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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2023

        Ein Dino auf Entdeckungsreise

        by Sophie Luise Bauer, Frau Annika

        Die Kleinsten entdecken die Welt – eine bunte Reise durch die Urzeit. Der kleine Langhals erlebt sein erstes Abenteuer und lernt dabei die anderen Dinosaurier kennen. Manche haben Hörner, manche können fliegen, manche schwimmen und wieder andere können richtig schnell rennen. Und manche Dinos sehen sogar ein bisschen gefährlich aus, auch wenn sie nur Pflanzen fressen. „Was kann ich besonders gut?“ fragt das Dino-Baby seine Mama, nachdem es all die anderen Urzeittiere getroffen hat. Na klar, mit seinem langen Hals kommt es an die leckersten Blätter heran. Denn die hängen ja bekanntlich weiter oben an Bäumen und Sträuchern. Zauberhafte Reime! Eine Pappbilderbuch-Geschichte aus der Welt der Dinos. So faszinierend, diese Dinosaurier! Urzeit-Abenteuer für kleine Entdecker*innen ab 2 Jahren. Schau nur, wie viele Dinos sich im Buch tummeln! Und alle sind verschieden – so wie wir Menschen. Liebevolle Reime wecken die Lust aufs Erkunden der Welt, stärken das Selbstbewusstsein und machen Mut für den Umgang mit anderen. Einzigartige Optik: Bebildert mit traumhaft schönen Aquarell-Illustrationen der bekannten Lettering-Künstlerin und Illustratorin Frau Annika. Nachhaltig produziert, schont Ressourcen und die Umwelt.

      • Children's & YA
        September 2024

        Picture book "Bibbi"

        by Meggie Berns

        Feodora + Gino present: Bibbi Feodora goes to the market with her mom. That's when she meets Gino. A grumpy honeybee attracts the attention of the two dino children. She seems to have a problem that is really putting her in a bad mood. But now Feodora + Gino are curious to find out what they can do for the little bee. Eucational approach: What does the book Bibbi aim to express? Even if you sometimes get the impression that something seems too difficult or too strenuous and you would rather throw it all away, you should take time to reflect on things carefully. Sometimes something you have to do might not be so bad after all! Each of the picture books has a basic theme that is dealt with. There is always a conclusion with which the story ends. This can then serve as a basis for further discussions on the topic. Picture book cinema This book by Meggie Berns has also been published as a movie in our picture book cinema. This means that it is 100% identical to “Bibbi - the movie”. Children who want to learn or practise reading can therefore read along word for word in the corresponding book.

      • Children's & YA
        September 2024

        Feodora + Gino (1) Friends forever

        by Peter Kruck/Meggie Berns

        Welcome to the world of Feodora + Gino. The two dino children are six years old and live in Echsheim. They recently started going to the “School for Peaceful Coexistence”. Feodora + Gino are best friends. They help each other wherever they can and always stick together. The little Bronto lady has a very special hobby: she takes great care of sick or injured insects and other creepy-crawlies. In our first story, Feodora has to say goodbye to her patient Waltraud, a lady butterfly. Because she is healthy again. Gino is always there to help and advise her. He has a very special ability: he is very good at judging how dangerous a situation is. He always senses this somehow. Even when the two of them have to help a hornet out of a tight spot, he immediately knows what to do. Feodora + Gino have the craziest and most exciting adventures. And whenever they are successful, they celebrate as “Team Giodora”.

      • Children's & YA
        September 2026

        Picture book "Henrietta"

        by Meggie Berns

        Feodora + Gino present: Henrietta Feodora + Gino want to pick a bunch of flowers for their mothers. They meet Henrietta, the little grasshopper. The little hopper shows them the most beautiful flowers. But then suddenly a mishap occurs. Now Gino and Feodora have to think of something fast!   Educational approach: The basic theme of this book is caution. Sometimes even the best intentions harbor a danger that may go unrecognized. The aim here is to draw attention to the need to be careful. To avoid getting into trouble, you should learn to reflect on situations with foresight and not be too careless in your approach.

