National Academies Press
The National Academies Press (NAP)publish the reports of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. They published more than 200 books a year on a wide range of topics.
View Rights PortalThe National Academies Press (NAP)publish the reports of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. They published more than 200 books a year on a wide range of topics.
View Rights PortalDalcò Edizioni is an independent publishing house based in Parma, Milano and New York. For over twenty years we have been specialized in gastronomic and lifestyle books, which we publish with the Food Editore brand. As a packager we design and create general non-fiction and illustrated books for children with a strong educational component. All our projects are designed both for the Italian and international market. Visit to discover more or contact us:
View Rights PortalMit seinem Cthulu-Mythos wollte H. P. Lovecraft eine Atmosphäre kosmischen Grauens schaffen, die Archaisches mit den modernen Erkenntnissen der Wissenschaft verbindet und unserer Zeit angemessen ist. Die Angst hielt er für das älteste und stärkste Gefühl, mit dem er in seinen Erzählungen gerne spielte. Die besten Erzählungen von H. P. Lovecraft sind in diesem Rand zusammengefaßt.
This book provides us with historical clues and development status of China's major scientific and technological inventions, which is conducive to inspiring readers to create new inspirations, trigger new scientific thinking, and develop new technological achievements.
Von allen deutschen Autoren, die nach 1945 zu schreiben begannen, ist Artmann ohne jeden Zweifel der vielseitigste, originellste und erfinderischste. So wie Artmann in fast allen Gattungen gearbeitet hat, auch den angeblich antiquierten, und ohne sich um die Tagesparolen der mal reine Dichtung betreibenden, mal engagierten, mal die Literatur totsagenden Kollegen zu kümmern, so hat er seine Quellen, seine Herkunft überall: in der Artusepik, in barocker Schäferpoesie, in den Wörterbüchern und Grammatiken von gut zwei Dutzend Sprachen, in Irland und im England des Sherlock Holmes, bei Villon und dem Wiener Vorstadtdialekt, Lorca, Gomez de la Serna, den Surrealisten und Dadaisten, in den Detektivheftchen der 20er Jahre und den Comic strips von damals bis heute. Unsere Auswahl versucht, nicht nur einen repräsentativen Querschnitt durch das Werk Artmanns zu geben, sondern gleichzeitig Verstreutes, an entlegensten Orten Publiziertes zu sammeln.
Explain scientific and technological inventions from historical and modern vivid cases. Show the new scientific research results and precious pictures of our country.
Die Zuschreibung von Verantwortung für unsere Handlungen ist ein zentraler Bestandteil unserer moralischen Praxis. Aber sie wirft schwierige philosophische Fragen auf. Müssen wir beispielsweise über einen freien Willen verfügen, um für unsere Handlungen verantwortlich zu sein? Ist Verantwortung ein einheitliches Phänomen oder gibt es verschiedene Arten von Verantwortung? Und können wir nur für unsere Taten verantwortlich sein oder beispielsweise auch für unsere Überzeugungen? Der Band versammelt – zum Teil erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung – die zentralen Texte der philosophischen Debatte über Verantwortung, u. a. von Stephen Darwall, Harry G. Frankfurt, H. L. H. Hart, Thomas Nagel, Peter Strawson, Susan Wolf und Iris Marion Young.
Die Zeitreise beginnt: Geh mit Max auf die Time Travel Academy! Kein Handy, kein Tablet. Stattdessen Heute-basteln-wir-mit-Klopapierrollen. Wie gern würde der zwölfjährige Max sein Leben gegen das eines anderen eintauschen. Seins ist nämlich verdammt langweilig. Bis er eines Tages die goldschimmernde Einladung zur Time Travel Academy erhält – und mit ihr die Nachricht, dass er dort seine spurlos verschwundene Schwester wiederfinden kann. Time Travel, also Zeitreisen – wie cool ist das denn?! Und in einem Internat leben! Für Max zählt nur noch eins: Er muss unbedingt auf die TTA. Und schon steckt er mitten in einem rasanten Abenteuer auf der wohl coolsten Academy aller Zeiten, voller Technik-Nerds und witziger neuer Freund*innen. Da willst du doch garantiert dabei sein. Wer weiß, vielleicht hast du ja auch das Zeitreise-Gen in dir. Leg los mit Band 1 der Time Travel Academy: Noch nie war Zeitreisen cooler. Die Lieblingsthemen Internat und Zeitreise in einer rasanten Action-Reihe für Jungs und Mädchen ab 10. Start der lässigen Fantasy Kinderbücher in lustig lockerem Erzählton – Fortsetzung folgt. Witziges und zugleich spannendes Abenteuer durch Raum und Zeit. Max, ein 12-jähriger, typisch schusseliger, herrlich unperfekter Held. Computerfreaks und Chaosclub – eine Superheld*innen-Academy für auserwählte Kids.
