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        Rights & Brands is a 360 licensing and publishing agency bringing Nordic rights and brands to a global arena. Starting from a strategic base in literature, art and design, R&B’s platform is built on knowledge, passion and people. Using all aspects of character representation and branding, from publishing and PR to licensing, merchandising and digital development, with a worldwide network of sub-agents and over 800 clients, R&B’s international insight and business capacity is unique.

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      • Al-Kamel Verlag / Manshourat Al Jama

        Manshurat Al Jamal was founded in 1983 by Khalid Al Maaly in Cologne ,in 2008 based in Beirut and a further branch in Bagdad .The program focus on :- Classic ,Modern Arab literature- Fiction short stories poems - Philosophy- Sociology Manshurat Al-Jamal is the publisher of a lot of authors: G.Grass O. Pamuk J. Habermas Robert Musil H.Qureishi G. Sinoue P. Celan W. Gombrowicz J. Derrida M. Horkheimer T. Adorno A. Kristof

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2023

        Rethinking Norman Italy

        Studies in honour of Graham A. Loud

        by Joanna Drell, Paul Oldfield

        This volume on Norman Italy (southern Italy and Sicily, c. 1000-1200) honours and reflects the pioneering scholarship of Graham A. Loud. An international group of scholars reassesses and recasts the paradigm by which Norman Italy has been conventionally understood, addressing varied subjects across four key themes: historiographies, identities and communities, religion and Church, and conquest. The chapters revise and refine our understanding of Norman Italy in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, demonstrating that it was not just a parochial Norman or Mediterranean entity but also an integral player in the medieval mainstream.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        The Arctic in the British imagination 1818–1914

        by Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie, Rob David

        The Arctic region has been the subject of much popular writing. This book considers nineteenth-century representations of the Arctic, and draws upon an extensive range of evidence that will allow the 'widest connections' to emerge from a 'cross-disciplinary analysis' using different methodologies and subject matter. It positions the Arctic alongside more thoroughly investigated theatres of Victorian enterprise. In the nineteenth century, most images were in the form of paintings, travel narratives, lectures given by the explorers themselves and photographs. The book explores key themes in Arctic images which impacted on subsequent representations through text, painting and photography. For much of the nineteenth century, national and regional geographical societies promoted exploration, and rewarded heroic endeavor. The book discusses images of the Arctic which originated in the activities of the geographical societies. The Times provided very low-key reporting of Arctic expeditions, as evidenced by its coverage of the missions of Sir John Franklin and James Clark Ross. However, the illustrated weekly became one of the main sources of popular representations of the Arctic. The book looks at the exhibitions of Arctic peoples, Arctic exploration and Arctic fauna in Britain. Late nineteenth-century exhibitions which featured the Arctic were essentially nostalgic in tone. The Golliwogg's Polar Adventures, published in 1900, drew on adult representations of the Arctic and will have confirmed and reinforced children's perceptions of the region. Text books, board games and novels helped to keep the subject alive among the young.

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        Teaching, Language & Reference
        October 2019

        Inside Accounts, Volume I

        The Irish Government and Peace in Northern Ireland, from Sunningdale to the Good Friday Agreement

        by Graham Spencer

        Volume one of the most authoritative and revealing account yet of how the Irish Government managed the Northern Ireland peace process and helped broker a political settlement to end the conflict there. Based on eight extended interviews with key officials and political leaders, this book provides a compelling picture of how the peace process was created and how it came to be successful. Covering areas such as informal negotiation, text and context, strategy, working with British and American Governments, and offering perceptions of other players involved in the dialogue and negotiations that led to the Good Friday Agreement of 1998 and the power-sharing arrangements that followed, this dramatic account will become a major source for academics and interested readers alike for years to come. Volume one deals with the Irish Government and Sunningdale (1973) and the Anglo-Irish Agreement (1985) and Volume two on the Good Friday Agreement (1998) and beyond.

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        June 2018

        Die besten Kinderbuchklassiker zum Vorlesen

        Der Wind in den Weiden, Peter Pan und Grimms Märchen

        by Barrie, James Matthew; Grahame, Kenneth; Grimm, Jacob und Wilhelm

        Die Kinderbuchklassiker „Der Wind in den Weiden“, „Peter Pan“ und die beliebtesten Märchen der Brüder Grimm - liebevoll und kindgerecht nacherzählt und wunderschön illustriert. Maulwurf, Ratterich und der Dachs müssen ihrem Freund, dem Kröterich, mal wieder aus der Patsche helfen. Er kann einfach nicht auf seine halsbrecherischen Abenteuer verzichten. Zahllose Abenteuer warten auch auf Wendy und ihre Brüder. Denn Peter Pan und die Fee Tinker Bell nehmen sie mit auf eine fantastische Reise nach Nimmerland. Und Dornröschen, Hänsel und Gretel, die Bremer Stadtmusikanten und viele andere bekannte Figuren entführen in märchenhafte Welten. Wunderbare Bilderbuchklassiker zum Vorlesen ab 4 Jahren!

