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      • XO Editions - OH ! Editions

        Publication of works geared toward a mass-market audience An intentionally small number of titles (15 to 20 titles per year) so as to give a maximum of attention and means to each work and thus optimise their sales potential, both in France and abroad. An ambitious strategy aiming to discover new talent and put French authors back at the top of bestseller lists around the world. In 20 years: 421 titles published, 302 made it on the best-seller lists, 250 have been widely sold abroad.

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        Nobody’s Fool (DE)

        by Hillel Lerman

        +   Enlarge Picture       Nobody’s Fool – Warum wir genau da landen, wo wir hingehören von Hillel Lerman Ted und Jimmy haben ihr Studium an der Georgetown University School of Law abgeschlossen.Sie sind gerade dabei, ihr Studentenwohnheim zu verlassen und wieder nach Hause zu fahren, da geraten sie in einen Streit.Jimmy behauptet, dass er in wenigen Jahren ein US-Senator sein wird.Sein Vater ist ein bekannter Anwalt, und er wird dafür sorgen, dass sein Sohn gewählt wird.Ted sagt, dass dies unmöglich sei. Jimmy sei kein Senator-Typ! Die beiden treffen Professor Carter, der von den beiden Ex-Studenten sehr verehrt wird.Sie fragen ihn, ob es überhaupt so etwas wie einen „Senatoren-Typ“ gibt und, wenn ja, ob er glaubt, dass Jimmy seinen ehrgeizigen Plan in die Realität umsetzen wird.Carters Antwort kommt in Form eines höchst ungewöhnlichen Vorschlags:Sie sollen ihn auf einer Reise um die Welt begleiten, bei der sie jeweils zwei Wochen an verschiedenen Orten bleiben, um seine Forschungen voranzutreiben.„Die Frage über Jimmy“, sagte er, „ist viel weitreichender.Sie betrifft extrem wichtige, grundlegende Prinzipien, die den Weg bestimmen, den Menschen in ihrem Leben einschlagen.“Sie lernen, warum George ein Busfahrer ist, der Tag für Tag zwischen Washington und Baltimore hin und her fährt, und warum Edward der britische Botschafter in Ägypten ist.Sie erhalten außerdem eine Antwort auf die Frage, die sie am Anfang ihres Abenteuer gestellt haben. Was Professor Carter jedoch nicht erwähnt, ist, dass er seine ganze akademische Karriere auf diese beiden Studenten setzt.Der wahre Grund für die Einladung ist, dass Carter dringend ihre Hilfe beim Nachweis einer Theorie braucht, die er entwickelt hat und die von seinen Kollegen in der Fakultät verspottet wird.„Entscheidet euch schnell“, sagt er ihnen.„Wir fahren in Kürze los...“ Dieser inspirierende Roman legt Zeugnis dafür ab, dass es keinen wirklichen Unterschied zwischen einem Universitätsprofessor und einem Hausmeister gibt. Nur ihre Positionen unterscheiden sich.Das ist alles.Im Gegensatz zu dem, was zu glauben wir programmiert wurden, ist keine Person klüger als eine andere, und keine ist dümmer.Menschen sind nur Menschen.Die chinesische Frau, die sich im Reisfeld bückt – ebenso wie der oberste Richter des obersten Gerichts – alle haben Wünsche, Ambitionen und Träume, fühlen Freude, Trauer und Schmerz. Diese scheinbar offensichtliche Wahrheit wird klar und überzeugend in dieser faszinierenden Geschichte präsentiert, die den Leser von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite (mit ihrem überraschenden Ende) fesselt.Sie ist eine Entdeckungsreise in die Menschlichkeit. Sie führt abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade zu Begriffen wie Gleichheit und Rassismus aus einer völlig anderen Perspektive. Diese anspruchsvolle Reise führt den Leser aus den Slums von Bombay zu einem Fußballfeld in Buenos Aires, dann in das Stadtviertel Borough Park in Brooklyn, und von dort aus in die Library of Congress in Washington, DC. Szene für Szene entwickelt sich der Faden der Geschichte allmählich und enthüllt den Code, der Menschen an ihren Platz im Leben führt.Warum ist George ein Busfahrer und Edward ein britischer Botschafter?Nobodys Fool liefert die Antwort.   Hillel Lerman ist ein Industrie-Ingenieur, der eine Reihe von Startup-Unternehmen von Anfang an begleitet hat. Einige dieser Unternehmen sind sehr erfolgreich geworden. Er hat außerdem drei Startup-Unternehmen selbst gegründet.Seit vielen Jahren beschäftigt er sich mit Philosophie, vor allem im Bereich Prädetermination und freier Wille. Der Autor ist verheiratet, hat vier Kinder und eine wachsende Gruppe von Enkelkindern.Er schrieb dieses Buch auf einer Geschäftsreise, aus einem plötzlichen Impuls, ohne finanzielle oder andere Motivation.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2022

