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      • Wolters Kluwer Health

        Wolters Kluwer Health is a leading global publisher of medical, nursing and allied health information resources in book, journal, newsletter, looseleaf and electronic media formats.

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      • Macaw Books A unit of Datagraph System Pvt. Ltd.

        We are a children books publishing company from INDIA since 2007.We have a range of 6500 books for 2 to 14 year kids. Our books are selling into 97 countries and 27 languages worldwide. Our books include a range of value readers, early reading material, picture books, ELT books, Fiction and Non Fiction for kids and an amazing range of educational supplements for level1 to 8 and a huge range of over 1000 encyclopadeias on almost all subjects and age group ( 2 to 14).  We create all our books with a philosphy of "Learn with Fun". We have the biggest design studio of books for children and can create customised books as per your requirements. We also create text books on any subject based on any given curriculum upto middle schools.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Martial races

        The military, race and masculinity in British imperial culture, 1857–1914

        by Heather Streets

        This book explores how and why Scottish Highlanders, Punjabi Sikhs, and Nepalese Gurkhas became identified as the British Empire's fiercest, most manly soldiers in nineteenth century discourse. As 'martial races' these men were believed to possess a biological or cultural disposition to the racial and masculine qualities necessary for the arts of war. Because of this, they were used as icons to promote recruitment in British and Indian armies - a phenomenon with important social and political effects in India, in Britain, and in the armies of the Empire. Martial Races bridges regional studies of South Asia and Britain while straddling the fields of racial theory, masculinity, imperialism, identity politics, and military studies. Of particular importance is the way it exposes the historical instability of racial categories based on colour and its insistence that historically specific ideologies of masculinity helped form the logic of imperial defence, thus wedding gender theory with military studies in unique ways. Moreover, Martial Races challenges the marginalisation of the British Army in histories of Victorian popular culture, and demonstrates the army's enduring impact on the regional cultures of the Highlands, the Punjab and Nepal. This unique study will make fascinating reading for higher level students and experts in imperial history, military history and gender history.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2012

        Reborn: Diary of a Cancer

        by Ling Zhijun

        The book is a true experience about a cancer patient who got healed gradually from verge of abyss, it also described a famous journalist who have the insight in China’s cancer healing system. Moreover, it is a motivational book, full of wisdom, courage and optimism. In 2007, Ling was diagnosed with lung carcinoma at the advanced stage. Since then, he adjust himself, search for the medical information eagerly. Five years later, he still lives. He learns the following lesson: as long as you are not overwhelmed by fear, misguided by following the wrong paths, then the patient can have a better chance of survival.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2017

        Hei Wa

        by Mu Ling

        A fine collection of science fiction by children’s literature writer Mu Ling. Mu Ling’s science fictions pursue a scientific basis of “organic imagination”, has a positive outlook and good spirit of seeking truth. This series collects Mu Ling’s three masterpieces full of fantasy and humanistic concern: Dream Machine, Hei Wa, Yu Wang Bei Mi, which are rare sci-fi theme in children’s literature works of China. This series will lead children step by step to “hard science fiction” which is full of intellectual challenges through “light science fiction” and “soft science fiction”.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2017

        Dream Machine

        by Mu Ling

        A fine collection of science fiction by children’s literature writer Mu Ling. Mu Ling’s science fictions pursue a scientific basis of “organic imagination”, has a positive outlook and good spirit of seeking truth. This series collects Mu Ling’s three masterpieces full of fantasy and humanistic concern: Dream Machine, Hei Wa, Yu Wang Bei Mi, which are rare sci-fi theme in children’s literature works of China. This series will lead children step by step to “hard science fiction” which is full of intellectual challenges through “light science fiction” and “soft science fiction”.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2017

        Yu Wang Bei Mi

        by Mu Ling

        A fine collection of science fiction by children’s literature writer Mu Ling. Mu Ling’s science fictions pursue a scientific basis of “organic imagination”, has a positive outlook and good spirit of seeking truth. This series collects Mu Ling’s three masterpieces full of fantasy and humanistic concern: Dream Machine, Hei Wa, Yu Wang Bei Mi, which are rare sci-fi theme in children’s literature works of China. This series will lead children step by step to “hard science fiction” which is full of intellectual challenges through “light science fiction” and “soft science fiction”.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2020