      • Children's & YA
        September 2024

        Picture Book "Bella"

        by Meggie Berns

        Feodora + Gino present: Bella Feodora + Gino have been given soap bubbles. They go to the creek to play with them. They meet a newly hatched butterfly girl. The two dinosaur children want to help the beautiful Bella with her first attempt at flying. But somehow nothing goes as planned! Educational approach: The background of the story: Bella deals with the topic of beauty and flawlessness. It also looks at giving advice in a very funny way. It is often easier to give good advice if you are not affected yourself. Conclusion: Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder!

      • Children's & YA
        September 2028

        Picture book "Karl"

        by Meggie Berns

        Feodora + Gino present: Karl Feodora + Gino go on a picnic. They notice a small beetle among the many other little crawlers. It looks pretty sad. It takes a while for the children to find out what's wrong with the poor little creature. But now they need help fast!   Educational approach: This story is simply about affection and friendship. It describes how important it is and that without affection you can even feel ill.

      • Children's & YA
        August 2024

        Picture book "Charlie"

        by Meggie Berns

        Feodora + Gino present: Charlie What's that? A little brown cockroach has appeared in Mama Manzetti's kitchen! A long hunt begins for the nimble little animal. Then it suddenly turns out that it's actually something completely different. Feodora +Gino have to help the little guy!   Educational approach: The background of the story about Charlie deals with pre-judgment. Sometimes things are decided in people's minds before the situation has been objectively examined. However, things are often very different from what they appear to be. The aim here is to raise awareness of the need not to pass judgment until all the facts are known and proven.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2021

        Ein Dino namens Fred

        Zwei Freunde auf Zeitreise

        by Michael Engelhardt, Ronald Kruschak, Miriam Fritz, Mario Kuchinke-Hofer, Nesch´et Al-Zubaidi

        "Ein Dino namens Fred" von Michael Engelhardt ist ein farbenfrohes und spannendes Kinderbuch, das Leser*innen ab 4 Jahren in die aufregende Welt der Dinosaurier und Zeitreisen entführt. Die Geschichte beginnt, als Annegret, ein abenteuerlustiges Mädchen mit einem Zeitreise-Fluggerät, in die Vergangenheit reist und dort auf den liebenswerten Dino Fred trifft. Schnell entwickelt sich zwischen den beiden eine tiefe Freundschaft. Doch ihr Abenteuer nimmt eine unerwartete Wendung, als ein Tyrannosaurus Rex das Zeitreise-Gerät mit einem Ei verwechselt und es auszubrüten versucht. Mit Witz und Cleverness gelingt es Fred und Annegret, den T-Rex zu überlisten und die Zeitreisemaschine zurückzuerobern. Doch durch ein Missgeschick landen nicht nur Annegret, sondern auch Fred und der T-Rex in unserer Zeit, was zu urkomischen Verwicklungen führt. Dieses Buch besticht durch seine humorvolle Erzählweise, lebendige Illustrationen und vermittelt auf unterhaltsame Weise die Bedeutung von Freundschaft, Mut und Einfallsreichtum. Spannende Zeitreise: Eine einzigartige Geschichte, die kleine Dino-Fans und Zeitreise-Enthusiasten gleichermaßen fasziniert. Humorvolle Abenteuer: Lustige Verwicklungen und schräge Situationen garantieren Lese- und Vorlesespaß für die ganze Familie. Lehrreich und inspirierend: Die Geschichte fördert auf spielerische Weise Werte wie Freundschaft, Mut und Problemlösungskompetenz. Farbenfrohe Illustrationen: Die bunten und detailreichen Bilder laden zum Entdecken und Verweilen ein und ergänzen die Geschichte perfekt. Interaktives Extra: Enthält eine Anleitung zum Nähen einer Dino-Handpuppe, die das gemeinsame Lesevergnügen interaktiv erweitert. Empfohlen für Kinder ab 4 Jahren: Ideal für Vorschulkinder und junge Grundschüler, um ihre Vorstellungskraft und Lesefähigkeiten zu entwickeln.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Der kleine Dino sucht seine Mama

        by Carla Häfner, Larisa Lauber

        Ein Dino-Liebling für die Kleinsten. Krick, krack. Der kleine Brachiosaurus schlüpft aus seinem Ei. Nanu, wo ist denn nur seine Mama? Sie ist nirgendwo zu sehen. Der kleine Dino folgt ihren Fußspuren und begegnet auf seinem Weg vielen anderen Dinos, doch keiner davon ist seine Mama. Da ertönt ein Rufen aus dem Wald und ein langer Hals erhebt sich aus den Blättern – Mama?

