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      • Dar Al Farabi

        Dar Al Farabi Publishing and Distribution Company was founded in 1956. We publish books in a variety of subjects including sciences, humanities and literature whether written in Arabic or translated. Ever since its inception Dar ALFARABI has been committed to the defense of democratic freedoms liberation and progress. We participate in all Arabic book events. We also provide various printing services for those looking to publish a book or author at his own expense, according to an equivalent format between the two parties, in the event that there is no opportunity to publish at the expense of the house.

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      • Fiction


        by Guadalupe Faraj

        "Jaulagrande. Nobody wants to go." This is the sentence with which Jaulagrande begins. Yet, there they go: a military officer who has lost his honor, his wife, weary from years of loyalty, and a son on the brink of adolescence for whom the world is, above all, a great question. Jaulagrande is a military base where the sun fades, geese rejuvenate by eating garbage, and everyone finds their fate, even if that fate is nothing more than a final period. What happens there defies conventional norms but is bound by tacit laws that Guadalupe Faraj skillfully establishes as another possible logic. With a thick atmosphere and a rhythm that is neither excessive nor lacking, Jaulagrande is a sharp, tender, precise, and, above all, penetrating novel.

      • Fiction

        The Age of Umbrage

        by Jessica Zafra

        Guadalupe, 15, is confused. She grew up in the house of one of the richest families in the world . . . in the servants’ quarters with her mother, the family cook. The life of luxury is all she knows, but it isn’t really her life. Unhappy in school, invisible at home, she lives inside her head, in a world made of books and movies. Outside, Manila is in turmoil: protest rallies, a bloodless revolution, coup attempts, and the Web hasn’t even arrived yet. When is Guada is going to leave her imaginary shelter and get a life?

      • Fiction
        April 2016

        A Wing and a Prayer

        by John Morano

        Lupé might be the very last Guadalupe petrel alive, and he knows the best way to save his flock is to find the Islands of Life and a mate. The problem is the well-meaning man-flock that's decided to keep him safe... in a cage. But Lupé has hatched an escape plan all his own!Told in a 'Disneyesque' style, "A Wing and a Prayer" will have you smiling and laughing as you're introduced to wonderful characters but also important themes, especially the environment.Often compared to works such as "Jonathan Livingston Seagull," "Watership Down," and "The Jungle Books," this 25th Anniversary Edition also features an introduction by ​Mark Tercek, President and CEO of The Nature Conservancy.

      • Teaching, Language & Reference

        Ciclo 1. Velocidad-percepción: desarrollo de habilidades perceptivas

        Sistema Integral de Lectura Rápida. Comprensión y memorización

        by María Guadalupe Baeza Gómez

        In this cycle Speed - perception: development of perceptual skills, you will significantly improve the speed of your reading thanks to the exercises of each lesson, whose main objective is that you achieve rapid perception of words, as well as identify and eliminate all those noises, distractions and bad habits that affect your reading process.

      • Teaching, Language & Reference

        Ciclo 2. Comprensión total: atención y concentración

        Sistema Integral de Lectura Rápida

        by María Guadalupe Baeza Gómez

        The effective process of a good read is not only related to speed but also depends on a good understanding that is supported by analyzing, synthesize, apply and construct written information, with the benefit of acquiring new knowledge and give them a meaning of their own. The ability to understand also provides intellectual stimulation, increase of the cultural heritage, development and improvement of language. Therefore, this second cycle is dedicated to increase and enhance this ability. The goal during these five weeks is to keep increasing the eye speed, but above all that now incorporates understanding, attention and visual concentration of texts, symbols and images, for such reasons new reading techniques are exposed, with which he will use the whole brain; this system methodology will teach you to read sentences and paragraphs (more complete ideas) at a single glance and to take scan readings, incorporating all the strategies and skills acquired. It is essential to work in this second cycle the TOTAL UNDERSTANDING, without leaving a side the speed. Practice and perseverance will be your best companions.

