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      • Japan Book Publishers Association JAPAN Booth is a National Collective Stand consisted with 20 Japanese Publishers organized by JAPAN BOOK PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION. We are happy to help you with various kinds of Publishing Contents from JAPAN. Please visit our Exhibitors Site and information from the list below. We wish that you will find good stories here!

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      • Hobby Japan Co., Ltd.

        We release over 300 publications of various genres and formats every year

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2012

        Geschichten aus Japan

        by Hermann Hesse

        »Das Japan, von welchem diese Geschichten erzählen, existiert heute nicht mehr. Die Ideale, auf welchen der Bau jener überaus kraftvollen, dabei so schönheitsfrohen Kultur errichtet war, sind heute zum Teil schon veraltet und vergessen, zum Teil bestehen sie noch als Reste der Vergangenheit, deren Macht täglich mehr schwindet. … Die Geschichten unsres Buches zeigen das alte, vergangene, schöne Japan, wie es einmal war, das Japan der adligen, kriegerischen, aristokratischen Ideale.« Hermann Hesse

      • Trusted Partner
        April 1988

        Denken in Japan

        by Masao Maruyama, Wolfgang Seifert, Wolfgang Schamoni, Wolfgang Schamoni, Wolfgang Seifert, Wolfgang Schamoni

        Die vorliegende Arbeit gilt in Japan seit ihrer Veröffentlichung im Jahre 1957 als eine der wichtigsten kritischen Untersuchungen der intellektuellen Struktur des modernen Japan und ist gleichzeitig selbst ein bedeutendes Dokument der japanischen Geistesgeschichte nach dem Kriege.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2022

        Understanding governance in contemporary Japan

        by Masahiro Mogaki

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        The Arts
        January 2021

        Critical design in Japan

        Material culture, luxury, and the avant-garde

        by Ory Bartal

        This book tells the story of critical avant-garde design in Japan, which emerged during the 1960s and continues to inspire designers today. The practice communicates a form of visual and material protest drawing on the ideologies and critical theories of the 1960s and 1970s, notably feminism, body politics, the politics of identity, and ecological, anti-consumerist and anti-institutional critiques, as well as the concept of otherness. It also presents an encounter between two seemingly contradictory concepts: luxury and the avant-garde. The book challenges the definition of design as the production of unnecessary decorative and conceptual objects, and the characterisation of Japanese design in particular as beautiful, sublime or a product of 'Japanese culture'. In doing so it reveals the ways in which material and visual culture serve to voice protest and formulate a social critique.

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        The Arts
        July 2005

        The Art History of the War of Resistance Against Japan

        by Huang Zongxian

        The fine arts reflecting the War of Resistance Against Japan extended their trails of development in a particular historical period, in which the Chinese fine arts developed in an unprecedented manner. Taking pencils and painters as their weapons, artists threw themselves in the War of Resistance Against Japan, which was like a raging fire. With patriotic enthusiasm, they created reputable works in the history of Chinese fine arts and invented a series of methods in creation influencing later generations. After the founding of New China in 1949, a group of artists in the army and other artists created paintings and pictures reflecting the various periods of the War of Resistance Against Japan, e.g. Tunnel Warfare, Five Heroes on Langya Mountain, A Great Campaign Waged by a Hundred Regiments, The Massacre in Nanjing, Eight Women Soldiers Would Rather Drown Themselves in a River Than Surrender and so on. The book collects art works of this theme made during the War of Resistance Against Japan and since 1949. More than 500 pictures with abundant notes referring to the background exhibit the history of the fine arts reflecting the War of Resistance Against Japan and artists' participation in culture.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2018

