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      • Bushel & Peck Books

        Bushel & Peck Books is the revolutionary children's book publisher with the Book-for-Book Promise: for every book they sell, the donate one to kids in need. Started in 2018 by couple David and Stephanie Miles, they publish beautifully illustrated, inspiring children's and novelty books that reimagine what a book can be.

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      • Nikkei Business Publications

        Every year, we publish more than 500 books, mooks and special editions, and over 600 books published by Nikkei BP and its group companies have already crossed borders. Around the world, "Nikkei" is the brand of solid trust associated with business, technology and lifestyle.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2007

        Das graue Heft

        by Josep Pla, Eberhard Geisler, J. M. Castellet, Eberhard Geisler

        Daß er Schriftsteller werden will, weiß dieser junge Mann sehr früh – schon mit zwanzig schreibt er für mehrere Zeitungen. Vor allem aber schreibt er für sich: Tagebuch. Kein strindbergsches Ringen mit sich selbst, kein Hadern mit Gott und der Welt – er blickt um sich, schaut zu und beschreibt. Er will »versuchen, das intellektuell Schwierigste auf dieser Welt zu bewerkstelligen: die Wirklichkeit am Schopfe packen und möglichst lebendig erfassen«. Er schreibt ohne jede Rhetorik, spürbar geprägt von der Lektüre Montaignes und Stendhals, ein früher Leser aber auch von Proust. Das graue Heft, in den Jahren 1918/19 niedergeschrieben, kompositorisch überarbeitet und fast fünfzig Jahre später veröffentlicht, zeigt einen Schriftsteller im Werden: spitze Beobachtungen, Reflexionen, kurze Erzählungen und Porträts. Es ist genau diese lebendige Art Prosa, die Josep Pla (1897 – 1981) neben Mercè Rodoreda zu dem bedeutendsten katalanischen Schriftsteller im 20. Jahrhundert machen wird. Er hat ein riesiges, vielfältiges Werk hinterlassen. Nur das Schreiben dicker Romane war seine Sache nicht; das kommt seinem Tagebuch sichtlich zugute.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2018

        The Grand Canal

        by Xia Jianyong

        As the longest canal in the world, the Grand Canal connects five rivers in the land of China. This human-made river not only witnessed history of several dynasties, but also made great contribution to the economic, cultural, and political unification of the southern and northern China. This title explores large amount of historical materials concerning the Grand Canal, picturing a complete record of the canal during 2000 years.

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        October 1994

        ... doch helfen musste ich mir selbst

        Opfer eines sadistischen Ehepaars. Doch niemand glaubt ihr ...

        by K., Silvia

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        Science & Mathematics
        January 2021

        Tropical Tuber Starches

        Structural and Functional Characteristics

        by S N Moorthy, M S Sajeev, R P K Ambrose, R J Anish

        This book provides comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge relating to the morphological, structural, and functional characteristics of tuber starches, particularly in relation to their applications in food and industry. In recent years there has been significant progress and extensive research conducted on tropical root starches and especially on some of the lesser known tuber crop starches. There has also been a shift towards using biomaterials in place of synthetic materials in various applications. As researchers investigate the availability of natural products with similar properties, starch has been identified as a reliable alternative to these synthetic materials. Reflecting the growing body of research, Tropical Tuber Starches: - Explores the structure, properties and applications of tropical root and tuber starches (cassava, sweet potato, aroids, yams and other minor tuber crops) - Includes a chapter on the methodology for starch characterisation - Covers patents on starch-based products and the commercial potential of tropical root starches A valuable resource for researchers and students, plant breeders, and commercial producers working with, or considering working with, tropical tuber starches. Table of Contents 1: Introduction - Tropical Tuber Crops and Their Importance 2: Starch - General Considerations 3: Cassava 4: Sweet Potato 5: Aroids 6: Yams 7: Other Starches 8: Starch Modifications 9: Applications of Tuber Starches 10: Characterization and Analysis of Starches 11: Conclusions and Future Prospects

