Your Search Results

      • Agriculture & farming
        October 2016

        Inferential Statistics

        by K.S. Kushwaha

        The book is the outcome of 30 years of teaching experience of U.G., P.G. and Ph.D. students of different disciplines of Agriculture, Agril. Engg. and Agril Statistics in J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur. The book contains 9 chapters out of which Chapters (1-2) deals with the Point Estimation, (3) Interval estimation, (4-5) Test of hypothesis, (6) Sequential statistics, (7) Decision theory, (8) Linear estimation and (9) Theory of ordered statistics.

      • August 2020

        Geneva Girl - Todesursache unbekannt

        by K.S. Wagner

        Klappentext: Genf – das ist die Stadt der Diplomaten, Bankiers und Geheimdienste. Seit dem Tod ihres Vaters leidet die deutsche Politikstudentin Jana Hentze an Angststörungen und Klaustrophobie. Sie hat bereits eine Therapie abgebrochen und glaubt, durch Laufen all ihre Probleme zu lösen. Als sie ein Praktikum bei den Vereinten Nationen in Genf beginnt, scheinen zunächst alle Schwierigkeiten wie weggeblasen. Bis sie auf Dokumente stößt, die sie tatsächlich in Gefahr bringen. Gleichzeitig trifft ein Mann ein, der einen spektakulären Terroranschlag auf die UNO plant. Durch Zufall kreuzen sich ihre Wege … Buchbeschreibung: Eine hochbrisante Mischung aus Psychothriller und politischem Roman. Hat man einmal angefangen zu lesen, kann man diesen Thriller nicht mehr aus der Hand legen. Es geht um Liebe, Eifersucht, Schwarzgeld und Macht in einer der teuersten Städte der Welt: Genf. Dabei fängt für die Politikstudentin Jana Hentze hier alles so gut an. Sie hat eine der begehrten Praktikantenstellen bei den Vereinten Nationen ergattert und nach den ersten Wochen in der Jugendherberge endlich auch ein bezahlbares Zimmer in einer WG gefunden. Sie geht jeden Morgen an der Rhone laufen und ist sich sicher, alle psychischen Probleme in Deutschland zurückgelassen zu haben. Ihr afrikanischer Mitbewohner ist äußerst attraktiv und sie genießt es, mit ihm zu flirten. Was macht es da schon, dass ihre andere Mitbewohnerin eine ausgemachte Zicke und krankhaft eifersüchtig ist? Doch als Jana Hentze durch Zufall auf eine Datei mit Beweisen zum internationalen Waffenhandel während der Apartheid in Südafrika stößt, wendet sich das Blatt. Sie ahnt nicht, dass von nun an alle ihre Schritte überwacht werden und sie sich in tödlicher Gefahr befindet. Der Bankier René Schwan wird erpresst und soll vertrauliche Kundendaten preisgeben. Auf dem Genfer Autosalon lernt er den schwerreichen Sohn der saudischen Herrscherfamilie kennen und kann ihn als Klienten für die Privatbank Bartoldi gewinnen. Natürlich hätte man sogleich die Herkunft des Geldes genauer unter die Lupe nehmen müssen. Vielleicht hätte man dann die Bedrohung, die von seinem Vermögen ausgeht, noch rechtzeitig erkennen können? Aber Regeln sind für die anderen da. Für René Schwan zählen allein seine bevorstehende Partnerschaft in der Bank, die jährlichen Bonuszahlungen und der nächtliche Spaß mit einer schönen Frau. Das Compliance hat da irgendwie mitzuspielen. Doch diesmal hat er sich verrechnet und es beginnt ein persönlicher Albtraum. Eine Prostituierte wird ermordet und er gerät unter Mordverdacht. Dabei rückt der Tag des geplanten Anschlags auf die Vereinten Nationen immer näher. Lesen Sie den neuen Thriller »Geneva Girl – Todesursache unbekannt« von K.S. Wagner und freuen Sie sich auf Spannung bis zum Schluss. Geboren und aufgewachsen in Hamburg war K.S. Wagner viele Jahre als Texterin tätig. In Genf hat sie sechs Jahre gelebt und als Redakteurin in einer Marketingabteilung gearbeitet. Die Idee zu dem Roman »Geneva Girl – Todesursache unbekannt« entstand im Genfer Strandbad Bains des Paquis beim Lesen eines Artikels über den nie ganz aufgeklärten Tod des CDU-Politikers Uwe Barschel. Der ehemalige Ministerpräsident von Schleswig-Holstein wurde am 11. Oktober 1987 im Genfer Hotel Beau-Rivage vollständig bekleidet in der Badewanne aufgefunden und von einem Journalisten des Magazins Stern fotografiert. Das Foto des toten Politikers ging um die Welt.

