can then serve as a basis for further discussions on the topic. Picture book cinema This book by Meggie Berns has also been published as a movie in our picture book cinema. This means that it is 100% identical to “Bibbi - the movie”. Children who want to learn or practise reading can therefore read along word for word in the corresponding book.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1996

        Bewußtsein, Geist und Seele

        Die Evolution des menschlichen Geistes

        by Harald Sprockhoff

      • Trusted Partner

        Oracle Bone Picture Book

        by Central Academy of Fine Arts Picture Book Creation Studio

        The "Oracle Bone Picture Book" series introduces children aged 5-10 to Chinese characters. It explains the connection between character shapes and meanings of the ancient oracle bone script and showcases their real-life applications, helping children understand Chinese characters from their roots and fostering an appreciation for the script, making learning fun and engaging. It contains 10 books: "A Big Deal", "Amazing Mom", "Lessons from Animals", "The Heart of Plants", "Their Family", "Feast and Song", "Under the Sky, Between Mountains and Seas", "At Your Home, At Mine", "Off to the Hunt", "Face Stories".

      • Trusted Partner

        Is the Brain Rational?

        The Findings of a Neuropsychologist

        by L. Jäncke

        This book takes the reader on a fascinating journey, demonstrating in an understandable and entertaining way how the brain affects our thoughts, actions, and feelings - and that this sometimes only peripherally involves reason. It shows, that the subconscious actually exists and how it affects us, how we arrive at both right and wrong decisions, how our memory works, how fragile it can be, and yet also how robust. Using insightful experiments and the latest research results, including many examples, this book presents the reader what an incredibly impressive thinking organ the brain actually is – even if it is not a purely “rational machine”.   Target Group: For people interested in the results of research into the workings of the brain in the areas of decision-making, memory, and consciousness.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        September 2022

        Companion Animal Behaviour Problems

        Prevention and Management of Behaviour Problems in Veterinary Practice

        by Rachel Casey, Sarah Heath, Helen Zulch, David Ryan, Jon Bowen, Emma Lightfoot, Anne McBride, Clare Wilson, Caroline Bower, Francesca Riccomini, Claire Hargrave, David Appleby, Emily Blackwell, Julie Bedford, Caroline Warnes, Trudi Atkinson, Emma Brown, Amanda Roshier, Stephanie Hedges

        Behaviour problems are a significant cause of companion animal relinquishment and euthanasia. This book provides up to date information about animal behaviour as well as practical advice on how veterinary practice professionals can manage undesirable animal behaviour and give down to earth, appropriate and trusted advice to owners. This book: · Covers the important aspects of behaviour in dogs, cats, rabbits and rodents, parrots and birds, as well as how this behaviour has adapted to the domestic environment. · Discusses the role of the veterinary practice in improving the emotional experience of animals attending the veterinary practice, including practice design, socialisation classes for young animals and effective communication with owners. · Covers the clinical decision-making process in managing the signs of undesirable behaviour, appropriately handling pets in the practice to minimise distress, as well as: behavioural first aid, referral to a specialist, medical influences on behaviour and decisions about euthanasia. This practical and accessible book gives all the essential information needed by veterinary professionals in order to advise clients on the behaviour and well-being of animals in their care.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2023

        Watching the Brain Think

        Facets of neuroscience: short thought provoking texts for the curious

        by Monika Niehaus/Martin Osterloh

        — An exciting and entertaining explanation of neuroscience — In the diverting and humorous style for which the author is known – learning has never been this much fun What processes in the brain are responsible for intelligence, free will, empathy or reason? Can memories be falsified? And what does actually happen in the brain when we reach puberty? Monika Niehaus and Martin Osterloh answer these and many other neuroscientific questions in their book – a fundamental work on brain research, and easy to understand, exciting and entertaining.

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