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      • Amicus

        Since 2010, Amicus has published books for children that educate and inspire young readers. Our library imprints—Spot, Amicus High Interest, Amicus Illustrated, and Sequence—offer informational books in a variety of formats that make reading to learn fun and encourage life-long learning. Our retail imprint, Amicus Ink, features original picture books and board books, each sharing a child’s-eye view of the world.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Environmental science, engineering & technology
        December 2013

        Conservation Agriculture

        Global Prospects and Challenges

        by Edited by Ram Jat, Kanwar L Sahrawat, Amir H Kassam

        The book covers the spread of conservation agriculture (CA) to regions including Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Australia, Europe and emerging CA destinations in Asia and Africa. Topics covered include the various components of CA, and how their individual and combined implementation influence productivity, soil health and environmental quality under diverse edaphic and climatic conditions. The book will be useful to teachers, researchers, extensionists, farmers, and students interested in environmental quality.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2003

        Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology, 2nd Edition

        by Edited by Frederic H Erbisch, Karim M Maredia

        During the past twenty-five years, biotechnology has revolutionized agricultural research. The enormous potential, together with a landmark decision by the US Supreme Court to allow the patenting of genetically-engineered organisms has encouraged private sector companies to invest in agricultural biotechnology research programmes. This has contributed to a rapid growth in interest in intellectual property rights as applied to this subject.The first edition of this book was published in 1998. Now fully revised and updated it presents definitive information on intellectual property law in a simplified form (with a minimum of legal jargon). New chapters have been added which cover plant variety protection and farmers rights, and additional case studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2002

        Tropical Mycology: Volume 1, Macromycetes

        by Edited by Roy Watling, Juliet C Frankland, M Ainsworth, Susan Isaac, Clare H Robinson

        Tropical mycology is attracting increasing interest, as the key role of fungi in tropical ecosystems and as pathogens becomes appreciated. This book is the first of two complementary volumes (Volume 2 covers Micromycetes) produced from papers given at the British Mycological Society's symposium held in Liverpool in April 2000. It describes the ecology, biology, economic dimensions and systematics of tropical Macromycetes. Written by leading experts in their field, the papers have been thoroughly edited and revised.

      • Trusted Partner
        Aquaculture & fish-farming: practice & techniques
        June 2006

        Fish Diseases and Disorders, Volume 1: Protozoan and Metazoan Infections

        by Edited by Patrick T K Woo

        Fish is the principal source of protein for people in many parts of the world, particularly in developing countries. While most fish are caught from nature, aquaculture or fish farming is now making a significant contribution to total fish production. More intensive conditions of aquaculture often result in a higher incidence of fish diseases and disorders. As in the first edition, the focus of this second edition is on protozoan and metazoan parasites that cause disease in fish. Significant changes to this second edition include the addition of 3 new chapters and 4 of the original chapters have new authors.

      • Trusted Partner
        Veterinary medicine
        April 2014

        Dilemmas in Animal Welfare

        by Edited by Michael C Appleby, Peter Sandøe, Daniel M Weary.

        There are many ongoing debates within and about the subject of animal welfare. This book distils some of the major themes of current debate into one volume, edited by internationally known names in the field of animal welfare. Each chapter is written by one or more leading experts who discuss, in an even-handed way, a provocative topic that will be of interest to anyone concerned with animal welfare. Issues covered include tail docking, farm animal production, neutering of feral cats and the need to conserve habitats of native wild animals in the face of threats from non-native species. Chapters address the different values and priorities involved in dealing with these issues, including scientific and more explicit ethical approaches. Each chapter ends with questions for discussion that may help readers to engage with these dilemmas.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 1996

        The Best of H. P. Lovecraft

        by H. P. Lovecraft, Rudolf Hermstein, H. C. Artmann

        Mit seinem Cthulu-Mythos wollte H. P. Lovecraft eine Atmosphäre kosmischen Grauens schaffen, die Archaisches mit den modernen Erkenntnissen der Wissenschaft verbindet und unserer Zeit angemessen ist. Die Angst hielt er für das älteste und stärkste Gefühl, mit dem er in seinen Erzählungen gerne spielte. Die besten Erzählungen von H. P. Lovecraft sind in diesem Rand zusammengefaßt.

