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      • Global Collective Publishers

        Global Collective Publishers, based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is an independent publisher whose mission is to provide a platform for voices from around the world, crossing the borders of language, culture, religion, and gender, and to create a space where diverse communities can share and exchange stories that express their individual and shared sense of humanity through a variety of literary genres in fiction and non-fiction. In a world that feels increasingly more alienating, it is our aim to work towards dispelling the fear of the other and stand against literature of hatred, embracing the shared human experience in its myriad textures and voices through a curiosity-driven life. Global Collective is committed to publishing across a diverse landscape of fiction and non-fiction, in the areas of religion and spirituality, personal growth and self-transformation, gender and LGBT+ studies, social awareness, art and cinema. Global Collective takes to heart Booker Prize winner Ben Okri’s assertion that “stories can conquer fear… they can make the heart bigger.”Global Collective Publishers seeks unique and extraordinary literature that satiates our desire to gain a deeper understanding of the world around us and to discover points of commonality amongst our differences where words have no borders.

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      • Carrot Global Inc.

        We are a dynamic and practical learning solutions provider, satisfying a wide array of professional development, learning and consulting needs of domestically and internationally renown clients. Our mission is to achieve customers’ success through the enhancement of corporate and personal global competence. - Selected as the global partner by more than 500 enterprises such as Samsung, LG, Hyundai, GM, GE, SIMENS, etc.- Opened branches in the USA, Canada, China, Vietnam, the Philippines.- Operating 28 virtual classes in 28 countries.- Sponsoring a number of international volunteer organizations.- Hosting workshops by inviting worldly scholars such as Michael Sandel, Gary Hamel, Paul Krugman.- Hosting Global Competency HRD Conference for 13 consecutive years.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Alcoholism Sourcebook, 6th Ed.

        by James Chambers, General Editor

        Consumer health information about alcohol abuse, addiction, and related health effects, with facts about treatment and recovery. Includes index, glossary of related terms, and other resources.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Alzheimer Disease Sourcebook, 8th Ed.

        by James Chambers, General Editor

        Provides consumer health information about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of Alzheimer disease and other dementias, along with tips for coping with memory loss and related complications and advice for caregivers. Includes index, glossary of related terms, directory of resources.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2022

        Arthritis Sourcebook, Sixth Edition

        by James Chambers, General Editor

        Consumer health information about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment for major forms of arthritis, along with self-care tips and coping strategies. Includes index, glossary of related terms, and other resources.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Cancer Sourcebook, 9th Ed.

        by James Chambers, General Editor

        Consumer health information about risks, prevention, and treatment of major forms of cancer. Includes index, glossary of related terms, and other resources.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Cardiovascular Disorders Sourcebook, 7th Edition

        by James Chambers, General Editor

        Basic consumer health information about risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of heart and vascular diseases, along with prevention strategies and concerns specific to men, women, children, and minority populations. Includes index, glossary of related terms, and directory of resources.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Health Technology Sourcebook, Second Edition

        by James Chambers, General Editor

        Consumer health information about the application of science to develop solutions to health problems or issues such as the prevention or delay of onset of diseases or the promotion and monitoring of good health. Includes index, glossary of related terms, and other resources.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Pain Sourcebook, 6th Ed.

        by James Chambers, General Editor

        Consumer health information about the causes and management of various types of acute and chronic pain, along with prevention strategies and coping tips.  Includes index, glossary of related terms, other resources.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Stroke Sourcebook, 5th Ed.

        by James Chambers, General Editor

        Stroke Sourcebook, Fifth Edition provides detailed information about stroke, its causes, and types such as Ischemic, hemorrhagic and recurrent stroke.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Traumatic Brain Injury Sourcebook, 1st Ed.

        by James Chambers, General Editor

        Provides information about the causes and risk factors for and signs and symptoms of TBI, treatment options, caregiving and other support services, recent research, and more.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 1983

        Der Naturgarten

        Mehr Platz für einheimische Pflanzen und Tiere

        by Schwarz, Urs / Vorwort von Stern, Horst; Herausgegeben von World Wildlife Fund

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2025

        Global counter-terrorism

        by Tahir Abbas, Sylvia I. Bergh, Sagnik Dutta

        This collection aims to inaugurate a new direction in research on counterterrorism by exploring global connections - both in terms of practices and discourses, as well as shared ideas and epistemes - that animate counterterrorism practices. The chapters - grouped under the themes of postcoloniality and coloniality, and entanglements of the transnational and the local, and counterterrorism and right-wing extremism - are attentive to global connections and are mindful of the complexities of global historical processes that constitute the politics of counterterrorism. This book aims to bring together scholars studying counterterrorism in the global North and the global South to explore convergence and divergence in how counterterrorism policies function in a range of national and local contexts.

