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Promoted ContentSeptember 2022
Georgia O’Keeffe
Little People, Big Dreams. Deutsche Ausgabe | Kinderbuch ab 4 Jahre
by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara, Erica Salcedo, Svenja Becker
In der Schule interessierte sich Georgia nicht für die Zahlen an der Tafel, sondern für die Farben der Natur draußen vor dem Fenster. Mit dem Skizzenblock in der Hand lief das Mädchen über den Bauernhof seiner Eltern. Ihre riesigen Blumenbilder feiern die Natur. Georgia malte aber auch die karge Wüstenlandschaft von New Mexico, Steine und Knochen, die sie dort fand. Das gefiel damals nicht allen. Heute ist sie einer der erfolgreichsten Künstlerinnen ihrer Zeit. Little People, Big Dreams erzählt von den beeindruckenden Lebensgeschichten großer Menschen: Jede dieser Persönlichkeiten, ob Philosophin, Forscherin oder Sportler, hat Unvorstellbares erreicht. Dabei begann alles, als sie noch klein waren: mit großen Träumen.
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Trusted Partner1989
Georgia O'Keeffe
Das Leben der grossen amerikanischen Malerin
by Lisle, Laurie / Englisch Benz, Jürgen
Trusted PartnerTechnology, Engineering & AgricultureJuly 2020
Carrots and Related Apiaceae Crops
by Emmanuel Geoffriau, Philipp W Simon
Fully updated with new content and full-colour figures, the second edition of this successful book reflects developments and growth in our knowledge of carrots and related crops. It covers the scientific basis of their biology and production, with updated technical crop management content. This new edition is divided into three sections: the first considers the crops' importance and main features; the second focuses on carrot, from genetic diversity and breeding to cropping systems, pest and disease management, quality, postharvest, and valorisation; and the third presents the main aspects of 13 other cultivated Apiaceae. It contains: A dedicated chapter on root quality plus new chapters on organic production and consumer expectations Diversity and common features of cultivated Apiaceae species The links between scientific principles and cropping systems The relation between crop management and product quality An invaluable resource for all those involved in carrot and related vegetable production, this is essential reading for producers, and horticulture, plant science and food science students, as well as researchers in these areas.
Trusted PartnerHorticultureSeptember 1999
Carrots and Related Vegetable Umbelliferae
by V E Rubatzky, Carlos F Quiros, Philip W Simon
This book series describes the scientific principles of the biology and production of major horticultural crops, considered on a world-wide basis. This volume considers the vegetable Umbelliferae, particularly carrots, celery, fennel, parsley and parsnip. It also provides brief coverage of lesser known vegetable Umbelliferae such as coriander, chervil and skirret as well as herbs such as dill, anise, caraway and cumin.
Trusted PartnerAugust 2011
Was in unserem Herzen bleibt
by Baron, Michael / Übersetzt von Sommerfeld, Georgia
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