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        The Arts
        November 2025

        Queen Henrietta's Men and the Cockpit Repertory

        Drama on the Drury Lane Stage, 1626–36

        by Eleanor Collins

        This book offers the first extended study of Queen Henrietta's Men, one of Caroline London's most important professional playing companies. The drama that the company performed at the Cockpit between 1626 and 1636 includes many underexplored and neglected plays from the period alongside more celebrated works by dramatists including James Shirley and John Ford, and a number of Elizabethan and Jacobean revivals. Queen Henrietta's Men and the Cockpit Repertory explores the material and cultural conditions under which the company operated, and offers an account of the dynamics that held between new drama written for the company and the revivals staged alongside that fare. In doing so, this account illuminates the ways in which an appreciation of the work of Queen Henrietta's Men can offer new perspectives on theatre history and the categories of company and repertory that have shaped it.

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        November 2018

        Beard's Roman Women

        By Anthony Burgess

        by Graham Foster

        Anthony Burgess draws upon an autobiographical episode to create Beard's Roman Women, the story of a man haunted by his first wife, presumed dead. But is she? A marvellously economical book, full-flavoured, funny, and heartfelt, showing its author at the height of his powers. This new edition is the first to be published with David Robinson's photographs for over 40 years. The text of the novel has been restored using the original typescripts, and Graham Foster's new introduction provides valuable insight into the fictional and biographical contexts of the novel. The text is fully annotated with a detailed set of notes and this edition includes the previously unpublished script for Burgess's television film By the Waters of Leman: Byron and Shelley at Geneva, and a rare piece of Burgess's writing about Rome.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2013

        Tyrants of Sicily by Hugo Falcandus

        by Graham Loud, Thomas Wiedemann

        This book is our principal source for the history of the Kingdom of Sicily in the troubled years between the death of its founder, King Roger, in February 1154 and the spring of 1169. It covers the reign of Roger's son, King William I, known to later centuries as 'the Bad', and the minority of the latter's son, William II 'the Good'. The book illustrates the revival of classical learning during the twelfth-century renaissance. It presents a vivid and compelling picture of royal tyranny, rebellion and factional dispute at court. Sicily had historically been ruled by tyrants, and that the rule of the new Norman kings could be seen, for a variety of reasons, as a revival of that classical tyranny. A more balanced view of Sicilian history of the period 1153-1169 has been provided as an appendix to the translation in the section of the contemporary world chronicle ascribed to Archbishop Romuald II of Salerno, who died in April 1181. In particular the chronicle of Romuald enables us to see how the papal schism of 1159 and the simultaneous dispute between the German Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and the north Italian cities affected the destiny of the kingdom of Sicily. In contrast to the shadowy figure of Hugo Falcandus, the putative author of the principal narrative of mid-twelfth-century Sicilian history, Romuald II, Archbishop of Salerno 1153-1181, is well-documented.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2024

        James Baldwin Review

        by Douglas Field, Justin Joyce, Dwight McBride

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2022

        Chinese religion in contemporary Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan

        The cult of the Two Grand Elders

        by Fabian Graham

        In Singapore and Malaysia, the inversion of Chinese Underworld traditions has meant that Underworld demons are now amongst the most commonly venerated deities in statue form, channelled through their spirit mediums, tang-ki. The Chinese Underworld and its sub-hells are populated by a bureaucracy drawn from the Buddhist, Taoist and vernacular pantheons. Under the watchful eye of Hell's 'enforcers', the lower echelons of demon soldiers impose post-mortal punishments on the souls of the recently deceased for moral transgressions committed during their prior incarnations. Chinese religion in contemporary Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan offers an ethnography of contemporary Chinese Underworld traditions, where night-time cemetery rituals assist the souls of the dead, exorcised spirits are imprisoned in Guinness bottles, and malicious foetus ghosts are enlisted to strengthen a temple's spirit army. Understanding the religious divergences between Singapore and Malaysia (and their counterparts in Taiwan) through an analysis of socio-political and historical events, Fabian Graham challenges common assumptions about the nature and scope of Chinese vernacular religious beliefs and practices. Graham's innovative approach to alterity allows the reader to listen to first-person dialogues between the author and channelled Underworld deities. Through its alternative methodological and narrative stance, the book intervenes in debates on the interrelation between sociocultural and spiritual worlds, and promotes the destigmatisation of spirit possession and discarnate phenomena in the future study of mystical and religious traditions.

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        December 2001

        Die Formen des Religiösen in der Gegenwart

        by Charles Taylor, Karin Wördemann, Charles Taylor

        Ausgehend von William James' 1902 erschienener Untersuchung "Die Vielfalt religiöser Erfahrung" verfolgt Charles Taylor die Verschiebungen im Verhältnis von Religion, Individuum und Gesellschaft, von Spirituellem und Politischem bis in die Gegenwart. Der Rückzug des religiösen aus der öffentlichen Sphäre hat die Religion nicht ins Private eingeschlossen; vielmehr verbirgt sich hinter diesem Prozeß eine Kulturrevolution: Der moderne »expressive« Individualismus hat eine Vielfalt neuer Religionsformen und -gemeinschaften hervorgebracht, die auf die traditionellen Formen zurückwirkt und die Gesellschaft verändert. Der Ort der Religion muß neu bestimmt werden.

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