Editorial Leonard Levy
Venezuelan gastronomic literature.
View Rights PortalLeopold was founded in 1923 and evolved into a children's-and young-adult publishing house in the 1950's. Leopoldestablishes a lot of collaborations with museums, different organizations and the government. The first children's book ever published is still in print: Johan Fabricius'Java Ho! The Adventures of Four Boys Amid Fire, Storm, and Shipwreck. Leopold hosts a lot of famous Dutch authors, for example the classic works of Tonke Dragt (The Letter for the King, The Secrets of the Wild Wood).Several popular brands are also published by Leopold, likeFrog(Max Velthuijs) andAlfie the Werewolf(Paul van Loon). The beautiful Leopold picture books by renowned illustrators like Annemarie van Haeringen, Wouter van Reek and Ingrid Godon are taking a flight due to the fantastic teamwork with museums. Not only classic authors and popular brands are a big part of Leopold. A younger generation of authors and illustrators is building a vast oeuvre. Books like Zeb.(Gideon Samson, Joren Joshua) andFright Night(Maren Stoffels) shake up the world of children's literature. Ploegsma has been part of the Dutch publishing scene for well over a hundred years. The publishing house was founded in 1905 by Johannes Ploegsma and has been specialising in children's books since the 1960's: adventurous and humorous fiction and non-fiction books for children of all ages. These include many classic titles, such as the books by Astrid Lindgren (Pippi Longstocking) and Arnold Lobel (Frog and Toad), as well as books by contemporary and very popular authors like Mirjam Oldenhave(Mister Twister), Marjon Hoffman (Flora), Yvon Jaspers (Tess and Tommy), Reggie Naus (The Pirates Next Door), Vivian den Hollander, Janny van der Molen and Caja Cazemier. Many of these authors have been translated. Even though a lot has changed the past hundred years, Ploegsma's love for beautiful books is still going strong.
View Rights PortalRoberto Yáñez, der Enkel von Margot und Erich Honecker, bricht sein Schweigen. Erstmals erzählt er von den Glanzzeiten seiner Kindheit, vom Ende der DDR, wie es die Honeckers als Familie erlebt haben, und von den letzten Lebensjahren seiner Großeltern in Chile. Als die Mauer fällt, ist Roberto 15 Jahre alt. Die geliebten Großeltern werden als Verbrecher gejagt, und auch der Teenager fühlt sich noch verfolgt, nachdem seine Familie in das Heimatland seines Vaters ausgereist ist. Im fremden Chile findet er sich nur schwer zurecht. Nach der Trennung der Eltern zieht er zu seiner Großmutter Margot Honecker, die unbeirrt an den DDR-Glaubenssätzen festhält. Roberto hingegen entdeckt ein neues Leben – zwischen Kunst, Musik und Drogen. Dennoch bleibt seine Großmutter die engste Bezugsperson in seinem Leben, immer wieder kehrt der »Lieblingsenkel« zu ihr zurück. Erst nach ihrem Tod 2016 kann er sich von der Last seiner Familiengeschichte befreien – und erzählen.
The science of nanotechnology, the manipulation, design and engineering of devices at the atomic and molecular scale, is starting to be applied to many disciplines including aspects of agriculture and crop science. This book opens with a brief history of nanotechnology in agriculture. Applications are then examined in detail, including nanopesticides, nanosensors, nanofertilizers, and nanoherbicides. Topics covered include; the biosynthesis of nanoparticles (through microbes, plants and other biotic agents); the ecological consequences of their delivery into the environment (examining effects and toxicity on soil, soil biota, and plants); safety issues; an overview of the global market for nanotechnology products, and the regulation of nanotechnology in agriculture. The book concludes with speculations on what the future holds for the technology. The book has been written by an international group of researchers and experts from over 12 countries with experience across a wide range of issues relating to the industry. This book will be of use to a wide range of researchers and professional scientists in the agricultural sector, academia and industry, including microbiologists, chemical engineers, geneticists, plant scientists and biochemists.
Leonardo da Vinci gilt als die perfekte Verkörperung des uomo universale der Renaissance, als herausragender Repräsentant einer widersprüchlichen Epoche. Seine Faszination ist bis heute ungebrochen. Immer wieder wurden Versuche unternommen, sein Werk auf dem jeweils neuesten Stand der Reproduktionstechnik zu dokumentieren und in opulenten Folianten zu präsentieren. Dabei vertiefte und verstieg man sich allerdings in immer speziellere Detailfragen, in Zuschreibungen und Abschreibungen, in Umdeutungen und Mystifizierungen. Boris von Brauchitsch sichtet anlässlich des 500. Todestags Leonardos den aktuellen Stand der Forschung, filtert bemerkenswerte Thesen heraus und fasst dies alles in einer handlichen und überschaubaren Biografie zusammen, die ebenso prägnant wie differenziert dessen Werdegang und seine Bedeutung als Künstler und Forscher auf den Punkt bringt.
