Highline Verlag
Highline is a young and creative and publisher specializing in high-quality children’s books. The book series „The adventures of little Charlie“ is particularly popular among dog lovers of all ages.
View Rights PortalHighline is a young and creative and publisher specializing in high-quality children’s books. The book series „The adventures of little Charlie“ is particularly popular among dog lovers of all ages.
View Rights PortalHighlights for Children is a multi-media brand that has nurtured children for more than 70 years. Our books and digital products - puzzles, trade and educational - are devoted to helping children around the world become their best selves.
View Rights PortalBack to School, the sequel to Trinity High; Students-in-Crime, is equally full of adventure, mischief and fun as its prequel. It captures the last two terms of the Form One experience of Naa Atswei and her friends. Together, the girls figure out how to beat the system and survive the jungle.Whether they willingly chase some adventures or are drawn in unintentionally, the girls do what they alone do best: they keep readers at the edge of their seats!
This topic takes as a sample the glorious development history of high-speed rail, which is highly concentrated and represents China’s manufacturing industry catching up with the world’s advanced level. This vivid portrayal of characters reflects the spirit and core values of Chinese railway people's minds of the motherland, tenacious struggle, and brave climbing, fully interpreting China's democracy, independence and self-reliance, and realizing the Chinese dream of making the country and the people rich.
China Story Picture Books is the first set of children's picture books launched by the Bingxin Award Committee. This set of books covers the works of seven Bingxin Award-winning writers of different ages including children's literature masters and promising young writers. The illustrations are full of traditional Chinese cultural elements such as dragon lantern dance, paper cutting, oil paper umbrella, and bamboo. Powerful painters at home and abroad are invited to do illustrations, which brings interesting fusion and collision of Chinese and foreign cultures to the books. In addition to the original illustrations, the stories are more touching. Every child can harvest the courage and wisdom for growing up from these stories. The series consists of 7 picture books: The Dragon Lantern, The Path of Golden Flowers, The Child in Three-Story Attic, The School Day Gifts, The Secret of Crossing, The Slope of Sisters. The School Day Gifts tells the story of the growth of a young umbrella maker. After graduating from high school, the protagonist became an umbrella maker, but he had no courage to go back to the school celebration day. Daddy saw what was on his mind and secretly helped him prepare gifts for my teachers and classmates, which were dozens of old-fashioned oilpaper umbrellas made of golden bamboo bones and oilpaper. Eventually he proudly participated in the school day and recited the poet Ai Qing's The Umbrella.
Die Zombies sind los! Halloween in der Escape School: Die Schülerinnen und Schüler feiern in gruseligen Kostümen und mit dabei sind natürlich auch die Leser:innen. Doch was ist das? Plötzlich stürmen echte Zombies die Party auf der Suche nach etwas Essbarem. Jetzt gilt es, die gruseligen Kreaturen wieder loszuwerden, bevor sie noch Appetit auf Menschen entwickeln. Wer hilft mit? Spannendes Escape-Rätsel für Kinder ab 7 Jahren. Packende Storyline und viele Rätsel, inklusive Rätsel-Postkarte. Perfekt geeignet, um Leseanfänger für das Lesen zu begeistern. In der Escape-School-Reihe sind bisher fünf Bände erschienen. Gelistet bei Antolin.
In "Escape School 1. Das Zauberbuch" von Anne Scheller finden sich die jungen Leser in einem spannenden Abenteuer wieder, das in der geheimnisvollen Welt der Escape School spielt. Das Internat, das bereits durch sein altes, schlossähnliches Aussehen eine gewisse Gruselstimmung verbreitet, wird zum Schauplatz eines unerwarteten Ereignisses: Eine Meute fieser Kobolde, heraufbeschworen durch einen verbotenen Zauberspruch, sorgt für Chaos und bringt die Schüler in große Gefahr. Nur durch das Lösen von kniffligen Rätseln können die Leser – zusammen mit den Protagonisten Tom, Anni und Katta, Toms Haustier – das Böse besiegen und die Ordnung wiederherstellen. Dieses Buch verbindet die Faszination für Escape- und Exit-Games mit dem Lesen, indem es Kinder aktiv in die Geschichte einbindet und sie Teil des Abenteuers werden lässt. Es ist nicht nur ein Rätselspaß, sondern fördert auch die Lesekompetenz und das logische Denken der jungen Detektive im Grundschulalter. Förderung der Lesekompetenz: Kombiniert Lesevergnügen mit dem Lösen von Rätseln, um die Lesefähigkeiten spielerisch zu stärken. Interaktives Leseerlebnis: Die Kinder werden durch die Geschichte geführt und müssen aktiv Entscheidungen treffen, die den Verlauf beeinflussen. Spannung und Abenteuer: Eine packende Story, die mit der Suche nach dem Zauberbuch nicht nur Neugier weckt, sondern auch zum Mitfiebern einlädt. Kreativität und Problemlösung: Regt zum kritischen Denken an und fördert die Fähigkeit, Probleme kreativ zu lösen. Ideal für junge Rätselfans: Perfekt für Kinder ab 7 Jahren, die Rätsel lieben und sich gerne in magische Welten entführen lassen. Alle Bände der Reihe: Band 1: Das Zauberbuch Band 2: Der unheimliche Nebel Band 3: Der Schrumpf-Kristall Band 4: Achtung, Zombies! Band 5: Vampire im Schloss
This book is the oral autobiography of Zhiyun Shen,the senior fellow member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. By the recall of his science study life on the railway motors, communication and transportation, it veritably reflects the development of the Chinese railway vehicles, especially the high rail.
