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      • Family & health
        May 2015

        Familienrat nach Dreikurs - Ein Gewinn für alle

        by Heide Köpfer, Erika Becker

        Eine Familie ist dann ein Team, wenn jeder dem anderen zuhört, jeder seine Meinung sagen kann und jeder ernst und wichtig genommen wird.Wie das gelingen kann? Mit dem Familienrat nach Dreikurs!Hier kommen alle regelmäßig zusammen, bestimmen gemeinsam die Regeln für ein friedliches Miteinander und erleben sich als gleichwertig. Hier haben kleine und große Menschen eine Stimme, werden gehört und gesehen.Sie denken, das ist utopisch? Nein, es ist ganz einfach!Es braucht nur ein wenig Mut – und genau dazu verhilft Ihnen dieses Buch. Probieren Sie es aus.

      • The natural world, country life & pets

        Natural Journey

        An encounter between Arts and Science

        by Josefina Hepp, Vivian Lavin, María José Arce

        “Natural Journey” aims to remove the old-fashioned tension between art and science in order to approach nature’s shapes and colors with astonishment and without being distracted from the main task: to learn from it and listen to its call in the midst of the climate crisis.  Botanical illustration is the art that allows us to enter the world of plants through our senses. But it is also a scientific record that provides botanists and scholars with subtle and precise representations that no technological device can reproduce.  A botanist, an illustrator and a journalist are touched by the journey led by other women who inspired them with their environmental sensitivity and awareness. When reading “Natural Journey”, you will be taken into a pleasant walk through six types of plants whose names take after their identifying characteristics. “Travelers”, some inspire and others move (without legs or wings), “dangerous”, even lethal, colors and characteristics that define them, “deceitful”, traps and camouflages to get what they want, “rebels”, those who dodge the rules, undisciplined, stubborn and defiant, and  “hungry” from the Plant to the Animal Kingdom,  nutrient-capture strategies, “flamboyant”, as emerged from delirium. The book also contains each plant’s data sheet and mapping.

      • December 2021

        Queering Chinese Kinship

        Queer Public Culture in Globalizing China

        by Lin Song

        What does it mean to be queer in a Confucian society in which kinship roles, ties, and ideologies are of such great importance? This book makes sense of queer cultures in China—a country with one of the largest queer populations in the world—and offers an alternative to Euro-American blueprints of queer individual identity. This book contends that kinship relations must be understood as central to any expression of queer selfhood and culture in contemporary cultural production in China. Using a critical approach—“queering Chinese kinship”—Lin Song scrutinizes the relationship between queerness and family relations, and questions Eurocentric queer culture’s frequent assumption of the separation of queerness from blood family.   Offering five case studies of queer representations across a range of media genres, this book also challenges the tendency in current scholarship on Chinese and East Asian queerness to understand queer cultures as predominantly counter-mainstream, marginal, and underground. Shedding light on the representations of queerness and kinship in independent and subcultural as well as commercial and popular cultural products, the book presents a more comprehensive picture of queerness and kinship in flux and highlights queer politics as an integral part of contemporary Chinese public culture.

      • Un reino igual a ti

        by Mauricio Carrera

        “Let my exploits and failures be evidence of my efforts as a brave soldier, as an ardent lover. I have been fortunate, and before the shadow prevails, I decided to tell this story, which, like all others, is made of light and mud, on a fugitive course and at rest. You are always captive of knowing you are alive and of dying I don’t know when,” says the protagonist of this novel, Miguel Díaz de Aux. Miguelico, they call him, and very young he participates in the conquest of Mexico, in the company of his father, of the same name, and his brother, Fernando.Spanish and Indian at the same time, son of an Aragonese and a Taino mother, Miguelico made his destiny in the battles of war, life and love. He rides manatees in his native Haiti, participates as a soldier in the capture of Tenochtitlan, falls in love with Isabel Moctezuma, plants guava trees, travels with Cortés to the Hibueras and is in charge of burying Cuahtémoc in a place known only to him. Un reino igual a ti is a novel of adventure and love. Mauricio Carrera confirms, as he did in Fortuna, la mujer de la Conquista, that there are still stories to be told in that bloody and marvelous event that was the Conquest of Mexico. He does it with his usual style, where the real and the fantastic are united, where literature peeks into the great historical facts, where the characters persist in our memory and where there are many phrases to hold on to in order to better face the arduous and astonishing of existence. A novel that will undoubtedly find a place in your bookshelf, in your soul, in your heart.   Que mis hazañas y fracasos evidencien mis afanes de valiente soldado, de ardoroso enamorado. He sido afortunado, y antes que la sombra se imponga, decidí contar esta historia, que como todas, está hecha de luz y fango, en curso fugitivo y en sosiego. Se es cautivo siempre de saberse vivo y de morir no sé cuándo”, afirma el protagonista de esta novela, Miguel Díaz de Aux. Miguelico, lo llaman, y participa muy joven de la Conquista de México, en compañía de su padre, de igual nombre, y de su hermano, Fernando.Español e indio al mismo tiempo, hijo de aragonés y de madre taína, Miguelico se hace un destino en las batallas de la guerra, de la vida, del amor. Monta manatíes en su natal Haití, participa como soldado en la toma de Tenochtitlan, enamora a Isabel Moctezuma, planta árboles de guayaba, viaja con Cortés a las Hibueras y es el encargado de enterrar, en un sitio sólo por conocido él, a Cuahtémoc.Un reino igual a ti es una novela de aventuras y de amores. Mauricio Carrera refrenda, al igual que lo hizo en Fortuna, la mujer de la Conquista, que aún hay historias por contar en ese hecho cruento y maravilloso que fue la Conquista de México. Lo hace con su acostumbrado estilo, donde lo real y lo fantástico se unen, donde la literatura se asoma en los grandes hechos históricos, donde los personajes persisten en nuestra memoria y donde hay muchas frases dónde asirse para afrontar mejor lo arduo y asombroso de la existencia.Una novela que, sin duda, se hará de un lugar en su librero, en su alma, en su corazón. Mónica Lavín: “Mauricio Carrera puede hacer lo que se le pega la gana en su arte narrativo”.Agustín Monsreal: “Es un múltiple forjador de tramas y anécdotas, pero fundamentalmente un exacto y versátil hacedor de personajes”.Eduardo Antonio Parra: “Su voz resulta fundamental para la literatura mexicana actual”.

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