Heritage is a social construction rooted in modern and contemporary societies. It is commonly a positive assessment of many elements of the physical and human environment (e.g. ecosystems and landscapes, monuments, customs, gender norms, religious practices, gastronomy, and livelihoods). Heritage and tourism are strongly related to each other in that heritage gives rise to tourist attractions and activities, and tourism enhances the designation of heritage sites. Non-human animals (hereafter 'animals') are present as implicit or explicit heritage elements through multiple tourist environments: animals may be themselves the heritage focus of tourist interest (visual arts, gastronomy, as charismatic and distinguished beings, as part of festivities or rituals), or it may be that animals are agents involved in heritage tourist environments such as working animals or in recreational activities. A post-humanist perspective the moral valuation of equality between humans and other animals demands that both are sentient beings and self-aware of their pain and pleasure. Thus, the involvement of animals as heritage elements by themselves or as an element of tourist consumption in heritage sites implies their commodification and lack of agency. As such, these practices are usually unethical, since they threaten the animals' primary interests: not to suffer, not to feel pain and to be able to live their freedom. This book contains chapters that reveal both the unethical interactions between humans and animals within heritage tourism, and those that show experiences in which efforts are made to minimize damage within the commercialization of animals involved as heritage themselves. It will be of interest to postgraduate students, academics, NGOs and tourism planners.
Leonardo da Vinci and the ethics of style brings together a distinguished group of experts on Leonardo and the Renaissance, examining the ethical underpinnings of art history. The seven essays articulate the complexity of ways in which style involved ethical considerations during the early modern period, and still involves us in its conundrums. Looking at individual works and concepts, this fascinating collection covers subjects such as Leonardo's understanding of his role as a painter as that of a natural philosopher, his interests in visual perception and the understanding of visual sensations by the mind, how and why Leonardo's ideas on painting are at the core of art theory, how Leonardo addresses style in gendered terms, and 'style' as the historian's projection. This volume will be of great interest to all those studying or with an enthusiasm for Renaissance art history, art theory, cultural studies and philosophy. ;
Leonardo da Vinci gilt als die perfekte Verkörperung des uomo universale der Renaissance, als herausragender Repräsentant einer widersprüchlichen Epoche. Seine Faszination ist bis heute ungebrochen. Immer wieder wurden Versuche unternommen, sein Werk auf dem jeweils neuesten Stand der Reproduktionstechnik zu dokumentieren und in opulenten Folianten zu präsentieren. Dabei vertiefte und verstieg man sich allerdings in immer speziellere Detailfragen, in Zuschreibungen und Abschreibungen, in Umdeutungen und Mystifizierungen. Boris von Brauchitsch sichtet anlässlich des 500. Todestags Leonardos den aktuellen Stand der Forschung, filtert bemerkenswerte Thesen heraus und fasst dies alles in einer handlichen und überschaubaren Biografie zusammen, die ebenso prägnant wie differenziert dessen Werdegang und seine Bedeutung als Künstler und Forscher auf den Punkt bringt.
Die Verbindung zwischen Frauen und Katzen ist eine besonders innige und besteht schon seit Jahrtausenden. Auch in der Malerei ist das Motiv »Frau und Katze« eines der ältesten und häufigsten Sujets, von dem sich Malerinnen und Maler aus allen Jahrhunderten immer wieder inspirieren ließen. Ob Muse, Gefährtin oder Seelenverwandte – Detlef Bluhm unternimmt eine Reise durch die Geschichte der Malerei und erzählt anhand von über 50 Gemälden von den verschiedensten Facetten dieser ganz besonderen Freundschaft zwischen Frauen und Katzen. Kurze Texte kommentieren die Abbildungen mit Interpretationen, Anekdoten und biographischen Hinweisen. Mit Gemälden von Rubens, da Vinci, Velázquez, Manet, Renoir, Vallotton, Lovis Corinth, Kirchner, Franz Marc, Max Beckmann, Hannah Höch, Frida Kahlo, Balthus, Picasso und vielen anderen.
Invasive alien plants and animals are known for their disruption of ecosystems and threat to biodiversity. This book highlights their major impact on human health. This includes not only direct effects through contact with the species via bites, wounds and disease, but also indirect effects caused by changes induced in ecosystems by invasive species, such as more water hyacinth increasing mosquito levels and thereby the potential for malaria. Covering a wide range of case studies from different taxa (animals and plants), and giving an overview of the diverse impacts of invasive species on health in developed and developing countries, the book is a significant contribution that will help in prioritizing approaches to controlling invasive species and mitigating their health effects. It covers invasive plants, marine species, spiders and other arachnids, ticks and dust mites, insects, mosquitos and other diptera, freshwater species (invertebrates and fishes), amphibians and reptiles, birds and mammals. Key Features Collects together the major health impacts for the first time Covers animal and plant invasive species Examines issues in developed and developing countries The broad spectrum of the analyzed case studies will ensure the appeal of the book to a wide public, including researchers of biological invasions, doctors, policy-makers and managers, and students of invasive species in ecology, animal and plant biology and public health medicine.