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      • Bingsha Shatabdi

        Established in 1956, Bingsha Shatabdi follows two different trends in publication, It brings out direct translations from various European languages like French, Dutch, German into Bangla. It deals with both contemporary and classical literature. Its second goal is to publish collections of essays in Bangla and English, and its area of concentration is Social Science And Ancient Indian Civilization and Culture.

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      • Helen Binns Agency

        Foreign Rights Agency specialising in picture books, board books, novelty, activity, craft and children's/ YA fiction titles from UK and North American Children's Publishers and Literary Agencies.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        March 2019

        Biography of He Binglin: An Educator in China

        by Li Guiyuan

        He Binglin, a modern educator, established Yueyun Middle School in Hunan province. From Qing Dynasty to the period of People's Republic of China, He devoted his life to education and Yueyun Middle School as a principal for more than 50 years. With unique educational philosophy, he developed any amount of talents as backbones of China. Besides, as a democrat, he committed himself to the building of democracy in his old age. This book aims at artistically presenting the whole life of He Binglin based on historical facts to show the figure as a civilian educator. In this way can students in Yueyun Middle School have a further understanding of the founder of their school. Also, this book can be as the source to study the educational philosophy and personality of He Binglin.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2018

        The Decay of Courage: Li Guowen Talks about History

        by Li Guowen

        This book selects twenty-one representative articles from Li Guowen’s six works about Chinese history. It is divided into two parts: "the silhouette of the dynasty" and "the tragedy of the literati". It embodies Mr. Li Guowen’s profound thinking on the relationship between imperial power and literati in Chinese history, national character of China, as well as the rise and fall of history.

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        July 2016

        Where the Clouds Disperse

        by Chi Li

        This collection includes five novelettes by Chi Li: Life Show, Who Do You Think You Are, The Birth of the Sun, and Where the Clouds Disperse. Most of these works reflect the characteristics of Wuhan and most of the characters in them are also related to the personality of this metropolis. Works like Life Show have been adapted into sensational films and TV series. They roughly represent the creativity of Chi Li.

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        Literature & Literary Studies

        Time Wrap

        by Chi Li

        Time wrap begins with romance of a couple who seemed to fell in love at first sight. However, this perfect match was the result of a sophisticated deployment by cooperation between both families. Taking this as a clue, Chi Li reveals the centuries-old fate of two families and three generations. This novel is known as the contemporary Chinese version of "One Hundred Years of Solitude".

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Li Zehou Collection

        by Li Zehou

        The manuscript was personally selected by the renowned scholar Mr Li Zehou, and contains his own discourses and dialogues on ethics since 2016. The 200,000-word collection is included in the "Library of Contemporary Hunan Ethics" series.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1959

        Der Born Judas. Erster Teil

        Legenden, Märchen und Erzählungen

        by Emanuel Bin Gorion, Rahel Bin Gorion, Emanuel Bin Gorion

        Emanuel Bin Gorion, geboren 1903 in Breslau, lebte ab 1936 in Israel. Er verfasste als Schriftsteller Texte sowohl auf Deutsch als auch auf Hebräisch. Emanuel Bin Gorion verstarb 1987. Emanuel Bin Gorion, geboren 1903 in Breslau, lebte ab 1936 in Israel. Er verfasste als Schriftsteller Texte sowohl auf Deutsch als auch auf Hebräisch. Emanuel Bin Gorion verstarb 1987.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1989

        Vom Garten Eden, der Arche Noah und dem weisen König Salomo

        77 Geschichten von Pflanzen und Tieren. Neu erzählt von Rahel bin Gorion und Emanuel bin Gorion

        by Emanuel Bin Gorion, Rahel Bin Gorion

        Emanuel Bin Gorion, geboren 1903 in Breslau, lebte ab 1936 in Israel. Er verfasste als Schriftsteller Texte sowohl auf Deutsch als auch auf Hebräisch. Emanuel Bin Gorion verstarb 1987.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 1986

        Das Leben des Flavius Josephus

        Aus seinen eigenen Aufzeichnungen zusammengestellt und übersetzt von Emanuel bin Gorion

        by Emanuel Bin Gorion

        Emanuel Bin Gorion, geboren 1903 in Breslau, lebte ab 1936 in Israel. Er verfasste als Schriftsteller Texte sowohl auf Deutsch als auch auf Hebräisch. Emanuel Bin Gorion verstarb 1987.

      • Trusted Partner


        by Li Pan

        Ukiyo-e is a print art popular during the Edo period (1601-1867) in Japan. It is known as the "encyclopedia of Japanese folklore". It features oiran beauty, Kabuki actors, erotic charms, scenery, flowers, birds, and social customs, representing the lifestyles and fashions of all classes of society at that time. Pan Li, an authority on Ukiyo-e research, clearly described the 300-year history of the rise and fall of Ukiyo-e. The ins and outs of 7 major genres including Torii School and Utagawa School, the life stories and artistic achievements of 31 masters including Kitagawa Utamaro, Katsushika Hokusai, Utagawa Hiroshige, etc., more than 200 classic works such as "One Hundred Views of Edo" "Three Beauties of the Present Day" "Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji" are perfectly displayed and fully analyzed in the book. Every Ukiyo-e picture carries a wealth of Japanese folk culture codes. Only by unlocking this information in detail can we say that we truly understand Ukiyo-e and have a more accurate understanding of Japanese culture. ——Pan Li 浮世绘是流行于日本江户时代(1601-1867)、出自民间画工的版画艺术,被誉为“日本民俗的百科全书”,它以花魁美人、歌舞伎演员、春宫魅惑、民俗风景、花鸟虫鱼等社会风俗为主要题材,表现当时社会各阶层的生活百态和流行时尚。 中国浮世绘研究权威潘力清晰地讲述了浮世绘300年的兴衰史。鸟居派、歌川派等7大流派的来龙去脉,喜多川歌麿、葛饰北斋、歌川广重等31位大师的生平故事与艺术成就,《歌撰恋之部》《富岳三十六景》《名所江户百景》等200多幅经典作品的风格解析,都在书中得到了完美展现。 每一幅浮世绘都承载着丰富的日本民俗文化密码,只有巨细无遗地解锁这些信息,才能说是真正看懂浮世绘,也才能对日本文化有更准确的认识。——潘力

