Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Wilfrid Laurier University Press is a scholarly press based in Waterloo, Ontario.
View Rights PortalWilfrid Laurier University Press is a scholarly press based in Waterloo, Ontario.
View Rights PortalLiterature Department Grants Literature Translation Grants for the translation of Catalan literature: fiction, non-fiction, children’s and YA books, poetry, theatre and graphic novels. Recipients: Publishers. Literature Promotion Grants to promote abroad Catalan literature (fiction, non-fiction, children’s and YA books, poetry, theatre and graphic novels), including participation in international literary festivals and presentations and promotional plans for works in translation. Recipients: Publishers, Literary Events Organizers. Illustrated Books Grants for the publication abroad of illustrated books by illustrators settled in Catalonia or the Balearic Islands. Recipients: Publishers. Samples & Booklets Grants to translate samples of works written in Catalan to produce booklets for promotional purposes. Recipients: Catalan Publishers, Literary Agencies. Translators in Residency Grants for translators working on translations from Catalan to stay from two to six weeks in Catalonia. Recipients: Translators. Travel for Writers and Illustrators Grants for writers and illustrators to finance travel costs to carry out literary activities, to which they have been invited. Recipients: Writers in Catalan and illustrators with at least two books originally published in Catalan.
View Rights PortalIt's one of the most popular chile peppers in the world, and the number of ways it can transform a meal–and be transformed–is endless. Now, Dave DeWitt, the acknowledged Pope of Peppers, has harvested his decades of experience to create a mouth-watering combination of knowledge and delightful, delectable recipes.The ways you can enjoy these delicious peppers are virtually infinite, and DeWitt knows them all: from breakfast through dinner and dessert; in sauces, soups, side dishes, and salads.Planning them, growing them, preserving them, and–best of all–devouring them, jalapeños have never been so interesting and delicious as Dave DeWitt makes them here.
As the foods and recipes of Mexico have blended over the years into New Mexico's own distinctive cuisine, the chile pepper has become its defining element and single most important ingredient. Though many types were initially cultivated there, the long green variety that turned red in the fall adapted so well to the local soil and climate that it has now become the official state vegetable.To help chefs and diners get the most from this unique chile's great taste–without an overpowering pungency–Dave DeWitt, the noted Pope of Peppers, has compiled a complete guide to growing, harvesting, preserving and much more–topped off with dozens of delicious recipes for dishes, courses, and meals of every kind.
The Derby Philosophers focuses upon the activities of a group of Midland intellectuals that included the evolutionist and physician Erasmus Darwin, Rev. Thomas Gisborne the evangelical philosopher and poet, Robert Bage the novelist, Charles Sylvester the chemist and engineer, William George and his son Herbert Spencer, the internationally renowned evolutionist philosopher who coined the phrase 'survival of the fittest', and members of the Wedgwood and Strutt families. The book explores how, inspired by science and through educational activities, publications and institutions including the famous Derbyshire General Infirmary (1810) and Derby Arboretum (1840), the Derby philosophers strove to promote social, political and urban improvements with national and international consequences. Much more than a parochial history of one intellectual group or town, this book examines science, politics and culture during one of the most turbulent periods of British history, an age of political and industrial revolutions in which the Derby philosophers were closely involved. ;
The Derby Philosophers focuses upon the activities of a group of Midland intellectuals that included the evolutionist and physician Erasmus Darwin, Rev. Thomas Gisborne the evangelical philosopher and poet, Robert Bage the novelist, Charles Sylvester the chemist and engineer, William George and his son Herbert Spencer, the internationally renowned evolutionist philosopher who coined the phrase 'survival of the fittest', and members of the Wedgwood and Strutt families. The book explores how, inspired by science and through educational activities, publications and institutions including the famous Derbyshire General Infirmary (1810) and Derby Arboretum (1840), the Derby philosophers strove to promote social, political and urban improvements with national and international consequences. Much more than a parochial history of one intellectual group or town, this book examines science, politics and culture during one of the most turbulent periods of British history.
This is volume two of this series on contemporary rural systems in transition
A rich and revealing examination of the legendary pop duo Soft Cell. Soft Cell are not your average pop band. Marc Almond and Dave Ball may be best known for the string of hits they released in 1981, but the powerful first phase of their collaboration embraced a staggering array of sounds, influences and innovations that would change the face of music to come. In Bedsit land, Patrick Clarke plunges into the archives and interviews more than sixty contributors, including the band members themselves, to follow Soft Cell through the many strange and sprawling worlds that shaped their extraordinary career. They lead him from the faded camp glamour of the British seaside to the dizzying thrills of the New York club scene. From transgressive student performance art to the sleaze and squalor of pre-gentrified Soho. From the glitz of British showbiz to the drug-addled chaos of post-Franco Spain. He emerges on the other side with the most in-depth, innovative and entertaining account of the duo ever written.
