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      • Hawker Brownlow Education

        Hawker Brownlow Education, a Solution Tree company, is Australasia’s leading provider of educational resources, events and professional development services. Since 1985, we have empowered F–12 teachers and educational professionals with the tools and skills they need to improve classrooms and raise student achievement. From our head office in Melbourne, we publish the latest and best-regarded educational thinking from around the region and the world, releasing over 300 new titles and printing over 100 000 publications each year to support educational professionals. Our publications can be found on the shelves of over 9200 schools across Australia and New Zealand, in addition to reaching educational professionals in over 50 countries globally. We train and inspire thousands of educational professionals through major annual conferences, regional events and in-school support, delivering over 2000 hours of professional development each year. For more, visit and follow @HawkerBrownlow on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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      • University of Hawaii Press

        University of Hawaii Press publishes scholarly and trade titles with a primary focus on Asian Studies, Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands, including Hawaii, and Asian-American Studies. Interested in buying and selling subsidiary rights.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2004

        Der scharlachrote Buchstabe


        by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Barbara Cramer-Nauhaus, Hans Weyhe, Alexander Thiele

        Der scharlachrote Buchstabe ist Hawthornes erster und berühmtester Roman. Ergebnis einer langen Auseinandersetzung mit der Welt seiner puritanischen Vorfahren, ist er zugleich der klassische amerikanische Ehebruchroman. Ehebruch wird in der puritanischen Gesellschaft der Siedlerzeit nach starren Moralvorstellungen geahndet: So muß die Ehebrecherin Hester Prynne nach Verbüßung einer Gefängnisstrafe drei Stunden am Pranger stehen. Zudem ist sie dazu verurteilt, für den Rest ihres Lebens das Mal der vermeintlichen Schande – den scharlachroten Buchstaben A (für adulteress: Ehebrecherin) – auf der Brust zu tragen. überzeugt von der Würde ihrer Liebe, weigert sie sich, den Namen von Pearls Vater preiszugeben: Arthur Dimmesdale, Pfarrer der Gemeinde. Dimmesdale, schwächer und abhängiger vom Denken der Gesellschaft als Hester, wagt es nicht, sich zu seiner Schuld zu bekennen. Besessen von Rachegedanken, versucht ihn Hesters Ehemann, unter dem falschen Namen Chillingworth, zu einem Geständnis zu drängen.Mit seinen dramatischen Szenen und Konstellationen, den Reflexionen zu Schuld und Sühne sowie der melodramatischen Zuspitzung des Geschehens ist Der scharlachrote Buchstabe nicht nur ein Klassiker der amerikanischen Literatur, sondern auch eine überaus spannende Lektüre.

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2023


        by Tracey Hawthorne

        In this novel about being seen and what is not seen, the previously hidden is revealed when the unexpected happens. In the unusually wet winter of 2010, two teenage girls set off to a party on a farm across a river, and disappear without a trace.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 1979

        Der scharlachrote Buchstabe

        Mit Illustrationen von Renate Sendler-Peters. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Barbara Cramer-Nauhaus. Mit einem Nachwort von Hans Weyhe und Anmerkungen von Alexander Thiele sowie einer Bibliographie von Norbert Kohl

        by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Renate Sendler-Peters, Barbara Cramer-Nauhaus, Hans Weyhe

        Barbara Cramer-Nauhaus, geboren 1927 in Brandenburg an der Havel, studierte Anglistik und Germanistik in Halle und Heidelberg und war seit 1951 als freiberufliche Übersetzerin tätig. Sie übertrug Belletristik, Lyrik und Essays verschiedener englischer und amerikanischer Autoren des 18. bis 20. Jahrhunderts ins Deutsche. Barbara Cramer-Nauhaus verstarb im März 2001 in Halle an der Saale.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2004

        Biodiversity of West African Forests

        An Ecological Atlas of Woody Plant Species

        by Edited by Lourens Poorter, Frans Bongers, Francois N Kouamé, William D Hawthorne

        The rain forests of West Africa have been designated as one of the world's hotspots of biodiversity. They extend from Ghana to Senegal and are referred to as the Upper Guinean forests. Because of their isolated position, they harbour a large number of rare and endemic animal and plant species.This book focuses on the biodiversity and ecology of these forests. It analyses the factors that give rise to biodiversity and structure tropical plant communities. It also includes an atlas with ecological profiles of rare plant species and large timber species.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2024

        Geoffrey Hill and the ends of poetry

        by Tom Docherty

        The idea of the end is an essential motivic force in the poetry of Geoffrey Hill (1932-2016). This book shows that Hill's poems are characteristically 'end-directed'. They tend towards consummations of all kinds: from the marriages of meanings in puns, or of words in repeating figures and rhymes, to syntactical and formal finalities. The recognition of failure to reach such ends provides its own impetus to Hill's poetry. This is the first book on Hill to take account of his last works. It is a significant contribution to the study of Hill's poems, offering a new thematic reading of his entire body of work. By using Hill's work as an example, the book also touches on questions of poetry's ultimate value: what are its ends and where does it wish to end up?

