Splendid Books Limited
Indie publisher Splendid Books focuses largely on entertainment, autobiographical and historical titles. Their varied list includes memoirs of a Bond fan and a British TV location guide.
View Rights PortalIndie publisher Splendid Books focuses largely on entertainment, autobiographical and historical titles. Their varied list includes memoirs of a Bond fan and a British TV location guide.
View Rights PortalEnrich Publishing 天窗出版 Founded in Hong Kong in 2004, Enrich Publishing Limited aims to publish fine books of high quality. With more than 300 books published so far, each of our titles has brought inspiration and enjoyment to our readers. We actively collaborate with renowned and insightful authors, experts, and scholars, to produce a series of influential titles on topics of interest in fields of society, business management, financial investment, humanities, and so on. Skywalker Press 天行者出版 Skywalker Press is on the cutting edge of publishing trends for younger generations. Believing in the value of storytelling, we partner with creative and popular authors to produce fascinating titles which have gained wide recognition in not only Hong King but also Mainland China and Taiwan. As part of our commitment to encourage local creative writing, we launched a creative writing contest — “Skywalker Fiction Award.” Each year, a distinguished panel of judges will select up to 2 winning manuscripts from hundreds of fantastic pieces of writing.Click here for more information
View Rights PortalSoft is the last one of the“Pessimism Trilogy”from LIAO Yimei, one of the most well-know script writers in China, about one woman doctor and a confused young man, what they ask and think about life.
Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery provides an introduction to the fundamentals of small animal soft tissue surgery, covering the core principles that underpin all surgery, and key areas of general soft tissue surgery undertaken in general small animal practice. Emphasis is placed on current veterinary practice, the application of basic principles and the importance of patient assessment and appropriate decision making. With a practical focus, the book provides a clear, well-illustrated description of a readily applicable technique for each of the potential problems that face new graduates within non-specialist practices. The learning outcomes at the start of each section define the key areas for undergraduates to focus on and self-assessment MCQs at the end of each section help re-inforce learning outcomes. The text also contains information to enable newly qualified graduates to assess more complex conditions that are frequently encountered in small animal practice. For many practitioners who do not develop a strong interest in more advanced surgery, this text will provide a solid surgical text to last throughout their veterinary career. To enhance accessibility to undergraduate students, the text will emphasise the application of a small number of key principles and limit detailed descriptions to a reduced number of key procedures.
A rich and revealing examination of the legendary pop duo Soft Cell. Soft Cell are not your average pop band. Marc Almond and Dave Ball may be best known for the string of hits they released in 1981, but the powerful first phase of their collaboration embraced a staggering array of sounds, influences and innovations that would change the face of music to come. In Bedsit land, Patrick Clarke plunges into the archives and interviews more than sixty contributors, including the band members themselves, to follow Soft Cell through the many strange and sprawling worlds that shaped their extraordinary career. They lead him from the faded camp glamour of the British seaside to the dizzying thrills of the New York club scene. From transgressive student performance art to the sleaze and squalor of pre-gentrified Soho. From the glitz of British showbiz to the drug-addled chaos of post-Franco Spain. He emerges on the other side with the most in-depth, innovative and entertaining account of the duo ever written.
The idiom not only reflects the profundity of Chinese language and cultrue, but also contains every aspect of Chinese traditional culture. The idiom stories selected in this book are simple, easy and enlightening. This is the first volume.
The idiom not only reflects the profundity of Chinese language and cultrue, but also contains every aspect of Chinese traditional culture. The idiom stories selected in this book are simple, easy and enlightening. This is the second volume.
The idiom not only reflects the profundity of Chinese language and cultrue, but also contains every aspect of Chinese traditional culture. The idiom stories selected in this book are simple, easy and enlightening. This is the third volume.
The idiom not only reflects the profundity of Chinese language and cultrue, but also contains every aspect of Chinese traditional culture. The idiom stories selected in this book are simple, easy and enlightening. This is the forth volume.
