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      • La Martinière Jeunesse / Seuil Jeunesse

        La Martinière Jeunesse and Seuil Jeunesse, publish a wide range of books for toddlers to ya. In order to pass on knowledge to young readers in a way that will appeal to them, La Martinière Jeunesse strives to ensure that all of the works they publish, whether it be reference, innovative novelty or fiction books, have the highest quality content. The books in Seuil’s rich and bold catalog break the codes of conventional children’s books, both in their form and content. They include picture books by award winning authors, outstanding non-fiction titles, literary novels and humorous middle-grade fiction.

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      • Gallimard Jeunesse

        Founded in 1972, Gallimard Jeunesse now boasts a list of more than 4,000 titlesin both fiction and non-fiction, for young readers of all ages and reading levels,from the very first books for babies to great literary classics and bestsellingcontemporary titles. Over the years, our output has been a major stimulus for the children’s book industry in France, with readers, parents, booksellers, librarians and teachers trusting us to provide books of the highest quality in both print and digital format. Our list has a worldwide reputation for excellence and creativity.

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      • Trusted Partner

        Ismael et Radia au Japon

        Le Japon

        by Jihane Andaloussi / Fadwa El Alami Moutawakkil / Youssef Al Houcine / Omar Kabbaj

        Spark your little adventurers' love for reading with an exciting journey through Japan! This book invites young explorers to discover vibrant scenes, from ancient temples and delicious sushi to the latest technology and video games. They’ll embark on a thrilling forest adventure with Radia, Django, and Ismael, where they’ll encounter a surprising character along the way. Explore iconic sights like Tokyo Tower, cherry blossoms, and koinobori, and learn about Hachiko, tanuki, and manga. Packed with stickers, games, and coloring pages, this book is a treasure trove designed to ignite their curiosity and imagination. Get ready for an unforgettable adventure through the wonders of Japan!

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        Ismael et Radia en Italie


        by Jihane Andaloussi / Fadwa El Alami Moutawakkil / Youssef Al Houcine / Omar Kabbaj

        Ignite your little adventurers' love for reading with a captivating journey through Italy! This book invites young explorers to discover the beauty of Rome, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and the charm of Florence. They'll dive into Italian cuisine and learn about ancient legends like Julius Caesar, while also exploring the wonders of volcanic landscapes and the island of Sardinia. Packed with stickers, games, and coloring pages, this book is a treasure trove designed to fuel their curiosity and imagination. Get ready for an unforgettable adventure through the rich history and culture of Italy!

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        Le secret de Bou'ghttat

        by Jihane Andaloussi

        Sitting on his bed with his knees drawn up to his chest, Jaber found his thoughts inevitably drifting to Bou’ghtat. Each night, this shadowy demon with a vague outline would haunt him, immobilizing him with overwhelming fear. Even wrapped in warm blankets, he trembled at the prospect of closing his eyes, fearing to enter once again a realm where he felt utterly exposed and defenseless.

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        Lina will not lie again

        by Abdelghani Wardi

        Childhood is a pure smile at life, a simplicity that often escapes adult understanding. We sometimes see our children's behaviors as rude or troublesome, but these are usually just innocent attempts to achieve small goals in their vast, playful world. The collection « Kind Children, but… » explores these behaviors from different educational perspectives. It addresses the mischief of children, the shortcomings of adults, and offers correctional models that help transform childhood into a blossoming experience, rather than a burden.

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        My friend the monster

        by Abdelghani Wardi

        Ayman loves playing mobile games… He rarely puts down his phone, except when he’s sleeping. However, this obsession might lead to significant problems... The book features 2 stories: My Friend the Monster, and The Dinosaur’s Tooth.