This set of 3 books, "Super Project", "High Scientific", "The Technology of the Nation", selects outstanding science and technology projects reflecting the level of scientific research, technological innovation and development of engineering equipment in China, such as manned spaceflight, lunar exploration project, Beidou Navigation, China High Speed Rail, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, quantum communication, Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescopeetc, demonstrating the great Chinese wisdom and creative ability; allowing children to learn scientific and technological knowledge, and enrich their experiences at the same time, children can explore the mystery of China's technological innovation and experience the pride and technological self-confidence brought to the nation by China's intellectual production.
The image many people have of depression is devastating - a chronic condition that leaves not only the sufferer but also their loved ones at a loss. Unfortunately, psychotherapies often focus on deficits rather than individual strengths and resources. Although this makes patients feel understood, there is a risk that they will become stuck in the role of victim. But what about those who seem to be functioning normally, those who masterfully hide their depression behind a smile? High-functioning depression" is often overlooked because people affected by it have good coping strategies to deal with everyday life. In this groundbreaking book, Dr Michelle Hildebrandt, a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy, shows how high-functioning depression can be recognised and how resource-oriented therapy can help not only those affected, but also other people with depression and their relatives. This book broadens the picture of depression and creates a space of hope.
The third novel in the Trinity High series, Investigation Galore is equally full of adventure, mischief and fun as its predecessors. Naa Atswei and her compatriots have finally escaped nino status and are seniors in their own right! This book is about life in form two at Trinity High. Join Naa, the sleuth and her associates as they stretch their investigative limits while they strive to keep seniors in check!
In "Escape School 3. Der Schrumpf-Kristall" von Anne Scheller erleben junge Leserinnen und Leser ein spannendes Abenteuer in einem Internat, das in einem alten, schlossähnlichen und leicht gruseligen Gebäude angesiedelt ist. Die Geschichte nimmt eine unerwartete Wendung, als plötzlich eine Schülerin spurlos verschwindet. Die Protagonisten, gemeinsam mit ihren Freunden Tom und Anni, stürzen sich in die Ermittlungen, die durch ein weiteres rätselhaftes Ereignis kompliziert werden: Tom schrumpft aufgrund eines mysteriösen Kristalls. Dies setzt die Gruppe unter Zeitdruck und zwingt sie, verschiedene Rätsel zu lösen, um ihre Freunde zu retten und das Geheimnis des Schrumpf-Kristalls zu lüften. "Der Schrumpf-Kristall" ist nicht nur ein packendes Leseerlebnis, sondern auch eine Hommage an den Megatrend der Escape- und Exit-Games, angereichert mit einer Prise Magie. Dieses Buch ist ideal für junge Leser*innen im Grundschulalter, die Spannung lieben und ihre Lesekompetenz spielerisch erweitern möchten, und bietet eine perfekte Mischung aus Abenteuer, Freundschaft und dem Lösen kniffliger Rätsel. Spannende Escape-Geschichte für junge Leser: Fesselt Kinder ab 7 Jahren mit einer packenden Story und zahlreichen Rätseln. Förderung von Teamarbeit und Problemlösungsfähigkeiten: Durch das gemeinsame Lösen der Rätsel entwickeln Kinder wertvolle Fähigkeiten. Magisches Abenteuer: Verbindet den Reiz von Escape-Spielen mit Elementen der Fantasie und Magie. Lesekompetenz spielerisch stärken: Eine ideale Lektüre zur Förderung der Lesefähigkeit und zur Steigerung der Lesemotivation. Für Fans von Detektivgeschichten: Bietet eine spannende Alternative für Fans der „Drei ??? Kids“ und andere junge Detektivgeschichten-Liebhaber.
