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      • Jacoby & Stuart

        Jacoby & Stuart is a publishing house of richly illustrated and well-written children’s books, picture books, fiction and non-fiction. For adults we publish graphic novels, lovingly designed gift books, richly illustrated and informative non-fiction as well as inventive and exquisite cookbooks.

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      • Nanmeebooks Co., Ltd.

        Founded in September 1992, Nanmeebooks is one of the leading publishers in Thailand, which publish both fiction and non-fiction for people at all ages licensed from around the world. We are known for educational books for children and youth literature including Harry Potter. Our outstanding and bestselling titles are including books from J.K. Rowling, Paolo Coelho, Yu Hua, Yi Zhongtian, Dr. Tom Wu and Nobel writer Mo Yan. We are also honored to publish the work of HRH Princess Sirindhorn, as well as various Nobel Prize literatures.

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      • Fiction

        The Roots of All Evil

        by Paola G. Gasca

        A black and white photograph; a little girl; a small town. Dolores and Jacinta are sisters-in-law who cope with parallel grief. Dolores cannot seem to find a place inside her husband’s heart, not a simple life as she is surrounded by children. Jacinta carries the burden and sadness of being unable to get pregnant. It will be Inés, one of Dolores’ daughters, who strikes the balance and determines the destiny, love, and loss path not only of those women, but of the entire town. The Roots of All Evil happens in a town where hate is so deeply grounded, and where stories get tangled up with superstition, and where the roots of both touch each other, to the point where reality is suspended between veils of evil and sheer coincidence.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1991


        Roman. Aus dem Spanischen übersetzt und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Erna Pfeiffer

        by Benito Pérez Galdós, Erna Pfeiffer, Erna Pfeiffer

        Benito Pérez Galdós wurde 1843 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria geboren. Im Alter von 19 Jahren ging er nach Madrid, um Jura zu studieren. Dort lernte er Francisco Giner de los Ríos kennen, den Begründer der Institución Libre de Enseñanza, der ihn mit der Philosophie des Krausismo vertraut machte und ihn zum Schreiben ermutigte. Seinen ersten, noch von der Romantik beeinflußten Roman La fontana de oro veröffentlichte Galdós 1870. Er beschäftigte sich intensiv mit den Werken von Balzac und Dickens, die sein erzählerisches Werk zunehmend prägten. 1873 begann Galdós sein Projekt der Episodios nacionales, einem Zyklus historischer Romane, die sich mit der spanischen Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts auseinandersetzen. Zwischen 1873 und 1912 entstanden 46 Romane in diesem Zyklus. Galdós arbeitete auch als Journalist und schrieb Artikel zu gesellschaftlichen und politischen Problemen seiner Zeit. Galdós gilt aber vor allem als der Begründer des modernen spanischen Romans. Er schrieb weitere 32 Romane, die vorwiegend das Leben der spanischen Bourgeoisie, deren Gebräuche und Moralvorstellungen schildern und sich durch die feine psychologische Durchdringung der Charaktere auszeichnen. Zu den bekanntesten zählen Doña Perfecta (1876) und Fortunata y Jacinta (1886/87). In den 1890er Jahren beschäftigte Galdós sich auch mit dem Theater und schrieb mehrere Stücke. 1897 wurde Galdós Mitglied der Königlichen Spanischen Akademie der Sprache. Er engagierte sich auch politisch und war 1907 Spitzenkandidat der Republikanisch-Sozialistischen Partei in Madrid. 1912 erblindete er und starb 1920 in Madrid.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biology, life sciences
        October 2014

        Plant-derived Pharmaceuticals

        Principles and Applications for Developing Countries

        by Rima Menassa, Karen McDonald, Shawn Chen, Inga Hitzeroth, Gregory Pogue, Pascal Drake, Andreas Günter Lössl, M A D'Aoust, David Aviezer, Elizabeth Loza Rubio, John Howard, Carla Marusic, Somen Nandi. Edited by Kathleen L. Hefferon.