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        Livres pour les enfants et la jeunesse

        by Israël (Poochoo) Wiesler

        C’est l’histoire d’un garçon fluet qui au début n’aimait pas manger et il était très maigre, mais ensuite, quand il a finalement commencé à manger – il n’arrêtait plus. C’était terrible: quand il était maigre, son pantalon tombait, et lorsqu’il a gagné du poids, alors les coutures craquaient. Que peut-on faire? Demandez à sa mère qui a une solution pour chaque problème. Ce livre, qui s’est vendu extrêmement bien en Israël pendant les dix dernières années, est devenu récemment encore plus populaire lorsque parents et enfants sont devenus plus conscients du problème de l’obésité chez les enfants. Bien que cette histoire ait une morale, son grand succès (12 éditions ont été publiées à ce jour!) découle principalement de l’amusement que les jeunes lecteurs éprouvent à lire cette histoire. L’auteur, Israël Wiesler (surnommé “Poochoo”), est né à Tel-Aviv et a publié son premier livre, “Quelle bande,” à l’âge de 26 ans. “Quelle bande” a gagné un prix littéraire important, est devenu un best-seller et a été adapté en film qui a eu du succès. Depuis, Wiesler a écrit plus de trente livres et des douzaines de scripts pour des séries de télévisions dirigées pour les enfants et les jeunes adultes. Les ouvrages de Wiesler, écrits avec un sens de l’humour chaleureux et particulier, a gagné six prix littéraires en Israël. Dans le fameux “Lexique Ofek” de la littérature enfantine en hébreu, Wiesler est décrit comme “le meilleur écrivain humoristique pour enfants et jeunes adultes en Israël.” Poochoo est l’un des trois seuls écrivains israéliens à avoir été honorés l’an dernier par l’impression d’un timbre-poste représentant la couverture de l’un de ses livres.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1999

        Davanti al Tribunale di Dio

        Italiener vor dem Jüngsten Gericht

        by Papini, Giovanni

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2016

        Die goldenen Tage


        by Monica Sabolo

        Crans-Montana in den 1960ern. Jahr für Jahr treffen sich in dem mondänen Urlaubsort drei betörende junge Frauen: Chris, Charlie und Claudia. Ein paar Jungen sind den sirenenhaften Erscheinungen hoffnungslos verfallen. Dazu verdammt, die »drei Cs« aus der Ferne – auf der Skipiste, am Pool, im Nachtclub – zu beobachten, bedeuten für die Jungen bereits die unscheinbarsten Gesten die Welt. Und dann gibt es da auch noch ihre unbezwingbaren Konkurrenten: »die Italiener«. Die Jahre verstreichen, es werden exzentrische Feste gefeiert, Ehen geschlossen, und noch immer streben Chris, Charlie, Claudia und ihre ehemaligen Verehrer nach dem vielleicht Unerreichbaren: Leichtigkeit, Liebe, Wahrhaftigkeit. Die goldenen Tage erzählt vom Aufstieg und Fall einer jeunesse dorée, von ihren unschuldigen ersten Verliebtheiten und späteren abgründigen Obsessionen. Eine atemberaubende Gratwanderung zwischen Unbeschwertheit, Glamour und Tragik – und eine Lektüre, die Sehnsüchte heraufbeschwört, die man längst für vergessen hielt.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2010

        Verlorener Sohn?

        Hermann Brochs Briefwechsel mit Armand 1925-1928

        by Hermann Broch, Paul Michael Lützeler

        Hermann Broch war ein Schriftsteller mit pädagogischem Ehrgeiz: ethische Wirkung stand im Mittelpunkt seines romanhaften und philosophisch-politischen Werks. Seinem Sohn, dem 1910 geborenen Armand, wollte er die denkbar beste Erziehung angedeihen lassen. So schickte er den Fünfzehnjährigen auf das Collège de Normandie in Clères bei Rouen, an eine Eliteschule der europäischen High Society. Die Einschulung begleitete der Vater – damals noch Fabrikant in Wien – mit philosophischen Briefen über den Sinn von Leben, Tod und Unsterblichkeit. Broch gehörte der expressionistischen Generation an, die in Wissenschaft, Literatur und Kunst die großen Werke der Hochmoderne des 20. Jahrhunderts schuf. Armand aber vertrat die Jugend der Neuen Sachlichkeit: Bei ihm drehte sich alles um Autos und Sport, Reisen und schicke Kleidung. Der Vater gemahnt an den Ernst des Lebens – der Sohn reagiert mit Vorschlägen zur touristischen Feriengestaltung. Der Vater erinnert an die große Wirtschaftskrise – der Sohn will die Vor- und Nachteile bestimmter Rennwagenmodelle diskutieren. Der Vater berichtet von Theaterereignissen aus Berlin – der Sohn denkt ans Amusement in Paris. Am Ende fliegt der Sohn aus dem noblen Collège, weil er wiederholt bei den Abschlußprüfungen versagt, und der Vater resigniert als Erzieher. Brochs philosophisch-literarische Exkursionen sowie seine Analysen der ökonomischen Situation in Europa, aber nicht weniger Armands Schilderungen der kontinentalen jeunesse dorée und ihrer Vergnügungssucht machen den Briefwechsel zu einem spannenden Dokument der 1920er Jahre und zu einem zeitlosen Zeugnis des sich stets wiederholenden Gegensatzes zwischen Vater und Sohn.