        Like Lovers Do (Memoiren der Medusa)

        audio reading included

        by Sivan Ben Yishai, Maren Kames

        Medusa wird im Mythos vom Gott der Meere vergewaltigt, woraufhin sie sich in eine geflügelte Gestalt mit Schlangenhaaren verwandelt, deren Anblick jeden zu Stein erstarren lässt. Medusas gewaltvolle, kaleidoskopisch angelegten Memoiren sind bei Sivan Ben Yishai eine Widmung an alle Liebenden, die Momente unserer kollektiven Erinnerung auflistet: zwischen Begehren und Gewalt, zwischen Porno und sexuellen Fantasien, zwischen politischen Attacken und familiär eingeübtem Wegschauen. In einem nur scheinbaren Gegenszenario imaginieren fünf junge Mädchen gemeinsam den Traummann ihrer Zukunft, sich selbst unwillkürlich als perfektes Attribut an seiner Seite. Auf einer dritten Erzählspur entwirft die Autorin eine buchstäbliche Umkehrdynamik der tradierten Erzählmuster: Eine Frau greift zum Messer, verlässt den Tatort Ehebett, kapert einen vollbesetzten Bus und legt den Rückwärtsgang ein, um die Jahrhundert-Story-Lines und all das zerschundene menschliche Liebesfleisch einzusammeln und zu dekompostieren. Könnte es nicht zum Humus werden für eine Öko-Sphäre der feministischen Narrative? »Es war eine halbe Vergewaltigung / Nicht wirklich eine Vergewaltigung /Sie sagte härter /Sie sagte schneller /Während sie vergewaltigt wurde /Dann ging sie nach Hause und saß die ganze Nacht am Handy und sucht auf Tinder ein Date für morgen«

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2024

        The poems of Elizabeth Siddal in context

        by Anne Woolley

        A ground breaking new book that considers all Siddal poems with reference to female and primarily male counterparts, adding substantially to knowledge of her work as a writer, and their shared contemporary concerns. Dante Rossetti, Swinburne, Tennyson, Ruskin and Keats were either known to her or a source of influence on the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood with which she was associated, and certain of their texts are compared with hers to discuss interplay between erotic and spiritual love, the ballad tradition, nineteenth-century feminism, and the Romantic concept of the conjoined physical and spectral body. Siddal's artwork is used to introduce each chapter, while other Pre-Raphaelite paintings illuminate the texts and further the inter-disciplinary philosophy of the Brotherhood. This important and stimulating book focuses on the intrinsic merit of Siddal's poetics whilst advocating a research method that could have multiple applications elsewhere.