        Describing recent developments in the engineering and generation of plants as production platforms for biopharmaceuticals, this book includes both vaccines and monoclonal antibodies. It has a particular emphasis on targeting diseases which predominate in less developed countries, encompassing the current state of technologies and describing expression systems and applications. This book also includes a variety of vaccine case studies, protecting against pervasive infectious diseases such as rabies, influenza and HIV.

      • Trusted Partner
        Plant pathology & diseases
        February 2010

        Management of Fungal Plant Pathogens

        by Gordon Dryden, Allan T Lisle, Arun Omprakash Arya, Ashok Kumar, Nawal Kishore Dubey, Priyanka Singh, A O Ogaraku, Pramila Tripathi, Marina Sisterna, María Rosa Simón, Sebastian A Stenglein, Neeta Sharma, Abhishek Tripathi, Marta Mónica Astiz Gassó, Silvina Larran, Santiago Schalamuk, S.K. Gond, M S Patil, S Nandy, Analiá Edith Perelló, Prasad R Acharya, María Virginia Moreno, María Cristina Isabel Noelting, Shuzhen Zhang, Anuja Gupta, Gustavo Dal Bello, Saikat Kumar Basu, Cecilia Mónaco, Ayman M H Esh. Edited by Arun Omprakash Arya, Analiá Edith Perelló.

        This book reviews research into pathogenic fungi in a diverse selection of economically important crops, including fruits and cereals. The establishment and management of fungal plant diseases, using conventional and ecofriendly methods is discussed with an emphasis on the use of microorganisms and biotechnology. Chapters also examine the role of microbes in growth promotion, as bioprotectors and bioremediators and presents practical strategies for using microbes as well as botanicals in sustainable agriculture. Providing knowledge of plant-pathogen interactions, management strategies and techniques, this will be a useful resource for students, researchers and extension workers in biology and plant pathology.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2022

        50 Ways To Leave Your Ehemann (50 Ways to Leave Your Man)

        Nautilus Flugschrift

        by Jacinta Nandi

        How to Leave Your Man: Why it’s so hard for mothers to leave their partnersShe’s finally done it! The „World’s Worst Housewife" has left her partner and moved with her two childreninto her own apartment, or as she puts it: been gentrified away to the outskirts of Berlin. Jacinta Nandi hadalways expected that as a single mom, a whole other host of problems would be awaiting her. The mainproblems are financial: the truth is, it’s really hard for ordinary mothers - with ordinary incomes - to leavetheir partners and set up their own lives.Why does society make it so hard for women to leave men? Could it be that women in general, and mothersin particular, are not expected to be free? And if they do decide to fight for their freedom, they have to paya high price for it.Jacinta Nandi writes about slut-shaming and pity, the pressure to constantly justify yourself and society’spesky double standards. She shows us that it’s not only the violent relationships that are shitty, that beingtold what a great dad your ex is isn’t always helpful and why Isaac Newton was certainly not a single parent.She asks why married women show a lack of solidarity by baking ridiculously good cakes, and what it meansto be a single mom by choice. Why do mothers always have to be perfect while fathers are somehow alwaysgood enough? What has to change in order for mothers to no longer feel forced to stay in relationshipsthat are not serving them? Leave your husband – things can only get better!

      • Animal husbandry
        January 2012

        Infectious Diseases of Animals Their Identification and Treatment

        by Sukhdeb Nandi & Vishal Chander:

        The book contains detailed information about the infectious diseases of animals with their identification and treatments finding adequate space in the book. The book covers the following: Viral diseases: o Foot and mouth disease o Classical swine fever o Rabies o Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) o Goat pox o Sheep pox o Blue Tongue o Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis o Bovine ephemeral fever o Canine Parvovirus Infections. Bacterial diseases: o Black Quarter o Tuberculosis o Brucellosis o Glanders o Haemorrhagic Depticaemia o Leptospirosis o Strangles o Anthrax o Paratuberculosis