      • Trusted Partner

        Rettung Für Unseren Planetten

        by Avishag Amir

        Rettung Für  Unseren Planetten    Ein Recycling-Führer für junge Leser   von Avishag Amir   Bei der Rettung unsere Planeten geht es um mehr als sachgerechte Müllentsorgung und Recycling. Dieses aufschlussreiche Buch ist eine Anregung für sinnvolle Maßnahmen, die Zukunft der nachfolgenden Generation zu sichern. Rocco, der Waschbär, und Edgy, der Igel, geben Kindern und Erwachsenen in dem wunderschön illustrierten, humorvollen Buch praktische und nützliche Hinweise für einen zeitgemäßen Lebensstil. Ein Buch zum Selberlesen oder zum Vorlesen als Gutenachtgeschichte. Warum sollen wir unsere Kinder anregen, über Umweltverschmutzung und Recycling nachzudenken? Wir haben keine andere Wahl mehr. Wir müssen es tun. Wir haben nur diesen einen Planeten, und die Menschheit hat ihn innerhalb des vergangenen Jahrhunderts stark beschädigt. Unsere eigene Zukunft &die Zukunft unserer Kinder ist in Gefahr. Wir sind dafür verantwortlich, unsere Kinder zu informieren und sie zu ermutigen, die richtigen Schritte zu unternehmen. „Wenn ich die Erde sauber halte und du dasselbe tust, und alle anderen mithelfen, können wir dafür sorgen, dass unser Planet grün bleibt."    Avishag Amir, die Autorin, ist stolze Mutter von drei Töchtern. Sie ist Puppenspielerin mit einem Repertoire von siebzehn Puppenspielen, von denen sie viele selbst geschrieben hat. Wir präsentieren hier den ersten Akt eines ihrer Puppenspiele als persönliches Geschenk an Sie!

      • Trusted Partner
        Agricultural science
        December 2006

        Mathematical Models in Agriculture

        Quantitative Methods for the Plant, Animal and Ecological Sciences

        by Dr John H M Thornley. Edited by James (Jim) France.

        Bringing together the disciplines of agriculture, animal science, plant science and ecology, this book explores how mathematics can be used to understand and explain agricultural processes. It starts by providing a review of the mathematical models currently available to agriculturalists, and the philosophy behind, and objectives of, modeling. The book then applies these techniques to real-life problems faced by people managing crops and animals, including the influence of digestion on animal growth rates and levels of photosynthesis on crop yield.

      • Trusted Partner
        Insecticide & herbicide technology
        August 1996

        Illustrations of Quarantine Pests for Europe

        by Edited by I M Smith, Anne S Roy

        This book is a companion volume to Quarantine Pests for Europe, published originally in 1992 by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) and CAB INTERNATIONAL (CABI) for the European Union. The previous book provides information on identity, hosts, geographical distribution, biology, detection and identification, means of movement and dispersal, pest significance, phytosanitary measures and a bibliography for all the quarantine pests listed by EPPO and the European Union, but does not contain any illustrations. A second edition of Quarantine Pests for Europe will be published at the end of 1996. The present book contains approximately 400 colour illustrations, most of them new in relation to the very first illustrations of the EPPO Data Sheets which appeared in Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin in the 1980s. The book covers most of the quarantine pests listed by EPPO and the European Union, including those which have been added to the quarantine lists since 1992. Thus it will be compatible with the second edition of the volume of text data sheets. The quarantine pests concerned are either not present in the Euro-Mediterranean region, or only present to a limited extent and submitted to official control measures. The sequence of presentation is as for the text volume, i.e. insects, nematodes, fungi, bacteria, viruses, parasitic plants. Within each chapter, the pest illustrations appear in alphabetical order. An index including scientific names and synonyms is included at the end of the book. Accompanying text is presented in both English and French. Although it has not been possible to illustrate every listed quarantine pest, this book provides a unique collection that will help phytosanitary inspectors, plant health officers, and others working in the field of plant quarantine, or plant protection in general, to recognize and identify quarantine pests. The book is published by EPPO in association with CABI, and is available for sale exclusively through CABI.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2004

