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        June 2012

        Die UdSSR und die deutsche Frage 1941–1949. Dokumente aus russischen Archiven. 4 Bände. Bearb. und hrsg. von Jochen P. Laufer / Georgij P. Kynin unter Mitarbeit von Viktor Knoll (Bd. 1–3) / Kathrin König (Bd. 4) / Reinhard Preuß (Bd. 4).

        Bd. 1: 22. Juni 1941 – 8. Mai 1945. Tab., Abb.; CXVI, 715 S.; Bd. 2: 9. Mai 1945 – 3. Oktober 1946. Tab., Abb.; CXLVIII, 805 S.; Bd. 3: 6. Oktober 1946 – 15. Juni 1948. Tab., Abb.; CXVI, 780 S.; Bd. 4: 18. Juni 1948 – 5. November 1949. CXXX, 736 S.

        by Herausgegeben von Laufer, Jochen P.; Herausgegeben von Kynin, Georgij P.; Mitherausgeber Knoll, Viktor

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        The environment
        May 1997

        Phosphorus Loss from Soil to Water

        by Edited by H Tunney, P C Brookes, A E Johnston

        Phosphorus is an essential element for plant growth and its input has long been recognised as necessary to maintain profitable crop production. However, phosphorus inputs can also increase the biological activity of surface waters and this can lead to the destruction of such aquatic ecosystems. Advanced eutrophication of surface water leads to problems with its use for fisheries, recreation, industry and drinking, due to the increased growth of undesirable algae and aquatic weeds, and oxygen shortages caused by their death and decomposition. It is therefore important to have a good understanding of the causes and mode of phosphorus loss from soil to water, to enable the problems to be controlled and managed. This book has been developed from an international workshop held in Ireland in late 1995. It is the first comprehensive consideration of the topic, and many leading researchers in the area have contributed to it. It is essential reading for all soil scientists and freshwater biologists, as well as for environmentalists, ecologists and agriculturalists concerned with sustainable land management and pollution. The book is also recommended to fisheries managers, fertilizer manufacturers and biologists working for water utilities.

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        Das P-Prinzip

        Naturgesetze im Rechnenden Raum

        by Herbert W Franke

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        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        April 2017

        Fish Viruses and Bacteria

        Pathobiology and Protection

        by Patrick T K Woo, Rocco C Cipriano

        Taking a disease-based approach, Fish Viruses and Bacteria: Pathobiology and Protection focuses on the pathobiology of and protective strategies against the most common, major microbial pathogens of economically important marine and freshwater fish. The book covers well-studied, notifiable piscine viruses and bacteria, including new and emerging diseases which can become huge threats to local fish populations in new geographical regions if transported there via infected fish or eggs. A concise but thorough reference work, this book: - Covers key viral and bacterial diseases of notable fish species; - Reviews major well-established piscine pathogens as well as new, emerging and notifiable diseases; and - Contains the most up-to-date research contributed by a team of over fifty world experts. An invaluable bench book for fish health consultants, veterinarians and all those wanting instant access to information, this book is also a useful textbook for students specializing in fish health and research scientists initiating fish disease research programmes. ; Taking a disease-based approach, this book focuses on the pathobiology of and protective strategies against the most common, major microbial pathogens of economically important marine and freshwater fish. It covers well-studied, notifiable piscine viruses and bacteria, including new and emerging diseases. ; 1: Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus, Arun K. Dhar, Scott LaPatra, Andrew Orry and F.C. Thomas Allnutt 2: Infectious Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus, Jo-Ann C. Leong and Gael Kurath 3: Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Virus, John S. Lumsden 4: Epizootic Haematopoietic Necrosis and European Catfish Virus, Paul Hick, Ellen Ariel and Richard Whittington 5: Oncogenic Viruses: Oncorhynchus masou Virus and Cyprinid Herpesvirus, Mamoru Yoshimizu, Hisae Kasai, Yoshihiro Sakoda, Nanako Sano and Motohiko Sano 6: Infectious Salmon Anaemia, Knut Falk and Maria Aamelfot 7: Spring Viraemia of Carp, Peter Dixon and David Stone 8: Channel Catfish Viral Disease, Larry A. Hanson and Lester H. Khoo 9: Largemouth Bass Viral Disease, Rodman G. Getchell and Geoffrey H. Groocock 10: Koi Herpesvirus Disease, Keith Way and Peter Dixon 11: Viral Encephalopathy and Retinopathy, Anna Toffan 12: Iridoviral Diseases: Red Sea Bream Iridovirus and White Sturgeon Iridovirus, Yasuhiko Kawato, Kuttichantran Subramaniam, Kazuhiro Nakajima,Thomas Waltzek and Richard Whittington 13: Alphaviruses in Salmonids, Marius Karlsen and Renate Johansen 14: Aeromonas salmonicida and A. hydrophila, Bjarnheidur K. Gudmundsdottir and Bryndis Bjornsdottir 15: Edwardsiella spp., Matt J. Griffin, Terrence E. Greenway and David J. Wise 16: Flavobacterium spp.: F. psychrophilum, F. columnare and F. branchiophilum, Thomas P. Loch and Mohamed Faisal 17: Francisella noatunensis, Esteban M. Soto and John P. Hawke 18: Mycobacterium spp., David T. Gauthier and Martha W. Rhodes 19: Photobacterium damselae, John P. Hawke 20: Piscirickettsia salmonis, Jerri Bartholomew, Kristen D. Arkush and Esteban M. Soto 21: Renibacterium salmoninarum, Diane G. Elliott 22: Streptococcus iniae and S. agalactiae, Craig A. Shoemaker, De-Hai Xu and Esteban M. Soto 23: Vibriosis: Vibrio anguillarum, V. ordalii and Aliivibrio salmonicida, Alicia E. Toranzo, Beatriz Magariños and Ruben Avendaño-Herrera 24: Weissella ceti, Timothy J. Welch, David P. Marancik and Christopher M. Good 25: Yersinia ruckeri, Michael Ormsby and Robert Davies

