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      • John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

        Wiley helps people and organizations develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. Our online scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals, combined with our digital learning, assessment and certification solutions help universities, learned societies, businesses, governments and individuals increase the academic and professional impact of their work. For more than 200 years, we have delivered consistent performance to our stakeholders. Research Our Research business provides scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals as well as related content and services, for academic, corporate, and government libraries, learned societies, and individual researchers and professionals. Through Wiley Online Library we provide online access to a broad range of content from over 1,600 journals and 9,000+ books, including many reference works and databases. Wiley is the world's largest society publisher, partnering with 900+ learned societies worldwide, and helping to advance their missions. A transformational part of our Research business is Atypon, a publishing-software and service provider, who Wiley acquired in 2016. Atypon's Literatum platform hosts nearly 9,000 journals, 13 million journal articles, and more than 1,800 publication web sites for over 1500 societies and publishers. Publishing Our Publishing business provides scientific, professional development, and education books and related content, as well as test preparation services and course workflow tools, to libraries, corporations, students, professionals, and researchers. Our educational materials are available in all media, notably through WileyPLUS, our integrated online suite of teaching and learning resources. Solutions Our Workplace Learning Solutions business creates products and assessment services geared toward organizational and professional development. By bringing the ideas and best practices of thought leaders to life, we help people achieve career success and build better workplaces worldwide. Our premium solutions include Everything DiSC®, The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive TeamTM, The Leadership Challenge®, CrossKnowledge, and PXT SelectTM.

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        January 1997

        Die Frau, die im Mondlicht aß

        Die uralte Weisheit von Märchen und Mythen hilft Frauen, Essstörungen zu überwinden

        by Johnston, Anita / Übersetzt von Charpentier, Annette von; Illustriert von Atelier Höpfner-Thoma

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        August 2024

        Death TV

        Dein Tod steht im Programm

        by Johnston, Bryan

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Sabine Schilasky

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        Politics & government
        March 2009

        The Boundary Commissions

        Redrawing the UK's map of Parliamentary constituencies

        by David Rossiter, R.J. Johnston, Charles Pattie

        Available in paperback for the first time, this work of original scholarship is the first to trace in full detail how the UK's system for defining parliamentary constituencies has evolved since the Great Reform Act of 1832 and how the eight redistrictings since then were undertaken. Particular attention is paid to the five redistrictings that have been undertaken by the independent Boundary Commissions established in 1944, with a detailed study of all aspects of their work on the most recent review of all constituencies. The book is both a standard reference work on redistribution in the UK and provides the only detailed insight into how that task is currently undertaken, based on a study of the relevant documents and interviews with over a hundred of those most closely involved. The book will be essential for all those interested in the British constitution, and administrators concerned with making the constitution successful, as well as politicians.

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        The environment
        May 1997

        Phosphorus Loss from Soil to Water

        by Edited by H Tunney, P C Brookes, A E Johnston

        Phosphorus is an essential element for plant growth and its input has long been recognised as necessary to maintain profitable crop production. However, phosphorus inputs can also increase the biological activity of surface waters and this can lead to the destruction of such aquatic ecosystems. Advanced eutrophication of surface water leads to problems with its use for fisheries, recreation, industry and drinking, due to the increased growth of undesirable algae and aquatic weeds, and oxygen shortages caused by their death and decomposition. It is therefore important to have a good understanding of the causes and mode of phosphorus loss from soil to water, to enable the problems to be controlled and managed. This book has been developed from an international workshop held in Ireland in late 1995. It is the first comprehensive consideration of the topic, and many leading researchers in the area have contributed to it. It is essential reading for all soil scientists and freshwater biologists, as well as for environmentalists, ecologists and agriculturalists concerned with sustainable land management and pollution. The book is also recommended to fisheries managers, fertilizer manufacturers and biologists working for water utilities.

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        Politics & government
        June 2001

        From votes to seats

        The operation of the UK electoral system since 1945

        by Ron Johnston, Charles Pattie, Danny Dorling, David Rossiter

        The British electoral system treats parties disproportionately and differentially. This original study of the fourteen general elections held between 1950 and 1997 shows that the amount of bias in those election results increased substantially over the period, benefiting Labour at the expense of the Conservatives. Labour's advantage peaked at the 1997 general election when, even assuming there had been an equal share of the votes for the two parties, it would have won 82 more seats than its opponents. This situation came about because of different aspects of two well-known electoral abuses - malapportionment and gerrymandering. With the use of imaginative diagrams the book examines these processes in detail, illustrating how they operate and stresses the important role of tactical voting in the production of recent election results.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2025

        Strange matter

        Medieval disruptions of time

        by Martin Bleisteiner, Jan-Peer Hartmann, Andrew James Johnston

        Medieval and early modern texts reflect a fascination with material objects, from ancient heirlooms to ingenious automata. Often imbued with power or beauty, these objects carry an uncanny sense of otherness, their mysterious origins evoking wonder and suggesting temporal and spatial distance. Acting as repositories of temporal alterity, such artefacts bridge the past and present in profound ways. This volume, featuring contributions from experts in literature and art history, explores how texts from these periods use material objects to engage with temporal otherness. From everyday items to marvellous creations, objects challenge distinctions between human and material, natural and cultural. Whether examining the hybrid status of Hector's body in Lydgate's Troy Book or the temporal agency of humble bubbles, the chapters illuminate the vibrant networks connecting people and objects. By highlighting the 'hybridity' of matter, the book offers fresh insights into Bruno Latour's critique of nature-culture divides.

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        Global warming
        December 2015

        Climate Change and Agricultural Water Management in Developing Countries

        by Edited by Chu T Hoanh, Vladimir Smakhtin, Robyn Johnston.

        The book provides an analysis of impacts of climate change on water for agriculture, and the adaptation strategies in water management to deal with these impacts. Chapters include an assessment at global level, with details on impacts in various countries. Adaptation measures including groundwater management, water storage, small and large scale irrigation to support agriculture and aquaculture are presented. Agricultural implications of sea level rise, as a subsequent impact of climate change, are also examined.

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