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Die Olchis retten das Dino-Baby

        Lesestarter. 3. Lesestufe

        by Erhard Dietl, Erhard Dietl

        In "Die Olchis retten das Dino-Baby", einer Geschichte, die perfekt abgestimmt auf die dritte Lesestufe ist, entführt die beliebte, schmuddelliebende Olchi-Familie junge Leser*innen in ein aufregendes Urzeit-Abenteuer. Dank Professor Brauseweins Zeitmaschine landen die Olchi-Kinder unvermittelt in einer Epoche, in der Dinosaurier die Erde beherrschen. Dort treffen sie auf ein verlorenes Dino-Baby, das verzweifelt nach seiner Mutter sucht. Sofort sind die Olchis zur Stelle, um zu helfen, doch sie stellen schnell fest, dass das Leben in der Urzeit voller Gefahren steckt. Gefährliche Echsen und ein hungriger Flugsaurier bedrohen den kleinen Dinosaurier. Während sie gemeinsam versuchen, das Dino-Baby in Sicherheit zu bringen, tickt die Uhr: Professor Brausewein könnte sie jeden Moment zurück ins gegenwärtige Schmuddelfing holen. Dieses Leseabenteuer für Dino-Fans kombiniert geschickt Humor, Spannung und Wissenswertes über die Urzeit mit der unvergleichlichen Olchi-Charme. Mit über 40.000 verkauften Exemplaren der Kinderbuchausgabe "Die Olchis im Land der Dinos" und insgesamt 7,4 Millionen verkauften Olchi-Produkten beweist Erhard Dietl einmal mehr sein Talent, junge Leser*innen zu begeistern und mitzureißen. Dank seines einfachen Satzbaus, dabei aber trotzdem fortgeschrittenen Textniveaus, eignet sich das Buch gut um die Lesebegierde und -fähigkeit von Schülern in der zweiten bis dritten Klasse zu fördern. Spannende Zeitreise: Kombiniert das beliebte Thema Dinosaurier mit Zeitreise-Abenteuern. Lesespaß garantiert: Humorvolle und spannende Geschichte, ideal für junge Dino-Fans und Olchi-Freunde. Bekannte Charaktere: Die Olchis, bekannt aus zahlreichen Kinderbüchern, bieten vertrauten Lesespaß. Lernerlebnis: Vermittelt auf unterhaltsame Weise Wissen über die Urzeit und das Zusammenleben mit Dinosauriern. Interaktiver Lesespaß: Mit tollen Bildern von Erhard Dietl und einem spannenden Leseabenteuer zum Mitmachen. Hohe Beliebtheit: Ein Teil der erfolgreichen Olchi-Serie, die bereits Millionen Kinderherzen erobert hat.

      • Children's & YA
        August 2024

        Feodora + Gino (2) A choir without a tenor

        by Peter Kruck/Meggie Berns

        It's the best day of the year: everyone is celebrating the day of good cheer. Feodora + Gino also paint their noses red, as is customary on this day, and enjoy the great atmosphere. Suddenly Fee realizes that the jar of Schnecki's wild strawberries is empty. So Feodora + Gino go into the forest to pick some more. As soon as they get there, they have the craziest adventures. Team Giodora, as they call themselves, have quite a lot to do. First Fee has to save a lady ladybug from drowning. Then they have to help a little bird that has fallen out of its nest. And then they almost fall into the stream. Suddenly they hear strange noises coming from a clearing. And they have to summon up all their courage to face the next task. A choir of beetles has a huge problem: one of their singers is hoarse and croaks worse than a crow with a sore throat. Fortunately, Feodora and Gino already have the solution. Now the plan just has to work!

