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        November 2019

        Aliens Invasion

        by Yang Peng

        It's been nine years since Jasmine Copperfield's mother disappeared when her mission to Mars went awry. Ever since that tragic day, Jasmine has done her best to cope with the lonely life of an only child whose father never comes home for dinner. It's hard enough on its own, but when her childhood nurse goes suddenly missing, Jasmine knows something is terribly wrong. She embarks on a brave adventure to rescue Amby, discovering unexpected friends along the way––as well as enemies she never would have thought could exist.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2024

        British Bangladeshi Muslims in the East End

        The changing landscape of dress and language

        by Fatima Rajina

        Drawing on the everyday experiences of 43 British-Bangladeshi Muslims living in East London, this book explores stories of migration and belonging vis-à-vis dress and language. In narrating those stories, the book is framed within the broader socio-political conversations happening regarding Muslims in Britain and their 'place' in this society. Recent work on Muslims focuses on their religious identity and its formation, not paying attention to the role of dress and language. With the former, much of it tends to, obsessively, focus on Muslim women only. This book, alternatively, explores religious identity formation in addition to examining the British-Bangladeshi Muslim community's relationship with their ethnic identity vis-à-vis dress and language. As such, the analysis provides a rich, bottom-up analysis of the community, and readers will be able to understand a community holistically, away from the over-sensationalised community within broader socio-political context.

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        Children's & YA
        May 2019

        Mila's Pearl

        by Fatima Sharafeddine

        A painful incident at school leads Mila to take a very important but secret decision, which is to lose her excess weight. She is so determined to accomplish her goal in order to prove to everyone, especially those who bully her, that she is totally capable of it. Mila gets carried away with her goal to the extent of reaching the state of Anorexia. She denies having a problem for the longest time, until she realizes that her condition has become life threatening. This YA novel deals with the issue of Anorexia, an eating disorder that is becoming more common in many modern cities of our days. The author built the character of Mila based on several testimonies of teen agers and their accounts on their sufferings with Anorexia. Is it true that once Anorexic, always Anorexic? Mila will find out the hard way.

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        Morgen werden sie mich hängen

        Südafrika: Die Geschichte des jugendlichen Attentäters Andrew Zondo

        by Meer, Fatima

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        October 2018

        All of this is true

        Ruhm kann tödlich sein

        by Peñaflor, Lygia Day

        Als die Freunde Miri, Soleil, Jonah und Penny sich mit der exzentrischen Bestsellerautorin Fatima Ro anfreunden, glauben sie, dass ihr Leben endlich den ersehnten Kick bekommt. Sie teilen sich gegenseitig ihre tiefsten Geheimnisse mit und gründen sogar einen Fan-Club für die Autorin. Diese wiederum lässt die Clique hautnah an ihrem Leben teilhaben - bis sie plötzlich in ihrem neuen Buch ein skandalträchtiges Geheimnis verrät, das eine tödliche Tragödie auslöst. Die Schülerinnen müssen sich entsetzt eingestehen, dass in dieser Freundschaft niemand ehrlich gespielt hat.

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        Children's & YA
        August 2013

