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      • Wilfrid Laurier University Press

        Wilfrid Laurier University Press is a scholarly press based in Waterloo, Ontario.

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      • Kindberg

        Spanish literary fiction. House founded in 2015 in Valparaíso (Chile). We want to provide a haven for readers in times of storm. Now that the arrival of new titles is overwhelming, at Kindberg we are committed to a detailed rhythm, to slow-publishing instead of disposable titles. The books we choose are the ones we like and that is why we believe in them and we want other readers to like them. And yes, we only publish fiction, because "poetry, beauty, art, love are the things that keep us alive".

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2019

        The King of Trash

        by Donald Willerton

        The plague of homelessness runs through it like a pulsing vein. There is murder―and bodies galore. There is unhesitating genocide. There is an escape from certain death that will haunt you.And yet The King of Trash is a story of tenderness, of ethical struggle, and of deeply bonded humanity.In his latest novel―and his first to move beyond the highly successful Mogi Franklin middle-reader mysteries―author Don Willerton intertwines modern-day themes of transcendent importance through a unique and intriguing tale of mystery, adventure, and courage.Early readers have sometimes had nightmares, but yet The King of Trash is ultimately redeemed by its heart. It begins with a newspaper reporter setting out to interview a former school mate who's now become one of the world greatest scientists―and one of its richest men. Before long, though, we are enmeshed in a web of awful and expedient “facts” building to a twenty-first-century morality tale in which no one can escape the hard and bitter decisions of the “real” world. And yet at the end, we learn, is the one central truth, the only remnant left to sustain Willerton's fascinating and vivid characters―and all the rest of us alive on Earth as well.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2023

        Dido, Queen of Carthage

        by Christopher Marlowe

        by Ruth Lunney

        A city burns, and a queen burns for love: Dido, Queen of Carthage re-imagines one of the great legendary stories. The encounter between a wandering hero and an African queen engenders love and loss, eroticism and absurdity, childish simplicity and compelling eloquence. Written for children to perform in the 1580s, Dido is nonetheless a remarkable play, revolutionary in its approach to character, blank verse, and audiences. This volume is the first single-text scholarly edition in English. It is an indispensable resource for scholars, students, and theatre practitioners. The edition features an accessible text, lightly punctuated for ease of reading and speaking. It incorporates new research into authorship (which indicates that Marlowe wrote the play), a detailed analysis of Dido's sources, and a survey of criticism; it assesses the evidence for early performances and provides extensive information about modern productions.

      • Trusted Partner

        Billy Jenkins: Europe's King of the Cowboys

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        illy Jenkins’ career spans the years 1895-1954. He was King of the Cowboys, the most popular act in all Germany, hero of German pulp fiction – the last genuine hero of the “American” Wild West. Yet, like Karl May before him, he never set foot in America...Billy became one of the world’s earliest superstars. He thrilled millions between the two World Wars, built a palatial mansion on the hill in Berlin, complete with a dude ranch in his backyard. In 1932, after joining the Nazi Party, he became their favorite, and soon reached the pinnacle of his success – this, despite the fact that he was half-Jewish! As his star waned, not because he was Jewish but because his name sounded too American as Germany entered World War II, Billy rediscovered his Jewish roots, and… but that’s for the reader to find out.Hugo N. Gerstl, nationally famous American trial lawyer, world traveler and author of the best-sellers Scribe: The Only Female Pope, Amazing Grace: The Woman Pirate, Legacy: The Birth of Modern Turkey, ChildFinders, and Stalemate, which so far have been translated into Portuguese, Czech, and Turkish, lives in Carmel, California with his wife Lorraine, a writer and teacher. Together they have raised five children, now grown. Published By Pangæa Publishing Group,2019.  534 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        Literary studies: c 1500 to c 1800
        August 2004

