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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesMarch 2024
Diaspora as translation and decolonisation
by Ipek Demir
This innovative study engages critically with existing conceptualisations of diaspora, arguing that if diaspora is to have analytical purchase, it should illuminate a specific angle of migration or migrancy. To reveal the much-needed transformative potential of the concept, the book looks specifically at how diasporas undertake translation and decolonisation. It offers various conceptual tools for investigating diaspora, with a specific focus on diasporas in the Global North and a detailed empirical study of the Kurdish diaspora in Europe. The book also considers the backlash diasporas of colour have faced in the Global North.
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Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesSeptember 2018
Race and the Yugoslav region
Postsocialist, post-conflict, postcolonial?
by Catherine Baker, Gurminder Bhambra
This is the first book to situate the territories and collective identities of former Yugoslavia within the politics of race - not just ethnicity - and the history of how ideas of racialised difference have been translated globally. The book connects critical race scholarship, global historical sociologies of 'race in translation' and south-east European cultural critique to show that the Yugoslav region is deeply embedded in global formations of race. In doing this, it considers the everyday geopolitical imagination of popular culture; the history of ethnicity, nationhood and migration; transnational formations of race before and during state socialism, including the Non-Aligned Movement; and post-Yugoslav discourses of security, migration, terrorism and international intervention, including the War on Terror and the present refugee crisis.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJanuary 2017
Frontiers of the Caribbean
by Philip Nanton, Gurminder Bhambra
This book argues that the Caribbean frontier, usually assumed to have been eclipsed after colonial conquest, remains a powerful but unrecognised element of Caribbean island culture. Combining analytical and creative genres of writing, it explores historical and contemporary patterns of frontier change through a case study of the little-known Eastern Caribbean multi-island state of St Vincent and the Grenadines. Modern frontier traits are located in the wandering woodcutter, the squatter on government land and the mountainside ganja grower. But the frontier is also identified as part of global production that has shaped island tourism, the financial sector and patterns of migration.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJuly 2021
The fringes of citizenship
Romani minorities in Europe and civic marginalisation
by Julija Sardelic, Gurminder Bhambra
This book presents a socio-legal enquiry into the civic marginalisation of Roma in Europe. Instead of looking only at Roma's position as migrants, an ethnic minority or a socio-economically disadvantage group, it considers them as European citizens, questioning why they are typically used to describe exceptionalities of citizenship in developed liberal democracies rather than as evidence for how problematic the conceptualisation of citizenship is at its core. Developing novel theoretical concepts, such as the fringes of citizenship and the invisible edges of citizenship, the book investigates a variety of topics around citizenship, including migration and free movement, statelessness and school segregation, as well as how marginalised minorities respond to such predicaments. It argues that while Roma are unique as a minority, the treatment that marginalises them is not. This is demonstrated by comparing their position to that of other marginalised minorities around the globe.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesNovember 2021
De-centering queer theory
Communist sexuality in the flow during and after the Cold War
by Bogdan Popa, Gurminder Bhambra
De-centering queer theory seeks to reorient queer theory to a different conception of bodies and sexuality derived from Eastern European Marxism. The book articulates a contrast between the concept of the productive body, which draws its epistemology from Soviet and avant-garde theorists, and Cold War gender, which is defined as the social construction of the body. The first part of the book concentrates on the theoretical and visual production of Eastern European Marxism, which proposed an alternative version of sexuality to that of western liberalism. In doing so it offers a historical angle to understand the emergence not only of an alternative epistemology, but also of queer theory's vocabulary. The second part of the book provides a Marxist, anti-capitalist archive for queer studies, which often neglects to engage critically with its liberal and Cold War underpinnings.
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Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesMarch 2018
Race and the Yugoslav region
by Catherine Baker, Gurminder K. Bhambra
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Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesSeptember 2016
Debt as Power
by Richard H. Robbins, Tim Di Muzio, Gurminder K. Bhambra
Trusted PartnerSocial & political philosophyJanuary 2017
Subjects of modernity
Time-space, disciplines, margins
by Saurabh Dube. Series edited by Professor Gurminder K. Bhambra
This book thinks through modernity and its representations by drawing in critical considerations of time and space. It explores the oppositions and enchantments, the contradictions and contentions, and the identities and ambivalences spawned under modernity as constitutive of our worlds. Instead of assuming a straightforward, singular trajectory of the phenomena, it discusses modernity as involving checkered, contingent and contended processes of meaning and power over the past five centuries. Subjects of modernity considers the overlaps yet distinctions between modernity, modernism and modernisation, further imaginatively exploring the relationship between history and anthropology. Critically engaging historical anthropology, subaltern studies, de-colonial understandings, and post-colonial procedures, it at once offers an innovative understanding of cultural identities and imaginatively reassess critical perspectives, from South Asia to Latin America. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of anthropology, history, sociology, post-colonial studies and cultural geography, among other subjects, finding adoption in different courses/seminars across disciplines.
