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        July 2017

        Yu Wang Bei Mi

        by Mu Ling

        A fine collection of science fiction by children’s literature writer Mu Ling. Mu Ling’s science fictions pursue a scientific basis of “organic imagination”, has a positive outlook and good spirit of seeking truth. This series collects Mu Ling’s three masterpieces full of fantasy and humanistic concern: Dream Machine, Hei Wa, Yu Wang Bei Mi, which are rare sci-fi theme in children’s literature works of China. This series will lead children step by step to “hard science fiction” which is full of intellectual challenges through “light science fiction” and “soft science fiction”.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2012

        Reborn: Diary of a Cancer

        by Ling Zhijun

        The book is a true experience about a cancer patient who got healed gradually from verge of abyss, it also described a famous journalist who have the insight in China’s cancer healing system. Moreover, it is a motivational book, full of wisdom, courage and optimism. In 2007, Ling was diagnosed with lung carcinoma at the advanced stage. Since then, he adjust himself, search for the medical information eagerly. Five years later, he still lives. He learns the following lesson: as long as you are not overwhelmed by fear, misguided by following the wrong paths, then the patient can have a better chance of survival.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2005

        Die Sterne über dem Land der Väter


        by Ko Un, Woon-Jung Chei, Siegfried Schaarschmidt

        »Erinnertes und aus Empfindungen Imaginiertes, Durchblicke rückwärts bis in seine frühen Wanderjahre, in die Zeit der ersten Auflehnung gegen die Militärregime und wie selbstverständlich darin eingebettet die Utopie oder besser Hoffnung, es werde der Tag des ›Festes‹ kommen, der Wiedervereinigung des so lange in Süd und Nord zerstückten ›Landes der Väter‹ –: Daß dieser Koreaner weltweit zu den großen Engagierten gehört, ist das eine; wichtiger erscheint mir seine Begabung, Botschaften völlig aus dem Persönlichen zu vermitteln«, schreibt Siegfried Schaarschmidt über einen der bedeutendsten Dichter Koreas. 1933 wurde er als ältester Sohn einer Bauernfamilie in der Provinz Chollabukdo im Südwesten der koreanischen Halbinsel geboren, die auch die Heimat des Politikers Kim Dae-Jung und des Lyrikers Kim Chi-Ha ist. Mit Neunzehn trat er in ein zenbuddhistisches Kloster ein und verbrachte dort zehn Jahre. In dieser Zeit begann er Gedichte zu schreiben. Sein erster Gedichtband erschien 1960. Ko Un hat seither nahezu hundert Bücher veröffentlicht mit Gedichten, Romanen, Essays und Kritiken. Er wurde in Korea mit Literaturpreisen geehrt und ist inzwischen Professor für koreanische Literatur. Wegen seines politischen Engagements wurde er während der ersten Hälfte der achtziger Jahre politisch verfolgt, verhaftet und gefoltert.

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        Children's & YA

        Amina Turan in the Country of Nomads

        by Zaure Turekhanova

        The book is about the extraordinary and dangerous adventures of a girl, Amina Turan and the inhabitants of the so-called bowls-cities Kos Almalyk in the fabulous Country of Nomads. The veil of surprising mysteries and secrets hidden by the heroes of the story will be slightly opened… An extraordinary, fantastic story begins on Saturday night. Suddenly awakening from her sleep, Amina witnesses that the turtle-box, bought in an antique shop, comes to life and together with her friend, a glass turtle standing on the table goes to explore an amazing sight. Out of curiosity, the girl decides to follow the turtles and unexpectedly finds herself in the magical world of the Country of Nomads.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1989


        Die Kunst gemeinsamen Wachsens

        by Willi, Jürg

      • Trusted Partner

        Guang Ling Verse

        by Guo Ping

        Through the stories of several students of the Conservatory of Music, who enter school, seek employment, get married, have families and build their careers, the novel brings out the historical situation and real-life entanglements of several generations of qin players, as well as the complex attitude of contemporary society towards national cultural heritage. The story involves three generations of qin players, young and old, from “qin” to “people”, and then to the deepest depths of traditional Chinese culture and the spiritual world of the literati, vividly depicting the contemporary fate of traditional culture.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        October 1988

        Das Vorbehaltsgut als Vermögen in § 1 KO.

        Anwendbarkeit konkursrechtlicher Grundsätze des Sicherungseigentums auf den Eigentumsvorbehalt?

        by Mellwig, Rainer M.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1999

        Mord macht tot


        by Binder & Ko

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2018

        My Shibadong Village

        Achievement of Targeting Poverty Alleviation

        by Ling Ying

        This book takes proses as the genre and select plentiful pictures to vividly demonstrate the achievements of targeting poverty alleviation in Shibadong Village during the past five years. It fully explores the sample value of targeting poverty alleviation in Shibadong Village and its contribution to poverty reduction in China and even in the world. It shows the practical guiding significance of targeting poverty alleviation thoughts and the five development concepts in China.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2016

        L.O.R.D (Legend of Ravaging Dynasties) 2: The Ocean of Immortality

        by Guo Jingming

        Sold over 1,600,000 copies!Under the guidance of 7th Lord Silver Dust, Qi Ling gradually gets to know this fantastic, magnificent world of sorcery. However, he accidentally breaks into the soul graveyard alone and the Utul Ruins, Aslan's forbidden area. Qi Ling gets acquainted with the 6th disciple A-D-F and the 5th disciple B-D-E (Ghost Mountain Lotus Spring), and together they embark on a more fantastic adventure. In the darkness, however, an unknown secret is breeding little by little, and a bloody hunting net has been spread over their head..

      • Trusted Partner

        The Flood

        by Zhao Ling

        This is a children’s novel on the realistic theme and describes the warmth of human in the flood disaster.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2023

        The Legend of the Finless Porpoise

        by Mu Ling

        The hardworking and studious Reed is a well-known "wild child" in the fishing village. Influenced by the legend, he and his sister, He Ju, had the whimsical idea of learning the outstanding swimming skills from the porpoise, and thus became interested in the endangered species of porpoise. The porpoise, which had been repeatedly disturbed, always avoided them... By chance, the siblings, with their excellent swimming skills, rescued a baby porpoise that had been trapped by garbage. This cute porpoise has since become an exotic friend who plays the game with them ...

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2023

        Boar Danglang

        by Mu Ling

        This book consists of three short and medium-sized stories, including "The Jungle Fighter's Training Program," "The Hunting Eagle and the Red Fox," and "The Wilderness Rogue. They tell the coming-of-age stories of wild boar, red fox, weasel and other animals. No matter what kind of jungle fighters, they are all grown up by the "little cute pets". Will everything go well for the two boys training the little boar? Will the rescue of a baby fox from the claws of a hunting eagle be successful? Will the greenhouse-raised weasel be able to adapt to the dangerous mountain forests? Let's follow the main characters of this book into the vibrant nature and experience some difficult but interesting adventures.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2023

        Wise Dinosaur

        by Mu Ling

        This is an animal novel with science fiction and adventure. Middle-school student Cornick is smart, mischievous, and loves adventure. He assists a scientist from the city who takes his tamed monkey, Gecko, to a deserted island surrounded by swamps. They carry out a series of incredible and daring experiments to figure out how to reproduce dinosaurs. The roar of the dinosaurs appeared on the island. Later, even dinosaurs with extraordinary intelligence appear... With victory in sight, the two researchers find themselves in a truly dangerous misadventure...

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