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      • ZNN Network Literary and Illustrator Agency

        - International Copyright, Licensing, and Literary Agency - International Illustrator Agency and Management Services - Creative Content Development Services

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      • Smart English Company Limited

        Smart English Company Limited is committed to developing a line of fun and educational products, which currently includes Inspirational English and Robin Education, to help young learners acquire the four skills in the English language. With 'Baby Animals', 'Dinosaurs in my Garden', and 'Mirabelle and Milo', Robin Education aims to develop young learners’ ability to use authentic English language in line with the Cambridge English Qualifications syllabus, as they explore the fascinating stories in each series.

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2015

        My Uncle Zhou Enlai

        by Zhou Erliu

        My Uncle Zhou Enlai honestly and sincerely records the bounds and influence of Zhou Enlai’s conduct, behavior and idealism from the perspective of author Zhou Erliu’s family history, personal experiences, and strong data proof. This new, over 200,000-word book is divided into seven sections including “The Zhou Family’s Social Standing”, “I and Uncle Zhou Enlai and Aunt Deng Yingchao”, “The Storms of Building the Nation”, “The Time of the Cultural Revolution”, “An Eternal Reminiscence”, “The Correction and Clarifcation of Historical Facts”, and “Carrying out the Wishes of the Deceased”. The author Zhou Erliu received nurturing and aid for many years from Mr. and Mrs. Zhou Enlai, and was the closest nephew to Prime Minister Zhou Enlai at work and in life. He was deeply influenced by them and possessed an innumerable amount of precious firsthand news and information, all these establishing the basis for the true emergence of Zhou Enlai in his book. This book has countless exclusive historical facts revealed for the frst time, including the influence of Zhou Enlai’s ancestors on him, a pillow side book from his last days along with his aspiration to write the novel Family Branch, his thoughts and views revealed in front of his family from the establishment of the New China to the “Cultural Revolution”, Deng Yingchao’s telling of the true cause for Zhou Enlai’s passing, and more.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Collected Works of Zhou Zuoren

        by ZHOU ZUOREN

        Zhou Zuoren has always been called the "king of short prose". His essays are the culmination of Chinese vernacular prose. Contemporaries such as Lu Xun, Hu Shi, and Yu Pingbo have commented on it. He is erudite and knowledgeable, and his writings are all-encompassing. He is generally acknowledged as his literary style to be calm and dilute. His essays always permeate humanistic observations, which are both profound and forward-looking, and contain the plain and sincere of life, allowing readers to taste the classic aesthetics of prose in his dilute and simple texts, but also You can experience a rich life and harvest the wisdom of thinking.

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2017

        Made In China

        by Zhou Meisen

        This novel focuses on reformation of a Chinese city through struggle and fate of people from three social classes: the leaders, the middle managers, and the common citizens.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2017

        The Highest Interest

        by Zhou Meisen

        This political novel reveals inside story of achievement showing project. Through reflection of Chinese political system, it shows the most intense conflict of modern politics and the choice of politicians.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2010


        Ein Reisebegleiter

        by Andreas Drouve

        Südafrika – Land am Kap der Guten Hoffnung, Regenbogennation, Gastgeber der Fußballweltmeisterschaft 2010. Dieser Reisebegleiter führt nicht nur in Südafrikas schönste Naturparks, sondern nimmt zwischen Johannesburg und Kapstadt, zwischen der Gartenroute und den Weiten des Nordens die Fährten bekannter Literaten und ihrer Werke auf, angeführt von den Nobelpreisträgern Nadine Gordimer und J. M. Coetzee. Für das Spannungsfeld zwischen Geschichte und Gegenwart stehen Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu und jüngere südafrikanische Stimmen wie Gcina Mhlophe. Wir folgen Cees Nooteboom, dem "Walrufer" von Zakes Mda und den Lebensstationen des Mahatma Gandhi. Ein Serviceteil mit den wichtigsten Adressen rundet diesen Band ab.

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        Palace Papers

        Die Windsors, die Macht und die Wahrheit | Deutsche Ausgabe. Von der Autorin des Weltbestsellers "Diana. Die Biografie"

        by Brown, Tina

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Ulrike Strerath-Bolz, Stephan Kleiner, Monika Köpfer, Karsten Singelmann, Astrid Becker, Sylvia Bieker, Henriette Zeltner Shane und Nadine Lipp

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        March 2015

        The Stories of Zhou Enlai

        by Liu Jintian

        The characters included in the "The Chinese Leaders' Stories Series" are all the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries who have made great contributions or created great achievements in the great struggle to create the People's Republic of China and the great cause of leading the people to carry out socialist economic construction. The vivid and detailed stories illustrate these great people from their birth time until their senior status and describe their fighting process, showing the reader a full and vivid image, reappearing their personality charm, political wisdom, and military talent. The series is a good model for cultivating the patriotism of Chinese young readers, and it also provides a great opportunity for readers to relive in the history and have experienced those leaders' great achievements. This book is the stories of Zhou Enlai.

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