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      • Smart English Company Limited

        Smart English Company Limited is committed to developing a line of fun and educational products, which currently includes Inspirational English and Robin Education, to help young learners acquire the four skills in the English language. With 'Baby Animals', 'Dinosaurs in my Garden', and 'Mirabelle and Milo', Robin Education aims to develop young learners’ ability to use authentic English language in line with the Cambridge English Qualifications syllabus, as they explore the fascinating stories in each series.

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      • Veronika Engler

        Best-selling author Veronika Engler was born in 1982 in the beautiful state capital of Munich. Even today she lives and works there with her husband and their son. As the daughter of an Oscar winner in film technology, she came into contact with the world of stories and entertainment at an early age. One day, her love of reading gave her the idea of ​​writing a novel according to her wishes. This is how her first love story came about in 2014, which was published that same year. Today she inspires a wide readership in all age groups 18+ with her romance novels from the genres of erotic, new adult and romantasy.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        May 2016

        Livestock Handling and Transport

        by Temple Grandin

        Edited by world-renowned animal scientist Dr. Temple Grandin, this practical book integrates scientific research and industry literature on cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep, goats, deer, and horses, in both the developed and developing world, to provide a practical guide to humane handling and minimizing animal stress. Reviewing the latest research on transport systems, restraint methods and facilities for farms and slaughterhouses, this fully updated fourth edition of Livestock Handling and Transport includes new coverage of animal handling in South America, and reviews extensive new research on pig transportation in North America. ; This book integrates research and industry literature on cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep, goats, deer, and horses, in both the developed and developing world, to provide a guide to humane handling and minimizing stress. Fully updated, it reviews the latest research on transport systems, restraint methods and facilities for farms and slaughterhouses. ; I: PrefaceChapter 1: A Whole Systems Approach to Assessing Animal Welfare During Handling and RestraintChapter 2: General Principles of Stress and WellbeingChapter 3: Welfare of Transported Animals: Factors Influencing Welfare and Welfare AssessmentChapter 4: Behavioural Principles of Handling Cattle and Other Grazing Animals Under Extensive ConditionsChapter 5: Low-stress Restraint, Handling, and Sorting of CattleChapter 6: Handling Cattle Raised in Close Association with PeopleChapter 7: Handling Facilities and Restraint of Extensively Raised Range CattleChapter 8: Dairy Cattle Behaviour, Facilities, Handling, Transport, Automation, and Well-BeingChapter 9: Cattle Transport by RoadChapter 10: Handling and Transport of Cattle and Pigs in South AmericaChapter 11: Behavioural Principles of Sheep HandlingChapter 12: Design of Sheep Yards and Shearing ShedsChapter 13: Sheep TransportChapter 14: Dogs for Handling and Guarding LivestockChapter 15: Behavioural Principles of Pig HandlingChapter 16: Transport of PigsChapter 17: Transport of Market Pigs: Improvements in Welfare and EconomicsChapter 18: Handling and Transport of HorsesChapter 19: Deer Handling and TransportChapter 20: Poultry Handling and TransportChapter 21: Stress Physiology of Animals During TransportChapter 22: Improving Welfare and Reducing Stress on Animals at Slaughter PlantsChapter 23: Principles of Biosecurity During Transport, Handling, and Slaughter of Animals

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2018

        Black Hand

        Jagd auf die erste Mafia New Yorks

        by Stephan Talty, Jan Schönherr

        Mit den italienischen Einwanderern sind Kriminelle in die Stadt gekommen, und im Sommer 1903 versinkt New York im Verbrechen: Entführungen, Bombenanschläge, Erpressungen – in großem Stil, verantwortet von einer Organisation: der Black Hand. Gegen sie zieht Joseph Petrosino in den Kampf, er ist der erste italienische Detective New Yorks, seine Methoden knallhart … Stephan Talty erzählt von den Anfängen der amerikanischen Mafia, und dem ersten Mann, der sich ihr entgegenstellt – eine wahre, eine umwerfende Heldengeschichte. Als Kind wandert Joseph Petrosino zusammen mit seiner Familie aus Süditalien nach Amerika aus, Jugend in Little Italy, Prügeleien, Hunger, Jobs als Schuhputzer, Straßenfeger, Kadaverräumer. Doch Petrosino ist fleißig und er will nach oben. Schließlich bekommt er seine Chance bei der Polizei, und als die Black Hand ganz New York mit Terror überzieht, soll er die Stadt retten. Er stellt eine eigene Einheit aus Italienern zusammen, er perfektioniert Verkleidungen, er verdrischt Mafiagrößen auf offener Straße, er kennt keine Furcht. Spektakuläre Festnahmen folgen, darauf der Ruhm des Boulevards und Morddrohungen jeden Tag … Black Hand erzählt die Geschichte eines sagenhaften Mannes, dem am Ende eines Lebens im Kampf gegen das Verbrechen 250.000 Menschen das letzte Geleit geben werden quer durch Manhattan.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2018

        Are We Pushing Animals to Their Biological Limits?