        King Lear

        Second edition

        by Alexander Leggatt

        This updated and expanded analysis of King Lear in performance includes new chapters on the television version of the Royal National Theatre production directed by Richard Eyre and starring Ian Holm; and on Akira Kurosawa's 'Ran'. Earlier chapters provide close, detailed analyses of the stage, film and television interpretations of John Gielgud, Harley Granville Barker, Paul Scofield, Peter Brook, Peter Ustinov, Michael Gambon, Adrian Noble, Grigori Kozintsev, Michael Hordern, Jonathan Miller, Laurence Olivier and Michael Elliott. By examining such issues as the playing of Lear, the staging of the storm and the battle, and the choice of historical period, this book shows how interpretation and performance are bound together, and how the play is transformed through different historical and political contexts. This will be essential reading for students in English, drama or film at any level, theatregoers, and anyone involved in productions of the play.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Imperialism and the natural world

        by John M. MacKenzie

        Imperial power, both formal and informal, and research in the natural sciences were closely dependent in the nineteenth century. This book examines a portion of the mass-produced juvenile literature, focusing on the cluster of ideas connected with Britain's role in the maintenance of order and the spread of civilization. It discusses the political economy of Western ecological systems, and the consequences of their extension to the colonial periphery, particularly in forms of forest conservation. Progress and consumerism were major constituents of the consensus that helped stabilise the late Victorian society, but consumerism only works if it can deliver the goods. From 1842 onwards, almost all major episodes of coordinated popular resistance to colonial rule in India were preceded by phases of vigorous resistance to colonial forest control. By the late 1840s, a limited number of professional positions were available for geologists in British imperial service, but imperial geology had a longer pedigree. Modern imperialism or 'municipal imperialism' offers a broader framework for understanding the origins, long duration and persistent support for overseas expansion which transcended the rise and fall of cabinets or international realignments in the 1800s. Although medical scientists began to discern and control the microbiological causes of tropical ills after the mid-nineteenth century, the claims for climatic causation did not undergo a corresponding decline. Arthur Pearson's Pearson's Magazine was patriotic, militaristic and devoted to royalty. The book explores how science emerged as an important feature of the development policies of the Colonial Office (CO) of the colonial empire.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2020

        Vyshyvanyi. The King of Ukraine

        by Serhiy Zhadan

        Serhiy Zhadan's new book, "Vyshyvanyi. The King of Ukraine", is a story that is always relevant, especially nowadays. It is a story of love for Ukraine. Austrian Archduke Wilhelm Franz von Habsburg-Lothringen, known as Vasyl Vyshyvanyi, played a prominent role in the Ukrainian national liberation movement. Zhadan speaks about the project: "The figure of Vyshyvany is non-trivial, interesting, and deserves all kinds of mentions and study. The coming of Vyshivany to Ukrainianness and acceptance of his identity is not a fictional story. It is interesting to learn how many people are discovering Ukraine, Ukrainian history, Ukrainian culture, and the Ukrainian language." The book has already found its supporters and even received an award in the "Best Book Design 2020" competition, held by the "Book Arsenal" International Festival in cooperation with the Goethe Institute in Ukraine. This award is fully justified: the creative tandem of Zhuk&Kelm artistic talent has created a real gem. Designer Nadiya Kelm wrote about the work: "Vyshyvany got his nickname from Ukrainian soldiers because he liked to dress up in embroidered clothes. This was the starting point for the visual concept of the book. We took a very geometric embroidery scheme, which grows with each section, revealing more and more of the portrait of the Vyshyvanyi. The perforated pages allude to the Ukrainian vytynanka (paper cut ornament)".

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2020

        Festivals of Chinese Ethnic Groups·Yao: The King Pan Festival

        by Yan Xiangjun, Zheng Xiaojuan

        This book mainly introduces the origin of the Yao ethnic group's King Pan Festival. The King Gao rebelled. In order to encourage his people to actively fight back and win the war, Emperor Ku made a promise: Whoever can cut off the head of the King Gao will marry his beautiful little daughter -- the third princess. After hearing of the news, Pan Hu who was a dragon dog managed to achieve the goal. However, the emperor did not want to keep his promise after learning that Pan Hu was a dragon dog. The third princess found that Pan Hu was very kind and brave, and decided to marriage him. Later, the third princess learned that Pan Hu could become a human as long as he was steamed in a steamer for seven days and nights. After Pan Hu was transformed into a human, the emperor sent Pan Hu to the Kuaiji Mountain to be the king. From then on, Pan Hu was called King Pan Hu. Later, during a hunting process, King Pan Hu fell off a cliff and died. In order to commemorate him, people set his birthday October 16th in the lunar calendar as the “King Pan Festival”.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The King and The No-Aging Potion

