Science & Mathematics
July 2015
A Practical Approach
By taking an entirely practical approach, this textbook aims to help those working with animals to apply methods for improving welfare, bridging the gap between scientific research and practical application. This book provides a guide to practical evaluation and auditing of welfare problems for farmed animals, emphasizing the importance of measuring conditions that compromise welfare such as lameness, or the use of electric goads. This second edition is fully updated with new literature, new, up to date coverage of pain management, and the addition of a new chapter on animal welfare in organic farming systems. ; Taking a practical approach, this textbook helps those working with animals to apply methods for improving welfare, bridging the gap between scientific research and practical application. It provides a guide to practical evaluation and auditing of welfare for farm animals, emphasizing the importance of measuring conditions that compromise welfare. ; 1: An Introduction to Implementing an Effective Animal Welfare Program2: The Importance of Measurement to Improve the Welfare of Livestock, Poultry, and Fish3: Why is Agricultural Animal Welfare Important? The Social and Ethical Context4: Implementing Effective Standards and Scoring Systems for Assessing Animal Welfare on Farms and Slaughter Plants5: How to Improve Livestock Handling and Reduce Stress6: Painful Husbandry Procedures in Livestock and Poultry7: The Importance of Good Stockmanship and Its Benefits to Animals8: Animal Well-being and Behavioural Needs on the Farm9: Improving Livestock, Poultry, and Fish Welfare in Slaughter Plants with Auditing Programs10: Recommended On-farm Euthanasia Practices11: Welfare During Transport of Livestock and Poultry12: Why Are Behavioral Needs Important?13: Animal Well-being on Organic Farms14: The Effect of Economic Factors on the Welfare of Livestock and Poultry15: Improving Animal Care and Welfare: Practical Approaches for Achieving Change16: Successful Technology Transfer of Behavioral and Animal Welfare Research to the Farm and Slaughter Plant17: Practical Methods for Improving the Welfare of Horses, Donkeys, Mules, and Other Working Draft Animals in Developing Areas