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        Ni un pelo de tonto

        by Hillel Lerman

        Ni un pelo de tonto: por qué terminamos justamente donde debemos terminar por Hillel Lerman Ted y Jimmy acaban de completar sus estudios en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Georgetown. Están a punto de dejar la habitación estudiantil que comparten y de regresar a casa, pero discuten. Jimmy afirma que en unos pocos años será senador. Su padre es un afamado abogado y promocionará la elección de su hijo. Ted dice que de ninguna manera, que Jimmy no es apto para ser senador. El profesor Carter, muy admirado por sus dos ex estudiantes, casualmente pasaba cerca y ellos le preguntaron si en efecto, existe algo así como ser «apto para ser senador» y si piensa que Jimmy será capaz de cristalizar su ambición. Carter les responde con una propuesta muy inusual: acompañarlo en un viaje alrededor del mundo durante dos semanas en distintos lugares del globo, para ayudar a impulsar su investigación. « La interrogante sobre Jimmy», dice, «es mucho más amplia, ya que concierne a principios básicos e importantes, que determinan el camino que las personas emprenden en sus vidas. Esto nos ayudará a entender por qué George es un conductor de autobús que se pasa los días en viajes de ida y vuelta entre Washington y Baltimore y por qué Edward es el embajador británico en Egipto. También nos brindará una respuesta a la pregunta que inicialmente plantearon». Lo que el profesor Carter se abstiene de mencionar es que se está jugando toda su carrera académica por estos dos estudiantes.El motivo real de la invitación, es que Carter necesita desesperadamente ayudar a probar una teoría que ha desarrollado, de la que sus colegas de la facultad se mofan.« Decidan rápido», les pide.« Partiremos pronto…» Esta inspiradora novela insiste con ingenio en la noción de que no hay una verdadera diferencia entre un profesor universitario y un bedel y que lo único que difiere son sus profesiones. A diferencia de lo que nos han hecho creer, nadie es más inteligente que otro y de la misma manera, nadie es más tonto que los demás.La gente es solo eso, gente.La mujer china inclinada sobre una parcela de arroz, tal como el presidente del Tribunal Supremo, tiene anhelos, ambiciones y sueños, siente felicidad, tristeza y dolor. Esta verdad aparentemente obvia se presenta de manera clara y convincente en este fascinante relato, que cautiva la mente y la imaginación del lector desde el principio hasta el sorprendente final. Se trata de un viaje de descubrimientos cuyo destino es el ser humano y que evita caminos trillados y examina conceptos familiares como igualdad y racismo desde un punto de vista totalmente diferente. Esta búsqueda desafiante lleva al lector de los barrios bajos de Bombay a un campo de fútbol en Buenos Aires, de ahí al barrio Borough Park de Brooklyn y de ahí a la Biblioteca del Congreso en la ciudad de Washington. Una escena tras otra, el hilo del relato se va aclarando gradualmente hasta revelar el código que lleva a los seres humanos a los lugares en los que se encuentran en la vida. ?Por qué George es conductor de autobús, mientras que Edward es embajador? Ni un pelo de tonto brinda la respuesta.   Hillel Lerman es ingeniero industrial, dirigió varias empresas start-up desde sus comienzos, algunas de las cuales lograron salidas de éxito y también estableció tres compañías start-up por iniciativa propia. Hace muchos años que se interesa en la filosofía, en particular en el ámbito de la determinación y la libre elección. El autor está casado, tiene cuatro hijos y un número creciente de nietos.Escribió este libro durante un viaje de negocios obedeciendo a un impulso repentino, sin motivación financiera ni de ningún otro tipo.

      • Trusted Partner

        Nobody's Fool

        Why We End Up Just Where We Should

        by Hillel Lerman

        Ted and Jimmy have just completed their studies at the Georgetown University School of Law. They are about to leave the dorm room they have shared and head for home, but they argue. Jimmy claims that in a few short years he will be a U.S. senator. His father is a well-known lawyer and he will get his son elected. Ted says there’s no way; Jimmy’s not the senator type! Professor Carter, much admired by these two former students, happens to be passing by. They ask him if there is, indeed, such a thing as a "senator type," and if he thinks Jimmy will be able to fulfill his ambition. Carter’s response comes in the form of a highly unusual suggestion: to join him on a tour around the world, with two weeks at different locations across the globe to help further his research. "The question about Jimmy," he says, "is much larger. It concerns extremely important, basic principles that determine the paths people take in their lives." They will learn why George is a bus driver who spends every day making roundtrips between Washington and Baltimore, and why Edward is the British ambassador to Egypt. They are also going to get an answer to the question they posed to begin with. What Professor Carter doesn’t mention is that he is staking his entire academic career on these two students. The real reason for the invitation is that Carter desperately needs their help in proving a theory he has developed, one that is jeered by his faculty colleagues. "Decide quickly," he tells them. "We’ll be leaving very soon…." This inspirational novel artfully hammers the notion that there is no real difference between a university professor and a custodial worker; only their professions differ. Period. Unlike what we were programmed to believe, no person is smarter than another, and no person is more foolish, either. People are just people. The Chinese woman bending over in a rice paddy – just like the chief justice of the Supreme Court – has desires, ambitions, and dreams, feels happiness, sadness, and pain. This seemingly obvious truth has been presented clearly and convincingly in this fascinating tale, which captures the reader's mind and imagination from start to the surprising end. It is a journey of discovery with the human being as its destination, and veers off the beaten track to view familiar concepts like equality and racism from an entirely different perspective. This challenging quest takes the reader from the slums of Bombay to a soccer field in Buenos Aires, then to Brooklyn’s Borough Park neighborhood, and from there to the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. Scene by scene, the thread of the story gradually unravels, revealing the code that leads human beings to the places they are in life. Why indeed is George a bus driver while Edward is a British ambassador? Nobody's Fool provides the answer.   Hillel Lerman is an industrial engineer who has managed a number of startup companies from their onset, some of them reaching a successful exit, and also established three startup ventures of his own initiative. For many years he has been exploring philosophy, particularly in the area of determination and free choice. The author is married, with four children and a growing gang of grandchildren. He wrote this book while on a business trip, out of a sudden impulse, without financial or other motivation.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1987