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        May 2019

        May Fourth Movement tells You How to Love the Country

        by Cheng Meidong; Shen Chengfei; Zhao Nuo ; Sun Pei .

        Reviewing the May Fourth Movement, clarifying that patriotism is an eternal theme, be responsible is the historical mission in the new era.

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        Im Namen Goethes

        Der Briefwechsel Marianne von Willemer und Herman Grimm

        by Hans J May, Hans J May

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1995


        Haiku und Holzschnitte aus dem »Kagebôshishû«

        by Claudia Waltermann, Ekkehard May, Claudia Waltermann, Ekkehard May

        Von der vormodernen Literatur Japans erfreuen sich die Verse des Haiku im Westen besonderer Beliebtheit: Die mit 17 Silben wohl kürzeste Form der Dichtkunst überhaupt fasziniert durch ihre große Ausdruckskraft auf kleinstem Raum, und sie erschließt sich über alle Barrieren von Sprache und Übersetzung hinweg erstaunlich problemlos durch die suggestive Kraft ihrer jahreszeitenbezogenen Momentbeschreibungen. Ein besonders eindrucksvolles Zeugnis der heiterpointierten Poesie dieser Gattung ist das 1754 in Ôsaka erschienene Kagebôshishû, eine Sammlung von Haiku und Tuschzeichnungen bzw. Holzschnitten. Aus ihm werden erstmals 26 Bild-Text-Paare bekannt gemacht.

      • Trusted Partner
        Mind, Body, Spirit

        May the Loveforce Be With You

        Kali-Ki Reiki: Healing Through Divine Mother & Yogic Wisdom

        by Rajashree Maa

        May the Loveforce Be With introduces a new lineage in energy healing, Kali-Ki ReikiTM, that was revealed to the author, Joni Dittrich, Ph.D. (Rajashree Maa), in a series of mystical encounters with the Divine Mother appearing as the goddess Kali Maa. The book brilliantly tells the stories of these encounters and presents the healing symbols that She revealed, explaining how these symbols can be used both for mind-body healing and spiritual awakening, or what Rajashree Maa calls "wisening." While traditional reiki systems also use symbols to transmit healing energy, the symbols introduced in Kali-Ki Reiki are seen as unique, three-dimensional, active, intelligent forms of light that tap into certain universal energy frequencies that are particularly attuned to the evolving conscious awareness as well as the personal and societal dilemmas of our current times. The fact that these symbols were revealed by Divine Mother to a woman in this era points to a need in today's world to re-establish our connection with the feminine forces of nature and spirit. The healing energy transmitted through these symbols is called Loveforce, which is considered to be the manifesting, creative, and healing power of the Limitless Love that is the Source of all that is.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022

        Nevermoor 2. Das Geheimnis des Wunderschmieds

        by Jessica Townsend, Hans Löw, Franca Fritz, Heinrich Koop, Jasmin Ewers, Frank Gustavus, Eva Schöffmann-Davidov

        Morrigan und ihr Freund Hawthorne sind stolz, nun Mitglieder der Wundersamen Gesellschaft von Nevermoor zu sein. Doch nicht alles läuft glatt in ihrem ersten Schuljahr. Als herauskommt, dass Morrigan eine Wunderschmiedin ist, stellt sich die Frage, ob von ihr selbst Gefahr ausgeht. Und dann gibt es auch noch ein verlockendes Angebot von Morrigans Erzfeind Ezra Squall. Wie wird sich Morrigan entscheiden? Das zweite Abenteuer der Nevermoor-Reihe: bildgewaltig, ungewöhnlich, literarisch und fantasievoll. Ungekürzte Lesung von Hans Löw.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner

        Ich liebe mich auch

        Selbstvertrauen lernen

        by Branden, Nathaniel

      • Trusted Partner

        Die zweite Schöpfung

        Wie der Mensch die Natur für immer verändert

        by Rich, Nathaniel

        1. Auflage

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        May 2011

        Performing Herself

        Autobiography and Fanny Kelly's Dramatic Recollections

        by Gilli Bush-Bailey, Kate Dorney, Maggie B. Gale

        This unique book contains the never before published script of the first ever one-woman show, written by Fanny Kelly. The script was performed in Britain in the 1830s and 40s, based on Kelly's own experiences and offers a picture of the exuberant and often bizarre Georgian entertainment world. The performance text is introduced, edited and explained by Gilli Bush-Bailey, who focuses 21st-century revisionist scholarship on Kelly's story. It is an innovative contribution to the modern debate on biographical and autobiographical writing, whilst also being a valuable text for those who wish to study comedy and women's performance. The materials and methods of the modern stand-up routine are already to be seen in this unusual text. This book will appeal to students and scholars who are involved in performance, theatre history, or biography. It is also an accessible text for the interested general reader. ;

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