        Misery and Strength

        a war that changed China's fate

        by Peng Yulong

        The beginning of this book begins with the source of the suffering of modern China, fully discusses the different developments between modern China and Japan, and extends to the beginning and process of the War of Resistance Against Japan. It reproduces the panorama of the Chinese people's 14 years of resistance to the Japanese invaders and profoundly illustrates that China as a peaceful and backward The hardships and difficulties of defeating the imperialist countries explained China's contribution in this great historical battle and the important role of the Communist Party of China and the people. And by showing a series of difficult and tortuous struggles of the Chinese people and the atrocities of the Japanese invaders, through the stark contrast of the situation of China ’s socioeconomic culture before and after the confrontation, it truly reflects the profound disasters and losses suffered by the Chinese nation in detail, and fully reflects This shows the tremendous contributions and sacrifices made by the Chinese people for national independence and justice.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 1989

        Im Schatten des Siegers: Japan

        by Ulrich Menzel

        Im August 1945 lag das japanische Kaiserreich am Boden zerstört und hatte keine andere Wahl, als sich in die (fast) bedingungslose Kapitulation zu fügen. 50 Jahre später, am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts, stand Japan im Zenit seines wirtschaftlichen Erfolges, und die USA, ebenso wie Europa, sah sich erneut der »japanischen Herausforderung« ausgesetzt. Wie war dieser welthistorisch so bemerkenswerte Aufstieg im Schatten des Siegers möglich? Was sind seine kulturellen, politischen und sozialen Grundlagen?

      • Trusted Partner

        Scinece or Fiction?

        The Phony Side of Particle Physics

        by Ofer Comay

        Countries across the globe invest tens of billions in particle physics, which relies on the Standard Model. This model is styled by its proponents as “the most accurate theory in history, in any field.” This book presents a long series of failures found with the theory: its inability to explain basic phenomena known since the 1930s; its prediction of particles and materials that have refused to be uncovered even in lunar rocks; the growing recognition that basic assumptions underlying the model are incorrect; and more. This is the first time these well-documented data have been compiled in a simple and coherent fashion, allowing science enthusiasts to understand the scientific failures and the sociological reasons for scientists' inability to openly discuss these flaws. Only a few dare to express their doubts:  “Ironically, from the perspective of QCD, the foundations of nuclear physics appear distinctly unsound.”—Frank Wilczek, Nobel laureate, 2004 (QCD is a central part of the Standard Model.) An English-language eBook edition was published in late   2014 by Samuel Wachtman’s Sons, Inc., CA.  292 pages, 15 x 22.5 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022


        Botany, Production and Uses

        by Sisir Mitra, A Aytekin Polat, Manuel Agustí, Josep Armengol, Maria Luisa Badenes, Manuel Blasco, Julián Cuevas González, Vittorio Farina, Elisa González-Dominguez, Qigao Guo, Liang Guolu, Juan José Hueso, Yuanyuan Jiang, Francisco Legaz, Hailan Lin, Shoukai Lin, Dahe Lin, Shunquan Lin, Shiwei Ma, Belén Martínez-Alcántara, Amparo Martínez-Fuentes, Carlos Mesejo, Julia Morales, Ana Quiñones, Carmina Reig, Esteban Soler, Jincheng Wu, Bisha Wu, Xianghui Yang, Peng Ze, Lifen Zhang

        Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) is a subtropical evergreen fruit tree indigenous to China. Records show it has been cultivated in China for over 2000 years. From this beginning, loquat has spread to more than 30 countries around the world. Grown in various regions of Asia, the Mediterranean and across the Americas, loquats suit both temperate and subtropical areas, sharing the same environmental conditions as citrus. Loquat is an increasingly commercial crop in some Asian and European countries with a good amount of international trade. Recent research has focused on improving crop yields and quality. Over 100 different varieties have been developed to meet both growers' and consumers' demands. These developments have contributed to a better understanding of the crop environment, plant growth and physiology of tree and fruit development with implications for both breeding and cultivation. This book is to be the first to provide a comprehensive coverage of the history, physiology, culture and marketing of loquat throughout the world.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2017

        Tokyo Coffee Time

        by Yiju Life Studio, CHEN Ruoyi, Jimmy Wong

        What are the things you cannot miss in coffee shops in Tokyo? Why can master baristas make the most memorable tastes? You will find the answers from Tokyo Coffee Time through coffee experts’ professional and harsh eyes. Including 140 coffee shops, 26 master comments and so on.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2000