        John Ruskin

        Leben und Werk 1819-1900

        by Kemp, Wolfgang

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        Pharmaceutical industries
        November 2009

        Manual of Biocontrol Agents, 4th edition

        A World Compendium

        by Edited by Leonard G Copping

        Completely revised and updated, this edition of The Manual of Biocontrol Agents contains 452 detailed entries of biocontrol agents used in the production of 2,000 commercial products. It includes: 149 micro-organisms 89 natural products 140 macro-organisms 74 semiochemicals Although different in style, this publication is complementary to The Pesticide Manual now in its 15th edition and where appropriate entries are cross referenced. All those involved in the practice, administration, regulation of or educational fields in organic or conventional crop protection and environmental safety will find this a definitive source of global biocontrol information.

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        Animal behaviour
        June 2014

        Livestock Handling and Transport

        by Edited by Temple Grandin

        Edited by world-renowned animal scientist Dr. Temple Grandin, this practical book integrates scientific research and industry literature on cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep, goats, deer, and horses, in both the developed and developing world, to provide a practical guide to humane handling and minimizing animal stress. Reviewing the latest research on transport systems, restraint methods and facilities for farms and slaughterhouses, this fully updated fourth edition of Livestock Handling and Transport includes new coverage of animal handling in South America, and reviews extensive new research on pig transportation in North America.

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        Botany & plant sciences
        March 2016

        Biocontrol of Major Grapevine Diseases

        Leading Research

        by Edited by Stéphane Compant, Florence Mathieu

        Biocontrol of major grapevine diseases provides a timely research update on the use of biological control agents and plant resistance inducers against phytopathogenic infections of the grapevine by fungi, oomycetes, bacteria and phytoplasma.Taking a holistic approach, this book presents in detail the ecology, mechanisms and the application methods of these agents. Its 19 chapters, authored by international experts, cover diseases such as grey mould, trunk diseases, powdery and downy mildews, as well as phytoplasma diseases, and, by nature, emphasise applications of biocontrol in organic viticulture and as part of integrated pest management systems.

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        Pharmaceutical industries
        November 2009

        Pesticide Manual, 15th edition

        A World Compendium

        by Edited by Clive D S Tomlin

        The fifteenth edition of The Pesticide Manual provides the most comprehensive information on active ingredients for the control of crop pests in the world. Completely revised and updated, with information supplied by manufacturing companies worldwide, the latest edition contains 30 new entries including more than 20 new synthetic molecules. It also features 1,436 profiles and lists over 2,600 products.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1997

        Common Agricultural Policy, 2nd Edition

        by Edited by Christopher Ritson, David R Harvey

        The first edition of this book, published in 1991 with the title The Common Agricultural Policy and the World Economy, was well received as a timely analysis of this fast-moving but important subject. However, several major developments, such as general CAP reform, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), expansion of the European Union, and relationships with eastern Europe, have justified the need for a new edition. As a result, the book has been thoroughly updated, with some completely new chapters added and others replaced. It has also be rewritten with a greater emphasis on the needs of students for a well-integrated, comprehensive textbook.