Are you or a loved one suffering from anxiety and panic and you are wondering what you can do? To whom you can turn? What the options for treatment are? And how relatives can help? This self-help book gives affected people and their relatives: • clear and comprehensive information based on up-to-date research findings • concrete self-help strategies and exercises with worksheets • descriptions of recognized treatment methods • instructions on coping with stress and using relaxation techniques • detailed answers to frequently asked questions • a helpful list of useful contacts and websites • an idea of how mindfulness can be incorporated. The authors have first-hand knowledge of these problems from their extensive experience of counseling and treating people with anxiety disorders and their relatives. This book summarizes their knowledge in clear and comprehensible form. It is ideal both for self-help and to complement ongoing treatment. Target Group: affected people and their relatives and friends; psychologists, therapists, doctors, counseling centers.
Von Ava Gardner, Katharine Hepburn und Romy Schneider, über Marilyn Monroe und Audrey Hepburn hin zu Catherine Deneuve und Charlotte Rampling – die Grandes Dames der Kinoleinwand, die als unwiderstehliche Ikonen, betörende Schönheiten und verwegene Femmes fatales in die Geschichte des Films eingingen, begeistern nicht nur Filmenthusiasten immer wieder aufs Neue, sie haben seit jeher auch Männerherzen höherschlagen lassen. Freddy Langer versammelt in diesem Band die schönsten Liebeserklärungen von Schauspielern, Autoren, Filmemachern, Musikern, Malern, Journalisten, Regisseuren – die geistreich, subtil, direkt, leidenschaftlich, witzig oder tiefsinnig, dabei aber immer ganz ehrlich ihre Verehrung zum Ausdruck bringen. Mit Texten von Volker Schlöndorff, Harry Rowohlt, Peter Härtling, Markus Kavka und vielen anderen.
Nanyue Mountain, one of the Five Great Mountains in China, enjoys a long history. The ancient paths in Nanyue Mountain are main spots for transportation and sightseeing with profound culture. In this book, the author has carried out a systematic and comprehensive study of these trails, and vividly presented natural scenery, places of interest, customs, along with ancient and modern changes of the Nanyue Mountain in a readable way. Eleven travel notes about ten main ancient paths are selected with corresponding pictures to show the beauty of Nanyue Mountain.
Roxy und Dave sind seit zwanzig Jahren ein glückliches Paar, zwei fröhliche Kinder scheinen das Familienleben perfekt zu machen. Als Roxys Vater stirbt, eilt sie zu ihrer Mutter, um ihr in der schweren Zeit beizustehen. Aber als sie am Tag nach der Beerdigung nach Hause kommt, erwischt sie ihren Ehemann in flagranti mit der Nachbarin. Mit einem Schlag steht alles in Frage, was Roxy bislang für die Grundfesten ihres Lebens hielt.Jetzt muss sie Entscheidungen treffen, die ihr Leben komplett verändern werden: Soll sie Dave verzeihen und ihrer Ehe noch eine Chance geben? Oder allein einen Neuanfang wagen? Schließlich hat sie sich lange genug nur um die Anderen gekümmert. Und der neue Job als Chauffeurin macht nicht nur Spaß, sondern führt auch zu reizvollen Begegnungen …
Roxy und Dave sind seit zwanzig Jahren ein glückliches Paar, zwei fröhliche Kinder scheinen das Familienleben perfekt zu machen. Als Roxys Vater stirbt, eilt sie zu ihrer Mutter, um ihr in der schweren Zeit beizustehen. Aber als sie am Tag nach der Beerdigung nach Hause kommt, erwischt sie ihren Ehemann in flagranti mit der Nachbarin. Mit einem Schlag steht alles in Frage, was Roxy bislang für die Grundfesten ihres Lebens hielt.Jetzt muss sie Entscheidungen treffen, die ihr Leben komplett verändern werden: Soll sie Dave verzeihen und ihrer Ehe noch eine Chance geben? Oder allein einen Neuanfang wagen? Schließlich hat sie sich lange genug nur um die Anderen gekümmert. Und der neue Job als Chauffeurin macht nicht nur Spaß, sondern führt auch zu reizvollen Begegnungen …
In diesem Sach-Bilderbuch haben Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim und Marie Meimberg auf über 100 Seiten all ihr Wissen in Antworten und Bildern vereint. Wenn Du dieses Buch liest, wirst Du verstehen, in welchen Farben der Regenbogen für Dich leuchtet und was das mit Licht, Wellen und aufgeregten Zapfen zu tun hat. Du wirst verstehen: Diese scheinbar kleine Frage ist mit unserem Gehirn, Clown-Fangschreckenkrebsen und Bananen verbunden. Denn Bananen haben zwar eine Bananen-Form. Aber eine Bananen-Farbe, die haben sie eigentlich nicht. Diese scheinbar kleine Frage steckt voller Surf-Träume, Box-Schmerzen und Wirklichkeits-Wahrnehmung. Deswegen ist sie auch mit Möwen und Ottern verbunden. Und mit uns Menschen. Wen wir lieben. Und wie bunt unsere Liebe ist.
Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim und Marie Meimberg haben in diesem Hörbuch all ihr Wissen in Antworten und Musik vereint. Beim Hören wirst Du verstehen, in welchen Farben der Regenbogen leuchtet und was das mit Licht, Wellen und bunten Sonnenstrahlen zu tun hat. Du wirst verstehen: Diese scheinbar kleine Frage ist mit unserem Kino-Gehirn, dem Sternen-Universum, Fangschreckenkrebsen und Delphinen verbunden. Denn für Delphine ist das Meer gar nicht blau. Und die Farbe Blau, die gab es erst gar nicht. Deswegen ist diese scheinbar kleine Frage auch mit dem Meer verbunden. Und mit uns Menschen. Wen wir lieben. Und wie bunt unsere Liebe ist. Eine einzigartige Audio-Fassung mit Liedern der BiBiBiber-Band. Gesprochen von den Autorinnen.
Zweimal zwei Jahre verbrachte Hölderlin in Bad Homburg. In jener Zeit entstanden einige seiner wichtigsten Werke, u.a. Hyperion und Der Tod des Empedokles sowie bedeutende Gedichte. Der vorliegende Band berichtet über Hölderlins Lebensgeschichte bis zum Ausbruch des Wahnsinns und bietet einen Überblick über seine geistige Welt, insbesondere seinen Philosophenkosmos und die literarischen Leitfiguren. Er zeigt auch sein politisch-revolutionäres Engagement in einer vom Spätabsolutismus bestimmten Zeit. Der Leser erhält eine bisher so nicht vorhandene, konzentrierte Darstellung zu Hölderlins Dichtung aus der Feder eines führenden Hölderlin-Forschers. Eine Auswahl von Gedichten und Bildern rundet diesen Begleiter zu Hölderlin ab.
This new book reviews all aspects of the phenomenon of mass tourism. It covers theoretical perspectives (including political economy, ethics, sustainability and environmentalism), the historical context, and the current challenges to domestic, intra-regional and international mass tourism. As tourism and tourist numbers continue to grow around the world, it becomes increasingly important that this subject is studied in depth and best practice applied in real-life situations. This book: - Is the first to address a range of theoretical issues relating to mass tourism; - Uses a wide selection of case studies to translate theory into practice, covering the historical rise and fall of UK seaside resorts, the increase in Chinese tourism, conflict between different mass tourism groups, destination transformation from mass to niche tourism, and specific problems facing cruise ships; - Is written by a range of international, established authors to give a global perspective on the subject. Finishing with a speculative chapter identifying potential future trends and challenges, this book forms an essential resource for all researchers and students within tourism studies. ; Section 1: Introduction1: Introduction: Mass Tourism in a Small WorldSection 2: Theoretical Approaches to Mass Tourism2: Mass Tourism Does Not Need Defending3: The Morality of Mass Tourism4: The Political Economy of Mass Tourism and its Contradictions5: A Theoretical Approach to Mass Tourism in Italy6: Sustainability and Mass Tourism: A Contradiction in Terms?7: Mass Tourism and the Environment: Issues and DilemmasSection 3: Historical Studies of Tourism Development8: The Dynamics of Tourism Development in Britain: The Profit Motive and that ‘Curious’ Alliance of Private Capital and the Local State9: From Holiday Camps to the All-inclusive: the ‘Butlinization’ of Tourism10: Decline Beside the Seaside: British Seaside Resorts and Declinism11: Mass Tourism and the US National Park Service System12: Transport and Tourism: The Perpetual LinkSection 4: Case Studies in Modern Mass Tourism13: Mass Tourism and China14: Mass Tourism in Thailand: The Chinese and Russians15: Mass Tourism in Bulgaria: The Force Awakens16: Mass Tourism in Mallorca: Examples from Calivià17: Tunisia: Mass Tourism in Crisis?18: From Blue to Grey? Malta’s Quest from Mass Beach to Niche Heritage Tourism19: Cruise Ship Tourism in the Caribbean: The Mess of Mass TourismSection 5: The Future20: Conclusion: Mass Tourism in the Future