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        C’est le Plombier !

        by Aviva Lipstein

        C’est le Plombier ! Un livre pour enfants fascinant ayant pour but de faciliter aux tout‑petits la transition de la maternelle à l’école primaire par Aviva Lipstein Ce livre pour enfants, très original - publié originellement en hébreu, a été accueilli avec enthousiasme en Israël, tant par le public que par les médias. Bien qu’il se présente a priori sous la forme d’une histoire amusante illustrée, il s’agit en fait de bien plus que cela - c’est une œuvre éducative sur la transition de l’enfant, de l’école maternelle à l’école élémentaire, transition souvent accompagnée de peurs et d’angoisses chez les parents autant que chez le jeune enfant. Dans son introduction, le psychologue clinique et spécialiste du développement, Dr. Carl I. Rubinroit, écrit : Le passage de la maternelle à l’école élémentaire est souvent source d’inquiétude et d’anxiété tant chez les enfants que chez leurs parents. Dans ce livre sympathique, Aviva Lipstein décrit les expériences d’un petit garçon sur le point d’entrer à la grande école pour la première fois. A travers son héros, Danny, l’auteur nous présente une série « d’instruments magiques », qui l’aideront à surmonter ses peurs et à affronter les défis qui apparaissent dans son nouvel environnement. Ce livre est particulièrement recommandé aux élèves en fin de maternelle, aux élèves du CP et à leurs parents, ainsi qu’aux autres enfants qui voudraient « se souvenir. »   Aviva Lipstein, élevée en France - à Paris et à Nice - nous a quitté en 1994. Au cours de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, elle fut protégée et éduquée par des sœurs dominicaines, et était venue s’installer dans le jeune Etat d’Israël après la guerre. Diplômée de l’Ecole d’Assistantes Sociales de l’Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem, elle a travaillé avec de jeunes enfants jusqu’à sa retraite. Elle a vécu à Tel-Aviv ; mariée, elle fut mère de deux garçons et d’une fille. Son petit-fils a grandi avec ses histoires.   C’est le Plombier ! a été traduit en anglais par Ora Cummings, originaire de Grande-Bretagne. Sa traduction a été adaptée aux réalités de l’Angleterre actuelle dans le cadre universel du passage de l’enfant de l’environnement protecteur de la maternelle à l’atmosphère plus exigeante de la grande école. Il en sera de même pour une éventuelle traduction en français. Le livre comporte 40 pages dans sa forme définitive, la couverture est en polychrome et les illustrations bichromes. Il a été publié en Israël par Duvdevan, la branche jeunesse de la Maison d’Edition Dekel. Si vous souhaitez étudier la possibilité de publier une édition en français de cet ouvrage ou d’un projet de coédition, veuillez nous contacter. C'est avec plaisir que nous vous ferons parvenir, par voie aérienne, une documentation supplémentaire.