        Welfare and Ethical Implications

        by Temple Grandin, Martin Whiting

        Stimulating and thought-provoking, this important new text looks at the welfare problems and philosophical and ethical issues that are caused by changes made to an animal's telos, behaviour and physiology, both positive and negative, to make them more productive or adapted for human uses. These changes may involve selective breeding for production, appearance traits, or competitive advantage in sport, transgenic animals or the use of pharmaceuticals or hormones to enhance production or performance. Changes may impose duties to care for these animals further and more intensely, or they may make the animal more robust. The book considers a wide range of animals, including farm animals, companion animals and laboratory animals. It reviews the ethics and welfare issues of animals that have been adapted for sport, as companions, in work, as ornaments, food sources, guarding and a whole host of other human functions. This important new book sparks debate and is essential reading for all those involved in animal welfare and ethics, including veterinarians, animal scientists, animal welfare scientists and ethologists.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2015

        Bingling Temple

        by Bingling Temple Museum

        This series introduces the history, characteristic and some Buddhism knowledge of famous grottoes that were built in the ancient time.In China, grotto sculptures and fresco are regarded as a precious ancient art.

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        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        September 2023

        The Olive

        Botany and Production

        by Andrea Fabbri, Luciana Baldoni, Tiziano Caruso, Franco Famiani, Giovanni Agosteo, Barbera Giuseppe, Angjelina Belaj, Antonio Belcari, Karim Barkaoui, Giora Ben-Ari, Alon Ben-Gal, Giovanni Benelli, Rita Biasi, Iris Biton, Konstantinos Blazakis, Aureliano Bombarely, Antonio Brunori, Santa Olga Cacciola, Angelo Canale, Giovanni Caruso, Tiziano Caruso, Nicola Cinosi, Arnon Dag, Ran Erel, Daniela Farinelli, Louise Ferguson, Tommaso Ganino, Jesus A Gil-Ribes, Calero José Alfonso Gómez, Riccardo Gucci, Consolación Guerrero, Panagiotis Kalaitzis, Maurizio Lambardi, Lauri Pierre-Eric, Lorenzo León, Bianco Riccardo Lo, Enrico Maria Lodolini, Francisco Luque, Hanene Mairech, Picchi Malayka, Giulia Marino, Roberto Mariotti, Francesco Paolo Marra, G Medina-Alonso, José A Mercado, Maurizio Micheli, Soraya Mousavi, Monji Msallem, Dvora Namdar, Isabel Narváez, Elena Palomo-Ríos, Ruggero Petacchi, Pierluigi Pierantozzi, Malayka Samantha Picchi, Amalia Rosa Maria Piscopo, Fernando Pliego-Alfaro, Primo P

        The European or Mediterranean cultivated olive (Olea europaea L., subsp. europaea, var. europaea) is one of the most ancient cultivated fruit tree crops. Today, hundreds of olive varieties are grown to produce high-quality fruit for oil and for table olives consumption. The olive industry has undergone profound innovations in the past 30 years, due to scientific and technical advances, particularly in genomics, breeding, orchard management, mechanization and agro-ecology, although not all these developments are yet available to smaller producers. Olive cultivation has also spread to many countries outside the Mediterranean Basin, where it ihas been traditionally present for over 6,000 years. These new olive-growing countries are experiencing further expansion of the industry, due to increased awareness of the nutritional and health properties of extra virgin olive oil. This book is a much-needed update on olive biology and cultivation, with contributions from leading international experts, and includes: Biology Genetics and breeding Olive propagation and nursery Planting new olive orchards Horticultural management of olive orchards Plant protection Olive by-products (wood, leaves) Multifunctionality of olive groves and ecosystem services The Olive: Botany and Production is invaluable for researchers and students in horticulture and agriculture, as well as producers involved in olive orchard management.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2024

