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      • Great Little Britain Literary Agency

        Great Little Britain is an independent literary agent representing a group of authors and fictional works ranging from crime to domestic suspense, chick lit to children's books.

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      • BRILL

        Founded in 1683 in Leiden, the Netherlands, Brill is a leading international academic publisher in Asian Studies, Classical Studies, History, Middle East and Islamic Studies, Biblical and Religious Studies, Language & Linguistics, Philosophy and International Law to name but a few. With offices in Leiden (NL), Boston (US), Paderborn (GER), Singapore (SG) and Beijing (CN), Brill today publishes more than 300 journals and close to 1,400 new books and reference works each year, available in print and online. Brill also markets a large number of primary source research collections and databases. The company’s key customers are academic and research institutions, libraries, and scholars. Brill is a publicly traded company and is listed on Euronext Amsterdam NV.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2022

        Britain and its internal others, 1750–1800

        Under rule of law

        by Dana Rabin

        The rule of law, an ideology of equality and universality that justified Britain's eighteenth-century imperial claims, was the product not of abstract principles but imperial contact. As the Empire expanded, encompassing greater religious, ethnic and racial diversity, the law paradoxically contained and maintained these very differences. This book revisits six notorious incidents that occasioned vigorous debate in London's courtrooms, streets and presses: the Jewish Naturalization Act and the Elizabeth Canning case (1753-54); the Somerset Case (1771-72); the Gordon Riots (1780); the mutinies of 1797; and Union with Ireland (1800). Each of these cases adjudicated the presence of outsiders in London - from Jews and Gypsies to Africans and Catholics. The demands of these internal others to equality before the law drew them into the legal system, challenging longstanding notions of English identity and exposing contradictions in the rule of law.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2023

        The break-up of Greater Britain

        by Stuart Ward, Christian Pedersen

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2025

        The subject of Britain, 1603–25

        by Christopher Ivic

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2024

        Anti-racism in Britain

        Traditions, histories and trajectories, 1880-present

        by Saffron East, Grace Redhead, Theo Williams

        Concepts of 'race' and racism are central to British history. They have shaped, and been shaped by, British identities, economies and societies for centuries, from colonialism and enslavement to the 'hostile environment' of the 2010s. Yet state and societal racism has always been met with resistance. This edited volume collects the latest research on anti-racist action in Britain, and makes the case for a multifaceted, historically contingent 'tradition' of British anti-racism shaped by local, national and transnational contexts, networks and movements. Ranging from Pan-Africanist activism in the 1890s to mutual aid women's groups in the 1970s, from anti-racist trade union marches in Scotland to West African student groups in North East England - this book explores the continuities and interruptions in British anti-racism from the nineteenth century to the present day.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2010

        The Staphylinidae (rove beetles) of Britain and Ireland Part 5

        Scaphidiinae, Piestinae, Oxytelinae

        by Derek A. Lott

        With over 55,000 species described worldwide and over 1,000 of these recorded in Britain and Ireland, the Staphylinidae represent one of the most species rich families in the animal kingdom. This book is the first of a series of identification keys incorporating recent advances in the taxonomy of Staphylinidae into simple, easy-to-use keys. Illustrated keys are provided for the identification of the subfamilies of British Staphylinidae, with three subfamilies, Scaphidiinae, Piestinae and Oxytelinae, which form the Oxyteline group, being covered in full in this volume.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2010

        The Staphylinidae (rove beetles) of Britain and Ireland Parts 7 and 8

        Oxyporinae, Steninae, Euaesthetinae, Pseudopsinae, Paederinae, Staphylininae

        by Derek A. Lott, Roy Anderson

        With over 55,000 species described worldwide and over 1,000 of these recorded in Britain and Ireland, the Staphylinidae represent one of the most species rich families in the animal kingdom. Illustrated keys are provided for the identification of the subfamilies of British Staphylinidae. Five subfamilies, Oxyporinae, Steninae, Euaesthetinae, Pseudopsinae, Paederinae, Staphylininae are covered in full in this volume.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2020