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        Geography & the Environment
        August 2022

        Key Questions in Environmental Toxicology

        A Study and Revision Guide

        by J P F D'Mello

        Key Questions in Environmental Toxicology is designed as a self-study tool for undergraduate students. Questions review the origin, characterization and environmental distribution of major pollutants, followed by their absorption and metabolic disposition in living organisms. They address implications for the development of cancer, cardiovascular disease, pulmonary dysfunction and neurological conditions in relation to gaseous pollutants, particulates, persistent organic compounds and radioactive emissions, then cover the impact of pollutants on biodiversity, food safety, and water contamination. This book: - Covers toxicology from human morbidity, ecological impact and biodiversity perspectives, and emphasises the impact of diverse organic pollutants in worsening these interconnected phenomena, leading to wider environmental emergencies; - Provides a selection of fill-in-the-gap, multiple choice and short answer question types for students to vary their learning and enhance motivation; - Includes full answer rationales, allowing students to gain true insight into the subject. Providing support to programmes across environmental science, ecology and human health, and covering all the major biological toxins and pollutants as well as unintended consequences of actions designed to improve outcomes, this book may be used in conjunction with the companion volume Introduction to Environmental Toxicology.

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        Kaspar Hauser’s Brothers and Sisters. In search of the wild man

        by P. J. Blumenthal

        What makes human beings human? Is it a life in society that makes us what we are? We often hear stories of persons who have survived in the wild without social contact or who were supposedly raised by wild animals. Kaspar Hauser is probably the most well-known example, but certainly not the only one. P. J. Blumenthal has taken up the hunt for the “wild man” Homo ferus on the boundary between man and animal.

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        Ni Dieu - ni metre

        Anarchistische Bemerkungen zur Bewusstseins- und Erkenntnistheorie

        by Hans P Duerr

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        September 2006

        Herr P. P. Rubens

        Von der Kunst, berühmt zu werden

        by Büttner, Nils

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        September 2013

        Die irgendwie richtige Richtung

        Eine Pilgerreise

        by Gideon Lewis-Kraus

        »Jakobsweg – Zielstrebigkeit – 10. Juni«. Was soll das? Er kann sich beim besten Willen nicht mehr erinnern, warum er das in sein Notizbuch geschrieben hat. Gideon ruft seinen Freund Tom an, und der weiß es. Sie sind zum gemeinsamen Pilgern verabredet. Am 10. Juni geht es los. Der Weg ist das Ziel, alles andere ist egal. Hauptsache, die Richtung stimmt, irgendwie. Santiago di Compostela ist weit entfernt, aber Berlin mit seinen Galerieeröffnungen, Bars und Clubs glücklicherweise auch. Pilgernd will er sich von den Zwängen der grenzenlosen Freiheit befreien. Und der ersten großen Krise seines Lebens entkommen, in die er geriet, als der Vater, ein schwuler Rabbi aus New Jersey, die Familie verließ, um mit seinem Freund zusammenzuziehen. Pilgernd kommt er dem eigenen Glück und dem Mysterium seiner Familie, Vaters verborgenem Leben, auf die Spur. Zum Schluss hat sich etwas verändert. Er hat sich verändert. Er hat das Rätsel seines Lebens gelöst. »Im Verlauf eines Jahres, im Verlauf dieses schönen, lebensklugen, drogen-, freundschaft- und sexverherrlichenden Buches wird Gideon Lewis-Kraus geradezu in eine Pilgerschaftsabhängigkeit geraten und von Ort zu Ort ziehen, fort aus der Welt der unendlichen Freiheiten oder der unendlichen Abhängigkeiten, hinüber in die Wanderwelt der Notwendigkeit.« Volker Weidermann, FAS

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2010

        P. S. Ich töte dich

        13 Zehn-Minuten-Thriller

        by Herausgegeben von Fitzek, Sebastian

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