        by Watiek Ideo

        Prince Elano and Princess Tania are worried for their father, the King of the land, who rapidly forgets about things. Deciding to help their dad, the little prince and princess then go into the journey to look for no aging potion from a sorcerer. However, are they really sure that making their father not aging is the correct decision?

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Tale of the Old Lion

        by Mariana Savka (Author), Volodymyr Shtanko (Illustrator)

        The old Lion, tired of ruling, settles in glorious Lviv in a beautiful attic with windows overlooking Rynok Square. One day, during the rain, the ceiling of his apartment begins to leak. Someone has to repair it, and the old Lion asks his closest friends, Crocodile, Elephant, and Giraffe, for help. When they arrive in Lviv, amazing things start happening to them. This poetic tale is a true love letter to Lviv, where miracles happen almost every day.    From 3 to 6 years Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2020

        Festivals of Chinese Ethnic Groups·Dong; The King Lin Festival

        by Yan Xiangjun, Xuan Sen

        This book mainly describes the origin of the Dong ethnic group's King Lin Festival to commemorate the Dong's hero Lin Kuan. According to the legend, Lin Kuan was born with supernatural power. In order to resist the tyranny at that time, Lin Kuan called the poor and young people in the Dong village to revolt, but eventually died when he tried to protect his people. Lin Kuan became a hero of the Dong people. His story has been handed down by generations of the Dong people. Every year on the first day of June of the lunar calendar, the Dong people gather together to spend the “King Lin Festival”. This book also describes the various activities of the Dong’s King Lin Festival and introduces an overview of the Dong people in China.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2019

        King-Kong, das Geheimschwein

        Lesestarter. 3. Lesestufe

        by Kirsten Boie, Silke Brix

        King-Kong, ein Schwein auf geheimer Mission. Susanna hat Junge gekriegt. Vier Stück auf einmal. Das ist bei Meerschweinchen nichts Besonderes. Eins von ihnen gehört jetzt Jan-Arne. Nett, dass Frieder es ihm geschenkt hat. Einfach so. Es fühlt sich warm und weich an, und wenn man es in die Hand nimmt, fiept es ganz leise. Frieder sagt, dass es ein Weibchen ist, aber Jan-Arne gibt ihm den Namen King-Kong. Schließlich soll es mal groß und stark und wild werden. Die Lesestarter von Oetinger motivieren auch leseschwache Kinder zum Lesen. Wie? Mit bekannten Autoren, starken Charakteren und populären Themen, die Kinder im Alter von fünf bis zehn Jahren begeistern. Und mit vielen Bildern, Spielen und Leserätseln. Das Meerschweinchen mit Herz! Mit King-Kong macht Lesenlernen einfach richtig Spaß.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2017

        The divorce of King Lothar and Queen Theutberga

        Hincmar of Rheims's De divortio

        by Rachel Stone, Charles West

        In the mid-ninth century, Francia was rocked by the first royal divorce scandal of the Middle Ages: the attempt by King Lothar II of Lotharingia to rid himself of his queen, Theutberga and remarry. Even 'women in their weaving sheds' were allegedly gossiping about the lurid accusations made. Kings and bishops from neighbouring kingdoms, and several popes, were gradually drawn into a crisis affecting the fate of an entire kingdom. This is the first professionally published translation of a key source for this extraordinary episode: Archbishop Hincmar of Rheims's De divortio Lotharii regis et Theutbergae reginae. This text offers eye-opening insight both on the political wrangling of the time and on early medieval attitudes towards magic, penance, gender, the ordeal, marriage, sodomy, the role of bishops, and kingship.The translation includes a substantial introduction and annotations, putting the case into its early medieval context and explaining Hincmar's sometimes-dubious methods of argument.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2020