The idiom not only reflects the profundity of Chinese language and cultrue, but also contains every aspect of Chinese traditional culture. The idiom stories selected in this book are simple, easy and enlightening. This is the fifth volume.
The idiom not only reflects the profundity of Chinese language and cultrue, but also contains every aspect of Chinese traditional culture. The idiom stories selected in this book are simple, easy and enlightening. This is the sixth volume.
Andrzej Stasiuk, der in Polen als wichtigster jüngerer Gegenwartsautor gilt, wurde 1960 in Warschau geboren, debütierte 1992 mit dem Erzählband Mury Hebronu (Die Mauer von Hebron), in dem er über seine Gewalterfahrung im Gefängnis schreibt. Stasiuk wurde 1980 zur Armee eingezogen, desertierte nach neun Monaten und verbüßte seine Strafe in Militär- und Zivilgefängnissen. 1986 zog er nach Czarne, ein Bergdorf in den Beskiden. 1994 erschienen Wiersze milosne i nie (Nicht nur Liebesgedichte), 1995 Opowiesci Galicyjskie (Galizische Erzählungen) und Bialy Kruk (Der weiße Rabe; 1998 bei Rowohlt Berlin), 1996 der Erzählband Przez rzeke (Über den Fluss; diesem Band ist Die Reise entnommen) und 1997 Dukla. 2002 erhält er den von den Partnerstädten Thorn (Polen) und Göttingen gemeinsam gestifteten Samuel-Bogumil-Linde-Literaturpreis. Den literarischen Jahrespreis Nike erhielt Andrzej Stasiuk 2005 für sein Buch Unterwegs nach Babadag. Sein vielfach ausgezeichnetes Werk erscheint in 30 Ländern. 2016 wurde er mit dem Staatspreis für europäische Literatur 2016 ausgezeichnet. Renate Schmidgall, geboren am 26. März 1955 in Heilbronn, ist deutsche Übersetzerin polnischer Literatur und lebt in Darmstadt. Sie studierte Slawistik und Germanistik in Heidelberg und war anschließend als Bibliothekarin am Deutschen Polen-Institut beschäftigt. Von 1990 bis 1996 arbeitete sie dort als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin. Seither ist sie als freie Übersetzerin tätig.
Mit 14 Jahren veröffentlichte Mario Vargas Llosa seinen ersten Artikel, und seitdem ist er als Redakteur, Reporter und Kolumnist dem Journalismus verbunden geblieben. Zu ihm bekennt er sich als dem »treuen Schatten« seiner schriftstellerischen Arbeit – ein glanzvoller Schatten, nach diesem Buch zu urteilen.Eindringlich zeigen die Texte, die er zwischen 1992 und 2000 für El País geschrieben hat, das Interesse und Engagement des weltberühmten Romanciers für bedeutende und beunruhigende, doch auch für amüsante und skurrile Zeitereignisse: vom Karneval in Rio bis zur Intifada in Hebron, Probleme der Dritten und der Ersten Welt, die Debatte über Sterbehilfe und der Selbstmord der venezolanischen Nation, das elisabethanische Theater oder die Malerei der Impressionisten, die französische Hochkultur ebenso wie eine herzergreifende englische Trivialautorin ...Im Vorwort erklärt Vargas Llosa: »Als Titel benutze ich die überschrift meiner kleinen Laudatio auf Octavio Paz – doch nicht deshalb, weil ich diese Texte in einer leidenschaftlich kämpferischen Haltung geschrieben hätte. Tatsächlich versuche ich immer, so leidenschaftslos wie möglich zu schreiben, denn ich weiß ja, daß ein hitziges Temperament, klare Ideen und eine gute Prosa unvereinbar sind, wenn mir solche Nonchalance auch nicht immer gelingt. Jedenfalls ist den Artikeln die Leidenschaft nicht fremd, gehe ich nach den heftigen Erwiderungen, die sie bei den unterschiedlichsten Leuten hervorgerufen haben. Solche Reaktionen zeigen, denke ich, die Unabhängigkeit und Freiheit, mit der ich derartige Texte schreibe.«