      • Trusted Partner

        En la ruta de la seda

        by Amnon Shamosh

        En la ruta de la seda por Amnon Shamosh Amnon Shamosh, quien se dio a conocer como autor con la famosa saga familiar  “Michel Ezra Safra y sus hijos” como también con docenas de cuentos cortos cautivantes que aparecieron en las colecciones tituladas “Mi hermana, la novia” y “Ruedas del mundo,” nos sorprende nuevamente con una novela moderna, brillante, y profunda. La historia gira alrededor de tradiciones de los antiguos tiempos y hechos históricos que se complementan. Todo ello mezclado con la imaginación de Shamosh, logra apasionar al lector. En el año 1400, el gran conquistador Timur Lang llega a la ciudad siria de Jalab (Aram de Soba) y desde ella envía diez familias judías de tintoreros de seda al exilio, desterrándolos a Samarkand, capital del imperio de Timur, en la ruta de la seda. Timur Lang también rapta vírgenes judías, y las retiene en sus harenes. Una de las vírgenes conquista el corazón del hijo de Timur, un hombre inteligente y creativo que gobierna bajo sus órdenes. El rey Elías, “hijo de la judía,” que fue criado en la fe islámica, embarca rumbo a España con el propósito de conocer y comprender el mundo cristiano y judío, en pleno apogeo en esa época en España. Elías, en busca de una identidad y también una novia, encuentra  a ambas en Jalab, ciudad de sus ancestros maternos. Su joven esposa procede de la familia Dayan, con parentescos de la dinastía de la tribu de David. La novela está compuesta de tres líneas narrativas. La primera, acontece en el siglo quince y se centra principalmente en la familia real en el harén en Samarkand. La segunda, al principio del siglo veinte, en el barrio Bujaro de Jerusalén, donde inmigrantes de Bujaría y Jalab están apiñados juntos, y reciben la visita de los líderes de esta  sociedad de  nuevos judíos inmigrantes a la vecindad. La tercera línea narrativa acontece en la última década del siglo, con la inmigración  masiva de judíos rusos; la historia se concentra en los inmigrantes Bujaros. El protagonista es Oshi Shauloff Ben-Shaul, nacido en el barrio Bujaro, cuya madre, de origen sirio (Jalab), es descendiente de la familia Dayan, anteriormente mencionada, y sus raíces pertenecen a una de las familias que fueron exiliadas de Jalab a Samarkand. Esta novela, emocionantemente erótica, mas refinada y moderada, tiene un estilo  inmediato poderoso e inspirador – como esperamos de los trabajos de Amnon Shamosh.

      • Trusted Partner
        Fantasy & magical realism (Children's/YA)

        El rapto de Eloisa (The abduction of Eloisa)

        by Jorge Esquinca, Chiara Carrer

        A girl and her mother, three crows, spikes on a field, and clouds draw the first scene. But the girl, like all children, expect her great adventure of being lost. The mistery kidnaps her. It leads her to an underground dream where the dream is reality and darkness is clear as a diamond light. Oneiric, musical story, opened to “what is heard inside”, this book invites us to discover that beyond the veil that is spread between the world and the things, “each sleeping seed, each root, each stem, every flower that rises,” and us, entirely.

      • Trusted Partner
        Early learning / early learning concepts
        October 2017

        Una cabeza distinta (A different head)

        by Luis Panini, Chiara Carrer

        This child tells us that he is not happy with the head that he has. He thinks it is a wrong head. The parents, after listening to him, take him to a specialist, who agrees with the little one. A mysterious man dressed in black supplies him with heads in exchange for his own. The child tries several, until he finds the one he was looking for. A reindeer head, a crocodile head, a whisk head: the narrator child and protagonist of this story tells us about his disagreement with the head he has and the vicissitudes that he has to go through to find the head with which he will finally agree: the head of a grown man, of a mathematician. This is a story of search for identity and growth, developed with fine fantasy and humor, with the wisdom of someone he has sought and perhaps already found.

      • Trusted Partner
        Horror & ghost stories, chillers (Children's/YA)
        October 2021

        El año de la rata

        by Jorge Alderete

        Our forests are shrinking every year due to fires forestry. Trees and all life that inhabits them, from tiny microorganisms to families of birds and animals are destroyed by flames that in most cases, are caused by we, humans.