        King-Kong, das Reiseschwein

        Lesestarter. 3. Lesestufe

        by Kirsten Boie, Silke Brix

        Als Papa entdeckt, dass Jan-Arne sein Meerschweinchen heimlich mit an die Ostsee genommen hat, wird er so wütend, dass Jan-Arne nichts anderes übrig bleibt als King-Kong zu verstecken. Liane, das Mädchen vom Campingplatz, hilft ihm dabei. Sie ist zwar kleiner als Jan-Arne und zur Schule kommt sie erst nach den Ferien, aber sie versteht mit Meerschweinchen umzugehen - und mit Vätern, die Meerschweinchen nicht mögen, erst recht. Die Lesestarter von Oetinger motivieren auch leseschwache Kinder zum Lesen. Wie? Mit bekannten Autoren, starken Charakteren und populären Themen, die Kinder im Alter von fünf bis zehn Jahren begeistern. Und mit vielen Bildern, Spielen und Leserätseln. Mehr Spaß mit Meerschweinchen: Lesen lernen mit King-Kong für alle Tierfreunde - ob Zuhause oder im Urlaub.

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        Children's & YA
        November 2019

        Claire Malone Changes the World

        by Nadia L. King / Alisa Knatko

        Swedish schoolgirl, Greta Thunberg has captured the world’s attention as she campaigns to raise awareness of climate change and calls world leaders to account. All children can follow Greta’s lead. Claire Malone is the hero of Claire Malone Changes the World, a feisty character with boundless energy to change her world for the better. Armed with her typewriter and the determination to make a difference, Claire is an ordinary kid with an extraordinary desire to change things for the better. Writing letter after letter, Claire advocates for change. One day she notices that her local park needs upgrading and she commits wholeheartedly to the cause. This an empowering and inspiring picture book for young children but especially for girls. You will love the journey of Claire, a strong and ambitious girl, so much that you will want to read this book over and over again.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2013

        Tyrants of Sicily by Hugo Falcandus

        by Graham Loud, Thomas Wiedemann

        This book is our principal source for the history of the Kingdom of Sicily in the troubled years between the death of its founder, King Roger, in February 1154 and the spring of 1169. It covers the reign of Roger's son, King William I, known to later centuries as 'the Bad', and the minority of the latter's son, William II 'the Good'. The book illustrates the revival of classical learning during the twelfth-century renaissance. It presents a vivid and compelling picture of royal tyranny, rebellion and factional dispute at court. Sicily had historically been ruled by tyrants, and that the rule of the new Norman kings could be seen, for a variety of reasons, as a revival of that classical tyranny. A more balanced view of Sicilian history of the period 1153-1169 has been provided as an appendix to the translation in the section of the contemporary world chronicle ascribed to Archbishop Romuald II of Salerno, who died in April 1181. In particular the chronicle of Romuald enables us to see how the papal schism of 1159 and the simultaneous dispute between the German Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and the north Italian cities affected the destiny of the kingdom of Sicily. In contrast to the shadowy figure of Hugo Falcandus, the putative author of the principal narrative of mid-twelfth-century Sicilian history, Romuald II, Archbishop of Salerno 1153-1181, is well-documented.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Silk and empire

        by Brenda King

        In this book, Brenda M. King challenges the notion that Britain always exploited its empire. Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship were all part of the Anglo-Indian silk trade and were nurtured in the era of empire through mutually beneficial collaboration. The trade operated within and without the empire, according to its own dictates and prospered in the face of increasing competition from China and Japan. King presents a new picture of the trade, where the strong links between Indian designs, the English silk industry and prominent members of the English the arts and crafts movement led to the production of beautiful and luxurious textiles. Lavishly illustrated, this book will be of interest to those interested in the relationship between the British Empire and the Indian subcontinent, as well as by historians of textiles and fashion.

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