      • Veterinary pathology & histology
        August 2011

        Common Reproductive Problems in Bovines and Canines

        by Harvendra Kumar, Sukhdeb Nandi & R.B.Rai

        This manual is written in a very simple and lucid manner so that every person can read and understand the common reproductive problems in dairy as well as pet animals. The manual is written for field veterinarians, the persons engaged in dairy reproductive health control programme, officers and students. This handy manual will provide latest information related to diagnostics as well as therapeutics of most commonly gynaecological disorders like anestrus, repeat breeding, retention of placenta, prolapsed of cervix/uterus, abortion, endometritis, metritis, uterine torsion etc. in cows and buffaloes. Similarly, an attempt has been made to include most commonly found reproductive disorders and their management in bitches. This manual will be extremely helpful to all persons who are directly and indirectly engaged in handling of gynaecological problems in animals as we have put our knowledge and experiences gained during last several years at polyclinic, dairy farms as well as in the fields/farmers door. At last we do believe that any one can enrich their knowledge on the problems addressed in this manual and can face any challenge very easily and confidently.

      • Children's & YA

        Right Arm Over

        by Moti Nandy (Translated by Arunava Sinha)

        An unforgettable story of cricket and friendship from a master of sports fiction. Jibon and Ananto are best friends and promising cricketers—Jibon a stylish batsman, and Ananto a gifted fast bowler. But one day they have an accident and Jibon loses half his right arm. Considered the more talented of the two, his cricket career is over. Not one to give up, he makes it his mission to see that his friend plays for India. Meanwhile, the Indian cricket team is in turmoil as it heads into a Test series against Australia. Jibon is determined that Ananto will find his opportunity and shine at the international level. But even if he gets his chance, will Ananto be able to deliver? With its fascinating descriptions of playing cricket for the country, the workings of a cricket team, the politics of selection committees and the life of sportspeople, Right Arm Over is not just a novel about sports. It is also about the grit and determination needed to succeed, about friendship, and about sacrifices that are made out of love and commitment.

      • The Arts
        October 2021


        Windows of Divine Light in Mughal Art and Architecture

        by Editor: Navina Haider, contributors: George Michell, Mitchell Abdul Karim Crites, Ebba Koch

        A jali is a perforated stone or latticed screen, with ornamental patterns that draw on the compositional rhythms of calligraphy and geometry. In the parts of Asia and the Mediterranean where solar rays are strongest and brightest is where ustads, or master artisans, were able to evolve an aesthetic language of light, giving it form and shape through stone and other materials. Jalis share a common aim to bring filtered light into enclosed spaces, while providing protection and privacy. Additionally, they shape the atmosphere of a sacred space, augment the grandeur of palaces and enhance the charm of domestic interiors. This book explores the delicate beauty of more than two-hundred jalis across India, from fourteenth-century examples in Delhi to those designed by global contemporary artists inspired by historical styles. This expansive volume covers the temple designs of the Gujarat Sultanates, imperial symbolism and Sufi allusions in Mughal jalis, the innovations and adaptations of jalis across Rajasthan and central India and, further south, calligraphy in stone relief and pierced stone in the Deccan. With contributions by American art historian Mitchell Abdul Karim Crites, George Michell, an authority on South Asian architecture, and renowned art and architectural historian Ebba Koch, this lavishly illustrated publication reveals the poetry etched in these stone screens.   Navina Najat Haidar is a curator in the Department of Islamic Art at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. She helped lead the planning of the museum’s galleries for the Art of the Arab Lands, Turkey, Iran, Central Asia, and Later South Asia. Mitchell Abdul Karim Crites is an American art historian, who has lived and worked in India for more than forty years. His primary focus has been the revival of traditional Indian and Islamic arts and crafts. Over the years, Crites has participated in a number of prestigious art and architectural projects ranging from Mexico to Malaysia. George Michell, an authority on South Asian architecture, has made the study of Deccani architecture and archaeology his life’s work. He has spent over thirty years researching and cataloguing the enormous ruined city of Hampi Vijayanagara, among many other historical sites in the region. Ebba Koch, preeminent art and architectural historian, is presently a professor at the Institute of Art History in Vienna, Austria and a senior researcher at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Dr. Koch has spent much of her professional life studying the architecture, art, and culture of the Mughal Empire, and is considered a leading authority on Mughal architecture. Abhinav Goswami, based in Vrindavan, is trained as an archaeologist, photographer and temple priest. For the last three decades, Goswami has dedicated himself to documenting people, places, architecture and festivals of the rich cultural region of Vraj and other parts of India.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        July 2021

