Association des éditeurs des Hauts de France
High quality titles from a selection of French independent publishers
View Rights PortalHigh quality titles from a selection of French independent publishers
View Rights PortalThis book is a collection of articles by anthropologists and social scientists concerned with gendered labour, care, intimacy and sexuality, in relation to mobility and the hardening of borders in Europe. Interrogating the relation between physical, geopolitical borders and ideological, conceptual boundaries, it offers a range of vivid and original ethnographic case studies that will capture the imagination of anyone interested in gendered migration, policies of inclusion and exclusion, and regulation of reproduction and intimacy. The book presents ethnographic and phenomenological discussions of people's changing lives as they cross borders, how people transgress and reshape moral boundaries of proper gender and kinship behaviour, and moral economies of intimacy and sexuality. It also focuses on migrants' navigation of social and financial services in their destination countries, putting questions about rights and limitations on citizenship at the core.
The research of pandemics, epidemics, and pathogens like COVID-19 reaches far beyond the scope of biomedicine. It is not only an objective for the health, political and social sciences, but epidemics and pandemics are a matter of geography: foci and vectors of communicable diseases continue to test the efficacy of medical control at state borders. This volume illuminates these issues from various disciplinary viewpoints. It starts by exploring historical models of quarantine, spatial isolation and detention as precautionary means against the dissemination of disease and contagion by border crossers, migrants and refugees. Besides the patterns of prejudice with which these groups are confronted, the book also deals with various kinds of fear of contamination from outside of the nation state. The contributors address the implementation of medical techniques at state borders in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, as well as the presently practiced measures of medical and biometric screening of migrants and refugees. Uniquely, this volume shows that the current border security regimes of Western states exhibit a high share of medicalised techniques of power, which originate both in European modernity and in the medical and biological disciplines developed during the last quarter of the millennium. Drawing on the collective expertise of a network of international researchers, this interdisciplinary volume is essential reading for those wishing to understand the medicalisation of borders across the globe, from the early eighteenth century up to the present day.
Übersetzt von Constanze Wehnes und Silvia Kinkel
»Das Familienmemoir eines großen Historikers und feinfühligen Schriftstellers mit dem Blick für die menschlichen Details.« Orhan Pamuk, Literaturnobelpreisträger Als sein Vater stirbt und er herausfinden soll, wie seine Großeltern bestattet wurden, tut Mark Mazower, was ein Historiker am besten kann: Er macht sich an die Archivarbeit. Schnell wird ihm klar, wie wenig er über seine Familie weiß. Und so beginnt Mazower, die bewegten Biografien seiner Vorfahren zu erforschen. Etwa die seines Großvaters Max, der als Mitglied des Allgemeinen Jüdischen Arbeiterbundes in Vilnius revolutionäre Schriften verbreitete, bevor er vor den Wirren des russischen Bürgerkriegs nach Großbritannien floh – der vier Sprachen beherrschte und später doch kein Wort über seine Vergangenheit verlor. Oder die von Max’ unehelichem Sohn, André, dem schwarzen Schaf der Familie, der mehrmals seine Nationalität wechselte, sich zeitweise im faschistischen Spanien niederließ und eine verschwörungstheoretische Abhandlung über die angeblichen Machenschaften eines jüdischen Geheimbundes verfasste. Mit großer Einfühlsamkeit zeichnet Mazower die Lebenswege seiner Angehörigen nach, die kreuz und quer über die historische Landkarte unseres Kontinents verlaufen: von der Sowjetunion während des Großen Terrors über das besetzte Paris bis in die neue Heimat im Norden Londons. Mit Was du nicht erzählt hast gelingt ihm etwas Außergewöhnliches: ein berührendes Familienmemoir, das zugleich die wechselhafte Geschichte eines ganzen Jahrhunderts erzählt.
Bist du bereit für ein kunterbuntes Abenteuer in der Welt der Kunst? »Hast du das schon gesehen?« ist der ideale Begleiter, um Kinder spielerisch in die faszinierende Welt der Bilder einzuführen. Von A wie »Ameise« über C wie »Clown« und T wie »Tiger« bis Z wie »Zitrone« werden kunstvolle Meisterwerke für jeden Buchstaben des Alphabets vorgestellt. Spielend leicht erfahren Kinder etwas über Werke von berühmten Künstlerinnen und Künstlern, über Epochen, Stile und Techniken. Und auf jeder Seite gibt es Spannendes zu jedem Kunstwerk zu entdecken!
Zhangjiajie• is a book organized and edited by the Propaganda Department of the Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. At the beginning of 2019, the Propaganda Department of the Zhangjiajie Municipal Party Committee learned about the news of Zhangjiajie, the birthplace of "My Motherland and Me", and then began a long period of time. Argumentation and planning, the book is composed of 4 chapters: "Birth", "Anthem", "Story" and "The Square". The work uses a large number of little-known song creation details, interesting stories and praises to the landscape and humanities of Zhangjiajie. It restores the creation process of the song "Me and My Motherland" for readers. At the same time, through a large number of incisive essays, multi-dimensional and multi-perspective presented Zhangjiajie people's praise of the motherland in all aspects.
Aus dem Englischen von Silvia Kinkel, Lina Robertz, Nora Petroll und Constanze Wehnes
Übersetzt von Kristina Koblischke, Regina Jooß und Nora Petroll
This book aims at helping people know and acquire self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-cultivation. Starting with the discussion on "individual", the book focuses on analyzing "I", "me", "myself", the unique entity in the world. The author shares personal understanding, thinking, reflection, and experience to communicate with readers about how to recognize self, life, society, and world, as well as how to get along with yourself, the society, and to change the world around you.
Mycological paper on the genus Mycosphaerella and its Anamorphs: Ceroseptoria, Dothistroma and Lecanosticta, on Pines and Pine Trees.
This third edition of Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement provides a set of practical procedures to follow when planning, designing and analysing tree improvement trials. Using many fully worked examples, it outlines how to: design field, glasshouse and laboratory trials; efficiently collect and construct electronic data files; pre-process data, screening for data quality and outliers; analyse data from single and across-site trials; and interpret the results from statistical analyses. The authors address the many practical issues often faced in forest tree improvement trials and describe techniques that will efficiently give conclusive results. The techniques provided are applicable to the improvement of not only trees, but to crops in general. Building on the success of the second edition, this new edition has been fully revised to include the construction of p-rep and spatial designs using the commercially available software package for design generation (CycDesigN). For analysis of the examples, it provides online Genstat and SAS programs and a link to R programs.