      • Children's & YA

        Feodora + Gino (4) Constant trouble with Bernie

        by Peter Kruck/Meggie Berns

        Was there a light in the dollhouse last night? Or did Fee just dream it? No, it wasn't a dream! She has to get to the bottom of it together with Gino. Just as “Team Giodora” is about to set off, they find Patrick sadly on the playground. Today is his hatching day, but he's not feeling well at all. When he tells them about his father's problems, they want to help. They get to know Patrick in a completely different way. And when Gino hears what Patrick is called by his father, he suddenly realizes a few things. But now Fee and Gino urgently need to take care of the dollhouse. A big, brown, bad-tempered bedbug has actually taken up residence in it! Fee knows that no one will move into her insect hospital if the little villain Bernie occupies the doll's house. But all attempts to get rid of him fail. Now “Team Giodora” has to come up with something!

      • Children's & YA
        August 2024

        Feodora + Gino (3) Light in the dollhouse

        by Peter Kruck/Meggie Berns

        Was there a light in the dollhouse last night? Or did Fee just dream it? No, it wasn't a dream! She has to get to the bottom of it together with Gino. Just as “Team Giodora” is about to set off, they find Patrick sadly on the playground. Today is his hatching day, but he's not feeling well at all. When he tells them about his father's problems, they want to help. They get to know Patrick in a completely different way. And when Gino hears what Patrick is called by his father, he suddenly realizes a few things. But now Fee and Gino urgently need to take care of the dollhouse. A big, brown, bad-tempered bedbug has actually taken up residence in it! Fee knows that no one will move into her insect hospital if the little villain Bernie occupies the doll's house. But all attempts to get rid of him fail. Now “Team Giodora” has to come up with something!

      • Children's & YA
        September 2029

        Picture book "Schnecki"

        by Meggie Berns

        Feodora + Gino present: Schnecki Feodora + Gino want to play in the playground after school. Feodora makes an exciting discovery in the sand. Is it a snail that needs help? Of course they want to help her. But it's not that easy. Feodora's mom has a great idea!   Educational approach: The background of the story about Schnecki is mainly about finding a way, no matter how hopeless it may seem. Sometimes everything really does turn out well in the end. And destinies are brought together that were simply meant to be together.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2021

        Der kleine Fuchs liest vor. Die Dinos sind los!

        by Jasmin Schaudinn, Carola Sieverding, Nima Kellner

        Ein Vorleseschatz für kleine Dino-Fans: Abenteuer mit T-Rex & Co. Der kleine Fuchs lädt ein in seine Höhle mit dem kuscheligen Vorlesesofa. Und dieses Mal lässt er die Saurier los, die größten Wesen, von denen kleine Menschen Fan sein können. Die Geschichten sind abwechslungsreich – und spannend. Drei kleine Dino-Kinder meistern ein packendes Abenteuer mit dem gefürchteten T-Rex. Im Kindergarten spielen die Freunde mit ihren Dinofiguren. Und ganz große Fans eröffnen sogar ihren eigenen Dino-Fan-Club. Ausgestorben? Von wegen! Es leben die Dinos!

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        May 2023

        The Politics of Religious Tourism

        by Dino Bozonelos, Polyxeni Moira

        Addressing a dearth of literature in this area, this book provides a comprehensive overview and framework of study of the politics of religious tourism. Existing work shows awareness that politics is present but the approach has been one of benign neglect, and/or a priori assumptions about the role of politics in the management of sacred sites. Previous literature is fragmented into various perspectives and approaches that best serve different disciplinary interests. By understanding the politics of religious tourism through the various perspectives and approaches from the discipline of political science The Politics of Religious Tourism; · Focuses on how power is exercised regarding religious tourism. · Looks at the governing institutions of religious tourism including the role of relevant governmental bodies such as ministries of tourism or national tourism boards, ministries of religion and/or culture. · Covers the role and influence of religious governing institutions, such as state-supported church/mosque officials, and universities. It will be of valuable interest to researchers and students of religious tourism, pilgrimage, as well as related subjects such as political science, economics, sociology, tourism and religious studies.

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