        (B)ordering Britain

        Law, race and empire

        by Nadine El-Enany

        (B)ordering Britain argues that Britain is the spoils of empire, its immigration law is colonial violence and irregular immigration is anti-colonial resistance. In announcing itself as postcolonial through immigration and nationality laws passed in the 60s, 70s and 80s, Britain cut itself off symbolically and physically from its colonies and the Commonwealth, taking with it what it had plundered. This imperial vanishing act cast Britain's colonial history into the shadows. The British Empire, about which Britons know little, can be remembered fondly as a moment of past glory, as a gift once given to the world. Meanwhile immigration laws are justified on the basis that they keep the undeserving hordes out. In fact, immigration laws are acts of colonial seizure and violence. They obstruct the vast majority of racialised people from accessing colonial wealth amassed in the course of colonial conquest. Regardless of what the law, media and political discourse dictate, people with personal, ancestral or geographical links to colonialism, or those existing under the weight of its legacy of race and racism, have every right to come to Britain and take back what is theirs.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2006

        Devolution in Britain today

        Second edition

        by Russell Deacon, Bill Jones

        Devolution in Britain today provides a comprehensive analysis of both the historical development and the current state of devolved government. Devolution is now a key element in A-level syllabuses and on most undergraduate politics courses. This book is written in a clear and accessible style for students either encountering devolution for the first time or for those who need to explore the subject area in greater detail. All of the devolved bodies in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are examined. This book is a thorough update of the first edition, written by Colin Pilkington and published by MUP in 2002. The book explains the concept and background of devolution, and indicates the constitutional implications of political devolution in the United Kingdom before providing a full and considered historical background to devolution, including an explanation of how the United Kingdom came to be united. It then examines the historical and political events that surrounded the preparation of devolution across Britain, before addressing each country in turn, assessing the relative success of devolution in that country. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2026

        New Labour, new Britain

        How the Blair governments reshaped the country

        by Glen O’Hara

        A bold and balanced re-appraisal of New Labour in power. Rewriting the story of New Labour, Glen O'Hara challenges the prevailing narrative to present a more balanced and positive assessment. New Labour, new Britain is the first book to examine both the intentions behind New Labour's domestic policies and their real-world effects, moving beyond the entrenched left-right debates that have dominated the party's legacy. The period from 1997 to 2007 marked a pivotal moment in modern British history, as New Labour sought to reshape Britain into a more cohesive and forward-thinking society. It saw the rise of socially liberal attitudes and flourishing public services under a government committed to rebuilding and investing in them. Yet New Labour's track record was far from flawless and its legacy remains complicated and contested. Through interviews with key players and rigorous archival research, O'Hara offers a new perspective on Tony Blair's years in power. Painting a fuller picture of New Labour's successes and challenges, he highlights its lasting impact on Britain and offers a thoughtful reassessment of its place in history.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 1999

        Britain in China

        by Robert Bickers, Andrew Thompson, John Mackenzie

        This is a study of Britain's presence in China both at its peak, and during its inter-war dissolution in the face of assertive Chinese nationalism and declining British diplomatic support. Using archival materials from China and records in Britain and the United States, the author paints a portrait of the traders, missionaries, businessmen, diplomats and settlers who constituted "Britain-in-China", challenging our understanding of British imperialism there. Bickers argues that the British presence in China was dominated by urban settlers whose primary allegiance lay not with any grand imperial design, but with their own communities and precarious livelihoods. This brought them into conflict not only with the Chinese population, but with the British imperial government. The book also analyzes the formation and maintenance of settler identities, and then investigates how the British state and its allies brought an end to the reign of freelance, settler imperialism on the China coast. At the same time, other British sectors, missionary and business, renegotiated their own relationship with their Chinese markets and the Chinese state and distanced themselves from the settler British. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2013

