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Trusted PartnerThe ArtsDecember 2007
J. M. W. Turner
The making of a modern artist
by Sam Smiles, Alan Rutter
Alone of his contemporaries, J.M.W. Turner is commonly held to have prefigured modern painting, as signalled in the existence of The Turner Prize for contemporary art. Our celebration of his achievement is very different to what Victorian critics made of his art. This book shows how Turner was reinvented to become the artist we recognise today. On Turner's death in 1851 he was already known as an adventurous, even baffling, painter. But when the Court of Chancery decreed that the contents of his studio should be given to the nation, another side of his art was revealed that effected a wholescale change in his reputation. This book acts as a guide to the reactions of art writers and curators from the 1850s to the 1960s as they attempted to come to terms with his work. It documents how Turner was interpreted and how his work was displayed in Britain, in Europe and in North America, concentrating on the ways in which his artistic identity was manipulated by art writers, by curators at the Tate and by designers of exhibitions for the British Council and other bodies. ;
Trusted PartnerJanuary 1990
Das hoffnungslose Leben der Anna M.
Bericht über eine Schizophrenie. (Persönliche Erfahrungen mit Krisen)
by Schulz, Bernd J
Trusted PartnerFebruary 1982
Das Problem der Relevanz
by Alfred Schütz, Richard M. Zaner, Alexander Baeyer, Richard M. Zaner, Thomas Luckmann
»In seinen Bemühungen um eine exakte Analyse der Konstitution von Typisierungen, die der Orientierung und der Praxis in der vergesellschafteten Alltagswelt zugrundeliegen, [drängte sich Alfred Schütz] die Notwendigkeit einer Relevanztheorie auf. Die selektive Aufmerksamkeit des Bewußtseins, die Typisierungen der Welt in der natürlichen Einstellung wie auch die Kategorien ›theoretischer‹ Interpretation, der eigentümliche Rhythmus von Phantasie und praktischem Handeln, das Wirken auf die Außenwelt – all diese Vorgänge führen früher oder später auf Interessenkonstellationen zurück. Aber was ist das ›Interesse‹ bzw. was sind die ›Interessen‹, die sowohl hinter gleichsam automatischen kognitiven Vorgängen, verwickelten Handlungsmotiven und theoretischen Bewußtseinsleistungen stehen? Die vorliegende Studie stellt den ersten – und mit Ausnahme einer auf dieser Studie beruhenden Skizze für die »Strukturen der Lebenswelt« einzigen – Versuch von Schütz dar, diese Fragen systematisch zu behandeln.« (Thomas Luckmann)
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Inglés para estudiantes universitarios de matemáticas
by Prof. J. Golan y el Dr. M. Bensoussan.
Inglés para estudiantes universitarios de matemáticas - por el Prof. J. Golan y el Dr. M. Bensoussan. El objetivo de este conciso cuaderno de 64 páginas, concebido especialmente para estudiantes extranjeros que planean cursar estudios avanzados de matemáticas en universidades anglo-parlantes, es permitir al lector pueda comprender escritura técnica matemática. El libro está compuesto de 12 textos de nivel matemático universitario, especialmente escritos para destacar los aspectos diferentes del estilo matemático técnico. Cada texto comprende ejercicios que examinan la comprensión de texto de los estudiantes, adquisición de vocabulario, y conocimientos de algunos de los temas más sutiles de la escritura matemática. Una edición bilingüe en japonés de este libro fué publicada en Tokio por Maruzen Co., Ltd.
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesAugust 2018
The Grand Canal
by Xia Jianyong
As the longest canal in the world, the Grand Canal connects five rivers in the land of China. This human-made river not only witnessed history of several dynasties, but also made great contribution to the economic, cultural, and political unification of the southern and northern China. This title explores large amount of historical materials concerning the Grand Canal, picturing a complete record of the canal during 2000 years.
