Editions Gibraltar
Editions Gibraltar is an independent publisher firmly committed to supporting writers whose lives and ideas have the power to improve the world.
View Rights PortalEditions Gibraltar is an independent publisher firmly committed to supporting writers whose lives and ideas have the power to improve the world.
View Rights PortalWe are an indipendent publisher based in Milan, born in 1994 as a monthly street paper dealing with social information. Now we publish 70 books per year. Our interests explore many and various worlds, from sustainable tourism to the discover of different cultures, encouraging their coexistence.
View Rights PortalPlants feed us, clothe us, provide us with the oxygen we breathe, and buffer our environment against change. In short, plants make life possible. Yet scientists estimate that more than 10 percent of the world's approximately 300,000 plant species are at risk of extinction, and huge swaths of tropical forests and other plant communities are being decimated daily. Plant Diversity, Second Edition surveys the world's plant diversity, from green algae through flowering plants, and presents the fascinating natural history and diversity of green plants in a taxonomic and evolutionary context. This title also asks and answers the questions: Why are there so many plant species in the world? And how can so many plants grow together in a given patch of prairie, forest, or wetland? Through the study of plant diversity, students will gain an appreciation of the natural world far beyond the classroom and the study of botany, to an understanding of how our actions impact the world around us. Plant Diversity, Second Edition is suitable as a supplementary text for a biology course or as recreational reading for the interested student.
Plants are the foundation of ecosystems. They convert energy from sunlight into carbohydrates, direct the cycling of nutrients, shape the hydrologic cycle, and influence weather. Many other ecologically important phenomena are the result of the interactions between plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria, and these natural processes reveal an amazing array of traits and strategies that have allowed plants to survive through the years. Plant Ecology, Second Edition explores these major ecological roles and dynamics of plants and their place in the environment. This reference is a vital tool for students and teachers of plant biology.
The ultimate source of energy is the sun, and the portal through which this life force flows into the biosphere is carried out by green plants. As a result, all organisms—plants, animals, and microbes—use photosynthetic energy for their own needs. Photosynthesis and Respiration, Second Edition introduces the concept of plants as photosynthetic machines and follows the flow of energy and carbon through the natural processes of photosynthesis and respiration. The interaction between photosynthesis and the environment is explored throughout this volume, as well as the role that plants play in balancing the global carbon budget. This reference is a vital tool for students and teachers of biological processes.
A plant grows by taking in carbon dioxide from the air and water, as well as nutrients from the soil. Using light energy from the sun, a plant turns these simple materials into more complex organic molecules that add to its increasing size. Plant Development, Second Edition explores this natural process, from the plant as a single cell to a mature organism, giving students a reference point for their understanding of the complex changes in both form and function of a plant's development. This is a valuable tool for students and teachers of plant biology.
The mineral nutrients of plants play key roles in plant growth and development, forming the underpinnings of the past, present, and future of agriculture. Plants with insufficient nutrients exhibit symptoms of sickness that can be confused with infectious plant diseases. The nutrients needed by plants are taken from the soil by the roots, and in many plants, the roots also form associations with other organisms that help them more efficiently colonize the soil or provide nutrients to the plant. All facets of plant nutrition, from the effect of nutrients on the plant to the role of plants in the global cycling of nutrients, impact the ways in which humans use and depend on plants for most aspects of our existence. Plant Nutrition, Second Edition addresses the basic chemistry, biology, physiology, and ecology of plant nutrition and shows how these topics relate to humans on a personal, social, and global scale.
Over the past 25 years, terms like genetic modification, genetic engineering, recombinant DNA technology, and biotechnology have become commonplace in the news and in the public vocabulary. But biotechnology has in fact been practiced for thousands of years, with the aim of harnessing organisms for processing food and making useful products. Since the 1980s, however, recombinant DNA technology has given us the ability to modify organisms in the most fundamental way. The modification of plants by these new techniques has unleashed a storm of public controversy worldwide. Plant Biotechnology, Second Edition brings perspective to the discussion. Tracing the history of biotechnology, from its origins in antiquity through its foundations as a science in the work of Louis Pasteur to the birth of modern genetic engineering, this eBook describes traditional uses for plants, reveals how they are genetically engineered, and explains how new technology compares with conventional ways of generating new food plants. Readers will find that this accessible introduction dispels some of the myths surrounding genetic engineering, clearly presents the current impact and future potential of genetically modified plants, and provides a balanced look at the risks and benefits of biotechnology.