      • Microbiology (non-medical)
        January 2022

        Functional Foods

        Processing and Packaging

        by Tanweer Alam, Saket Kushwaha, Arun Kumar & Sahar Masud

        To provide better understanding of use, benefits, significance and impact of functional food ingredients on human health and to disseminate the recent developments in such a rapidly expanding field, this book has been compiled and edited. There are seventeen chapters in this book which not only cover many aspects of functional foods and bioactive compounds from various natural sources and its impacts, but also discuss on sources and applications of natural antioxidants, probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics. The contributing authors are experts in their respective fields. This book will be of interest to a wide spectrum of professionals from food scientists and technologists, nutritionists, biochemists, and engineers to entrepreneurs worldwide. It will also serve as a unique reference for food scientists for the R&D departments of food companies that are working with functional foods and ingredients. Additionally, it will serve as a source of basic information for college and university students majoring in food science and technology, food processing, and engineering. Readers will obtain sound scientific knowledge about various aspects of nutraceuticals and functional foods or food ingredients, fermented functional food, various natural bioactive compounds and antioxidants.

      • Unknown Stanislavsky.

        Materials for performances, scenery motives, costume sketches, make-ups

        by Bubnova Marfa

        Director's library K.S. Stanislavsky is located in a separate special storage of the Moscow Art Theater Museum and only the curator, O.A. Radishcheva, had access to it. Researchers most often turn to this library when they know exactly what they want to find there. After the death of Olga Alexandrovna, in search of a sketch for the scenery of K.S. Stanislavsky to the play "Thomas" based on the story of F.M. Dostoevsky "The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants" the author of this book got access to this storage and drew attention to the album in a gray canvas binding with the inscription "Sketches by K.S. Alekseeva ". This album contained a wanted sketch and sketches for the performances of the Society of Literature and Art, created by Stanislavsky himself. The shock from the find was so great that I wanted to understand whether this was the only album. And then a miracle happened! More than ten albums with sketches and layouts of scenery, sketches of costumes and props, drawings from life and searches for makeup!

      • Geneva Girl - Motiv unbekannt

        by K.S. Wagner

        Ein scheinbar geistig verwirrter Mann erschießt in Genf den Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen. Jana Hentze steht direkt neben ihm, als es passiert, und gilt als wichtigste Zeugin. Doch noch bevor es zu einem Prozess kommen kann, begeht der Täter Selbstmord. Doch er handelte nicht allein …

      • Geneva Girl - Tatort unbekannt

        by K.S. Wagner

        Auf der ganzen Welt sterben Menschen an einem unbekannten Virus. In Genf werden fünf chinesische Männer und drei Frauen ermordet. Außer ihrer Herkunft gibt es scheinbar keine Verbindung. War es ein Serientäter, ein Rassist? Die Spur zum Täter führt direkt an Jana Hentzes neuen Arbeitsplatz, zur Weltgesundheitsbehörde WHO.

      • Education

        Reforms and Issues in School Mathematics in East Asia

        Sharing and Understanding Mathematics Education Policies and Practices

        by Leung, F. K.S.

        Worldwide efforts to improve students' learning of mathematics have turned educational researchers' attention to some high-achieving education systems, especially those in East Asia including Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. However, there is much less sharing and learning of educational policy and practices that goes beyond one or two such high-achieving education systems. At this time when educational changes and reforms for improving students’ learning of mathematics are also underway within these high-achieving education systems in East Asia, it becomes timely and important for the world to learn why and how relevant changes take place across these selected education systems. This book has put together a set of papers that individually presents issues on the changing mathematics curriculum and teacher education in the six high-achieving education systems in East Asia. Collectively, the book extends beyond what we can learn about exemplary practices in individual education systems in East Asia. It helps us develop a better understanding of the interplay between various measures for the pursuit of excellence in mathematics curriculum and teacher education on the one hand, and the different system contexts on the other. The intended readers of the book include education policy makers, curriculum developers, researchers, teachers, teacher educators, and anyone else interested in school mathematics curriculum and teacher education.

      • Agriculture & farming
        August 2015

        Nanotechnology in Agriculture

        by K.S.Subramanian, K. Gunasekaran, N. Natarajan, C.R. Chinnamuthu, A. Lakshmanan & S .K. Rajkishore

        The word nano agriculture refers to the infusion of nanotechnology concepts and principles in agricultural sciences so as to develop processes and products that precisely deliver inputs and promote productivity without associated environmental harm. Nano Agriculture is quite appropriate in India in the context of changing scenarios in agricultural production systems which in the verge of transformation towards precision agriculture.

      • Horticulture
        September 2020

        Biointenstive Integreated Pest Management for Horticultural Crops

        by Anil Kumar, Swati Saha & Jagipal Singh Coudhary

        The book has covered recent techniques on bio-intensive integrated approaches of horticultural pests management. An attempt to compile information on non-chemical ways of pest management strategies including agronomic approaches to physical, mechanical, biopesticides, biocontrol agents, biorational pesticides etc. which are non harmful to environment and economically viable has been made. This book is a useful reference material for organic product producing farmers, researchers and students who are involved in bio-intensive pest management strategies.

