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      • Mercure de France

        Provided with a remarkable collection, Mercure de France follows an exacting editorial policy: French and foreign literature, poetry, history, anthologies... Awarded many times, the publishing house is associated with prestigious names: Romain Gary, Colette, Ionesco , André Gide, André du Bouchet, Henri Michaux, Adonis, Yves Bonnefoy, Andréï Makine, Gilles Leroy, Anne Serre, Gwenaëlle Aubry, Julian Barnes...

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2023

        Made in France

        Societal structures and political work

        by Andy Smith

        How has French society been made, by whom and why? And how in turn has it influenced the French? This book sets out the institutionalized rules and norms that continue to structure France, together with the 'political work' that has recently changed or reproduced these power relations. Exploring a range of age groups and types of social activity, including work, business, entertainment, political mobilizations and retirement, Made in France examines where significant change has occurred over the last four decades. Smith argues that while transformation has occurred in France's financial and education sectors, only relatively marginal shifts have occurred elsewhere in French society. To explain this pattern of continuity and isolated change, the book strongly nuances claims that neo-liberalism, globalization or a rise in populism have been its causes. References to these trends have impacted upon French politics to varying extents, Smith argues; however, France continues to be dominated by issues which are specific to the country and linked to its deep societal structures and history. Smith provides a comprehensive account of French society and politics and in doing so proposes an insightful analytical framework applicable to the comparative analysis of other nations.

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        Biography & True Stories
        June 2014

        A Biography of Paul Watzlawick

        The Discovery of the Present Moment

        by Andrea Köhler-Ludescher

        This book, the world's first biography of Paul Watzlawick, written by his great-niece, describes the life of this philosopher, therapist, and best-selling author. Paul Watzlawick had a talent for languages and he led an adventurous life, from his childhood in Villach to studying in Venice after the war, to analyst training under C. G. Jung in Zurich, an attempt at establishing himself in India and then in El Salvador as a therapist, and finally to the Mental Research Institute (MRI) in the United States, headed by Don D. Jackson, a venerable scientist. This marked the beginning of the second half of his life, his amazing career as a communication researcher, a pioneer of systemic therapy, a radical constructivist, and a great thinker regarding the divisions between East and West. With many letters, lectures, interviews, and statements from contemporary witnesses and family members, this book makes Paul Watzlawick accessible as a human being and as a spiritually inspired, leading 20th century thinker. It includes a variety of unpublished material from Watzlawick, and introduces a comprehensive and exciting picture of the scientist and cosmopolitan person, Paul Watzlawick.   Target Group: For people interest in Paul Watzlawick, communication sciences, systemic therapy, and constructivism.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2021

        Made in France

        by Andy Smith, Paul Tobin

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        April 2023

        Paul Valéry: Zur Theorie der Dichtkunst und vermischte Gedanken

        by Paul Valéry, Jürgen Schmidt-Radefeldt, Peter Szondi, Hans Straub, Werner Riemerschmid, Kurt Leonhard, Nelda Michel-Lauchenhauer, Herbert Steiner, Ernst Haerle, Bernhard Böschenstein, Jürgen Schmidt-Radefeldt, Max Looser

        Band 5 der Gesamtausgabe gliedert sich in zwei Teile: Teil 1 umfasst Zeitschriften- und Redebeiträge zur Dichtkunst, frühe Analysen literarischer Technik sowie Niederschriften seiner am Collège de France gehaltenen Poetik-Vorträge. In Teil 2 des Bandes folgen Vermischte Gedanken: das einzige zu Lebzeiten Valérys veröffentliche Cahier, die Aphorismen Windstriche und weitere Kurzprosa, darunter Prosagedichte und Epigrammatisches. Wie für Valéry charakteristisch fügen sich fragmentarische Beobachtungen, abstraktes Denken und moderne Prosaentwürfe zu einem Ganzen: »Wie die Kompaßnadel bei wechselnder Fahrtrichtung ziemlich konstant bleibt, so lassen sich die Sprünge unseres Denkens deuten als Abweichungen von einer irgendwie gleichbleibenden tieferen und wesentlichen Richtung des Geistes.«

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2020

        Ideas of monarchical reform

        Fénelon, Jacobitism, and the political works of the Chevalier Ramsay

        by Joseph Bergin, Andrew Mansfield, Penny Roberts, William G. Naphy

        This book examines the political works of Andrew Michael Ramsay (1683-1743) within the context of early eighteenth-century British and French political thought. In the first monograph on Ramsay in English for over sixty years, the author uses Ramsay to engage in a broader evaluation of the political theory in the two countries and the exchange between them. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, Britain and France were on divergent political paths. Yet in the first three decades of that century, the growing impetus of mixed government in Britain influenced the political theory of its long-standing enemy. Shaped by experiences and ideologies of the seventeenth century, thinkers in both states exhibited a desire to produce great change by integrating past wisdom with modern knowledge.