      • Teaching, Language & Reference

        Ciclo 3. Retención total: memoria

        Sistema Integral de Lectura Rápida. Comprensión y memorización

        by María Guadalupe Baeza Gómez

        Memory is the psychic faculty by means of which the past is retained and remembered, hence its importance in the process of reading the information only once and remembering it the rest of the lifetime. This is based on attention, perception and reasoning, supported by the association and organization of data, because it not only means accumulating information but also knowing how to use it and for this you have to stimulate and exercise memory. In this third cycle lasting five weeks you will continue exercising all the skills and skills that you have learned in the system to apply in your daily life; also include specific techniques to improve concentration and memory, optimize study time, as well as organize and retain the information of any text. The ability to work in this cycle is TOTAL RETENTION, combining it with speed and understanding. From this one moment your way of reading is different, do not go back to the bad habits and always read with techniques, skills and strategies learned, since on this depends the true mastery from the same.

      • Health & Personal Development
        August 2014

        226 ejercicios para su mente


        by Guadalupe Baeza Gómez, Rafael Enríquez Raya

        Dear reader, in this booklet you will find 226 exercises that were designed to integrate into the cognitive training system Mental Skill in printed form, with the purpose to favor their daily exercise in situations or places where it is not possible to use a computer. These exercises are divided into groups of each of the skills cognitive skills that are worked on: linguistics, memory, logic and reasoning, attention and visuospatiality. The exercises can be performed non-sequentially, as they are designed to reinforce skills on which you are interested to focus your efforts; while you are traveling, resting or in your free time outside From home. You will find in electronic format within the Advanced CD all exercise templates, so you don't scratch your notebook and keep it in good condition for later use. Remember the motto that accompanies the system: “Challenges to be mentally fit ". So we invite you to use this booklet and go to work it's been said!

      • Health & Personal Development
        August 2014

        Orientación inicial


        by Guadalupe Baeza Gómez, Rafael Enríquez Raya

        Did you know that the brain is the most important organ in the human body? as the center of the nervous system it controls all the functions of the organism, both executive and autonomous, and all bodily processes are based on its proper functioning. For this reason, it is necessary to preserve it in the best possible way, since with the passing of time it tends to deteriorate and, therefore, to diminish its faculties. At the moment guide we will explain everything about this wonderful organ, we will deepen in the knowledge of its different functions; we will also indicate how to use the CDs that are part of the system and that contain the didactic exercises for hone your mental processes related to memory, attention, reasoning as well as skills increase verbal and visuospatial. Exercise in each of cognitive areas with exercises shows that here They offer, in addition to a guide to nutritional care to nurture good your brain. It is convenient that, as an introduction, do a preconception assessment (what you think about something or know of a certain topic), to achieve a greater understanding how this system works brain training, for that we will use a didactic material called table C-Q-A, which a Here we introduce you.

      • Health & Personal Development
        August 2014

        Herramientas para sus sentidos


        by Guadalupe Baeza Gómez, Rafael Enríquez Raya

        The brain is the most important organ in our body, controls its processes through systemic forms of functioning; this indicates that there are various tools that can favor it in an appropriate way, to generate better performance. This booklet will present both theoretical and as practical complementary tools, in where you will learn physical exercises that are intended use body-kinetic elements to do more efficient cognitive procedures. In another section you can learn related exercises with the sense of sight, where you will practice forms of rest vision, as well as elements that will allow you use this sense efficiently. Another important topic is learning of the mnemonics that can be broadly defined, as the set of teaching techniques that help us memorize in a way effective any information that we need to remember how lists, phone numbers, comprehensive aspects of a reading, dates, etc. As you may know, there is a saying that says “Music is the food of the soul ”, but not only that, it is also a great ally of the brain, since important research in the matter tell us that the proper use of music improves the cognitive skills necessary to learn, work and, in general, improve our quality of life. This manual explains its operation and recommends, through a selection of pieces, music that generate greater and better thinking capacity. The last part of this booklet will focus on giving you the basics of proper nutrition to maintain a healthy and strong brain, in addition to serving as a medium prevention against diseases of the same, through recommendations and general explanations of the various foods that your daily diet should contain. This supplementary booklet is intended to give you the necessary tools to promote the operation cognitive that, in the medium term, will generate well-being and a better quality of life. Has been projected to increase your mental prowess. Welcome and read it!