This series of books is the China Daily in collaboration with health experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Union Medical College and other hospitals. It starts with the most relevant health problems for children, and selects the angle that can improve children's interests. It uses childlike illustrations, humorous styles and easy-to-understand The text interprets the code of life, the body’s important line of defense, the body’s response to the external environment and stress superpowers, the physical functions of special groups of people, and the impact of science and technology on the body, making children laugh while reading. Understood with a smile. Knowledge is immunity. This is a health knowledge diagram that you can understand at the first reading. It is also a set of basic solutions for scientific prevention and rational treatment of health problems. It helps children understand their own body, understand diseases, care for others, and take a scientific look at the body. Abnormal state.
In recent years there has been a growth in both the practice and research of dark tourism; the phenomenon of visiting sites of tragedy or disaster. Expanding on this trend, this book examines dark tourism through the new lens of pilgrimage. It focuses on dark tourism sites as pilgrimage destinations, dark tourists as pilgrims, and pilgrimage as a form of dark tourism. Taking a broad definition of pilgrimage so as to consider aspects of both religious and non-religious travel that might be considered pilgrimage-like, it covers theories and histories of dark tourism and pilgrimage, pilgrimage to dark tourism sites, and experience design. A key resource for researchers and students of heritage, tourism and pilgrimage, this book will also be of great interest to those studying anthropology, religious studies and related social science subjects.
Tillage agriculture has led to wide-spread soil and ecosystem degradation globally, and more particularly in the developing regions. This is especially so in Africa where traditional agricultural practices have become unsustainable due to severe exploitation of natural resources with negative impacts on the environment. In addition, agriculture in Africa today faces major challenges including increased costs, climate change effects and a need for more sustainable production intensification methods. Conservation (no-tillage) agriculture has emerged as a major alternative sustainable agriculture practice in Africa and has spread to many African countries in the past decade as more development and research has enabled its extension and uptake. This landmark volume is based on the material presented at the Second Africa Congress on Conservation Agriculture which was held in Johannesburg, South Africa, 9-12 October 2018. The main theme of the Congress was: Making Climate Smart Agriculture Real in Africa with Conservation Agriculture: Supporting the Malabo Declaration and Agenda 2063. The Congress was aligned to mobilize stakeholders in all agriculture sectors to provide development support, impetus and direction to the vision and agenda for transforming African agriculture as set out by the Malabo Declaration and Agenda 2063. This book is aimed at all agricultural stakeholders in the public, private and civil sectors in Africa engaged in supporting the transformation of conventional tillage agriculture to Conservation Agriculture. This includes: researchers, academics, students, development stakeholders and policy makers as well as institutional libraries across the world.
Der zwölfjährige Max würde sein Leben gerne gegen das eines anderen eintauschen. Die mysteriöse goldschimmernde Einladung zur TimeTravel Academy könnte die Lösung sein, seine Eltern tun dies jedoch als einen schlechten Scherz ab. Max arrangiert sich bereits mit dem Gedanken, den Rest der Schulzeit an seinem Gymnasium zu verbringen, als ihn ein Hinweis über den Verbleib seiner vor drei Jahren verschwundenen Schwester Stella erreicht – zusammen mit einer Botschaft, dass er unbedingt den Zulassungstest zur TimeTravel Academy bestehen muss, um mehr zu erfahren. Max stürzt sich in ein spannendes Abenteuer durch Raum, Zeit und Technik auf der Suche nach seiner verlorenen Schwester.
Extinction of species has alarmingly increased in recent decades due to anthropogenic activities, natural calamities and climate change. The life history, ecology and evolution of such species have often not been well studied. Gymnocladus assamicus is an archaic tree endemic to the Eastern Himalayan region of Northeast India. Locally known as 'Menangmanba-shi' by the Monpa tribe of Arunachal Pradesh (India), mature G. assamicus pods contain high saponin and are used traditionally for cleansing purposes and rituals. We rediscovered the species after more than 70 years from high altitude areas in the Himalayas through extensive field explorations and employing an ecological niche modeling approach. Our study revealed a very few actively reproducing mature G. assamicus trees surviving in unique microclimatic conditions. The species is classified as 'critically endangered' (IUCN red list). The book contains detailed information about G. assamicus and discusses its current distribution, population status, ethnobotanical uses and other ecological parameters. Major intrinsic and extrinsic factors that might be responsible for population decline are described. More importantly, we reported a very rare mating system known as 'androdioecy' in which male and hermaphrodite individuals co-exist in the natural population. Overall, the book highlights the story of a critically endangered tree species with a unique biological and socio-cultural importance and will serve as a case study and referencefor other similar species both locally and globally.
»Ein Pechvogel fällt auf den Hintern und zerschlägt sich dabei die Nase«: Jiddische Sprichwörter voller Witz und mit einem tiefen Verständnis für alles Menschliche finden sich in dieser Zusammenstellung in der übersetzung H. C. Artmanns.