        Courtyard Houses of India

        by Yatin Pandya

        Indian architecture is not an object in space; it integrates space within the object, where the built and the unbuilt become counterpoints to vitalize each other. The alchemy of the two sustains the space and the life within. The void within the built—the courtyard—lies at the genesis of the urban dwelling form in India across geography and time. In ancient Indian sciences, the courtyard assumes the central position as Brahmasthana, the nucleus of the living environment. It provided for an open-to-sky outdoor space while being away from the public eye and thus suited an introverted lifestyle. In this book, the author traces the metaphysical, mythical, socio-cultural, environmental and spatial roles of the courtyard in the domestic architecture  of India—from early civilization and Vedic times to Islamic and colonial influences. This volume documents traditional and vernacular courtyard dwelling types across India within diverse climatic, cultural as well as geographic zones such as western (Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra), southern (Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Goa), eastern (Bihar, West Bengal), central (Madhya Pradesh) and northern (Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, and the Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.). It then discerns the spatial elements constituting the court, and the arts, the crafts as well as  the elements integral to the court.   Illustrated with splendid photographs and representative drawings, the book attempts to understand the presence and resolution, continued use and adaptation as well as the diverse interpretations and abstractions of the courtyard.   Yatin Pandya is an author, activist, academician, researcher as well as a practising architect with his firm FOOTPRINTS E.A.R.T.H. (Environment Architecture Research Technology Housing). He is a graduate of CEPT University, Ahmedabad, and holds a Master of Architecture degree from McGill University, Montreal. Pandya has been involved with city planning, urban design, mass housing, architecture, interior design and product design as well as conservation projects. He has authored numerous papers, which have appeared in national and international journals, and has produced several documentary films on architecture. During his tenure at the Vastu-Shilpa Foundation, Pandya worked on the publications Concepts of Space in Traditional Indian Architecture and Elements of Spacemaking, published by Mapin and now in their fourth reprint, which have won the Indian Institute of Architects’ (IIA) Award for Architectural Excellence in Research in the years 2012 and 2014, respectively. The research leading to this book was also carried out during his time at Vastu-Shilpa Foundation. He is a visiting faculty at the National Institute of Design and CEPT University, and a guest lecturer at various universities in India and abroad. The recipient of numerous national and international awards for research, design and dissemination, Pandya counts environmental sustainability, socio-cultural appropriateness, timeless aesthetics and economic affordability to be key principles of his work.

      • Animal breeding
        January 2010

        Artificial Insemination and Treatment of Infertility in Dairy Animals

        by Suresh Honnappagol & M.K. Tandle

        Artificial Insemination and Treatment of Infertility in Dairy Animals by Honnappagol and Tandle is a handy work of 16 well experienced faculties drawn from different departments of higher learning. Most of them are actively engaged in under-graduate and post-graduate teaching with considerable expertise. Adequate care has been exercised by the editors to incorporate all the aspects of artificial insemination and infertility in the chapters form 1 to 20 so that it can serve as a real guide to the students and veterinarians and in turn minimizing the possible economic losses to the dairy animal owners and dairy Industry. Adequate care has been taken to include all spheres of infertility starting from endocrinology of estrous cycle, role of nutrition, feed formulation, breeding strategies, estrus detection aids, recent advances in reproduction controlled breeding, fertility improvement use of ultrasound and laparoscopy, therapeutic management of infertility and reproductive disease control. Practical knowledge and skill in respect of handling, storage and evaluation of frozen semen, safety handling of cryocans and liquid nitrogen, factors affecting success rate in artificial insemination programme and drugs and hormones used in treating reproductive disorders is also provided.