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        Blood and Milk

        by Mohamed Al-Jezawi

        The novel poses the problem of identity, as it is the essence of the psychological and intellectual conflict of the main character (Hassoun), who is disputed by two contradictory identities; He was born in the land of Yemen from a Muslim father and a Jewish mother and carried the inheritance of the two religions and their old and new conflict.Hassoun's internal journey continues with his own human crises and transformations that he witnesses along with his external journey through various societies that he went through in transitional stages of their history. Over two thousand seven hundred years, Hassoun seeks to discover himself and reach his identity by retiring at times, and by experimenting at other times, thus he goes through multiple experiences to get closer to himself.

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 1983

        Nach vierzig Jahren

        Volkserzählung. Aus dem Russischen von Rahel bin Gorion. Mit einem Nachwort von Emanuel bin Gorion und Illustrationen von Günter Knuhr

        by Lew Tolstoj, Günter Knuhr, Rahel Bin Gorion, Emanuel Bin Gorion

        Lew Tolstoj wurde am 9. September 1828 in Jasnaja Poljana bei Tula geboren und starb am 20. November 1910 in Astapowo, heute zur Oblast Lipezk an einer Lungenentzündung. Tolstoj entstammte einem russischen Adelsgeschlecht. Als er mit neun Jahren Vollwaise wurde, übernahm die Schwester seines Vaters die Vormundschaft. An der Universität Kasan begann er 1844 das Studium orientalischer Sprachen. Nach einem Wechsel zur juristischen Fakultät brach er das Studium 1847 ab, um zu versuchen, die Lage der 350 geerbten Leibeigenen im Stammgut der Familie in Jasnaja Poljana mit Landreformen zu verbessern. Er erlebte von 1851 an in der zaristischen Armee die Kämpfe im Kaukasus und nach Ausbruch des Krimkriegs 1854 den Stellungskrieg in der belagerten Festung Sewastopol. Die Berichte aus diesem Krieg (1855: Sewastopoler Erzählungen) machten ihn als Schriftsteller früh bekannt. Er bereiste aus pädagogischem Interesse 1857 und 1860/61 westeuropäische Länder und traf dort auf Künstler und Pädagogen. Nach der Rückkehr verstärkte er die reformpädagogischen Bestrebungen und richtete Dorfschulen nach dem Vorbild Rousseaus ein. Seit 1855 lebte er abwechselnd auf dem Gut Jasnaja Poljana, in Moskau, und in Sankt Petersburg. Im Jahre 1862 heiratete er die 18-jährige deutschstämmige Sofja Andrejewna Behrs, mit der er insgesamt 13 Kinder hatte. In den folgenden Jahren seiner Ehe schrieb er die monumentalen Romane Krieg und Frieden sowie Anna Karenina, die Tolstojs literarischen Weltruhm begründeten. Emanuel Bin Gorion, geboren 1903 in Breslau, lebte ab 1936 in Israel. Er verfasste als Schriftsteller Texte sowohl auf Deutsch als auch auf Hebräisch. Emanuel Bin Gorion verstarb 1987.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        March 2019

        Memories of Shaoshan: Stories in Shaoshan

        by Li Wenliang

        The book is divided into nine chapters. Chapter I describes a series of real and touching stories of Mao Zedong when living and working in Shaoshan along with his words and actions when he returned to his hometown 5 times. Chapter II to V take Mao Zedong as the main line, and tell the stories happening between Mao Zedong's relatives and Shaoshan, Mao Zedong and relatives of Shaoshan, Mao Zedong and his neighbors in Shaoshan, and Mao Zedong and his respectful teacher. Chapter VI presents Shaoshan heroes with a lot of vivid examples and Shaoshan spirit that can be observed fromthose heroes. Chapter VII describes the stories of Chinese and foreign celebrities who visited Shaoshan. Chapter IX focuses on Shaoshan history and culture as well as human landscape.

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        Children's & YA

        I Am Not Alone

        by Ramy Tawil

        Maher realizes one day he is an only child with no siblings. He starts to feel a bit lonely, and wishes he had siblings - like his friends and cousins. Luckily, his toys are here and now it’s time to show Maher what it means to be surrounded with brothers and sisters.It’s a heartwarming story that shows how rich and powerful the imagination of an only child can be.

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        January 1995

        Ich bin Wolfram, sexsüchtig

        Bekenntnisse eines Freiers

        by Jehser, Wolfram M

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2019 - December 2024

        Immortals in Ancient China

        by Li Kehe

        This book collects 180 stories about immortals in ancient China, translated into English, and accompanied by relevant pictures. It can help Chinese and foreign readers to understand the general situation of Chinese native immortals, especially Taoist immortals, and show the evolution of Chinese ancient folklore and cultural thoughts from one side.The copyright has been exported to Malaysia .

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