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        August 2001

        Röschitz am Meer

        Gedichte der Jahre 1999 bis 2001

        by Paul, Johannes Wolfgang

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2022

        Psychoanalysis and the family in twentieth-century France

        Françoise Dolto and her legacy

        by Richard Bates, David Hopkin, Maire Cross, Jennifer Sessions

        In the last quarter of the twentieth century, if French people had a parenting problem or dilemma there was one person they consulted above all: Françoise Dolto (1908-88). But who was Dolto? How did she achieve a position of such influence? What ideas did she communicate to the French public? This book connects the story of Dolto's rise to two broader histories: the dramatic growth of psychoanalysis in postwar France and the long-running debate over the family and the proper role of women in society. It shows that Dolto's continued reputation in France as a liberal and enlightened educational thinker is at best only partially deserved and that conservative and anti-feminist ideas often underpinned her prominent public interventions. While Dolto retains the status of a national treasure, her career has had far-reaching and sometimes harmful repercussions for French society, particularly in the treatment of autism.

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        March 2006

        »Angefügt, nahtlos, dem Heute« / »Agglutinati all'oggi«. Paul Celan übersetzt Giuseppe Ungaretti

        Zweisprachige Ausgabe. Italienisch / deutsch. Handschriften. Erstdruck. Dokumente

        by Paul Celan, Giuseppe Ungaretti, Peter Goßens

        Die Fragilität der Dinge, die Bedrohtheit der Existenz und, als ihr Begrenzendes, das Unermeßliche, aus dem Alles aufsteigt, flüchtig aufglänzt, in dem es wieder versinkt – das ist die Erfahrung, aus der heraus Ungaretti nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg zu dichten begonnen hat. Sie ist der Grundriß seines Dichtens geblieben.« Mit dieser Ankündigung erschien 1968 Paul Celans übersetzung von Giuseppe Ungarettis La terra promessa (1950) und Il taccuino del vecchio (1960) in einer zweisprachigen Ausgabe im Insel Verlag. Nach Ingeborg Bachmanns nur wenige Jahre älterer übersetzung (1961) trug Paul Celans Engagement entscheidend zur besonderen Stellung Giuseppe Ungarettis in Deutschland bei. Celans Übertragung ist in Ungarettis Werk auf besondere Weise eingegangen. In die Originalausgaben der Zyklen hat er, mit Ausnahme weniger eigenständiger Seiten, seine übersetzung hineingeschrieben, den gedruckten Text mit seiner handschriftlichen Arbeit unmittelbar konfrontiert. Den Faksimiles folgen Celans Übertragung nach dem Text der Erstausgabe, sein Briefwechsel mit der Lektorin des Insel Verlages, Anneliese Botond, die ganz unterschiedlich akzentuierten Pressestimmen und ein Nachwort, in dem die Geschichte der Übertragung dokumentiert und Celans übersetzungskonzept analysiert und bewertet wird. Die Genese der Übertragung, die »tangentiale« Berührung von übersetzung und Original, wird in der neuen Ausgabe vollständig als Faksimile abgebildet. »Diese Dichtung hatte das Glück, von Ihnen meisterhaft gedeutet zu werden.« Giuseppe Ungaretti über Paul Celans Übertragungen seiner Lyrik

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2013

        Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France

        by Jeff Wallace, John Whale, John Whale

        First published in 1790 Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France initiated a debate not only about the nature of the unprecedented historical events taking place across the channel, but about the very identity of the British state and its people. It has subsequently been appropriated by a variety of conservative and liberal thinkers and has played a major role in our understanding of the relationship between rhetoric, aesthetics and politics. In this volume, leading Burke scholars offer new and challenging essays which allow us to reconsider the historical context in which Reflections on the Revolution in France was written. The essays consider its reception, its engagements in the discourses of nationalism and toleration, its legacy to English and Irish writers of the Romantic period and its impact within our contemporary cultural and critical theory. The volume demonstrates a range of interdisciplinary critical methods and cultural perspectives from which to read Burke's most famous work. This volume will be the ideal companion to Burke's Reflections for all students of literature, history, politics and Irish studies. ;

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