Plants comprise millions of cells that work together as tissues to move materials throughout the body, gather water and minerals from the soil, and convert carbon dioxide into sugar by using energy from the sun. Plant Cells and Tissues, Second Edition takes a focused approach to the study of plant processes by examining this subject from its smallest unit, the cell. This volume also answers questions such as: How do tiny seeds grow into towering trees? How do nettles deliver such painful stings? And how do roots know which way is down? Some of the topics discussed include interesting aspects of plant cell biology, such as cell division and what makes a plant wilt. It also highlights special adaptations that plants have made to survive in harsh environments, including the plant science behind the survival of the spiny cacti of deserts and the carnivorous insect traps of acidic bogs. This reference is a vital tool for students and teachers of plant biology.
Both an ancient way of life and a relatively new and thriving scientific field, ethnobotany is the study of how particular cultures make use of local plants for food, fuel, medicine, shelter, and, in many cultures, for religious ceremonies. Ethnobotany, Second Edition covers all these aspects of this field, with special interest in the significance of plants in the development of new drugs, as modern scientists look to traditional healing remedies for clues in the ongoing fight against disease.
For centuries, forests have provided humans and wildlife with shelter and food, but as the need for more wood products from trees increases, so too does the danger of losing the source of our natural wealth. Left untouched, forests provide beauty and recreation that continue to improve our quality of life, and it is our responsibility to take care of that which takes care of us. Forestry, Second Edition explores the science of forestry, from the types of trees and shrubs grown for commercial and medicinal use, to the impact of trees on the environment and human society. This reference is a vital tool for students and teachers of the natural world.
This eBook explores the wide-ranging realm of horticulture. Presenting lucidly written information on conventional, organic, and sustainable methods, Horticulture, Second Edition covers such topics as the geographical origins of plants as well as their identification, classification, physiology, breeding, and propagation. It also introduces discussions of plant cultural requirements, soil classification, soil fertility, irrigation, ecology and pest control, garden design, and harvest and post-harvest activities. Students will also learn about career opportunities in horticulture.
R is a freely available, open-source statistical programming environment which provides powerful statistical analysis tools and graphics outputs. R is now used by a very wide range of people; biologists (the primary audience of this book), but also all other scientists and engineers, economists, market researchers and medical professionals. R users with expertise are constantly adding new associated packages, and the range already available is immense.This text works through a set of studies that collectively represent almost all the R operations that biology students need in order to analyse their own data. The material is designed to serve students from first year undergraduates through to those beginning post graduate levels. Chapters are organized around topics such as graphing, classical statistical tests, statistical modelling, mapping, and text parsing. Examples are based on real scientific studies, and each one covers the use of more R functions than those simply necessary to get a p-value or plot.The book walks the reader through the data analysis process, starting with very simple plots, and continuing through more complex analyses and programming. It shows how to deal with issues such as error messages that can be confronting for beginners, in order to set students up for a successful scientific career using R.Collectively the authors have a vast amount of teaching experience which they apply here to make the passage into R programming as gentle and easy as possible, whilst guiding the reader to tackle quite complicated programming. Table of contents 1: How to Use this Book 2: Installing and Running R 3: Very Basic R Syntax 4: First Simple Programs and Graphics 5: The Dataframe Concept 6: Plotting Biological Data in Various Ways 7: The Grammar of Graphics Family of Packages 8: Sets and Venn diagrams 9: Statistics: Choosing the Right Test 10: Commonly Used Measures and Statistical Tests 11: Regression and Correlation Analyses 12: Count Data as Response Variable 13: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 14: Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) 15: More Generalised Linear Modelling 16: Monte Carlo Tests and Randomisation 17: Principal Components Analysis 18: Species Abundance, Accumulation and Diversity Data 19: Survivorship 20: Dates and Julian Dates 21: Mapping and Parsing Text Input for Data 22: More on Manipulating Text 23: Phylogenies and Trees 24: Working with DNA Sequences and other character data 25: Spacing in Two Dimensions 26: Population Modelling Including Spatially Explicit Models 27: More on “apply” Family of Functions – Avoid Loops to get More Speed 28: Food webs and simple graphics 29: Adding Photographs 30: Standard Distributions in R 31: Reading and Writing Data to and from Files
After only 200 years, the field of genetics is young compared to how long plants and animals have inhabited the earth. What was once the scientific study of inherited traits has come to include the study of everything related to genes, the "building blocks of life," including their functions, structures, interactions, and sequences. Plant Genetics, Second Edition gives a detailed look at the genetics of plants through historical scientific achievements, discussions of genetic diversity, agricultural practices, and comparisons to animal and human genetics. A brief history provides a sketch of two genetic pioneers, Gregor Mendel and Barbara McClintock, who have left everlasting impressions on the field of plant genetics. A technical overview explains basic genetic terminology and fundamental processes. Details of some widely used methods in biotechnology are also included in an attempt to demystify certain aspects of genetic engineering. This reference is a vital tool for students and teachers.
