Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Wilfrid Laurier University Press is a scholarly press based in Waterloo, Ontario.
View Rights PortalWilfrid Laurier University Press is a scholarly press based in Waterloo, Ontario.
View Rights PortalSo werden Kinder stark: Susa Apenrade erzählt von Situationen, in denen Lea sich nicht gut fühlt: wenn Jan sie ärgert, wenn die Nachbarin sie wieder mal kurz drücken oder Onkel Meier sie einfach so auf den Schoß nehmen will. Was soll Lea da nur tun? Lea stellt sich mit beiden Beinen fest auf den Boden und sagt laut und selbstbewusst "Nein!". Und das ist auch die richtige Antwort, wenn ein Fremder kommt und versucht, Lea wegzulocken. Lea ruft laut: "Nein, ich geh nicht mit!"
Laurent Cantet is of one France's leading contemporary directors. In a series of important films, including Human Resources, Time Out, Heading South, The Class and Foxfire, he takes stock of the modern world from the workplace, through the schoolroom and the oppressive small town to the world of international sex tourism. His films drive the hidden forces that weigh on individuals and groups into view but also show characters who are capable of reflection and reaction. If the films make their protagonists rethink their place in the world, they also challenge the positions of the viewer and the director. This is what makes them so worthy of study. Combining a fine eye for detail with broad contextual awareness, this book gives an account of all Cantet's works, from the early short films to the major works. Martin O'Shaughnessy is a leading international writer on French cinema,especially in film and politics.
Laurent Cantet is of one France's leading contemporary directors. In a series of important films, including Human Resources, Time Out, Heading South, The Class and Foxfire, he takes stock of the modern world from the workplace, through the schoolroom and the oppressive small town to the world of international sex tourism. His films drive the hidden forces that weigh on individuals and groups into view but also show characters who are capable of reflection and reaction. If the films make their protagonists rethink their place in the world, they also challenge the positions of the viewer and the director. This is what makes them so worthy of study. Combining a fine eye for detail with broad contextual awareness, this book gives an account of all Cantet's works, from the early short films to the major works. Martin O'Shaughnessy is a leading international writer on French cinema, especially in film and politics.
What on Earth am I? is Lara Salomon's and Megan Bird's first children's book together, investigating complex topics, like identity, diversity, and existentialism, for kids. It is a wonderful picture book for children with more questions than answers about the world. The book follows a young child’s over-active imagination, which often leaves them confused as to what kind of creature they are. They try their very best to discover the answer by recalling the many creatures that they've read about in their storybooks and fairytales. "I've been reading all these stories, and they've got me quite confused. Because they feature all these creatures, and I'm really not amused."
Lara Croft, die Heldin des Computerspiels »Tomb Raider«, ist in kurzer Zeit zu einem »Cultural icon« geworden. Sie ist Traum-Frau und weibliche Heldin, Pin-up-Girl und »Grrl« in einem. Damit bedient sie männliche ebenso wie weibliche Ermächtigungsphantasien. Doch statt die hierarchische Geschlechterordnung zu unterlaufen, befördert der Kult um Lara Croft einen Prozeß, der als »Medialisierung« der Körper beschrieben werden kann und der die dualistische Geschlechtermetaphysik auf einem höheren Level auferstehen läßt. Welche Bedeutungsverschiebung durchläuft der Begriff des Geschlechtlichen im Zuge seiner Virtualisierung? Die Autorin nähert sich dieser Frage entlang einer Analyse der Entstehungs- und der Wirkungsgeschichte des Phänomens Lara Croft.
Home front heroism investigates how civilians were recognised and celebrated as heroic during the Second World War. Through a focus on London, this book explores how heroism was manufactured as civilians adopted roles in production, protection and defence, through the use of uniforms and medals, and through the way that civilians were injured and killed. This book makes a novel contribution to the study of heroism by exploring the spatial, material, corporeal and ritualistic dimensions of heroic representations. By tracing the different ways that Home Front heroism was cultivated on a national, local and personal level, this study promotes new ways of thinking about the meaning and value of heroism during periods of conflict. It will appeal to anyone interested in the social and cultural history of Second World War as well as the sociology and psychology of heroism.
Republican passions demonstrates the crucial role of family and friendship networks in the creation of the French Third Republic. Based on the family archives of Léon Laurent-Pichat, journalist, Deputy and Life Senator, this study paints a rich picture of republican intimacy, sociability and political activity during the Second Empire and early Third Republic. It explores republican friendships and family connections as men and women worked together for the cause. In republican circles, as the book illustrates, the intimate and political realms were not separate but deeply intertwined and interdependent.
Voltaires 1763 erschienenes Plädoyer für Toleranz zwischen den Religionen war nie so aktuell wie heute. Seit den Anschlägen auf die Redaktion der Satirezeitschrift Charlie Hebdo hat sich seine Kritik des religiösen Fanatismus wie ein Lauffeuer verbreitet, er selbst gilt als zentrales Symbol für die Freiheit des Geistes: Voltaire-Plakate, versehen mit dem Slogan »Je suis Charlie«, sind in ganz Paris zu sehen. Seine Streitschrift Über die Toleranz wird zusammen mit Kugelschreibern und Stiften als Mahnmal auf vielen Straßen Frankreichs platziert und ist zur Schullektüre avanciert. 250 Jahre nach ihrem Erscheinen ist Voltaires Kampfansage an den Fanatismus und den Aberglauben brisanter und dringlicher denn je. Höchste Zeit, sie zu lesen! Mit einem Vorwort von Laurent Joffrin (Chefredakteur "Libération")
In one of the first monographs of its kind to focus on the aesthetic and emotional impact of lighting in cinema, Lara Thompson looks at the way light informs the cinematic experience, from constructing star identities, sculpting natural light and creating imaginary worlds, to the seductive power of darkness, fading representations of the past and arresting twilight encounters. This groundbreaking and accessible introductory study offers a unique insight into the way illumination has transcended its diffuse functional boundaries and been elevated to a position of narrative and emotional importance, transforming it from an unobtrusive element of film style to an expressive and essential component. It includes analyses of over fifty renowned international films, discussed in inventive and illuminating combinations, from cinema's earliest moments to its most recent digital manifestations, and is essential reading for all those who want to understand what film light means and how it makes us feel. ;