        Britain and Africa Under Blair

        In pursuit of the good state

        by Julia Gallagher

        Africa was a key focus of Britain's foreign policy under Tony Blair. Military intervention in Sierra Leone, increases in aid and debt relief, and grand initiatives such as the Commission for Africa established the continent as a place in which Britain could 'do good'. Britain and Africa under Blair: in pursuit of the good state critically explores Britain's fascination with Africa. It argues that, under New Labour, Africa represented an area of policy that appeared to transcend politics. Gradually, it came to embody an ideal state activity around which politicians, officials and the wider public could coalesce, leaving behind more contentious domestic and international issues. Building on the story of Britain and Africa under Blair, the book, now available in paperback, draws wider conclusions about the role of 'good' and idealism in foreign policy. In particular, it discusses how international relationships provide opportunities to create and pursue ideals, and why they are essential for the well-being of political communities. It argues that state actors project the idea of 'good' onto idealised, distant objects, in order to restore a sense of the 'good state'. The book makes a distinctive and original contribution to debates about the role of ethics in international relations, and will be of particular interest to academics, policy-makers and students of international relations, Africa and British foreign policy, as well as anyone interested in ethics in international affairs. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2011

        The Unorthodox Imagination in Late Medieval Britain

        by Sophie Page, Julian Hoppit

        The unorthodox imagination in late medieval Britain explores how medieval people responded to images, stories, beliefs and practices which were at odds with the normative world view, from the heretical and subversive to the marvellous and exotic. The chapter by Jean-Claude Schmitt examines why some unorthodox images were viewed as provocative and threatening and explores how successfully ecclesiastical authorities contained their impact. The power of unorthodoxy to provoke wonder, scepticism or disapproval provides an opportunity to view medieval culture from fresh perspectives. The essays in this volume show that unorthodoxy was embedded in mainstream medieval culture, from stories of fairies and witches which promoted orthodox moral values to the social conformity of practitioners of ritual magic. This book provides a guide to understanding medieval unorthodoxy and the roles played by experience and imagination in medieval encounters with the unorthodox. It will be essential reading for anyone interested in the exotic, provocative and deviant in medieval culture. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2020

        Manliness in Britain, 1760–1900

        Bodies, emotion, and material culture

        by Joanne Begiato

        This book offers an innovative account of manliness in Britain between 1760 and 1900. Using diverse textual, visual and material culture sources, it shows that masculinities were produced and disseminated through men's bodies -often working-class ones - and the emotions and material culture associated with them. The book analyses idealised men who stimulated desire and admiration, including virile boxers, soldiers, sailors and blacksmiths, brave firemen and noble industrial workers. It also investigates unmanly men, such as drunkards, wife-beaters and masturbators, who elicited disgust and aversion. Unusually, Manliness in Britain runs from the eras of feeling, revolution and reform to those of militarism, imperialism, representative democracy and mass media, periods often dealt with separately by historians of masculinities.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2001

        Railways and culture in Britain

        The epitome of modernity

        by Ian Carter, Jeffrey Richards

        The nineteenth-century's steam railway epitomised modernity's relentlessly onrushing advance. In Railways and culture in Britain Ian Carter delves into the cultural impact of train technology, and how this was represented in British society. Why, for example, did Britain possess no great railway novel? The book's first half tests that assertion by comparing fiction and images by some canonical British figures (Turner, Dickens, Arnold Bennett) with selected French and Russian competitors: Tolstoy, Zola, Monet, Manet. The second half proposes that if high cultural work on the British steam railway is thin, then this does not mean that all British culture ignored this revolutionary artefact. Detailed discussions of comic fiction, crime fiction and cartoons reveal a popular fascination with railways tumbling from vast (and hitherto unexplored) stores of critically overlooked genres. A final chapter contemplates cultural correlations of the steam railway's eclipse. If this was the epitome of modernity, then does the triumph of diesel and electric trains, of cars and planes, signal a decisive shift to postmodernity? ;

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2007

        The Carabidae (ground beetles) of Britain and Ireland

        by Martin L. Luff

        The Carabidae (ground beetles) are a cosmopolitan family, with an estimated 40,000 species worldwide. The prime purpose of this book is to enable the reliable identification of the adults of the 350 species of Carabids that occur in Britain and Ireland. Fully illustrated keys to subfamilies, tribes, genera and species are provided. Notes are provided for each species to enable the user to confirm (or otherwise) identification.

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