      • Fiction
        March 2019

        Flocks of One

        by John Morano

        Glyde, Gonzo, and Azul have one thing in common: they’re all flying as flocks of one. Other than his father, Lupé, Glyde has never seen a pure Guadalupe petrel, so when he hears of a similar petrel in danger, he implores his father to join him in a daring rescue attempt. Along the way, Glyde is joined by Gonzo, an endangered ivory-billed woodpecker, Zomis, the last remaining passenger pigeon, and a barred owl who speaks only in Shakespearean English. Meanwhile, after losing his mate and being smuggled out of the shrinking Caatinga, Azul finds himself in the care of a celebrated conservationist. However, not everything is as it seems, and the Spix’s macaw must fight to return to the place he knows best. But with a disappearing habitat and without a mate, can his journey lead him home? The John Morano Eco-Adventure Series is back with a fourth installment that asks the question: What does it mean to be home in a changing world? As the climate warms and habitats are lost, will the man-flock help the birds before it's too late, or will these flocks of one become flocks of none? Featuring a special introduction by Andrew Sharpless, CEO of Oceana.

      • Children's & YA
        December 2018

        Cuaderno de escritura. Cursiva y script


        by María Guadalupe Baeza Gómez, Luis Baeza Gómez

        The writing notebook. Italic and script was created as a reinforcement Complementary and optional for those children, between six and 12 years old, who want to reinforce cursive and script writing skills. The goal is to practice writing in order to achieve the following benefits: Strengthening of gross and fine motor skills Improvement of fine visual-motor coordination Association and visual sequence Strengthening of muscular, visual and auditory memory Greater precision and legibility in the stroke of the letters in order to achieve a clear writing With the practice of these activities the result of academic development will be much more complete. “Writing is the painting of the voice.” Voltaire.

      • Children's & YA
        December 2018

        Guía autodidacta para padres e hijos. Encontrando tu punto de partida


        by María Guadalupe Baeza Gómez, Luis Baeza Gómez

        MACRO MENTES presents a methodology clearly and totally self-taught so that children ages six to 12 acquire and implement techniques and strategies that will help them develop their literacy and divergent thinking skills.   All this while exercising their cognitive abilities of linguistic attention, visuospatiality, logic and memory.   The self-taught guide for parents and children. Finding your starting point shows, step by step, the necessary bases to put the content into practice in an optimal way and thus achieve the benefits that this great work offers.   It contains the structure of the lessons and exercises for each area to be developed; in addition to the formulas to calculate the speed and reading comprehension and the first practical exercises to begin to develop the capacities of an effective reader-writer. This work is a key piece to obtain success in the process of progressive, effective and self-taught learning!

      • Education

        Academic Achievers

        Whose Definition?: An Ethnographic Study Examining the Literacy [under] Development of English Language Learners in the Era of High-Stakes Tests

        by Orelus, P. W.

        It is ironic that our ever-present preoccupation with closing the achievement gap is insufficiently articulated in current federal education policy. To this end, Pierre Orelus' study cogently underscores the fruitfulness of caring teachers' persistence in bridging the all-too-frequent gulf that exists between school and community together with an apprenticeship model that saturates youth in academic discourses. This is an encouraging and inspiring read. Angela Valenzuela, College of Education, University of Texas at Austin, author of Subtractive Schooling and Leaving Children Behind. Orelus' book provides valuable insights into the resources, including teachers' teaching practices, students' level of motivation, their family values, and the students' academic background, that contribute to academic achievement for English language learners. The author's close examination of what enabled four middle school ELLs to succeed academically illustrates that even students who are labeled "at risk" can succeed with the right support. David Freeman, Ph.D. Professor of Reading and ESL Chair: Department of Language, Literacy, and Intercultural Studies The University of Texas at Brownsville Pierre Orelus draws on his personal experiences as an English-language learner to examine ELL's academic achievement and underachievement. Guadalupe Valdés, Ph.D. Bonnie Katz Tenenbaum Professor of Education Stanford University This book addresses one of the most pressing issues facing US education - how best to support the academic literacy of English Language Learners. Pierre Orelus looks closely at teaching practices that contribute to students' academic growth, and he adds to the mounting evidence of the negative impact of high stakes testing and accountability on teaching, especially for students who are learning English. This is a powerful call to reject the culturally and educationally reductive practices promoted by No Child Left Behind. Professor Pauline Lipman University of Illinois at Chicago Author of High Stakes Education; Inequality, Globalization, and Urban School Reform