        Livestock Handling and Transport

        by Temple Grandin, John Abizaid, Faith Reyes, Adrian Barber, Donald M Broom, Michelle S. Calvo-Lorenzo, Dana L. M. Campbell, John Church, Michael Cockram, Lorna Coppinger, Raymond Coppinger, Roger Ewbank, Luigi Faucitano, Robert B. Freeman, Wendy K Fulwider, Carmen Gallo, Arlene Garcia-Marquez, Peter J Goddard, Temple Grandin, Paul H Hemsworth, Katherine A. Houpt, Stella Maris Huertas Canén, Geoffrey D. Hutson, Anna Johnson, Meagan King, Bert Lambooij, Pol Llonch Obiols, Edmond A. Pajor, Mateus J.R. Paranhos da Costa, Genaro C. Miranda-de la Lama, Miriam Parker, Clive J C Phillips, Matthew J. Ritter, Emma Fabreger I Romans, Karen Schwartzkopf-Genswein, Antonio Velarde, Kurt Vogel, Claire A Weeks, Carissa L. Wickens, S. Wilhelmsson, Trevor DeVries, Gabriel Dallago, Ashlyn Scott, Juliana Ribas, J. Gooding, S. Carr, C. Yoder, C. Jones, A. K. Johnson, A. Garcia, Jayson Galbraith

        Edited by world-renowned animal scientist Dr Temple Grandin, this book integrates scientific research and industry literature on cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep, goats, deer, and horses, in both the developed and developing world, to provide a practical guide to humane handling and minimizing animal stress. Reviewing the latest research on transport systems, restraint methods and facilities for farms and slaughterhouses, this new edition expands on new developments in the field, as well as covering the integration of and potential welfare benefits and costs of technological advances such as virtual fencing. An important read for animal scientists, animal welfare researchers and practitioners, and veterinarians, this straightforward text is also a valuable resource for stock-people and farmers.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        Oliver Sacks

        Ein persönliches Porträt

        by Weschler, Lawrence

        1. Auflage

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2023

        Cytonic - Unendlich weit von Zuhause


        by Sanderson, Brandon

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Oliver Plaschka

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2020

        Improving Animal Welfare

        A Practical Approach

        by Temple Grandin

        Completely revised, updated and with four new chapters on sustainability, new technologies, precision agriculture and the future of animal welfare, the third edition of this highly successful textbook: · Is edited by an outstanding world expert on animal welfare. · Emphasizes throughout the importance of measuring conditions that compromise welfare, such as lameness, heat stress, body condition, and bruises during transport. · Combines scientific information with practical recommendations for use on commercial operations. · Reviews practical information on livestock handling, euthanasia, slaughter, pain relief, and assessments of abnormal behavior. Improving Animal Welfare: A Practical Approach remains essential reading for students and practitioners of ethology, animal and veterinary science, veterinary medicine, as well as those working directly with farm animals and committed to improving their welfare.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2024

        Der demokratische Horizont

        Politik und Ethik radikaler Demokratie

        by Oliver Marchart

        Das Unbehagen an der Demokratie wächst. Soziale Bewegungen und Protestparteien verschaffen ihm Ausdruck. Oliver Marchart behauptet, dass die Antwort auf Demokratiedefizit und »Postdemokratie« in der Demokratie selbst liegt. Da der demokratische Horizont unüberschreitbar ist, gilt es, die Demokratie selbst zu demokratisieren: durch Radikalisierung und Neuerfindung der klassischen Prinzipien von Freiheit, Gleichheit, Solidarität und Volkssouveränität. Im Lichte prominenter Theorien radikaler Demokratie (u. a. von Claude Lefort, Chantal Mouffe und Antonio Negri) erkundet Marchart die Möglichkeiten einer solchen Demokratisierung von Demokratie im unvermeidlichen Spannungsfeld zwischen Politik und Ethik.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022