      • Veterinary medicine
        August 2022

        Livestock Economics Marketing, Entrepreneurship Business Management & Accountancy

        2nd Fully Revised & Enlarged Edition

        by K.S. Gangadhar, K. Satyanarayan, K.C. Veeranna, V. Jagadeeswary, & J. Shilpa Shree

        It is a well known fact that each of the components of the course namely, livestock economics, marketing, entrepreneurship, business management and accountancy, forms an independent and separate study by itself. The libraries in the agricultural universities and veterinary universities are also not very much equipped with more number of books in these subjects. The book makes the task of teaching and learning easier, as all information on various topics connected to livestock economics, marketing, entrepreneurship, business management and accountancy in the form of a handbook, which will serve the needs of the teachers and students who are involved in this course work. The narration is done in a very simple way without complicating the information, presented with many graphs and mathematical expressions. This book would also benefit veterinary professionals and extension officers who are involved in promoting livestock entrepreneurship activities.

      • Intellectual property law
        January 2013


        Drafting,Interpretation of Patent Specifications and Claims

        by N.S.Rathore, S.M.Mathur, Preeti Mathur & Anshul Rathi

        This book guides the drafting of patent applications from a practical perspective an gives all knowhow required to with a patent. Intended as an introductory text, it covers the entire process of drafting of a patent application and includes many helpful examples or case studies, illustrating the process from start to finish. This book also includes papers on working of patents in India which will give an idea to patentee to how to keep his patent alive. Looking to the increasing awareness among the inventors, investors and scientists and the increasing cost of patent attorneys, editors tried to publish a book containing papers from patent attorneys, scientists and innovators with practical case studies.

      • Botany & plant sciences
        June 2020

        Plant Health Management

        by Gireesh Chand

        The book carries documents contributed by faculty members from all across the country on emerging disease threat, design effective management strategies through various conventional and modern approaches. The chapters in the book provide a current and detailed account of biotic and abiotic constraints that affect the crops, with comprehensive coverage of occurrence, distribution, economic importance, symptoms of biotic and abiotic constraints, disease cycle, epidemiology and sustainable disease management strategies.

      • Rural planning
        January 2014


        Systems and Prospects

        by C. B. Pandey & O. P. Chaturvedi

        The book includes total 26 chapters; the first 10 describe traditional agroforestry systems found in different parts of our country. Homegardens, having a multi-tire in structure, are another example of traditional agroforestry system found generally in northeast and southern part of our country. 11 to 14 deal with some modern agroforestry models, and mechanism of competitive interaction in found in agroforestry systems. 15 to 19 describes nutrient cycling and natural growth resources conservation by agroforestry systems. Tree has both protective as well as productive role. Tree canopies protect soils from rain beating and wind blowing whereas fine roots bind soil particles together and thereby protect soils from erosion. Trees recycle leaf and root litter and nutrients and make system at least semi-sustainable. Different models of agroforestry like shelterbelt and wind breaks are known to help protect environment from dust and sand dunes drifting; some models like medicinal plant based system that provide medicinal and other high value crops. These service oriented functions of agroforestry are described in 20 to 23. Tree improvement is an important aspect of agroforestry study. It helps develop plus trees for different agroforestry models. Multiplication of propgules and planting materials are equally important for development of agroforestry. These information are provided in s 24 and 25. But, agroforestry systems require much more parameters owing to their perennial nature. The last describes economic parameters like NPV, IRR, annuity, sensitivity etc. in detail.

      • Geology & the lithosphere
        May 2017

        Landslide Research

        The DST Initiative

        by SM. Ramasamy & Bhoop Singh

        The book Landslide Research- The DSTs Initiatives is a compilation of over 21 Scientific articles on various aspects of Landslides viz: Overviews, Earth system processes and Landslides, Landslide hazard Zonation mapping, Geotechnical investigations, instrumentation and early warning of Landslides, Satellite based monitoring of Landslides, site specific investigations etc. These articles are the outcome of the studies carried by various academicians, researchers and the research institutions under the funding of NRDMS/DST in different geological provinces of Indian subcontinent. These articles provide wider and deeper spectrum of information on earth system processes like post collision tectonics of Shillong plateau, Churachandpur-Mao fault and up-warping of Tirumalai hills and the Landslides; different geo-spatial and geo-statistical techniques and optimisation of methods for Landslide hazard zonation mapping from Western Ghats of South India, BIS based methods of LHZ mapping and Geotechnical investigations encompassing RMR, SMR & Kinematic studies of landslides of northeastern region; instrumentation and forewarning of Jakhri Landslides, wireless sensor based Landslide monitoring of Munnar (Kerala); SAR interferometery based monitoring of Nainital and Mansadevi landslides; and site specific landslides studies of Kailasaur (Himalayas), Rawana slides (Himachal Pradesh), geophysical studies of Landslides of Mizoram region, Malin landslides (Maharashtra) , techniques of diagnosing active movements from Nilgiris etc.