"Escape School 2. Der unheimliche Nebel" von Jule Ambach ist ein spannendes Erstlesebuch, das junge Leser*innen im Alter von 7 bis 9 Jahren in ein mitreißendes Abenteuer entführt. In dieser Geschichte wird die Schule von einem rätselhaften Phänomen heimgesucht: Alle Schüler und Lehrer scheinen plötzlich in einen tiefen Schlaf gefallen zu sein. Die Protagonisten Tom und Anni, zusammen mit Toms Affen Katta, stehen vor der Herausforderung, das Geheimnis hinter diesem mysteriösen Zustand zu lüften. Dabei spielen sie nicht nur eine Rolle in der Geschichte, sondern sind auch aufgefordert, verschiedene Rätsel zu lösen, um die Schule zu retten. Dieses Buch kombiniert die Spannung eines Escape Games mit dem Lesespaß eines Kinderbuches und regt auf innovative Weise die Interaktion und die Problemlösungsfähigkeiten der jungen Leser an. Spannendes Erstlesebuch: Perfekt für Kinder im Alter von 7 bis 9 Jahren, die Freude am Lesen und an Abenteuern haben. Interaktives Leseerlebnis: Kinder werden nicht nur Teil der Geschichte, sondern müssen aktiv Rätsel lösen, um die Charaktere und die Schule zu retten. Förderung der Problemlösungsfähigkeit: Durch das Lösen von Codes und das Durchqueren von Labyrinthen entwickeln Kinder spielerisch ihre kognitiven Fähigkeiten weiter. Hochwertige Illustrationen: Farbenfrohe und ansprechende Zeichnungen unterstützen die Geschichte und helfen, die Aufmerksamkeit der Kinder zu fesseln. Innovative Vermittlung von Lesespaß: Das Buch vermittelt auf neue Art den Spaß am Lesen, indem es Elemente eines Escape Games mit einer fesselnden Geschichte verbindet. Antolin-Listung: Ideal für Schulen und Bildungseinrichtungen, die das Buch in ihr Leseförderungsprogramm integrieren möchten. Von der Autorin der 3 !!!: Geschrieben von einer erfahrenen Kinderbuchautorin, die weiß, wie man junge Leser begeistert.
The book introduces its readers to teaching methods and subjects in different times, from Kyivan Rus to the USSR, and shows how different schooling used to be. It also tells about some punishments for disobedience and misconduct which, luckily, can only be found in books today. All this makes “School Studies” an exciting and optimistic book which can rekindle the love for school even in those who are not very enthusiastic about studies. Written with lots humor and insights.
Trinity High is full of adventure, mischief and fun. It tells the story of Naa Atswei, a form one girl, who together with her friends, discover that boarding house life for the nino is not just filled with terror…in some cases, you just might be able to call the shots! Naa Atswei and her friends plunge into one adventure after the other, whether it is getting out of trouble with the sixth formers, or evading the “beloved” cane of Mr. Aseidu, the French teacher.
During the Republic of China, the Chinese school was transformed into modern schools by the Chinese school, the new school in the Qing Dynasty. Large to school name, school type, small to the student management system, school faculty said that it is basically clear and formulated in this period. The book has passed the content arrangement of the next two, and the school management history of the Republic of China will be combed from two different dimensions. Upline mainly for school research, from national universities, private universities, church schools, etc. Home and principals study their school management claims and specific practices. Through the priority historical examination and fine logic analysis, the panoramic reducing and presenting the original appearance of the school management development during this historical period.
Consequences of ongoing pandemics have seriously affected educational systems in the U.S. and around the world. School closures and the opportunities or nightmares of remote learning have caused many parents to reconsider options for schooling their children. Alternatives to going back to conventional school are currently hot topics, strongly motivated by growing racism and the social bullying that confront many youngsters and teens in today’s school environment. {New Yorker Magazine, June 21, 2021, “The Rise of Black Homeschooling.”} Jean Nunnally’s memoir of her trials and triumphs in unschooling her two children from birth to college provides an enlightening insight into the innate learning ability of humans, showing how self-esteem, trust and personal responsibility were preserved and strengthened for herself and her kids. “Unschooling,” the author says, “is the way we have learned throughout time and the way adults learn when they are free to pursue their interests.” Her book gives an overview of unschooling or self-directed learning, but so much more. Jean not only did the work, but her son and daughter are proof that unschooling works. They were each accepted in and graduated from prestigious U.S. colleges and testify, in personal reflections at the end of the narrative, to the happiness and fulfillment of their elementary and high school years following their passions, their hobbies, their music, their dreams, often in stark contrast to the struggles with traditional forms their peers were required to submit to. Those unfamiliar with this unique educational approach, a subset of homeschooling, often argue from misunderstandings of the process. “What about socializing with their peers?” “Do I have to be a trained teacher?” they ask. Success Without School offers Nunnally’s disputation of these and other popular myths surrounding the subject. Along the way, Jean Nunnally points out aspects of her own transformation from a traditional background and a corporate career to the lesser traveled path of alternative education. She explains how her view of school changed, and changed her, as she proceeded to unschool her children. She leaves the reader with an encouraging description of the three jobs of an unschooling parent— exposure, facilitation, and modeling; and offers her unique approach to preparing an unschooled teen for college, and the specific challenges that required.
Timid artist Nadia is in awe of her new teammate. Priya’s a gamer, she’s smart, andshe knows how to code—so this environmental video game they’re building shoulddefinitely win the top prize at the Pangolin Secondary School Science Fair, right? ButNadia and Priya soon discover that there’s a lot more to making a game than codingand sprites. Will the girls be able to overcome their differences or will it be gameover for them far too soon?
Exploring from the origin of Hunan culture, this book explains the philosophy,education,cultures,arts,science&technology,traditions,religions,customs and talents of Hunan Province step by step,which introduce Hunan culture comprehensively and systematically.