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Anette Krischer
ANETTE KRISCHER is author, editor and self-publisher of THE MOVIE BUFF'S ULTIMATE GUIDE TO EXPERIENCING PARIS, which is published in German, English and French. The book was written according to her idea and during the time she lived in Paris. She has done the following work herself: Idea, research, photography, selection and creation of the film clips, texts, layout, production, distribution and marketing. The book was presented as part of a special exhibition at the Filmmuseum Frankfurt in a specially built Parisian café setting. She is a media scientist and lives in Berlin.
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Promoted ContentApril 2013
Killing Kennedy
Das Ende des amerikanischen Traums
by Bill, O'Reilly; Dugard, Martin / Übersetzt von Jendricke, Bernhard; Übersetzt von Zybak, Maria
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February 2007Jackie Kennedy Onassis
Ein leidenschaftliches Leben
by Bradford, Sarah / Übersetzt von Dudas, Petra
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May 1996The Church of John F. Kennedy
by Thomas Meinecke
Auf der Suche nach den transatlantischen Luftwurzeln der europäischen - und vor allem auch: der deutschen - Kultur in Amerika bewahrheitet sich dem Reisenden Wenzel Assmann die These, daß die USA zwar imstande sind, die ganze Welt über den Einheitskamm ihres »Way of Life« zu scheren, daß sie nach innen jedoch eine bis heute äußerst heterogene Kulturlandschaft voller weißer Flecken und schwarzer Löcher aufweisen. Jene Kadenzen, die von den einzelnen ethnischen Gruppierungen der Salatschüssel U.S.A. auf die europäische Nationalstaatlichkeit, der sie einst entflohen sind, angestimmt werden, erscheinen dabei als nach wie vor utopischer Vielklang, der in krassem Gegensatz zu den engstirnigen Bestrebungen des während seines sogenannten Einigungsprozesses in lärmende National- und wütende Kleinstaaterei zerfallenden Europas steht.
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The ArtsMay 2012Troy Kennedy Martin
by Lez Cooke, Jonathan Bignell, Sarah Cardwell, Steven Peacock
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1989Ich tötete Kennedy
Eindrücke, Beobachtungen und Erinnerungen eines Leibwächters
by Vázquez Montalbán, Manuel
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January 1993John F. Kennedy - Wilde Jugend
Leben und Tod eines amerikanischen Präsidenten. Band I
by Hamilton, Nigel / Englisch Brumm, Walter
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Hospital infectionsNovember 1997Occupational Blood-borne Infections
Risk and Management
by Edited by Christopher H Collins, D A Kennedy
Many health professionals may be exposed to, and undertake the collection and handling of blood or its products, whether it be for analysis and diagnosis or more specifically for transfusion. Other workers in a variety of public services, such as the police and community care, also routinely encounter situations in which exposure to blood through such incidents as needle stick injuries is a serious issue. This timely book describes the diversity of risks faced within these differing settings and sets out the methods by which these risks can be reduced or managed. The authors describe the various blood-borne disease-causing agents and their epidemiology, including hepatitis B, C and D, HIV viruses and bacterial, protozoal and helminthic organisms. Prevention of infection is discussed thoroughly and existing standard procedures are reviewed. Detection, decontamination and post-exposure procedures are also examined. This book is an essential resource for all physicians, general practitioners, nursing and dental staff and laboratory workers who collect and handle blood. It is important reading for all those undertaking medical training, especially those studying for postgraduate qualifications in pathology, infection control and microbiology. It is also a valuable reference source for all public service workers such as the police, prison officers, and community and social workers.