We manage rights for science-fiction and fantasy legend Jack Vane (1916 - 2013) and selected titles by Tanith Lee, Michael Shea, Matthew Hughes, and others.
View Rights PortalWe manage rights for science-fiction and fantasy legend Jack Vane (1916 - 2013) and selected titles by Tanith Lee, Michael Shea, Matthew Hughes, and others.
View Rights PortalSparsile Books is an independent publisher, based in Glasgow, specialising in high quality fiction and non-fiction. We see publishing as an art in itself, and work closely with our authors to ensure that the books we publish give readers a unique vision of the world. Since our beginning in 2018, we have been fortunate to discover some truly exceptional writers, and look forward to developing many more.
View Rights PortalAls junge Frau verläßt Inés Suárez im 16. Jahrhundert ihr Heimatland Spanien, um auf dem wilden südamerikanischen Kontinent nach ihrem verschollenen Ehemann zu suchen. Ihn wird sie nicht mehr lebend finden, dafür aber ihre große Liebe: den Feldherrn Pedro de Valdivia, mit dem sie sich gegen alle Widerstände an die Eroberung Chiles macht. Mit viel Hingabe und Einfühlungsvermögen verleiht Isabel Allende in ihrem Weltbestseller der historischen Gestalt der Inés Suárez ein Gesicht und eine Stimme und nimmt ihre Leser mit auf eine packende Reise durch ein bewegtes und bewegendes Leben.
“Lei Feng, the Spiritual Coordinates of Our Time” is an original book by Hunan reportage writer He Yuhong, who reinterprets the spirit of Lei Feng from the perspective of this new era. This book is based on the four outstanding spiritual qualities of “faith”, “love”, “selflessness” and “advancement” as the theme of each chapter. The author has selected the stories that can show the characteristics of the spirit of Lei Feng, and presented them in a friendly and vivid language. This book has a distinctive theme, complete content and unique structure. This is a book with distinctive ideological characteristics and contemporary connotations on the theme of Lei Feng.
The Beautiful Daily Life of Chef Huang is a collection of essays in which Huang Lei shares with the readers his memories as a gourmet and his secret recipes. In his nostalgic account, he tells about the delicacies his parents prepared and how he cooked each meal for his wife and children when he grew up. The passage of time has enabled Huang Lei to transform into Chef Huang and to share with the readers his private recipes and the emotional memories associated with them. He is trying to tell the readers that the kitchen harbors happiness and that food brings joy and expresses the life philosophy of “leading a simple but rich life”.
Die Freud-Biographik ist durch zwei auffallende, gleichermaßen verzerrende Tendenzen charakterisiert: eine Tendenz zur Hagiographie und eine andere zur Demontage. Abseits dieser teils idealisierenden, teils vermeintlich entlarvenden Freud-Interpretationen entfaltete sich in den letzten drei Jahrzehnten eine Freud-Forschung, die, geduldig und gelassen Fakten sammelnd, neue Erkenntnisse über Freuds Leben und Denken zutage gefördert hat. In welchem Ausmaß die bisherige Freud-Biographik auf den Details der Bernfeldschen Beiträge aufbaut, zeigt die Herausgeberin Ilse Grubrich-Simitis, ihrerseits Psychoanalytikerin und Autorin von Veröffentlichungen zur Geschichte der Psychoanalyse, in der Einleitung.
Toxic plants and other natural toxicants have a variety of roles in the fields of human health, medical research and the production of safe food and also represent an economic problem in terms of animal health and crop production. Estimates of economic impact on livestock have ranged in the millions of dollars in countries such as Australia and the United States. This book brings together applied and fundamental research from botanists, chemists, biochemists, agricultural scientists, veterinarians and physicians and advice from regulatory bodies. It consists of more than 100 edited papers from the Fifth International Symposium on Poisonous Plants, held in Texas in May 1997. All aspects of poisonous plants, mycotoxicoses and herbal intoxications are covered. Their adverse effects are described, such as fatalities, reduced or failed reproduction, fetotoxicity, spontaneous abortions, deformities, reduced productivity and organ-specific toxicity. Methods of detection, isolation and identification of the chemical compounds responsible are included. The biochemistry of the plant-associated toxins and elucidation of their mechanism of action is investigated, including the protocols for management or eradication, immunization programs, behaviour modification, withholding periods for metabolic detoxification, regulatory advice concerning human usage of natural products and advice concerning toxin-residue in agricultural produce. The development of non-toxic strains of plants for use as fodder is also discussed. This book is essential reading for toxicologists concerned with animal and human health, food industry regulators and plant scientists.
Adventskranz und Kerzenglanz, Plätzchenduft und Geheimnisse in der Luft, grüne Tannen, rote Äpfel und goldene Schleifen - ohne Traditionen wäre Weihnachten nicht mehr richtig Weihnachten! Und was eignete sich besser, diese ganz besondere, unvergleichliche Stimmung ins Haus zu zaubern, als die beliebten Weihnachtserzählungen, die schon die Großeltern zur Adventszeit vorgelesen bekamen? Mit bekannten Gedichten von Theodor Storm, Christian Morgenstern oder Josef von Eichendorff u.a. Die beliebtesten Weihnachtsgeschichten von Charles Dickens, Hans Christian Andersen (Die Schneekönigin), Peter Rosegger und Oscar Wilde, E.T.A. Hoffmann (Nussknacker und Mausekönig) u.a., nacherzählt von Ilse Bintig