      • Horticulture
        June 2020

        Climate Change and Greenhouse Gases Emission

        by Pratap Bhattacharya

        The book Climate Change and Greenhouse Gases Emissions presents the principles, practices along with key messages on different relevant issues on climate change and greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions in agriculture. The other important feature of the book is that techniques of GHGs measurements at field level with examples are presented which could be useful for practical studies. The book should give students a good foundation in climate change studies and inspire them to take up further studies in the advanced area of environmental sciences.

      • Sustainable agriculture
        November 2022

        Advanced Extension & Communication Strategies for Sustainable Livelihood Through Animal Husbandry and Allied Farming System

        by Arunasis Goswami & Sukanta Biswas

        The book is divided into two advanced thematic area, where in first part, 22 numbers of nationally acclaimed eminent authors contributed in various aspects of Advanced Extension and Communication Strategies and in second part, 21 numbers of eminent resource persons explained different concepts of Applied Extension & Communication Strategies for Sustainable Livelihood Through Animal Husbandry & Allied Farming System. In these two thematic area, several nationally acclaimed eminent authors contributed on various topics of basic & advanced communication-management skills , problem solving, Negotiation, project management skills, social networking, conflict & stress management, emotional intelligence, ICT in knowledge management, technology socialization, supply chain management and research prioritization techniques have well been accommodated and supported by advanced research methodology and empirical studies. Considering the need and importance of sustainable and holistic societal development and developing competency and efficiency of the extension performers, this multi-authorship compilation will be immense helpful and educative for the faculty, scholars, researchers and field functionaries of Extension education in pan India.

      • Mineralogy & gems
        January 2009

        A Handbook of Minerals, Crystals, Rocks and Ores

        by P.O. Alexander

        The book is divided into four sections, minerals, crystals, rocks and ores. Section A incorporates nine chapterss, begins with presenting salient features of the earth--its structure and composition. The second Minerals and Mineralogy briefly tells about their diversity and their categorisation and introduces the interesting way they are named. Crystal chemistry the third is the heart and soul of mineralogy and deals in somewhat details about the building blocks of minerals -atoms and ions and the way they form diverse types of minerals are. It tries to tell why every combination of chemical compounds cannot result into a naturally occurring mineral. The fourth and fifth s deal with Properties of Minerals, physical and optical. The section describe various physical properties that are helpful in the identification both in hand specimens and as thin section under the microscope. These two s are adequately aided with a number of illustrations, photographs and photomicrographs to bring home the point. five deals with classification of minerals and their occurrence and forms a prelude to the next two s on descriptive mineralogy. Important silicate and non silicate minerals are described in s eight and nine. A brief description of mineral uses is dealt with in both descriptive mineralogy as well Section D on mineral deposits, however, the last , Mineral uses presents an overall picture and will be interesting as well as educating to students and even general reader. Section B is devoted to crystals and crystallography. one introduces the subject while two presents basic crystallographic elements. three deals with the main six crystals systems while also giving a preliminary idea about stereographic projection and x-ray crystallography. Section C covers petrology, beginning with introduction to science of petrology, rock nomenclature. two is devoted to the study of igneous rocks, including their forms, composition, textures, structures, classification and description. Sedimentary rocks is the theme of three while different aspects of metamorphic rocks including kinds and agents of metamorphism and classification and description of metamorphism. The last portion of this also considers metamorphism in the background of global tectonics. five, the rock cycle presents a concise summary of geological events that have shaped the planet earth. The last section D is what geology is all about for a man on the street and its significance in nation building--the Ore minerals. It begins with what ore is and its place in human affairs as a well as presenting the important terminology in economic geology. two deals with ore genesis and presents various hypogene and supergene process that carves out ore deposits from non economic materials. three, mineral deposits and global tectonics is becoming a very popular theme among the earth scientists. A brief introduction of the same will be certainly appreciated by the student community and prompt them for further study in this direction. A general survey of Indias mineral resources is the theme of four. It covers almost all of the commonly used ores, metallic, non metallic or fuels. The last of section D and the boom, Indian mineral industry: some facts and figures will present where our country stands in the realm of mineral resources. Latest available data of resources, production, export, import, organisations that matter and other useful facts and figures are presented.

