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        January 2024

        Zwei Brüder


        by Milton Hatoum, Karin Schweder-Schreiner

        Sie sind Zwillinge, und sie sind entzweit, noch bevor sie halb erwachsen sind. Was sie auseinanderbringt, ist Eifersucht um ein Mädchen – eigentlich eine Bagatelle unter Brüdern. Aber sie spüren, wie unterschiedlich die Liebe der Mutter auf ihnen liegt, und das schneidet tiefer, als sie selbst ahnen können. Ein Haus im alten Hafenviertel von Manaus, nahe der tropischen Wasserwelt. Darin leben, eingesponnen in ihre Liebe, Halim und Zana, libanesische Einwanderer der zweiten Generation. Als die Zwillinge Yaqub und Omar geboren werden, ist Halim, der genüßlich die Liebe und ihre Ekstasen kultiviert, ohnmächtig gegenüber der besitzergreifenden und parteiischen Liebe seiner Frau zu den Söhnen. Er läßt es zu, daß nach einer Szene fast noch kindlicher Gewalt Yaqub, das Opfer, für fünf Jahre in ein Dorf im fernen Libanon geschickt wird. Was die zwischen den Brüdern aufgeflammte Rivalität dämpfen soll, stachelt sie erst recht an. Nach Yaqubs Rückkehr wird nichts in diesem Haus ohne das Gift des Mißtrauens und der Rachsucht sein. Auch Ränia, die später geborene Schwester, wird in ihrer heftigen Hinneigung zu beiden Brüdern der eisigen Konstellation nicht entfliehen können. Wie blind zerstören die Brüder im Versuch, das je Eigene gegeneinander zu behaupten, alle Intimität, jede Hoffnung der Mutter auf Versöhnung. Der Sohn von Domingas, dem indianischen Dienstmädchen der Familie, das mit den Zwillingen aufgewachsen ist, erzählt diese Geschichte, viele Jahre nach den Ereignissen – das Haus gehört längst einem geschäftstüchtigen Inder –, und in seine Vergegenwärtigung mischen sich Halims erinnerungsselige Stimme und das bohrende Fragen nach der eigenen Identität. Welcher der beiden Brüder ist sein Vater: der gewalttätige und impulsive oder der unnahbar seine Rache vollziehende? Aber gäbe die Antwort Aufschluß über ihn selbst? Hatoums Roman ist von insistierender Genauigkeit gerade in den elementaren Dingen des Gefühls, geschrieben mit der Nuanciertheit und Ambivalenz eines großen Prosaisten.

      • Cultural studies
        May 2014

        Technology and Desire

        by Gaafar, Rania

      • Romance
        August 2014

        The Earl's Revenge

        by Barbara Cartland

        Robert Lyndon, heir apparent to a dukedom and newly spurned lover is desperate to save face amongst the young dandies and court ladies of Regency London society. Handsome, wealthy and decorated for his bravery in the army fighting for King and country, Robert is recognised as one of the most eligible bachelors in Society. Yet despite his success with the ladies, it seems that he cannot find the perfect wife.Beautiful Rania Temple is living in impoverished gentility in the country. Away from the fashions and trends of the city, she is devoted to her family home and much loved horses. The only stain on her otherwise perfect landscape is a serious lack of money, without which she stands to loses all she holds dear. A chance meeting sees them join forces to enter a deception that will benefit both of their needs. But are they capable of pulling off a charade that will fool everyone from Harry, Rania’s beloved brother, to the leader of the Beau Monde, the Prince Regent himself? As a tangled web of deceit is spun around the couple, it seems that Robert is not the only player in this game with a taste for revenge.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        December 2020

        When the Apricots Bloom

        An evocative, unputdownable novel of three women in Baghdad

        by Gina Wilkinson

        At night, in Huda's fragrant garden, a breeze sweeps in from the desert encircling Baghdad, rustling the leaves of her apricot trees and carrying warning of visitors at her gate. Huda, a secretary at the Australian embassy, lives in fear of the secret police, who have ordered her to befriend Ally, the deputy ambassador's wife. Huda's former friend Rania, an artist, enjoyed a privileged upbringing as the daughter of a sheikh. Now her family's wealth is gone, and Rania is battling to keep her child safe and a roof over their heads.   As the women's lives intersect, their hidden pasts spill into the present. Facing possible betrayal at every turn, all three must trust in a fragile, newfound loyalty, even as they discover how much they are willing to sacrifice to protect their families.   Transporting readers to one of the world's most legendary cities, with mouthwatering cuisine, incredible history, a surprising art scene and bustling book markets, Gina Wilkinson's suspenseful debut is told through the eyes of three very different women confronting the limits of friendship and forgiveness, and the strength of a mother's love.

      • Children's & YA


        by Rania Bedda

        Shyamla is a 15-year-old girl living in the state of Keralain India with her father. She suffered a lot because ofthe death of her mother, who loved jasmine flowers somuch, so Shyamla always cared to keep these flowersby her side all the time to feel connected to her deceasedmother. Shyamla went on a trip with her school to thecity of Jaipur -the Pink City- for a quick visit. Near theend of their visit, they went to stay on an elephants farmwhere Shyamla met a small elephant called Suraj, wholost his mother just like her, and was infatuated with thescent of jasmine flowers, that Shyamla was keeping withher. In just a few days, Shyamla and Suraj had someinteresting adventures together, which changed theirlives, and they were only connecting through drawing,which Suraj was so good at.

      • Psychology

        Darkness in my Head

        Why We Got Depressed and How to Find Hope?

        by Dr. Rania Samy

        We are all human beings, and we all have worries and problems, there is no person on the face of the globe who has not experienced times of despair and frustration, in which he hated himself, the world and the people around him. But we confuse depression as a disease with frustration, sadness and distress, so if you're frustrated by a difficult situation, or sad about missing an important opportunity or losing a loved one, it doesn't necessarily mean you're depressed. Depression is a different thing, it has a different story, and sometimes it chooses certain people to attack them, which makes them and those around them wonder: Is there a cure for depression? Can it be cured? How to protect ourselves from contracting it? How can we get out of any state of sadness or distress we are experiencing? Now you have in your hands a book that will not only be useful for the depressed, but also for everyone who reads it.

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