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      • David and Charles Ltd

        David and Charles is an independent publisher of non-fiction books, predominantly in art, craft and creative categories. Our titles feature industry-leading authors and award-winning editorial and design, commissioned for commercial success in all markets. Category focus on practical how-to books in art, crochet, knitting, general crafts, patchwork & quilting, sewing and wellbeing. Cornerstone titles which are highly illustrated, project, technique and trend orientated.

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        Tourism industry
        October 2003

        Nature-based Tourism, Environment and Land Management

        by Ralf C Buckley, Catherine Pickering, David B Weaver. Edited by Ralf C Buckley, Catherine Pickering, David B Weaver.

        Tourism based on natural environments is a huge international industry and this industry needs access to land with scenery, native plants and wildlife. In turn, land managers need money to maintain their land and its natural resources. This book looks at the economic, social and environmental consequences of nature-based tourism. It discusses the importance of links and partnerships, as well as the conflicts,between commercial tourism interests and land management agencies. Born from the Fenner conference on Nature Tourism and the Environment, held in Canberra, Australia, 2001, the book includes selected proceedings which have been refereed and substantially revised.

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        Forestry & related industries
        November 2000

        Tradeoffs or Synergies?

        Agricultural Intensification, Economic Development and the Environment

        by Edited by David R Lee, Christopher B Barrett

        The need to increase food production, enhance economic growth and reduce poverty in an environmentally sustainable context is an issue of growing importance. This book addresses the linkages and tradeoffs involved in solving such key challenges.

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        Botany & plant sciences
        January 2013


        Botany, Production and Uses

        by Edited by Bruce Schaffer, B Nigel Wolstenholme, Anthony W Whiley.

        Although avocado has been cultivated and consumed for more than 9000 years near its centre of origin in Latin America, world production and trade has increased dramatically over the past few decades. The avocado is now a widely traded fruit between warmer and colder countries as a result of the global community becoming increasingly aware of the versatility and nutritional value of this crop. For the past decade, the world avocado industry has been going through a period of rapid technological change and innovation. The dietary value of "the most nutritious of all fruit" is also receiving more attention. This fully updated new edition of the successful 2002 book will provide a comprehensive review of avocado production, science and technology.

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        Financial crises & disasters
        December 2011

        Food and Financial Crises in Sub-Saharan Africa

        Origins, Impacts and Policy Implications

        by Edited by David R Lee, Muna B Ndulo.

        Dramatic increases in food prices, as witnessed on a global scale in recent years, threaten the food security of hundreds of millions of the rural poor in Sub-Saharan Africa alone. This book focuses on recent food and financial crises as they have affected Africa, illustrating the problems using country case studies, that cover their origins, effects on agriculture and rural poverty, their underlying factors and making recommendations as to how such crises could best be addressed in the future.

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        Tourism industry
        August 2008

        Nature-based Tourism, Environment and Land Management

        by Edited by Ralf C Buckley, Catherine Pickering, David B Weaver

        Tourism based on natural environments is a significant and growing international industry, and one that requires access to land with scenery, native plants and wildlife. In turn, land managers need money to maintain their land and its natural resources. This book looks at the economic, social and environmental consequences of nature-based tourism, and its effects on land managers. It discusses the importance of links and partnerships, as well as the conflicts between commercial tourism interests and land management agencies. Now in paperback, this book will be an essential resource for tourism students, as well as researchers and industry practitioners.

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        Science & Mathematics
        July 2018