        Stell dir vor, es ist Krieg und keiner geht hin

        15 wahre Geschichten gegen Krieg, Gewalt und Machtmissbrauch

        by Heather Camlot, Serge Bloch, Cornelia Funke, Fabienne Pfeiffer

        In "Stell dir vor, es ist Krieg und keiner geht hin" nimmt uns Heather Camlot mit auf eine inspirierende Reise durch 15 wahre Geschichten von Menschen, die sich auf mutige und kreative Weise gegen Krieg und Gewalt gestellt haben. Von Soldaten, die sich weigern, Waffen zu tragen, bis hin zu Kampfpiloten, die Blumensamen statt Bomben abwerfen – dieses Buch ist eine Hommage an die Kraft der Fantasie und den unerschütterlichen Glauben an den Frieden. Illustriert mit Humor und Tiefe, bietet es jungen Leser*innen und ihren Familien eine neue Perspektive auf die Möglichkeiten, Konflikte ohne Gewalt zu lösen und die Welt gemeinsam zu einem besseren Ort zu machen. Heather Camlots 'Stell dir vor, es ist Krieg und keiner geht hin' ist mehr als nur ein Buch – es ist ein Aufruf, zu träumen, zu hinterfragen und aktiv zu werden. Es beweist, dass Fantasie und Mut mächtige Werkzeuge im Kampf gegen Krieg und Ungerechtigkeit sind. Einzigartiger Ansatz gegen Krieg: Das Buch präsentiert außergewöhnliche wahre Geschichten, die zeigen, wie Einzelpersonen und Gruppen auf innovative Weisen gegen Krieg und für den Frieden eintreten. Förderung von Toleranz und Vielfalt: Durch die Erzählungen verschiedener Kulturen und Hintergründe fördert das Buch Verständnis und Respekt für die Vielfalt der menschlichen Erfahrung. Inspiriert zu aktivem Engagement: Junge Leser*innen werden ermutigt, über ihre eigene Rolle in der Gesellschaft nachzudenken und sich aktiv für Frieden und Gerechtigkeit einzusetzen. Unterstützt kritisches Denken: Mit Fragen und Herausforderungen regt "Stell dir vor, es ist Krieg und keiner geht hin" dazu an, gängige Annahmen zu hinterfragen und eigene Standpunkte zu entwickeln. Wertvolles Bildungsmaterial: Ideal als Schullektüre und für Bildungsprojekte, bietet es tiefe Einblicke in ethische Fragen und die Bedeutung von Zivilcourage. Motivierend und Hoffnung gebend: Das Buch macht Mut und zeigt, dass jeder Mensch, unabhängig von Alter oder Hintergrund, einen Unterschied machen kann. Berührend und humorvoll illustriert: Die Illustrationen ergänzen die Texte perfekt und machen die Lektüre zu einem visuell ansprechenden Erlebnis. Perfektes Geschenk: Ein inspirierendes Geschenkbuch für junge Menschen, die sich für Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und eine bessere Welt interessieren.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2002

        Der Mumienkongress

        Eine Reise in die Welt des ewigen Todes

        by Pringle, Heather

      • Trusted Partner
        Sport & leisure industries
        August 2006

        Indigenous Ecotourism

        Sustainable Development and Management

        by Heather D Zeppel

        Dealing with indigenous ecotourism as a special type of nature-based tourism, Indigenous Ecotourism examines the key principles of this field through global case studies and analyses the key factors for sustainable development.

      • Trusted Partner
        Botany & plant sciences
        January 2008

        Pest Management and Phytosanitary Trade Barriers

        by Neil Heather, Guy Hallman

        A significant amount of the world's economy is based upon the international trade of agricultural produce. For the producing countries, a growing concern is the potential economic and ecological damage that invasive species could cause. While threats can be decreased through the regulation of items potentially carrying invasive species, the effect of such restrictions on international trade also needs to be considered. A balance must therefore be met that permits the transfer of produce while filtering out unwanted pests.Drawing on the author's extensive experience, the social and financial implications of phytosanitary trade barriers are reviewed. This book offers valuable and comprehensive coverage of pest related barriers and strategies for their implementation.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2018

        My Shibadong Village

        Achievement of Targeting Poverty Alleviation

        by Ling Ying

        This book takes proses as the genre and select plentiful pictures to vividly demonstrate the achievements of targeting poverty alleviation in Shibadong Village during the past five years. It fully explores the sample value of targeting poverty alleviation in Shibadong Village and its contribution to poverty reduction in China and even in the world. It shows the practical guiding significance of targeting poverty alleviation thoughts and the five development concepts in China.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2019

        Literature, theology and feminism

        by Heather Walton

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        September 2020

        Tourism and Gender-based Violence

        Challenging Inequalities

        by Paola Vizcaino-Suárez, Heather Jeffrey, Claudia Eger

        Gender-based violence (GBV) in travel and tourism is embedded within wider social structures of gender inequalities and discrimination. Even though it is pertinent to study GBV in all its forms, this book focuses on the multiple and interconnected manifestations of violence that women/girls encounter in tourism consumption and production (physical, sexual, emotional or socio-economic), while seeking to open the debate on violence against sexual minorities (LGBT) and discussing men/boys as victims and perpetrators of GBV. By engaging in a critical exploration of the theoretical landscape of GBV and case studies on GBV and sexual harassment, the book adopts a multidisciplinary perspective drawing on feminist, intersectional and post-colonial frameworks, bringing together contributions from academics and practitioners across the globe.

      • Trusted Partner
        History of medicine
        January 2015

        Recycling the disabled

        by Heather R. Perry

      • Trusted Partner
        Social & cultural history
        May 2013

        Amateur film

        by Heather Norris Nicholson

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner

        The Flood

        by Zhao Ling

        This is a children’s novel on the realistic theme and describes the warmth of human in the flood disaster.

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