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2019

        Nosotros, Colombia… Comunicación, paz y (pos)conflicto

        by Sergio Roncallo-Dow, Juan David Cárdenas Ruiz, Juan Carlos Gómez Giraldo

        Peace seems to have been elusive in Colombian history. The ups and downs in the negotiation processes, the unfulfilled promises, and the political polarization have made Colombia a nation in a state of continuous crisis and that, in spite of itself - to take up the old Bushnell phrase - has managed to stay afloat and, above all, do not lose hope for a stable and lasting peace.   There have been numerous attempts to build it and they seem to have been unsuccessful, especially because a good part of the collective representation that we have of them has been built from the media apparatus that, in the case of our country, has been at the service of power and that it has resulted in skepticism that, especially since the 1990s, has tended to transform into a strong polarization. With this book, we want not only to think about peace and (post) conflict from communication but to remind (us), once again, that we can still be we.

      • Children's & YA

        The Guest and Other Sinister Stories

        by Dávila, Amparo

        Through a selection of thrilling and exciting illustrated stories, Mexican author, Amparo Dávila, and Argentinian illustrator, Santiago Caruso, create a fascinating reading spectrum for young audiences. This set combines classic tales of the author: “Petrified trees” and “Concrete music”, alongside with fantastic stories as “The guest”, the story of an ordinary woman hunted by an unknown creature; “High kitchen”, a short story where miniature beings confront their inevitable fate, among others.

      • Travel & Transport
        March 2015

        México y sus estados

        Edición especial

        by Kenia Salgado Sánchez, Leticia Dávila Acosta, Ana María Pérez Rocha

        This work, which aims be an approach to the plurality of our country, an overview of its natural resources, its men and women, of its vast cultural heritage, and the exciting course of its history, It has been structured in thirty-two chapters - one chapter per federal entity. That are presented alphabetically with the desire to provide the reader with easy reference. The chapters begin with a representative image of each region including: the location of the entity on a map of the country and its essential geographic boundaries, followed by a description precise relief, hydrography, climate, flora and fauna. Likewise, a semblance of the emblematic periods is offered of national history and its impact on development of each of the States. This portrait is complemented with the chronology that appears at the bottom of the pages and, that as a timeline, gives an account of the events past and present most important of the different entities. Based on the last population census, the data is presented outstanding demographics, economic and infrastructure. In the section of tourist attractions they converge in a balanced way archaeological zones, museums, historical sites and monuments; crafts, dishes and traditional festivals; beaches, forests, deserts and other places of interest. Close each chapter, with the mention of the names of those who contributed to forging the destiny of each region. Finally, the selection of photographs deserves a special mention made mostly expressly for this edition, that while illustrating and enriching the text, help the reader to reconfigure the various faces of our country.

      • Music
        May 2011

        Dissonant Identities

        The Rock’n’Roll Scene in Austin, Texas

        by Barry Shank

        A fascinating analysis of the music scene in Austin, Texas.

      • April 2021

        Chola Salvation

        by Estella Gonzalez

        Chicana writer’s debut story collection unveils the lives of her Mexican-American community.

      • Children's & YA


        by Text: Juan Francisco Bascuñán / Illustrations: Valeria Cis

        Celia is a girl like many others her age, but she has something special: she can speak with her hands and hear with her eyes, because her ears don’t function - she is deaf. The story is told through the letters that the girl writes to her mother. Celia arrived in Santiago de Chile to live with her aunt and uncle, while her family remains in Colombia. She writes to her mother about her difficult experiences at school, where no one knows how to speak in sign language. However, thanks to the commitment of the director, she achieves important changes in the school, which is enriched by opening up to the world of deaf people and getting to know, through her, the culture of another country. The book has two attached resources, which help to bring deaf and hearing children closer together: a manual of the alphabet of the Chilean sign language included in the book, as well as a video that shows the pages in the sign language transcription and the reading version in off on the publisher’s website.

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