        Murder Inc.

        oder Nicht ganz koschere Geschäfte in Brooklyn

        by Cohen, Rich

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      • Trusted Partner


        Following Feldenkrais' Work

        by Abraham Shoshani

        Experiencing your Potential was inspired by the work of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais and the renowned Israeli philosopher Prof. Jeshaiahu Leibovich, the author's celebrated teachers and mentors.  Reading the book is a unique experience – the experience of a journey into man’s spiritual world. This world is complex and complicated, but always attractive and interesting.  Experiencing your Potential offers thinking challenges to the interested reader and inspiration and guidance to anyone involved in performance education.  Dr. Shoshani’s knowledge is extensive, amazingly profound, and devoid of stiffing academics. One cannot be but impressed by the intellectual work invested in the writing of this concise yet comprehensive book. The exciting encounter between the worlds of psychology and education lends a special quality and is intellectually challenging.  The author is an artist and researcher who integrates knowledge of eastern and western cultures and creates a new perspective in performance education. His innovative path has been recognized internationally: Dr. Shoshani has lectured in academic institutions abroad, including: the Royal Academy for Music and Drama, Glasgow; the Drama Department of Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh; Actors Studio in New York; and Ithaca College, N.Y. . Dr. Shoshani is the Head of the Center for the Culture of the East in Jerusalem. The Hebrew edition of this book was adopted by Israel’s Ministry of Education and Culture for use at teacher-training institutes. An English-language eBook edition was published in spring 2013 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc., CA.  119 pages, 15X23 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        My Street Cats: Their Personality & Social Behavior

        by Dr. Raphaella Bilski

        They live beside us. They need our help and attention to survive. Most of us accept their presence without questioning. Part of us ignore them entirely and part of us give them food and water. These are the street cats. What do we know about them? – very little. This book is ought to show the reader the special and interesting world of the street cats focusing on one community for about 14 years (of observation). Here you will read on the social life, on hierarchy that exists in their community, on their leaders and various social behavior. The reader will also meet the heroic acts of various cats, the wonderful friendship relations between them and their very special patterns of motherhood etc. At the end of reading the book the street cat who was for most readers just an anonymous animal spending a lot of time near garbage cases will become a familiar animal, interesting and liked.   Raphaella Bilski has been a member of the Department of Political Science in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. She specializes in modern political philosophy, welfare and social policy and in the subject of happiness. Her most known books are "Every Individual – A King, the Political and Social Thought of Zeev Jabotinsky" (Dvir, Tel Aviv and Bnai Brith, New York). For this book she got The Jabotinsky Price. Her second known book is "The Lure of Happiness" (Carmel, Jerusalem). She was the director at the Van Leer Foundation (1977-1980) and an advisor on social and welfare policy to the Israel prime ministers Yitzhak Rabin, Yitzhak Shamir and Shimon Peres. From 1990-1992 she began taking care of street cats who constituted a community in her garden. This book is based on 14 years of observation. She continues to take care of street cats and is about to write a second book on this subject.   An English-language eBook edition was published in late 2014 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc., CA. 242 pages , 15x 22.5 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        Out There, in the Forest & Ein Ro’eem

        Two Plays

        by Shmuel Cohavy

        Ein Ro'eem is a comedy that takes place on a kibbutz in Israel. Some kibbutz members create a show for a children's celebration and rehearse in a field amid successful and unsuccessful love affairs that threaten to derail the performance. Meanwhile, the kibbutz decides to cut down part of its unprofitable orchard, inspiring orchard workers to strike. Will they save the orchard? Will the love affairs survive? And will the show succeed? In Out There, in the Forest, three plots are intertwined. A British journalist is intrigued by a mysterious masked murderer in The East African Republic and travels there to find him. Who is this murderer? Is there a reason for his attacks, or is he simply a lunatic? He desperately wants to look the murderer in the eyes. Meanwhile, three American women struggle with harsh living conditions in a cave in the jungle. Will they survive their battle against nature? Simultaneously, the local population rebels against their ruler, who rose to power in a military coup. Will their revolt succeed or will they continue to endure the harsh regime? Shmuel Cohavy is an Israeli writer who spent most of his youth on a kibbutz. He also worked at the Timna copper mines and studied history and filmmaking at Tel Aviv University. Although Cohavy’s plays have been presented in the Finborough Theatre in London, this book marks the first time his plays have been published in English. An English-language eBook edition was published in late 2014 by Samuel Wachtman’s Sons, Inc., CA. 314 pages, 15 x 22.5 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2022