      • Biotechnology
        July 2021

        Flower Production and Gardening

        by P.K. Yadav & R.P.Singh

        Floriculture is a fast emerging and rapidly expanding industry through strong research and development. It covers all aspects related to commercial growing, marketing, arrangement of seeds and bulbs, plants, flowers etc. On the other hand gardening is all about the planning and planting of an area to secure a relationship between the landscape and plants to meet the human needs for beauty and function in the best way. The present title has been planned and designed to meet the long - felt need for a book covering major aspects of important floriculture crops. This book would serve as a reliable source of information about all the important and relevant aspects of floriculture and ornamental horticulture for various uses including production technology of export quality flowers to the persons who are associated with or working in floriculture with the latest information for further advancement. In this book important aspects of floriculture are explained in a concise and easy to understand format using simple and lucid language. Encompassing 32 chapters the book is a detailed summary of facts, figures yet in a comprehensive way.

      • Animal husbandry
        January 2013

        Genetic Improvement of Livestock and Poultry

        by C.V. Singh & R.S.Barwhal

        The book presents conventional and modern breeding technologies in the vital areas of animal breeding, to stimulate more research, and to rapidly pass such modern techniques to scientific community. Various conventional breeding technologies used for selection and faster multiplication of superior cattle and buffalo germplasm have contributed significantly to increase in milk production, which were mainly due to the technologies developed in the areas of quantitative genetics and reproductive biology. These included methodologies for selection of females based upon their expected producing ability and young males based on the performance of progeny. Emerging developments in the areas of molecular marker systems in animals, genome maps, methods of detecting Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) linkages, Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) etc., are latest tools to be used in breeding programmes for enhancing the rate of genetic progress. These modern techniques could be of great help for those traits, for which the conventional technologies have limitations in their use. Therefore, integration of molecular markers with conventional breeding technologies involving pedigree and phenotypic information are probable future breeding tools for genetic improvement of livestock and poultry.

      • Agriculture & farming
        October 2014

        Youth in Agriculture and Rural Development

        by K. Narayana Gowda, M.S. Nataraju & V. Veerabhadraiah

        During last one decade, rural India witnessed the continuous migration of rural youth to urban areas. This situation is very serious and alarming and the migration of rural youth created a vacuum in the villages. It has been observed and expressed by many enlightened persons that villages are becoming old age homes draining away the talented farm youth to stay away from farming. The contents of book covers the issues like youth-concept, characteristics, interests, aspirations; youth in natural resource management; ICT and rural youth; Extension approaches and strategies; SHGs and Group approaches; Mobilization of Rural Youth; Gender issues and women empowerment and successful case studies on farm youth. The major sub heads of the book are: Farm Youth In Agriculture, Capacity Building Of Rural Youth, Entrepreneurship Among Rural Youth, Rural Youth And Information Communication Technology, Women In Agriculture, Rural Youth In Integrated Farming, Leisure Time Utilization By Rural Youth, Case Studies On Rural Youth

      • Horticulture
        June 2011

        Fundamentals of Vegetable Production

        by M.K. Rana

        This book on fundamentals of vegetable production includes the on prospects and scope of vegetable farming, constraints in vegetable production, importance of vegetables in human nutrition, classification of vegetables, types of vegetable gardening, climatic impact on vegetable production, seed treatment, nursery management, sowing and transplanting, manures, fertilizers, biofertilizers, water management, mulching and weed management in vegetable crops since the information on the previously mentioned aspects is scattered at diverse sources. This book is self-contained document aimed at imparting elementary knowledge to the undergraduate and postgraduate students, Horticulture Development Officers of the State Horticulture Department and others who have interest in gaining basic knowledge in the field of vegetable crop production. Adoption of scientific knowledge will definitely be rewarding to the vegetable growers and the nation, which ultimately achieves the goal of obtaining higher production. This book is aimed at providing systematic information on all modern principles of vegetable production at a single source. The book contains latest information on fundamentals of vegetable production. The book has been written in a very simple language, which is easy to understand. It is believed that this book will find wide acceptability and undoubtedly assist the students in developing knowledge, skills and expertise regarding principle aspects of vegetable production. This book will prove to be a milestone for the undergraduate students of Agriculture and postgraduate students of Vegetable Science, teachers, Horticulture Extension Specialists, Horticulture Development Officers of the State Horticulture Department and it can also be of great use to the progressive farmers who are intended to take up vegetable cultivation either on a small or commercial scale.

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