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by Prof. J. Golan and Dr. M. Bensoussan
ENGLISH FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS OF MATHEMATICS Prof. J. Golan and Dr. M. Bensoussan The purpose of this concise 64-page workbook, designed especially for foreign-language students who plan to pursue advanced studies in mathematics at English-speaking universities, is to teach them how to comprehend technical writing in mathematics. The book is composed of twelve texts in university-level mathematics, especially written to highlight different aspects of technical mathematical style. Each text is followed by exercises intended to check the students’ comprehension of the text, acquisition of vocabulary, and awareness of some of the fine points of mathematical writing. A bilingual Japanese-language edition of this title was published and reprinted in Tokyo by Maruzen Co., Ltd. 160 pages, 15X23 cm
Trusted PartnerTechnology, Engineering & AgricultureApril 2017
Fish Viruses and Bacteria
Pathobiology and Protection
by Patrick T K Woo, Rocco C Cipriano
Taking a disease-based approach, Fish Viruses and Bacteria: Pathobiology and Protection focuses on the pathobiology of and protective strategies against the most common, major microbial pathogens of economically important marine and freshwater fish. The book covers well-studied, notifiable piscine viruses and bacteria, including new and emerging diseases which can become huge threats to local fish populations in new geographical regions if transported there via infected fish or eggs. A concise but thorough reference work, this book: - Covers key viral and bacterial diseases of notable fish species; - Reviews major well-established piscine pathogens as well as new, emerging and notifiable diseases; and - Contains the most up-to-date research contributed by a team of over fifty world experts. An invaluable bench book for fish health consultants, veterinarians and all those wanting instant access to information, this book is also a useful textbook for students specializing in fish health and research scientists initiating fish disease research programmes. ; Taking a disease-based approach, this book focuses on the pathobiology of and protective strategies against the most common, major microbial pathogens of economically important marine and freshwater fish. It covers well-studied, notifiable piscine viruses and bacteria, including new and emerging diseases. ; 1: Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus, Arun K. Dhar, Scott LaPatra, Andrew Orry and F.C. Thomas Allnutt 2: Infectious Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus, Jo-Ann C. Leong and Gael Kurath 3: Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia Virus, John S. Lumsden 4: Epizootic Haematopoietic Necrosis and European Catfish Virus, Paul Hick, Ellen Ariel and Richard Whittington 5: Oncogenic Viruses: Oncorhynchus masou Virus and Cyprinid Herpesvirus, Mamoru Yoshimizu, Hisae Kasai, Yoshihiro Sakoda, Nanako Sano and Motohiko Sano 6: Infectious Salmon Anaemia, Knut Falk and Maria Aamelfot 7: Spring Viraemia of Carp, Peter Dixon and David Stone 8: Channel Catfish Viral Disease, Larry A. Hanson and Lester H. Khoo 9: Largemouth Bass Viral Disease, Rodman G. Getchell and Geoffrey H. Groocock 10: Koi Herpesvirus Disease, Keith Way and Peter Dixon 11: Viral Encephalopathy and Retinopathy, Anna Toffan 12: Iridoviral Diseases: Red Sea Bream Iridovirus and White Sturgeon Iridovirus, Yasuhiko Kawato, Kuttichantran Subramaniam, Kazuhiro Nakajima,Thomas Waltzek and Richard Whittington 13: Alphaviruses in Salmonids, Marius Karlsen and Renate Johansen 14: Aeromonas salmonicida and A. hydrophila, Bjarnheidur K. Gudmundsdottir and Bryndis Bjornsdottir 15: Edwardsiella spp., Matt J. Griffin, Terrence E. Greenway and David J. Wise 16: Flavobacterium spp.: F. psychrophilum, F. columnare and F. branchiophilum, Thomas P. Loch and Mohamed Faisal 17: Francisella noatunensis, Esteban M. Soto and John P. Hawke 18: Mycobacterium spp., David T. Gauthier and Martha W. Rhodes 19: Photobacterium damselae, John P. Hawke 20: Piscirickettsia salmonis, Jerri Bartholomew, Kristen D. Arkush and Esteban M. Soto 21: Renibacterium salmoninarum, Diane G. Elliott 22: Streptococcus iniae and S. agalactiae, Craig A. Shoemaker, De-Hai Xu and Esteban M. Soto 23: Vibriosis: Vibrio anguillarum, V. ordalii and Aliivibrio salmonicida, Alicia E. Toranzo, Beatriz Magariños and Ruben Avendaño-Herrera 24: Weissella ceti, Timothy J. Welch, David P. Marancik and Christopher M. Good 25: Yersinia ruckeri, Michael Ormsby and Robert Davies
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social Sciences
The Defining Issue of the 21st Century
by Valorie M. Allen
The world is about to hit a population level of EIGHT BILLION people on one small planet. Through Allen’s analysis of the situation, the realization sets in that the fights by environmental and world aid groups are all for naught as every gain is soon overwhelmed by the pressures of more growth. Our planet's greatest threat is of too many people depleting the Earth's resources and contributing to climate change. Allen offers a thorough analysis of our environmental, social, political, and economic crises; then offers a treasure trove of solutions and success stories that we can all take to heart.
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Trusted Partner1990
Archaeologia Homerica. Die Denkmäler und das frühgriechische Epos / (Lfg G - NO)
Einbanddecke mit Titelei zu den Lieferungen G - NO
by Begründet von Matz, Friedrich; Begründet von Buchholz, Hans G; Herausgegeben von Buchholz, Hans G
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Trusted PartnerAugust 1999
Das Frankfurter Goethe-Haus
by Hans-Georg Dewitz, Petra Maisak, Christoph Perels
Im Mittelpunkt des Ganzen steht ein übersichtlich gestalteter, reich bebilderter und lebendig kommentierter ›Führer‹, der zu einem Rundgang durch die Räume des Goethe-Hauses einlädt: von der Küche im Erdgeschoß bis hinauf in die Mansarde zum Dichterzimmer, in dem der junge Goethe am Stehpult seinen ›Götz‹ und ›Werther‹ schrieb.
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