        Forty Years of Stage Life -- Mei Lanfang's Statement

        by Mei Lanfang ,Mei Lanfang Memorial Hall

        Mei Lanfang's surviving literature amounts to more than 6 million words. Forty Years of Stage Life is the core of his works. It is a self-description of Mr. Mei Lanfang's life. It is the most convenient and reliable way to approach the master and understand his artistic life. The previous editions of the book were arranged according to the published versions under certain historical conditions. This is the first time for Mei Lanfang Memorial Hall to arrange the book according to the original manuscript, which is an original publication returning to the master's original intention based on the accumulation of long-term academic research and the revision of new materials. A large number of pictures of Mei Lanfang's stage performances, artistic creations and reports will be added to the book, as well as some hand-drawn illustrations restoring historical situations, in an effort to show and reproduce the radiance and splendor of the master artist and his unparalleled artistic life in a more comprehensive, full, real and beautiful way.

      • Trusted Partner

        Mozart: The Man Behind the Music

        by Amos Navon

        History records Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart as a man whose melodies seemed to have sprung from angels, reaching him faster than he could write them down. How did he manage to develop and excel professionally in spite of family tragedies – the death of four of his six children, health problems, the failure to find work, the financial problems of his final years – while managing the task of being the busiest musician in Europe during the eighteenth century? What made this amazing musical polymath tick?   In Mozart: The Man Behind the Music, Dr. Amos Navon, classical flautist and consummate biographer, answers profound and hypnotic questions about the man behind the music by examining those elements in Mozart’s life that shaped his personality and determined his destiny, as the reader accompanies the genius composer on the journey that would depict the creation of his unheralded masterpiece, opera seria Idomeneo. In addition, the author describes Mozart’s remarkable development through writing wind instrument music for virtuoso friends. We also explore Mozart’s collaboration with Lorenzo Da Ponte, the librettist of his three greatest operas, The Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni and Cosi fan Tutte.   But this is not simply a dry exploration of composition. We learn of the very human Mozart – of Constanze, who barely survived as Mozart’s wife and the mother of his children, and who, after his death, spent her life keeping her husband’s memory alive. The reader suffers through Mozart’s economic woes during the time he lived in Salzburg and later on in Vienna, his interactions with Baron Raymond Wetzlar von Plankenstein, and even his “begging letters” to Michael Puchberg. The rounded-out story of this intensely human being reflects Mozart’s dependence on friends in times of financial need, the role of gambling in his daily life, his attitude toward religion, and whether his ultimate dream of living a wealthy, bourgeois life ever really materialized.   Amos Navon, Ph.D. graduated from Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. A senior biologist, flautist, and participant in nationally known chamber music ensembles, he has previously published three books of poetry.      An English-language eBook edition was published in summer 2016 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc., CA.  164 Pgaes, 15X22.5 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2006

        Chrysantheme und Schwert

        Formen der japanischen Kultur

        by Ruth Benedict, Jobst-Mathias Spannagel, Ezra F. Vogel

        Ruth Benedict (1887-1948), die neben Margaret Mead als die einflußreichste Kulturanthropologin des 20. Jahrhunderts gilt, untersucht in dieser Studie die Persönlichkeit, die Denkmuster, das Wertesystem und die Handlungsnormen der Japaner. Sie versucht, die japanischen Prämissen über die »richtige« Lebensführung aufzuzeigen und auf welche Weise diese sich in der Familie, in Wirtschaft, Religion und Politik manifestiert haben.

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