        Natural Resource Management in Agriculture

        Methods for Assessing Economic and Environmental Impacts

        by Edited by Bekele Shiferaw, H A Freeman, Scott M Swinton

        In response to increasing concerns about the degradation of natural resources and the sustainability of agriculture, many research programmes have been established in natural resource management (NRM). However, although methods for evaluating the impacts of crop improvement technologies are well developed, there is a dearth of methods for evaluating the impacts of NRM interventions. This is partly due to the complexity of interactions among natural resources, spatial and temporal dimensions of impact, and the valuation of direct and indirect environmental costs and benefits. This book discusses the unique features and methodological difficulties of NRM impact assessment. It examines the strengths and weaknesses of various impact assessment approaches, including econometric, bio-economic, and more direct methods. It also assesses and identifies data requirements for developing impact indicators and recommends suitable methodologies for assessing the impacts of NRM technologies on issues such as soil and water conservation and watershed and biodiversity management.

      • Trusted Partner

        SAVING OUR PLANET- A Recycling Guide for Young Readers

        by Avishag Amir

        Saving Our Planet not only teaches us about garbage disposal and recycling—it’s about much more than that.This insightful book strives to make a difference in our lives and future through the youngest generation. With the help of Rocco the raccoon, Edgy the hedgehog, beautiful illustrations, and a pinch of humor, both children and adults can benefit from its message.  It is a wonderful book for educating the young, as well as an enjoyable bed-time story. Why should we encourage our children to care about pollution and recycling? Well, it’s not that we should… we have to! Essentially, we only have one planet, and it has been terribly damaged over the last century by humanity—and along with it, our own and our children's future has suffered too! This is why we have to give our kids all the information and provide encouragement: "If I keep it clean And you keep it clean And everyone pitches in, We’ll keep our planet green."          Avishag Amir, the author, is the proud mother of three girls. As a puppeteer-artist, she owns her own puppet show that puts on seventeen different plays, some of which she wrote herself. The first act from one of her plays is presented to you here, as a personal gift!   The author is also the proud daughter of an important contributor to Hebrew literature and culture, the celebrated poet, writer, and translator Aharon Amir (1923–2008), who translated over 300 books into Hebrew, including English and French classics.   24 pages, full-color hardcover, beautiful color drawings, 22X23 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        Agriculture & related industries
        December 1998

        Distribution Maps of Quarantine Pests for Europe

        by Edited by I M Smith, L M F Charles

        This book is an essential companion volume to Quarantine Pests for Europe, 2nd Edition and Illustrations of Quarantine Pests for Europe. The three titles are the result of collaboration between CABI and EPPO in the compilation of data on the pests of phytosanitary significance for the European and Mediterranean region. This present publication provides updated geographic distributions of over 350 pests for which data sheets and illustrations are already available. A map is provided for each pest showing the current world distribution graphically. This is supported by a list of the countries and provinces in which the pest has been recorded with a coded indication of its current status. Coverage extends to insects, mites, nematodes, fungi, bacteria, viruses and parasitic plants. The pests concerned are either entirely absent from the European and Mediterranean region (A1 list) or have a restricted distribution (A2 list). Text within the book is provided in both English and French.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1975