      • Trusted Partner
        Art: Financial Aspects

        The rise of the modern art market in London


        by Edited by Pamela Fletcher and Anne Helmreich

        Now available in paperback for the first time, this study of the modern London art market establishes the central importance of London for the development of the modern retail market in fine art. Leading experts track the emergence and development of the structures and practices that have come to characterize the commercial art system, including the commercial art gallery, the professional dealer, the exhibition cycle and its accompanying rhetoric of press coverage and publicity, and an international network for the circulation of goods. This new commercial system involved a massive transformation of the experience of viewing art; of the relationships between artists, dealers, collectors, art objects and audiences; and of the very criteria of aesthetic value itself. Its history is thus a vital part of the history of modern art, and this anthology will be of interest to art historians as well as scholars of Victorian Studies, Museum Studies, and Social History.

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        Botany & plant sciences
        November 2010

        GM Crop Manual, 1st edition

        A World Compendium

        by Edited by Leonard G Copping

        This new book outlines all the GM products that are currently available to growers and provides a snapshot of the world of GM crops as of October 2010. This field of crop technology is developing very rapidly especially in Africa, Asia and South America.

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        Sport & leisure industries
        December 2006

        Tourism, Culture and Regeneration

        by Edited by Melanie Smith

        Sustainable and integrated regeneration in the context of culture and tourism is explored for the first time within this book. The text is enhanced by international case studies.

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        Exhibition catalogues & specific collections
        March 2011

        Mary Kelly

        Projects, 1973–2010

        by Edited by Dominique Heyes-Moore

        Mary Kelly, we are told, was not a feminist artist, but a feminist who made art. Designed to accompany a major retrospective at the Whitworth Art Gallery, this book contains essays and interviews which show the implications of that distinction and also the legacy of feminists and feminism in relation to art. Challenging and beautiful, Kelly's artworks address questions of sexuality, identity and historical memory in the form of large-scale narrative installations. The works are agilely discussed in contributions by some of the luminary feminist art scholars of our time, including Janet Wolff, Laura Mulvey, Carol Mavor and Amelia Jones, making this collection an essential new text in the discourse on art, feminism, psychoanalysis and representation.

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        Agricultural science
        June 1996

        Biology of Grasses

        by Edited by Geoffrey P Chapman

        Grasses are put to a multitude of uses by those involved in agriculture and recreation. They are also of importance to environmental biologists, for example those involved in restorative ecology. In this book the biology of grasses is illustrated by many different grass genera and species, drawn from both temperate and tropical zones. Beginning with a discussion of the role of grasses in a changing world, the author provides a thorough treatment of such topics as the generation and dispersal of grasses, their diversity, history, contrasting life styles, ecology and domestication. The text is supported by the inclusion of high quality line drawings and black and white photographs. There is also a thorough glossary of the terminology associated with grass science. This book bridges the gap between introductory textbooks and research and technical papers. It is an advanced level reference text for students and teachers of agriculture, plant biology and ecology. It is of particular importance to all those studying and researching the genetics, physiology and taxonomy of grasses.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2013

        The Jews in western Europe, 1400–1600

        by Translated and Edited by John Edwards

        As European politics, society, economy and religion underwent epoch-making changes between 1400 and 1600, the treatment of Europe's Jews by the non-Jewish majority was, then as in later periods, a symptom of social problems and tensions in the Continent as a whole. Through a broad-ranging collection of documents, John Edwards sets out to present a vivid picture of the Jewish presence in European life during this vital and turbulent period. Subjects covered include the Jews' own economic presence and culture, social relations between Jews and Christians, the policies and actions of Christian authorities in Church and State. He also draws upon original source material to convey ordinary people's prejudices about Jews, including myths about Jewish 'devilishness', money-grabbing, and 'ritual murder' of Christian children. Full introductory and explanatory material makes accessible the historical context of the subject and highlights the insights offered by the documents as well as the pitfalls to be avoided in this area of historical enquiry. This volume aims to provide a coherent working collection of texts for lecturers, teachers and students who wish to understand the experience of Jewish Europeans in this period. ;

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