      • Trusted Partner

        Conspiracy Myths

        How we are deceived by twisted facts

        by Holm Gero Hümmler

        The twin towers of the World Trade Center were blown up on behalf of the US government. Vapour trails in the sky contain chemicals that cause disease. The moon landing never took place; it was staged in a studio. Many people believe in conspiracy theories: supporting evidence can seem plausible, until you look closely. To refute conspiracy theories often requires scientific and technical knowledge. Dr. Holm Gero Hümmler has precisely this sort of knowledge, and he is able to communicate it clearly for laypeople. In his book “Conspiracy Myths” he provides guidelines on how to deal with questionable facts. He gives valuable tips for personal research and shows how to deconstruct well-known conspiracy theories – from 9-11 to the “earthquake machine” HAARP, to chemtrails and “Nazi UFOs”. Sometimes, refutation is easy: you only need a sand pit and game pieces ...

      • Trusted Partner

        Globale Verschwörung

        by David Shomron

        Globale Verschwörung / David Shomron   Nur ein einst gesuchter Untergrundaktivist, der später als leitender Ex-Mossad-Agent tätig war, konnte sich diesen Plot ausdenken. Eine Gruppe europäischer Wissenschaftler und Ex-Militärs sind der Ansicht, dass westliche Demokratien und die Vereinten Nationen nicht in der Lage sind, aggressiven Diktaturen etwas entgegenzusetzen. Keine der verhängten Sanktionen scheint die Tyrannen zu beeindrucken. Die Gruppe ist entsetzt über die Vorstellung einer verheerenden Atomkatastrophe in zwei oder drei Jahren, die Hunderte von Millionen Menschenleben fordern würde. Sie beschließen, vorbeugende Maßnahmen zu ergreifen und mit ungewöhnlichen und originellen Methoden gegen diese Bedrohung vorzugehen, ohne Gewalt, Propaganda oder Provokation und dennoch wirksam. Die Anführerin der Gruppe ist eine Frau (Professorin für Geschichte an der Sorbonne in Paris). Die Gruppe besteht aus einem pensionierter Admiral, einer Wissenschaftlerin und einem Ex-Kommandooffizier – allesamt Briten. Fachleute aus verschiedenen europäischen Ländern setzen sich für die Anliegen der Gruppe ein, die durch diese Unterstützung über erhebliche technische Mittel verfügt. Doch es gibt unvorhergesehene Probleme, die das gesamte Projekt gefährden könnten. David Shomron wurde in Istanbul geboren, wo seine Eltern während der kommunistischen Revolution in Russland Zuflucht gefunden hatten, und wanderte 1934 mit ihnen nach Israel (damals Palästina) aus. Der Autor hat zehn Jahre vor der Gründung des Staates Israel in die Untergrundbewegung investiert und später mehr als zwanzig Jahre lang als hochrangiger Offizier im Mossad gedient. Anschließend leitete er 13 Jahre lang eine zivile Sicherheitsfirma als CEO von „BRINKS Israel Ltd.“. In den neunziger Jahren war David Shomron ein gefragter Dozent über die Zeit des britischen Mandats. Er hat vier Bücher veröffentlicht – zwei über sein Leben als Geheimagent und zwei Romane. Weitere sind in Arbeit. David Shomron lebt mit seiner Frau in Jerusalem. Sie haben zwei Töchter, neun Enkel und neun Urenkel. Eine englischsprachige E-Book-Ausgabe wurde im Herbst 2016 von Samuel Wachtmans Sons, Inc., CA, veröffentlicht. 460 Seiten, 15 x 22 cm.