        The Best of H. C. Artmann

        by H. C. Artmann, Klaus Reichert

        Von allen deutschen Autoren, die nach 1945 zu schreiben begannen, ist Artmann ohne jeden Zweifel der vielseitigste, originellste und erfinderischste. So wie Artmann in fast allen Gattungen gearbeitet hat, auch den angeblich antiquierten, und ohne sich um die Tagesparolen der mal reine Dichtung betreibenden, mal engagierten, mal die Literatur totsagenden Kollegen zu kümmern, so hat er seine Quellen, seine Herkunft überall: in der Artusepik, in barocker Schäferpoesie, in den Wörterbüchern und Grammatiken von gut zwei Dutzend Sprachen, in Irland und im England des Sherlock Holmes, bei Villon und dem Wiener Vorstadtdialekt, Lorca, Gomez de la Serna, den Surrealisten und Dadaisten, in den Detektivheftchen der 20er Jahre und den Comic strips von damals bis heute. Unsere Auswahl versucht, nicht nur einen repräsentativen Querschnitt durch das Werk Artmanns zu geben, sondern gleichzeitig Verstreutes, an entlegensten Orten Publiziertes zu sammeln.

      • Trusted Partner
        Botany & plant sciences
        November 2010

        GM Crop Manual, 1st edition

        A World Compendium

        by Edited by Leonard G Copping

        This new book outlines all the GM products that are currently available to growers and provides a snapshot of the world of GM crops as of October 2010. This field of crop technology is developing very rapidly especially in Africa, Asia and South America.

      • Trusted Partner
        Fishes (ichthyology)
        July 2014

        Diseases and Disorders of Finfish in Cage Culture

        by Edited by Patrick T K Woo, David W Bruno, L H S Lim

        This new edition is a timely update on important advances in the understanding of infectious diseases of finfish. The content has been significantly updated to reflect current knowledge and the developments in the fish production industry, including the dramatic increases in production in the Asia-Pacific region. An important resource for aquaculturalists, fish health consultants and fish pathologists.

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal husbandry
        May 2000

        Forage Evaluation in Ruminant Nutrition

        by Hussain M Omed. Edited by D I Givens, Roger F E Axford, Emyr Owen

        Current pressures to maximise the use of forages in ruminant diets have renewed interest in fast, inexpensive methods for the estimation of their nutritional value. As a result, a wide variety of biological and physiochemical procedures have recently been investigated for this purpose.This book is the single definitive reference volume on the current status of research in this areaCovers all forages eaten by ruminant animals

      • Trusted Partner
        Agriculture & related industries
        July 2003

        Advances in Stored Product Protection

        by Edited by Peter F Credland, David M Armitage, Christopher H Bell, Paul M Cogan, Ed Highley

        The International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection, held every four years, is the premier world forum for the presentation of research results and reviews on the safe storage of durable foodstuffs, of which cereal grains, pulses and oilseeds make up the largest components. This book presents the proceedings of the 8th conference, held in York, UK, in July 2002. This book highlights work on the pests and diseases that may cause spoilage, adverse health effects and loss of the crop after harvest, and discusses new techniques for the safe, effective and environmentally friendly management of stored commodities. With nearly 200 keynote, oral and poster papers and contributions from leading experts from around the world, the contents cover the future of stored product protection and the impacts of global issues, food safety, chemical and physical control, and processing and applications.The volume will interest applied entomologists, plant pathologists, postharvest biologists, and agricultural engineers.

      • Trusted Partner
        Veterinary nutrition
        November 2010

        Enzymes in Farm Animal Nutrition

        by Edited by Dr Michael R Bedford, Gary G Partridge.

        From alpha-galactosidases to xylanases, Enzymes in Farm Animal Nutrition, 2nd Edition provides a comprehensive guide to all aspects associated with enzyme supplemented animal feeds. Detailing economic, environmental and technological impacts, this new edition brings the reader up to date with the considerable advances of the last decade, providing a unique insight into the current market. Chapters cover a wide range of topics using a variety of evidence from both in vitro and in vivo studies, providing a better understanding of the complex links between feed enzyme function, digestive physiology and ultimately animal performance. Particular attention is paid to new methods for the evaluation of enzyme responses, including holo-analysis. The authors provide a detailed discussion of the various enzyme classes that have been introduced into the market, exploring current use in the global industry and assessing the likely future trends and practices.

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