Trusted PartnerSociologyJanuary 2017
Frontiers of the Caribbean
by Dr Philip Nanton. Series edited by Professor Gurminder K. Bhambra
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Trusted PartnerFebruary 2017
Abraham – Ibrahim
Interreligiöses Grundschulmaterial zum Stammvater von Juden, Christen und Muslimen
by Hubka, Christine; Demir, Ramazan
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Trusted PartnerScience & MathematicsDecember 2016
Natural Polymers for Drug Delivery
by Harsha Kharkwal, Harsha Kharkwal, Anupama Dhiman, Srinivas Janaswamy, Srinivas Janaswamy, Neerupma Dhiman, Ram Prasad, Monika Joshi, Deepshikha Pande Katare, Kumud Bala, Wong Tin Wui, Anirbandeep Bose, Heather Sheardown, Ly Le, Ali Demir Sezer, Erdal Cevher, K.H. Basavaraj, Zeenat Iqbal, Krutika K Sawant, S G Gattani, Vishal V Pande
Natural polymers have been utilized extensively in food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, textiles, oil drilling and paint industries. Their non-toxic and inexpensive attributes readily enhance their commercial acceptability and make them potent agents in lieu of synthetic polymers. This book explores the opportunistic utility of natural polymers in developing effective drug delivery systems and provides a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of their source, chemical structure and mechanism of action. Covering novel polymers for drug delivery - in particular extracts from plants, microorganisms and proteins, as well as water soluble and water insoluble biodegradable polymers - it presents an encyclopaedic overview of natural polymers': - quintessential roles in binding drugs towards enhancing bioavailability - modification and derivatization for targeted delivery - role as active drugs Natural Polymers for Drug Delivery is an invaluable resource for researchers, students and industrial scientists in the fields of biochemistry, chemistry, pharmacology and food science. ; This book provides an overview of the source, chemical structure and action mechanism of natural polymers. Focusing on their utility in developing effective drug delivery systems, it covers polymers’ role in binding drugs towards enhancing bioavailability, modification and derivatisation for targeted delivery, and modification as active drugs. ; 1: Natural Polymers for Drug Delivery: An IntroductionSection I: Drug Delivery Based on Different Classes of Polymers2: Cellulose-based Polymeric Systems in Drug Delivery3: Hydrocolloids-based Hydrogels in Drug Delivery4: Water Soluble Biodegradable Polymers for Drug Delivery5: Polysaccharide-based Drug Carriers6: Polymer-based Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery Systems and Cancer Therapeutics7: Polymer Nanocomposite-based Biosensors for Drug Delivery ApplicationsSection II: Polymeric Interaction and Conjugates8: Polymer-Drug Conjugates: Targeted Drug Delivery9: Protein-Drug Conjugates: A New Class of Biotherapeutics10: Microencapsulation for Controlled Gastrointestinal Delivery of Probiotics and PrebioticsSection III: Disease-specific Drug Delivery Systems11: Chitosan in Drug Delivery and Targeting for Cancer Treatment12: Polymers as Biodegradable Matrices in Transdermal Drug Delivery13: Ocular Drug Delivery Systems14: Natural Polymers Targeting Habitual Disease15: Bioengineered Wound and Burn Healing Substitutes: Novel Design for Biomedical and General Applications
October 2021
Lydian Painted Pottery Abroad
The Gordion Excavations 1950-1973
by R. Gul Gurtekin-Demir
This book is the first major study of Lydian material culture at Gordion and also the first published monograph on Lydian painted pottery from any site excavation. Richly illustrated, it provides a comprehensive definition and analysis of Lydian ceramics based on stylistic, archaeological, and textual evidence, while thoroughly documenting the material’s stratigraphic contexts. The book situates the ceramic corpus within its broader Anatolian cultural context and offers insights into the impact of Lydian cultural interfaces at Gordion. The Lydian pottery found at Gordion was largely produced at centers other than Sardis, the Lydian royal capital, although Sardian imports are also well attested and began to influence Gordion’s material culture as early as the 7th century BCE, if not before. Following the demise of the Lydian kingdom, a more limited repertoire of Lydian ceramics demonstrably continued in use at Gordion into the Achaemenid Persian period in the late 6th and 5th centuries BCE. The material was excavated by Professor Rodney Young’s team between 1950 and 1973 and is fully presented here for the first time. Ongoing research in the decades following Young’s excavations has led to a more refined understanding of Gordion’s archaeological contexts and chronology, and, consequently, we are now able to view the Lydian ceramic corpus within a more secure stratigraphic framework than would have been the case if the material had been published shortly after the excavations.