      • Trusted Partner

        Global Conspiracy

        by David Shomron

        Only a once wanted underground activist, who later operated as a senior ex-Mossad agent, could have imagined this tantalizing plot. A group of European scientists and retired military personnel believe that western democracies and the United Nations are incapable of facing aggressive dictatorships. None of the imposed "sanctions" seem to impress the tyrants. The group members are horrified with the notion of a devastating nuclear disaster in a matter of two or three years that would claim the lives of hundreds of millions. They decide to take preventive action, and contend with this threat employing unusual and original methods, without the use of force or violence, propaganda or incitement, and yet with no less effective results. The group’s leader is a woman (a history professor at the Sorbonne in Paris), a retired admiral, a scientist and an ex-commando officer – all British. Professionals from various European countries join them in their cause, and together they reach amazing levels of technological sophistication though have to overcome unforeseen problems – or else the entire project would be jeopardized. David Shomron was born in Istanbul, where his parents had found refuge during the Communist Revolution in Russia, and immigrated with them in 1934 to Israel (then Palestine). The author has invested ten years in the underground movements before the State of Israel was established, and later served as a high ranking officer in the Mossad during more than twenty years. Subsequently, he headed for 13 Years a civilian security company as the C.E.O. of "BRINKS Israel Ltd.". In his 90's, David Shomron is a much sought-after lecturer on the time of the British Mandate. He has published four books – two on his life as an underground operator, and two novels – and continues to write to this day. David, now remarried, lives with his wife in Jerusalem. They have two daughters, nine grand children and nine great-grandchildren. An English-language eBook edition  was published in fall 2016 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc.,CA. 460 Pages, 15X22 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2017

        Community of Common Destiny—Chinese Program in Global Governance

        by Wang Fan, Ling Shengli

        Chinese President Xi Jinping mentioned the community of common destiny more than 100 times on important occasions both at home and abroad and elaborated on the connotation.This book tries to "Community of Common Destiny-Chinese Program in Global Governance" as the tittle, through ‘Community of Common destiny’ to illustrates a new international outlook" "New ideas, new measures: a win-win sharing of Chinese wisdom" . In recent years, China has built its community of peripheral destinies and taken part in the practice of global governance to explain China's determination and ability to safeguard world peace, promote global development and build a new international order, and further establish a good image of China as a responsible major power.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        April 2017

        Global Urban Agriculture

        by Antoinette M.G.A. WinklerPrins

        There has been growing attention paid to urban agriculture worldwide because of its role in making cities more environmentaly sustainable while also contributing to enhanced food access and social justice. This edited volume brings together current research and case studies concerning urban agriculture from both the Global North and the Global South. Its objective is to help bridge the long-standing divide between discussion of urban agriculture in the Global North and the Global South and to demonstrate that today there are greater areas of overlap than there are differences both theoretically and substantively, and that research in either area can help inform research in the other. The book covers the nature of urban agriculture and how it supports livelihoods, provides ecosystem services, and community development. It also considers urban agriculture and social capital, networks, and agro-biodiversity conservation. Concepts such as sustainability, resilience, adaptation and community, and the value of urban agriculture as a recreational resource are explored. It also examines, quite fundamentally, why people farm in the city and how urban agriculture can contribute to more sustainable cities in both the Global North and the Global South. Key Features: · One of the first volumes to bring together evidence from urban agriculture in the Global North and the Global South · Explores the contribution of urban agriculture to livelihoods, ecosystems and conservation · Numerous case studies examine a very diverse range of urban agriculture systems ; Urban agriculture is crucial to the environmental sustainability of cities, but the issues facing cities in the global north and south have been seen as unlinked. This book brings together evidence from both areas to highlight the interconnectedness and the contribution to social justice. ; 1: Defining and Theorizing Global Urban Agriculture2: A View from the South: Bringing Critical Planning Theory to Urban Agriculture3: Barriers and Benefits of North American Urban Agriculture4: A Survey of Urban Community Gardeners in the United States of America5: Gardens in the City: Community, Politics, and Place in San Diego, California6: “Growing Food is Hard Work:” The Labor Challenges of Urban Agriculture in Houston, Texas7: The Marketing of Vegetables Produced in Cities in Ghana: Implications and Trajectories8: Hunger for Justice: Building Sustainable and Equitable Communities in Massachusetts9: Sustainability’s Incomplete Circles: Towards a Just Food Politics in Austin, Texas and Havana, Cuba10: A Political Ecology of Community Gardens in Australia: From Local to Global Lessons11: Urban Agriculture as Adaptive Capacity: An Example from Senegal12: Intersection and Material Flow in Open-Space Urban Farms in Tanzania13: Relying on Urban Gardens for Survival within the Building of a Modern City in Colombia14: Regreening Kibera: How Urban Agriculture Changed the Physical and Social Environment of a Large Slum in Kenya15: Farm Fresh in the City: Urban Grassroots Food Distribution Networks in Finland16: The Appropriation of Space through ‘Communist Swarms:’ A Socio-Spatial Examination of Urban Apiculture in Washington, DC17: Urban Agriculture and the Re-Assembly of the City: Lessons from Wuhan, China18: The Contribution of Smallholder Irrigated Urban Agriculture Towards Household Food Security in Harare, Zimbabwe19: Community Gardens as Urban Social-Ecological Refuges in the Global North20: Global Urban Agriculture into the Future: Urban Cultivation as Accepted Practice

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