        British and Irish Butterflies

        An Island Perspective

        by Roger L H Dennis, Peter B Hardy

        Islands are special places; they can be havens for unique plants and animals and refuges for wildlife. This book investigates the biogeography of butterfly species over the British islands, particularly the factors that influence their presence on the islands and that have made each island's butterfly fauna distinctive. The book contains a full log of records of species on the islands and much supporting information. The first three chapters set the scene, illustrating the basics of island biogeography theory, their changing circumstances during the current Holocene interglacial, and studies of natural history of British butterflies that mark the islands as the most intensively studied region for wildlife in the world. The book advances by increasing resolution downscale from a European continental perspective, through patterns and changes on the British mainland, a comparison of the two dominant islands of Britain and Ireland, to a close inspection of the dynamics of species on the multitude of offshore islands. Detailed investigations include contrasts in species' richness on the islands and then of the incidences of each species. Case studies highlight the continual turnover of species on islands. Attention is then given to evolutionary changes since the time that glaciers enveloped Europe. A powerful message is conveyed for the maintenance of butterfly species on the smaller British islands now experiencing population losses at a rate unprecedented since the spread of the last ice sheets: the incontrovertible importance of maintaining populations of species on nearby mainland sources for islands as pools for future migrants. This book is enhanced with supporting material. To access the Online Supplementary Appendices below, please visit: Supplementary Appendices Chapter 3 3.1a A copy of Dennis and Shreeve (1996) Butterflies on British and Irish Offshore Islands: Ecology and Biogeography. Gem Publishing Company, Wallingford, Oxon 3.1b The main data file for British and Irish offshore islands 3.2 Basic ecological and life history data used to build the indices for migration capacity and colonization ability Supplementary Appendices Chapter 4 4.1 Contemporary Geography Study of British Butterflies: Data 4.2 Contemporary Geography Study of British Butterflies: Analyses Supplementary Appendices Chapter 5 5.1a The European Islands Data File: Recent Sources 5.1b The European Islands Data File: Butterfly Records 5.1c The European Islands Data File: Geographical Data 5.2 Comparison of British and Irish Species Distributions Supplementary Appendices Chapter 6 6.1a Species Incidences on Offshore Islands: Logit Regression Analyses 6.1b Species Incidences on Offshore Islands: Discriminant Function Analyses 6.2 Species Richness and Incidences on Offshore Islands: Predictions Supplementary Appendix Chapter 7 7.1 Records and Data for the Isle of Man

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        Forestry & related industries
        June 2007

        Forest Genetics

        by Timothy L White, W T Adams, David B Neale

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        December 2020

        Parasites of Cattle and Sheep

        A Practical Guide to their Biology and Control

        by Andrew B Forbes

        Understanding parasite biology and impact is essential when giving advice on parasite control in farm animals. In the first review devoted to parasites of domestic cattle and sheep alone, this book provides in-depth, focused advice which can be tailored to individual farms. It considers the impact of parasites, both as individual species and as co-infections, as well as epidemiological information, monitoring, and diagnostic procedures. Supported throughout by diagrams and photos to aid diagnosis, it also reviews the basis for control measures such as the responsible use of parasiticides, adaptive animal husbandry and other management practices. This book: Focuses on common parasites of domestic sheep and cattle; Places emphasis on understanding host responses and epidemiology so that the impact and seasonality of parasitism can be incorporated into advice and decision making; Highlights the fundamental importance of the individual farm and farmer in assessing endemic parasitism and tailoring control options accordingly; Provides a comprehensive reference listing, including important historical citations, to underpin the content. An important resource for students, veterinarians and researchers of farm animal health, this book maintains a focus on ruminant parasitology in order to deliver evidence-based advice and also context for the application of basic research.

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        May 2020

        Ein Apartment auf dem Uranus

        Chroniken eines Übergangs

        by Paul B. Preciado, Stefan Lorenzer

        Es war Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, der 1864 der »Liebe, die ihren Namen nicht zu nennen wagt«, erstmals einen Namen gab: Inspiriert vom griechischen Gott Uranos, bezeichnete er gleichgeschlechtliches Begehren als Uranismus. Mit dem Begriff forderte er als einer der Ersten überhaupt öffentlich das Recht ein, anders zu lieben. Auf Ulrichs Spuren träumt Paul Preciado von einem Apartment auf dem Uranus, einem Ort fern der irdischen Kategorisierungen und Festlegungen, einem Ort der sexuellen Dissidenz. Preciados in diesem Band versammelte Texte verdichten sich zu der Erzählung eines Übergangs: einer durch die Einnahme von Testosteron angestoßenen Transformation des eigenen Körpers und der eigenen Identität – von Beatriz zu Paul. Zugleich dokumentieren und analysieren sie die im Wandel begriffenen politischen Verhältnisse. Von den Protesten im krisengebeutelten Athen über die verzweifelte Situation der Flüchtlinge auf den griechischen Inseln bis hin zur Unabhängigkeitsbewegung in Katalonien begleitet Preciado Kämpfe um Würde und Autonomie.

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        September 1966

        Der Illusionist

        Die Geschichte Herncastles

        by Preistley, John B.

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        February 1974

        Der fröhliche Nörgler

        Fast eine Autobiographie

        by Priestley, John B.

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