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        Classic crime
        June 2018

        Burke & Hare Asesinos

        El oráculo

        by Pablo Boneau

        In Edinburgh, between the years 1827 and 1828, Mr. William Burke and Mr. William Hare committed a series of murders. Why did they do it? This is the story on Pablo Boneau's version.

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        October 2000

        Kultureller Austausch

        by Peter Burke, Burkhardt Wolf

        Über die Folgen der Globalisierung für die Kultur wird in den letzten Jahren heftig gestritten. Prophezeien die einen eine Homogenisierung der Weltkultur, verheißen die anderen kulturelle Desintegration bzw. Fragmentierung allerorten. Doch ein Blick auf die Kulturgeschichte der letzen Jahrhunderte lehrt, dass diese beunruhigenden Diagnosen nur zum Teil zutreffen. Viel wahrscheinlicher ist indes, so der Kulturhistoriker Peter Burke, dass eine neue kulturelle Ordnung entsteht, sich neue Formen kultureller Rekonfiguration herauskristallisieren werden, wobei Bausteine des Alten in ein neues Muster eingefügt werden. Burke untersucht daher in diesem Buch den kulturellen Austausch in vergleichender und historischer Perspektive. Er erkundet die Vielfalt der Konzepte, mit denen dieser Austausch beschrieben und analysiert wurde, und befasst sich mit seinen Kontexten und Konsequenzen. Sein Hauptaugenmerk gilt dabei drei möglichen Szenarien einer Reaktion auf kulturellen »Import« bzw. kulturelle »Invasionen«: Akzeptanz, Abwehr und Segregation.

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        February 1973

        Die Rhetorik in Hitlers »Mein Kampf« und andere Essays zur Strategie der Überredung

        Aus dem Amerikanischen übersetzt von Günter Rebing

        by Kenneth Burke, Günter Rebing

        Der Titelessay entstand in den späten dreißiger Jahren; er demontierte, der Geschichtsschreibung vorgreifend, die Legende, daß dem Zeitgenossen der Nationalsozialismus sich als Naturkatastrophe dargestellt habe, deren Ursachen und Ablauf sich nicht hätten erkennen lassen. Burkes Studie beweist das Gegenteil. Zu einer Zeit, da die halbe Welt nicht viel mehr als Unbehagen an Hitlers Politik empfand, beschrieb der amerikanische Kritiker das quasimagische Wahnsystem der »braunen Bewegung« und ihre sozialen Mechanismen. – Unser Band enthält ferner Aufsätze Burkes zur Strategie der Überredung, des »Entlarvens« und der poetischen Benennung.

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        April 1966

        Dichtung als symbolische Handlung

        Eine Theorie der Literatur. Aus dem Amerikanischen übersetzt von Günther Rebing

        by Kenneth Burke, Günter Rebing

        »Es leidet keinen Zweifel, daß er der überlegenste Kritiker und Theoretiker der Literatur ist, den Amerika heute besitzt« – mit diesem Urteil begrüßt W. H. Auden 1941 Kenneth Burkes »Philosophy of Literary Form«, einen der folgenreichsten neueren Versuche, Funktion und Bedeutung der Dichtung zu bestimmen. Burkes Einfluß auf die zeitgenössische angelsächsische Kritik und Literaturwissenschaft ist intensiv, wenngleich lärmlos. Zwar hat er in seiner Ästhetik soziologische, psychoanalytische und linguistische Erkenntnisse aufgenommen, aber ohne sich einer Schule oder Perspektive mit Haut und Haaren zu verschreiben. Seine Literaturtheorie begreift dichterische Werke als ›symbolische‹ Handlungen.

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        January 1994

        Jimi Hendrix

        by Brown, Tony

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        November 2008

        Jimi Hendrix

        Eine Biographie

        by Theweleit, Klaus; Höltschl, Rainer

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        The environment
        January 2000

        Invertebrates as Webmasters in Ecosystems

        by Edited by David C Coleman, Paul F Hendrix

        The purpose of this book is to review and assess our current understanding of invertebrates in terrestrial and terrestrially-dominated (i.e. lower-order stream) ecosystems. It emphasises the centrality of the activity of invertebrates, which influence ecosystem function far out of proportion to their physical mass in a wide range of situations, particularly at the interface between land and air (litter/soil), water and land (sediments) and in tree canopies and root/soil systems. Consisting of 16 chapters by authors from the USA, Canada, Europe and Australia, the book is essential reading for ecologists and invertebrate biologists.