      • Fiction

        Andreaa Constantin

        by Esteban Torres Lana

        A dangerous challenge at sea through a rock arch battered by strong waves. She ends up seriously injured in a leg when her friend Aurelio arrives at the cove. Overcoming her pain, she hides her injuries from Aurelio and tells him the extraordinary story of her mother, which propelled her to undertake such a madness. The story begins 6 years ago in Tenerife, with Nayra's expulsion from Philosophy class for the third time in a week, causing Pablo, her father, to pick her up from school and embark on a long day of disputes, confessions, and finally, complicities between them. Walking around Santa Cruz, canceling classes and professional commitments, Pablo and Nayra spend the day discovering a personal and sentimental reality that surprises them. The problems Nayra mentions with a group of immigrant classmates, along with the aggression Nayra shows towards her mother, Lola, prompt Pablo to tell her the unfinished story with Andreea, a high-class Romanian prostitute. Pablo cannot control the level of intimacy of the tale despite his own amazement, hearing himself say things he thought were unspeakable. Nayra responds, between disputes and affection, interspersing her own confidences, some of them having a strong impact, like the adventure with an immigrant who arrived on the beaches of Fuerteventura during a summer excursion. Neither tells the most intimate details of their stories truthfully, but they are accessible to the reader. Despite frequent arguments due to the teenager's incisive and groundbreaking language, their complicity grows and they end up spending the day together, walking through different places in the city. The story with Andreea takes on dramatic tones that completely captivate the young woman. Two suicides, the chase by Romanian mafia, returning to her hometown, searching for Pablo, Andreea’s struggle to regain her dignity and her artistic capacity through painting, and the apparent disappearance of her father's life, capture Nayra’s attention. Despite the narrative tricks used by Pablo, when night falls and they reach home, Nayra connects the dots and is surprised to discover that her perfectionist and successful mother, a recognized painter from Santa Cruz, with whom she has had a very conflictive season, is Andreea Constantin, the Romanian immigrant her father met as a high-class prostitute. After an initial reaction of rejection due to the ignorance in which she was kept, she understands her mother's situation. All the questions she always had about many details of her life arise with the discovery. A few years after discovering her identity, Andreea disappears from home. A call from Romania alerts them to the discovery of two charred bodies near her birthplace and the presence of her old exploiter nearby, who cursed her for life through a Transylvania ritual when she abandoned prostitution. Knowing she was discovered in Tenerife, Andreea tried to keep her family away from danger and returned to her country, where she was easy prey for the mafia. Pablo and his daughter Nayra fly to Bucharest to identify Andreea’s body, which may have been brutally murdered and burned. When it seems the identification will be negative, a small detail of the clothing makes them doubt. Desolate, they receive medical and psychological support from the Romanian team, but it turns out to be a false lead. Andreea is rescued from a hideout and has survived due to a misunderstanding by her captors. Protected by the Romanian police, she later becomes a key witness whose testimony ends the dangerous band of her pimp. But that bravery comes at a price; 2 years later, she does not return from an art exhibition in Paris. The police believe that her exploiter’s curse was fulfilled by a nephew who visited him in prison shortly before his death and was seen in Paris during the days Andreea had the exhibition. After a year of anguish, Nayra can no longer bear the situation and decides to mourn her mother at the cove where she painted her last picture. It had as its background the rock arch symbolizing the risk of living and facing life’s challenges. Nayra considers her mother lost and throws Andreea’s ashes into the sea, symbolized by those of a magnolia branch she planted many years ago. With this, she internalizes the loss and the fighting values Andreea taught her. The exit from the volcanic cove is a song to the life that continues and to the young woman who represents it. The novel is dedicated to the memory of Andreea Constantin and the thousands of women sexually exploited around the world.

      • Fiction

        The Countess and the Organ Player

        by Cesia Hirshbein

        In the historical context of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the height of the Romantic era, the 19th century, Anton Bruckner, the famous Austrian composer and organist, falls in love with the imposing Countess Henriette. She had been appointed lady-in-waiting to Princess Charlotte of Belgium, the wife of Prince Maximilian of Habsburg, to attend to her during the couple's Mexican endeavor. They had been named Emperor and Empress of Mexico and would embark on a journey to America for this mission. Bruckner meets the countess by chance at the funeral of Maximilian, who had been assassinated in Querétaro in 1867, during the so-called Second Mexican Empire. On the recommendation of a musician friend of Henriette's, who sees him at the funeral, she takes piano lessons with Bruckner. When she tells him that she had accompanied the empress to Mexico, the composer becomes enchanted. He admired Maximilian and was passionate about Mexico; he had even wanted to accompany the emperor. Ultimately, the only trips he made were to give organ concerts in London and another at Notre Dame in Paris. Between classes, the countess tells him of the Atlantic crossing, the arrival in Veracruz, and the entrance to Mexico City. Gradually, they grow closer. In one of his concerts, Bruckner meets Franz Liszt, who was a patron of Maximilian's empire in Mexico. Meanwhile, the countess and the organist plan a Requiem, which will be the turning point between them.

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