      • Animal husbandry
        September 2015

        Livestock and Poultry

        Conservation and Improvement Techniques

        by C.V. Singh & R.S. Barwal

        It is difficult to forecast the There are 25 s contributed by distinguished contributors who have made valuable contributions to the field of conservation of animal biodiversity and improvement of livestock. The topics covered are ranging from cattle genetic resources, strategic action plan for sustainable management, conservation and genetics improvement, breeding strategies to improve milk productivity, production systems and breeding policies for genetic improvement, application of biotechnological tools for conservation and improving of animal genetic resources, bioinformatics and genome analysis in conservation, heat stress management etc.

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2011

        Information and Communication Technology for Agriculture and Rural Development

        by R. Saravanan, C. Kathiresan & T. Indra Devi

        The articles included in this book focuses on; Digital divide in rural India, e-Agriculture issues, Cyber extension, overview on Village Knowledge Centres (VKCs), Community Information Centre iniative in Orissa, SATCOM application in Karnataka State, Model e-Villages in Arunachal Pradesh State of North-East India, Nationwide InDG web portal initiative for rural development, Kisan Mobile Sandesh (KMS), Dynamic Market Information (DMI) by Web and Mobile in Tamil Nadu, Expert systems for pest and diseases diagnosis in rubber, Interactive Multimedia Compact Disc (IMCD), Village Information Centres among Dairy Farmers in Tamil Nadu, KISSAN initiative of Kerala State, Mobile Agricultural School and Services (MASS) in Jharkhand, Farmers Database creation in Darjeeling District of West Bengal, Village Resource Centres (VRCs) in Uttaranchal, Pest Surveillance of Rice using satellite data, Techmode Approach for Distance Learning Courses for Field Veterinarians in Maharastra, Information Retrieval System for Buffalo Reproduction, Web Portals and Digital Data base in Agroforestry, Watershed Modelling using GIS and Remote Sensing in Gujarat State, e-Readiness and Participation Level of Akshya and KISSAN Kerala Beneficiaries and VRC & CIC Network in Assam and Internet utilization pattern, evaluation of Kissan Call Centres (KCCs), ICT adoption level, impact, stakeholders feedback, policy implications and recommendations.

      • Zoology & animal sciences
        August 2015

        Animal Welfare and Management

        by B.H.M. Patel, S.B. Prasanna & Mahadevppa D Gouri

        This book will serve the long standing need of the students, teachers, research workers and other stake holders. The book will be helpful to the students and researchers in developing basic understanding of Animal Welfare sciences.

      • Zoology & animal sciences
        June 2020

        Impact of Climate Change on Livestock Health and Production

        by Gangadhar Nayak, Kautuk Kumar Sardar, Bhabesh Chandra Das & Debiprasanna Das

        This volume of 30 chapters contributed by reputed authors covers: Diversification of livestock and crops. Integration of livestock systems with forestry and crop production. Drought and heat wave tolerant varieties. Strategies for reduction of Green House Gases emission from ruminants. Application of GIS and remote sensing technologies. Breeds with inherent genetic capabilities to adapt to climate change. This book also takes into account the climate change adaptation, mitigation practices, and policy frameworks for promotion of sustainable livestock and poultry production.

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