Pierre is a cyclops. Is it easy for him to live with only one eye? He wants to rub his eyes in the morning - Oh, he can't! He wants to pick up glasses - impossible! But Pierre is not discouraged, because he has friends whom he sincerely admires: the girl Lisa who dances skilfully in a wheelchair, and the blind pianist Mr. Marco, who has travelled giving concerts almost all over the world. Pierre calls his friends cyclopes and is very proud of them. And Pierre is also inspired by the Outstanding Cyclopes - famous people who have reached great achievements, despite their peculiarities. Want to learn more about the life of the Cyclopes, learn the Braille alphabet, and sign language? Then meet Pierre! As an inquisitive cyclops says, "there are so many interesting things in the world: you will always find something to learn!" From 3 to 8 years, 486 words Rightsholders: Alex Sharlai, alex.sharlay@gmail.com
This is the first ever book to analyse outsourcing - contracting out public services to private business interests. It is an unacknowledged revolution in the British economy, and it has happened quietly, but it is creating powerful new corporate interests, transforming the organisation of government at all levels, and is simultaneously enriching a new business elite and creating numerous fiascos in the delivery of public services. What links the brutal treatment of asylum-seeking detainees, the disciplining of welfare benefit claimants, the profits effortlessly earned by the privatised rail companies, and the fiasco of the management of security at the 2012 Olympics? In a word: outsourcing. This book, by the renowned research team at the Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change in Manchester, is the first to combine 'follow the money' research with accessibility for the engaged citizen, and the first to balance critique with practical suggestions for policy reform.
The Little Lady makes all hearts sing! When Lilly and her family move into the old house with the golden pretzel, she has no idea that a magic neighbour lives in the mysterious backyard. The Little Lady keeps a chameleon that is 1000 years old; she can make herself invisible and masters all kinds of magic tricks – but most of all she loves to play pranks on others! So a summer filled with wonderful adventures begins for Lilly. Poetic, full of imagination and humour, the Little Lady is delighted by her ever-growing community of fans and enjoys huge success with young and old alike. A fantastically beautiful story to read aloud or alone, exquisitely illustrated by Nina Dulleck.
The practical handbook for nurses, midwives, and breastfeeding counselors that explains breastfeeding problems that may be encountered with premature and newborn babies, and shows how these special children can be breastfed successfully. The author defines and describes how the time of birth affects a premature baby’s development and explains the concept of “gentle care for premature babies,” presenting it as a resource-oriented, development-supporting approach to care. She explains what is required in order to breastfeed successfully, clearly distinguishing between various difficult starting scenarios for breastfeeding. Target Group: Nurses, midwives, and breastfeeding counselors
Zu Max Frischs 100. Geburtstag versammelt eine DVD-Box in der filmedition suhrkamp auf fünf DVDs die wichtigsten Filme von, mit und über den großen Schweizer Schriftsteller: ein Porträt des öffentlichen Intellektuellen Frisch (Matthias von Guntens Dokumentation "Max Frisch. Citoyen"), die vielfach ausgezeichnete Verfilmung "Holozän" von Heinz Bütler und Manfred Eicher, Richard Dindos "Journal I-III" (eine filmische Lektüre der Erzählung Montauk) sowie die Gespräche im Alter, die Philippe Pilliod in den Jahren 1985/1986 geführt hat. Vervollständigt wird das Paket durch ein besonderes Extra: Volker Schlöndorffs "Homo faber"-Adaption. Die Verfilmung mit internationaler Starbesetzung macht die Box zu einem Ereignis. Ein einzigartiger Zugang zu Leben und Werk des großen Autors.