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        Plays, playscripts
        November 2016

        The Tragedy of Antigone, The Theban Princesse

        by Thomas May

        by Edited by Matteo Pangallo. Series edited by Paul Dean

        Thomas May's The Tragedy of Antigone (1631), edited by Matteo Pangallo, is the first English treatment of the story made famous by Sophocles. This edition contains a facsimile of the copy held at the Beinecke Library of Yale University, making the play commercially available for the first time since its original publication. The extensive introduction discusses, among other things, the ownership history of existing copies and their marginal annotations, and of the play's topical political implications in the light of May's wavering between royalist and republican sympathies. Writing during the contentious early years of Charles I's reign, May used Sophocles' Antigone to explore the problems of just rule and justified rebellion. He also went beyond the scope of the original, adding content from a wide range of other classical and contemporary plays, poems and other sources, including Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth. This volume will be essential reading for advanced students, researchers and teachers of early English drama and seventeenth-century political history.

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        Film theory & criticism
        February 2014

        The Encyclopedia of British Film

        Fourth edition

        by Edited by Brian McFarlane

        With well over 6,300 articles, including over 500 new entries, this fourth edition of The Encyclopedia of British Film is a fully updated invaluable reference guide to the British film industry. It is the most authoritative volume yet, stretching from the inception of the industry to the present day, with detailed listings of the producers, directors, actors and studios behind a century or so of great British cinema. Brian McFarlane's meticulously researched guide is the definitive companion for anyone interested in the world of film. Previous editions have sold many thousands of copies and this fourth edition will be an essential work of reference for enthusiasts interested in the history of British cinema, and for universities and libraries.

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        Literary studies: c 1500 to c 1800
        November 2011

        The Humorous Magistrate (Arbury)

        by Edited by Margaret Jane Kidnie

        The Humorous Magistrate is a seventeenth-century satiric comedy extant in two highly distinctive manuscripts. This, the earliest and clearly working draft of the play is bound with three other plays (including The Emperor's Favourite, published by the Malone Society in 2010) in a volume in the library of the Newdigate family of Arbury Hall, Nuneaton, Warwickshire. The second version, showing yet another stage of revision not found in the Arbury manuscript and orientated towards performance, was purchased by the University of Calgary from the English antiquarian Edgar Osborne in 1972. The relationship between the manuscripts was discovered in 2005. The anonymous play has been attributed to John Newdigate III (1600-1642). Like The Emperor's Favourite, it takes aim at the court; its particular object of satire is governmental strategies under the Personal Rule of Charles I. The play appears in print for the first time in these separate editions. The volumes are illustrated with several plates, some provided for comparative purposes.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2013

        Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France

        by Jeff Wallace, John Whale, John Whale

        First published in 1790 Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France initiated a debate not only about the nature of the unprecedented historical events taking place across the channel, but about the very identity of the British state and its people. It has subsequently been appropriated by a variety of conservative and liberal thinkers and has played a major role in our understanding of the relationship between rhetoric, aesthetics and politics. In this volume, leading Burke scholars offer new and challenging essays which allow us to reconsider the historical context in which Reflections on the Revolution in France was written. The essays consider its reception, its engagements in the discourses of nationalism and toleration, its legacy to English and Irish writers of the Romantic period and its impact within our contemporary cultural and critical theory. The volume demonstrates a range of interdisciplinary critical methods and cultural perspectives from which to read Burke's most famous work. This volume will be the ideal companion to Burke's Reflections for all students of literature, history, politics and Irish studies. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2024

        Rochester and the pursuit of pleasure

        by Larry D Carver

        Rochester and the pursuit of pleasure provides a reading of Rochester's poems, dramatic works, and letters in a biographical context. In doing so, it sheds light on a central vexed issue in Rochester criticism, the relationship of the poet to his speaker. It also reveals that Rochester's work clusters about a central theme, the pursuit of pleasure, a pursuit motivated by a courtship of purity that grew out of Rochester's Christian and God-fearing upbringing. This rhetoric of courtship, in turn, reveals the unity of Rochester's work as the courtier and his various personae try to persuade his audiences, secular and divine, of his worth.

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        Ohne Wenn und Aber

        Die Liebe fürs Leben. (rororo zu zweit)

        by Hendrix, Harville

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