This special issue of the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library is dedicated to Peter Nockles. An expert on the Oxford Movement and the religious history of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Nockles was employed at the John Rylands Library from 1979 to 2016. During this time he extended his scholarly generosity and friendship to countless researchers. The issue features articles on a range of topics connected to Peter's scholarship and networks, including the Church of England (particularly High Churchmanship and the Oxford Movement), Catholicism, Methodism and Church-State conflict relating to the Church of Ireland.
Pulp brings together in one volume chapters on the best seller, detective fiction, popular romance, science fiction and horror. It combines a lucid and accessible account of the cultural theories that have informed the study of popular fiction with detailed readings of Jackie Collins, Jilly Cooper, Colin Dexter, William Gibson, Stephen King, Iain Banks, Terry McMillan and Walter Mosley. Scott Mc Cracken argues that popular fiction serves a vital function: it provides us with the means to construct a workable sense of self in the face of the disorientating pressures of modernity. ;
Nach seinen sprachphilosophischen Arbeiten ('Sprechakte', stw 458; 'Ausdruck und Bedeutung', stw 349) hat John R. Searle mit 'Intentionalität' eine Untersuchung zu einem Kernstück der Philosophie des Geistes vorgelegt, die in einem engen thematischen Zusammenhang mit den früheren Arbeiten steht. Intentionalität ist nach Searles Auffassung die Basis sprachlicher Bedeutung. In seiner Theorie der Intentionalität geht es um die begrifflichen Eigenschaften intentionaler Zustände (auf die Frage nach ihrem ontologischen Status geht er ausführlicher ein in 'Geist, Hirn und Wissenschaft', stw 591). Zwei Aspekte stehen dabei im Vordergrund der Untersuchung: die Logik der Repräsentation und der Kausalität intentionaler Zustände. Doch Searle entwickelt in dieser Arbeit nicht nur eine Theorie der Intentionalität und des Zusammenhangs zwischen sprachlichem und geistigem Inhalt. In einem vornehmlich kritischen Teil setzt er sich ausführlich mit konkurrierenden Auffassungen aus dem Bereich der analytischen Philosophie auseinander, insbesondere mit derzeit sehr einflußreichen 'nicht-deskriptivistischen' Theorien des Bezugs, wie sie von S. Kripke, H. Putnam, K. Donnellan, T. Burge und D. Kaplan vertreten und angeregt wurden.
The John Rylands Library houses one of the finest collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives in the world. The collections span five millennia, have a global reach and cover a wide range of subjects, including art and archaeology; economic, social, political, religious and military history; literature, drama and music; science and medicine; theology and philosophy; travel and exploration. For over a century, the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library has published research that complements the Library's special collections.
This is the third of three volumes of Keys to the Trematoda, a series on the systematics and identification of the Class Trematoda. It covers five superfamilies with the Order Plagiorchiida and the family Didymozoidae, with the keys for their identification at the family, subfamily and generic levels. It also includes a key to all dignean superfamilies, including those treated in detail in volumes oneand two.
This comprehensive textbook has, at its core, the importance of linking strategic thinking with action in the management of tourism. It provides an analytical evaluation of the most important global trends, as well as an analysis of the impact of crucial environmental issues and their implications. Fully updated throughout, this new edition: -Covers forecasting, functional management and strategic planning; -Includes extra chapters to incorporate a wider spread of important topics such as sustainability, authenticity and crisis management; -Contains pedagogical features throughout, such as learning objectives, questions and case studies to aid understanding Now in its third edition, and reviewing the major factors affecting international tourism management, this well-established student resource provides an essential overview of strategic management for students and professionals in the tourism sector.