The vegan revolution and its future markets
by Joël Luc Cachelin
— A practical guide on how an entirely vegan society can work — A thought-provoking utopia – exactly what we need right now — By the futurologist and founder of the Wissensfabrik ("Knowledge Factory") with a large network We're on an idyllic, albeit fictional, archipelago in the North Sea. Nobody keeps an animal against its will here, and no one sells the materials obtained from killing an animal. No animals are used in agriculture or for research, beauty and food industries. There are no zoos, and there's no animal testing. No one wears wool or leather. Vegania is entirely vegan. Now Karnivoria wants to follow suit, and asks Vegania for advice: how can an entirely different society work; how is it possible to move away from animal products, and how would this affect the catering and food industries and agriculture? An exciting scientific experiment that Joël Luc Cachelin underpins with linguistic sophistication and scientific expertise in this extraordinary book about the possibilities of a livestock-free society.