        L’amour numérique

        Und täglich grüßt die Liebesgier. Ein Episodenroman | Search, Swipe, Date, Repeat: Oliver Polak sucht die große Liebe

        by Oliver Polak

        Was es heißt, jenen einzigen Menschen zu finden, der die große Liebe bedeutet: Nichts Geringeres beschreibt Oliver Polak in seinem neuen Buch L’amour numérique. Oder, um es mit der Band Toto zu sagen: Hold the line. Love isn’t always on time. In verschiedenen Episoden erzählt er von den erhebenden und ernüchternden Herausforderungen der modernen Liebe. Search, Swipe and Date – so beginnen immer wieder die Abenteuer vor der Kulisse des romantischsten aller Orte, dem Pariser Café. Und die so arrangierten Begegnungen enden mal im Fauxpax, dann wieder entwaffnend menschlich. L’amour numérique ist wahrheitsgetreu erfunden und zugleich erfahrungsgesättigt. Ein tiefer Seelenstriptease des inneren Ichs, denn am Ende begegnet der Protagonist nur einer Person: sich selbst. Trifft er die Frauen, um sie zu lieben, oder trifft er sie nur, um sich selbst nicht zu lieben? Ein Buch über Sehnsucht, Verlangen und Zärtlichkeit in einer ungewissen Welt. Leonard Cohen, Batman, Oliver Polak: die großen Liebhaber mit durstigen Herzen.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2009

        Erleuchte, Dame, unsere Finsternis

        Songs Sonette Elegien. Zweisprachige Ausgabe

        by John Donne, Wolfgang Held, Wolfgang Held, Madeline Mary Duff

        Aus dem Schwarm der metaphysical poets ragt John Donne, Zeitgenosse von Shakespeare und Marlowe, als ihr Doyen und Meister hervor. Seine bildreichen und komplexen Gedichte, vor allem die zynisch-erotischen, geistvoll zugespitzten, enthusiastisch brutalen Liebesgedichte, wirken bis heute und gehören zum festen Bestand lyrischer Sprachkunst. Wolfgang Helds temperamentvolle Übertragung bietet in Metrum und Reim eine äußerste Annäherung an die Originale. Ein Vorwort und ein Essay erschließen die Entwicklung John Donnes vom elisabethanischen Kavalier zum todessüchtigen Dekan von Sankt Paul und bestimmen die Poetologie seiner Gedichte zwischen bildkräftiger Anschauung, intellektueller Kombinationskunst und leidenschaftlicher Ausdruckskraft.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Goethes Elefanten

        by Oliver Matuschek

        Im Frühjahr 1784 war Johann Wolfgang Goethe auf der Suche nach Elefanten. Gerade erst hatte er als Laie auf dem Gebiet der Anatomie gezeigt, dass Menschen und Tiere viel enger miteinander verwandt waren, als Wissenschaft und Kirche es gelehrt hatten. In seiner Begeisterung über den gelungenen Nachweis des Zwischenkieferknochens beim Menschen wollte er sich nun auch mit dem Knochenbau von Elefanten beschäftigen – der selbst Fachleuten einige Rätsel aufgab. Für seine Forschungen scheute Goethe keine Mühen und ließ sich sogar einen Elefantenschädel quer durch das Land zusenden. Mit aufwendigen Zeichnungen fasste er die Ergebnisse seiner Arbeit zusammen und forderte mit seinem neuen Blick auf die Entwicklungsgeschichte die Fachgelehrten seiner Zeit heraus. Oliver Matuschek begibt sich in Naturkundemuseen auf die Spuren von »Goethes Elefanten« und führt die Entdeckungsreise des Dichters und Naturforschers detailreich und kurzweilig vor Augen.

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        Biography & True Stories
        February 2024

        Revolutionary lives of the Red and Black Atlantic since 1917

        by David Featherstone, Christian Høgsbjerg, Alan Rice

        Revolutionary lives of the Red and Black Atlantic brings to light the life histories of a wide range of radical figures whose political activity in relation to the black liberation struggle was profoundly shaped by the global impact and legacy of the Russian Revolution of October 1917. The volume introduces new perspectives on the intellectual trajectories of well-known figures and critical activists including C. L. R. James, Paul Robeson, Walter Rodney and Grace P. Campbell. This biographical approach brings a vivid and distinctive lens to bear on how racialised social and political worlds were negotiated and experienced by these revolutionary figures, and on historic black radical engagements with left political movements, in the wake of the Russian Revolution.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Nichts als die Wahrheit

        Der Ex-FBI-Direktor über die Unterwanderung des amerikanischen Justizsystems (Der Trump-Kritiker Nummer eins über Recht und Gerechtigkeit in Amerika)

        by Comey, James

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Pieke Biermann, Elisabeth Liebl, Karl Heinz Siber, Karsten Singelmann, Hella Reese, Christiane Bernhardt, Gisela Fichtl, Stephan Kleiner und Monika Köpfer

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