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2021

        Gib mir ein Herz


        by Bell, Anna

        Aus dem Englischen von Silvia Kinkel

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2004

        The Healing Arts

        Health, Disease and Society in Europe, 1500–1800

        by Peter Elmer

        Introduction - Peter Elmer 1 Medicine in western Europe in 1500 - Sachiko Kusukawa 2 The sick and their healers - Silvia De Renzi 3 The medical renaissance of the sixteenth century: Vesalius, medical humanism and bloodletting - Sachiko Kusukawa 4 Medicine and religion in sixteenth-century Europe - Ole Peter Grell 5 Chemical medicine and the challenge to Galenism: the legacy of Paracelsus, 1560-1700 - Peter Elmer 6 Policies of health: diseases, poverty and hospitals - Silvia De Renzi 7 Old and new models of the body - Silvia De Renzi 8 Women and medicine - Silvia De Renzi 9 The care and cure of mental illness - Peter Elmer 10 War, medicine and the military revolution - Ole Peter Grell 11 Environment, health and population - Mark Jenner 12 Medicine and health in the age of European colonialism - Andrew Wear 13 Organization, training and the medical marketplace in the eighteenth century - Laurence William Brockliss ;

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2011

        Falsche Freundin


        by Rosa Ribas, Peter Schwaar

        Ein tragischer Todesfall am Frankfurter Flughafen kommt Cornelia Weber-Tejedor gerade recht. Inkognito mischt sich die Kommissarin unter das Reinigungspersonal des Flughafens und flieht so aus ihrem verzwickten Privatleben. Mit Hilfe ihrer neuen Kollegin Elin, in der Cornelia eine Freundin gefunden hat, stößt sie schon bald auf den Chef eines Drogenhändlerrings. Als Elin plötzlich bedroht wird, begeht Cornelia einen fatalen Fehler … Mit »Falsche Freundin« legt die spanische Krimipreisträgerin Rosa Ribas einen rasanten, atmosphärisch dichten Kriminalroman vor, in dem die deutsch-spanische Kommissarin Cornelia Weber-Tejedor in die Tiefen des Frankfurter Flughafens eintaucht und dabei in die gefährlichen Machenschaften eines Drogennetzwerks gerät.

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        Art: general interest (Children's/YA)

        Títeres trashumantes (Transhumant puppets)

        by Mario Martín del Campo, Silvia Eugenia Castillero

        In the stretch of emptyness where no one dwells, changing beings are born as drops, as enigmas, as suspension points... They take a little bit of light and then steal shade from darkness. Thus these puppets grow strong, stealthy, and alive in the multiple sceneries of their theatre.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences


        The Defining Issue of the 21st Century

        by Valorie M. Allen

        The world is about to hit a population level of EIGHT BILLION people on one small planet. Through Allen’s analysis of the situation, the realization sets in that the fights by environmental and world aid groups are all for naught as every gain is soon overwhelmed by the pressures of more growth. Our planet's greatest threat is of too many people depleting the Earth's resources and contributing to climate change. Allen offers a thorough analysis of our environmental, social, political, and economic crises; then offers a treasure trove of solutions and success stories that we can all take to heart.

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        The Arts
        September 2024

        Cases of citation

        On literature in art

        by Chloe Julius, Michael Green, Matthew Holman

        Cases of citation presents a history of artists who incorporated literary references into their work from the 1960s onwards. Through a series of object-focused chapters that each take up a singular 'case of citation', the collection considers how literary citation emerged as a viable and urgent strategy for artists during this period. It surveys eleven artworks by a diverse group of artists - including David Wojnarowicz, Lis Rhodes, Romare Bearden and Silvia Kolbowski - whose citations draw on works as varied as Karl Marx's Das Kapital and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. The book also features an interview with pioneering feminist artist Elaine Reichek that discusses her career-long commitment to working with text. Together, the artworks and cited texts are approached from various critical angles, with each author questioning and complicating the ways in which we can 'read' textual citations in art.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2023

        Doppelt geliebt hält besser


        by Bell, Anna

        Aus dem Englischen von Silvia Kinkel

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