This book focuses on the potential for Earth Observation (EO) to contribute to public health practice. Remote sensing experts from the EO community together with epidemiologists, modelling experts, policy makers, managers and public health researchers gathered at the One Earth-One Health workshop held at the Canadian Earth Observation Summit in Montreal in 2017. They shared how EO is being used to understand, track, predict, and manage infectious diseases and discussed the challenges and significant potential of using and developing EO data for public health purposes. The information provided by the workshop participants and members of the international community, has been compiled and substantially updated to reach EO community members and public health professionals interested in developing and applying EO and other geospatial applications in the risk assessment and management of public health issues. Major foci are mosquito-borne diseases, tick-borne diseases, air quality and heat, water-borne diseases, vulnerable populations and pandemics (including COVID-19).
The pig is one of the earliest domesticated animals and plays an integral part in a number of peasant economies in the tropics, for example in Oceania and Southeast Asia. In several African countries and others such as Thailand, increasingly intensive pig production has played a significant role in the overall economic growth and the feeding of an expanding urgan population.Furthermore, although in some circumstances pigs do compete with humans for food resources, they are also very versatile at utilizing byproducts and wastes that are not suitable for human consumption.There is therefore considerable potential for developing pig production in the tropics, and this book provides an accessible guide to the subject for students, farmers and advisory workers. It is translated from an original French edition compiled by the Institut d'Élevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux.
Everything, whether living or nonliving, is made of energy; in other words, matter is energy. Heat and thermodynamics is the study of what happens to that energy in the universe. To understand how matter behaves, we must understand how energy works, and energy, also known as atomic motion, is heat. Heat can do many things, such as cook food, melt ice, warm a cold room, or burn down a house. It can transform what it touches, move from one location to another, and excite atoms into greater activity or calm them down by leaving. Full-color throughout and filled with detailed features, Heat and Thermodynamics, Third Edition is the study of heat's behavior and how it impacts the movement of energy and, in particular, the movement of energy in and out of systems. Included is an analysis of the four Laws of Thermodynamics and how they affect the behavior of matter in our universe.
Butterflies, among key animals for assessing environmental changes have consequently also become prominent model organisms for the study of trade-offs in life history and behavioural traits. Examples include factors affecting the size of egg batches, fast or slow larval growth, waiting or searching for mates, migrating or staying put in the habitat, roosting alone or together in aggregations, and the development of different defence mechanisms. The book focusses on the factors and trade-offs leading to the development and evolution of distinct traits emerging in the life cycle of butterflies within their habitats. In this book the reader is taken systematically through research findings in each life history stage, on the links identified between different aspects of butterfly biology that have been discovered, and introduced to novel ideas emerging from taking an integrative view of butterfly life history and behaviour. The book is divided into four sections: A: Language and concepts of system's theory, B: Perspectives on butterfly biology, C: Butterfly life history - basic trade-offs in reproduction, development and survival, and D: Butterfly behaviour - interactive adjustments in the habitat. The first section deals with the study of relationships in biological systems. The second is an introduction to key aspects of butterfly biology, such as broad issues in taxonomy, the fossil record, variation in space-time, habitat and niche, and the butterfly body frame. The last two longer sections deal directly with the key puzzles in life history and behaviour. The book has been composed primarily for students and researchers in butterfly biology, but it should be of interest to all those who enjoy observing butterflies. For the researcher into butterfly biology it is supported by an extensive glossary and bibliography and, to encourage incentives for ideas, it is liberally illustrated with diagrams for exploring in greater depth the relationships in butterfly biology.
Mycological paper on colour terminology in biology
Wetas are native to New Zealand and in evolutionary terms are insect ‘dinosaurs’ within the Orthoptera. Related species occur in South Africa, Australia, North America and to a lesser extent, Europe. This book brings together all known information on these fascinating groups to form a compendium of existing scientific knowledge for future biological investigation and conservation.All the biological knowledge pertinent to this family under one coverA compendium of scientific knowledge on these ancient insects
The remarkable growth in religious tourism across the world has generated considerable interest in the impacts of this type of tourism. Focusing here on environmental issues, this book moves beyond the documentation of environmental impacts to examine in greater depth the intersections between religious tourism and the environment. Beginning with an in-depth introduction that highlights the intersections between religion, tourism, and the environment, the book then focuses on the environment as a resource or generator for religious tourism and the environment as a recipient of impacts of religious tourism. Chapters included discuss such important areas as disease, environmental responsibility and host perspectives. Covering as many cultural and environmental regions as possible, this book provides: An in-depth, yet holistic view of the relationships between religious tourism and the environment; A conceptual framework that goes beyond listing potential environment impacts; A strong focus on explaining the universality of the deeper environmental issues surrounding sacredness and sacred places. From a global writing team and featuring case studies spanning Europe and Asia, this book will be of great interest to researchers and students of tourism and religious studies, as well as those studying environmental issues.
Providing well over 1,000 questions to test your knowledge of preventative farm animal medicine, the book has been produced in a convenient format so that it can be used at any time in any place. Each chapter starts with a brief introduction to the topic before providing relevant multiple-choice questions. Covering preventative veterinary medicine for common livestock species, the book includes questions on: - general concepts of preventative medicine; - viral, bacterial, fungal and mycoplasma diseases; - ecto- and endo-parasitic infections. This self-test resource for students provides a convenient and useful current source of information to anyone interested in learning, revising and assessing their knowledge.