        Ghadi & Rawan

        by Fatima Sharafeddine and Samar Mahfouz Barraj

        Ghadi is a young teenager of Lebanese origin, living in Brussels. Like so many Lebanese emigrants, Ghadi’s family comes to Lebanon during the summer holidays. Ghadi spends his summer with his cousin and friends in the family’s mountain house, among whom Rawan, the daughter of his grand-parent’s neighbors. Ghadi and Rawan are very close friends, and at the end of summer, when each of them goes their separate ways, they stay in touch via e-mail. The novel is built on their correspondence. From the moment the plane lands, Ghadi misses Lebanon and his friends, dreaming of the next summer. He has many friends at school, but he is also bullied by an older boy. Rawan, with her sense of humor and creativity is quite popular among her friends, and that year decides to run for the elections of the students’ representatives. Tensions at home are nevertheless more and more palpable, as Rawan’s father regularly comes home in a very bad temper. Rawan is convinced that her parents are on the verge of divorce. Having overheard a phone conversation, she also believes that her father has a lover. This situation is distressing, and Rawan has trouble concentrating at school. She feels lonely, and her anxiety pushes her away even from her closest friends. Meanwhile, in Brussels, Ghadi gets mixed up in drugs, unwillingly, and falls under the power of the boy who’s been bullying him. Each on their own, Rawan and Ghadi will find ways out of their problems, and will learn and grow from their experiences, while their friendship strengthens. With this novel for young adolescents (13 year olds), the two authors tackle issues that are central in the lives of young teens all over the world. The relationship to family members, to friends and classmates, drugs and violence, unemployment, racism, exile, identity and roots, are all issues that are touched upon in the novel.

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        Children's & YA

        What's On Your Face?

        by Fatima Jamal Abdullah

        Amin, a little boy, is the narrator of this story. Ill with the vitiligo disease, which causes his skin to have large white stains, Amin struggles in school.As Amin describes his daily challenges, young readers gain a better understanding of his behaviors and learn valuable lessons about tolerance and acceptance. As his parents say, what matters is that he has a white heart, pure and kind

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2001

        Spectaculum 72

        Vier moderne Theaterstücke

        by Jon Fosse, Roland Schimmelpfennig, Else Lasker-Schüler, Dea Loher, Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel

        Jon Fosse: Der NameDer Vater redet am liebsten gar nicht, die Mutter spricht vorzugsweise von sich, also über ihre Krankheit, die hochschwangere Tochter besucht nach langer Zeit die Eltern und möchte sich gerne aussprechen, hat sich aber mit ihrem Freund einen großen Schweiger ausgesucht - bleibt ihr Jugendfreund Barne. Mit ihm scheint die Familie zum Leben zu erwachen.Else Lasker-Schüler: Arthur Aronymus und seine VäterDas Stück spielt um 1840 in Westfalen und zeigt, wie eine jüdische Familie, der Gutsbesitzer Moritz Schüler mit seinen dreiundzwanzig Kindern, mit der wachsenden Pogromstimmung in der christlichen Umgebung konfrontiert wird.Dea Loher: Klaras Verhältnisse Klara sucht eine echte Lebensaufgabe, einen Platz im Leben. Bei ihrer Reise durch die bundesrepublikanische Wirklichkeit begegnen ihr die unterschiedlichsten Begierden und Sehnsüchte - eine tragikomische Gratwanderung zwischen hochfliegenden Wünschen und banalen Abgründen.Roland Schimmelpfennig: Die arabische NachtSiebter Stock, Wohnung 32: Wie von einer unbestimmten Sehnsucht getrieben, treffen sich hier in dieser »arabischen Nacht« Franziska, Fatima, ihr Freund Kalil, der Hausmeister Lomeier und Karpati, der Voyeur.

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        September 2013

        Zähme mich!

        Erotischer Roman

        by Haynes, Jasmine

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        February 2004

        Annies Geheimnis

        Erotischer Roman

        by Stone, Jasmine

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        The Arts
        October 2023

        Windows for the world

        Nineteenth-century stained glass and the international exhibitions, 1851–1900

        by Jasmine Allen

        Windows for the world explores the display and reception of nineteenth-century British stained glass in a secular exhibition context. International in scope, the book focuses on the global development of stained glass in this period as showcased at, and influenced by, these exhibitions. It recognises those who made and exhibited stained glass and demonstrates the long-lasting impact of the classification and modes of display at these events. A number of exhibits are illustrated in colour and are analysed in relation to stylistic developments, techniques and material innovations, as well as the broader iconographies of nation and empire in the nineteenth century.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2021

        Crafting identities

        by Jasmine Kilburn-Toppin

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