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      • Trusted Partner
        Art forms

        Famine Tales

        A Graphic Anthology

        by Ayesha Mukherjee, Shrutakirti Dutta, Abhijit Gupta, Sujit Kumar Mandal

        A graphic anthology of five famines in India and Britain, interpreted by traditional scroll painters and comics book artists



        Children and Covid, what it is? what I have to do? All the answers explained to the children to understand better the COVID19

      • Business, Economics & Law
        March 2020

        Crisis Leadership

        Principles and tactics for success when your world turns upside down

        by Emmanuel Gobillot

        Crises are defining. Not only do they test our attitudes and attributes, they test the very systems that brought these to bear. They turn our structures and cultures upside down. Our responses to them define our future.But what makes a good leader at a time of crisis? Is it simply the willingness to ‘get things done’? Or to make the hard decisions that others won’t make? What skills does a leader need to use to lead effectively and what can we all learn as individuals from developing these same skills? Renowned leadership consultants Emmanuel Gobillot and Katherine Thomas, bestselling authors of Unleash Your Leader, have the answers. From being accurate and taking action to mastering rhetoric and simplicity via showing compassion and bringing hope, Crisis Leadership is your concise guide to being the best leader you can be when the situation most demands it. In a world that truly tests our ability to remain steady and decisive, Crisis Leadership shows you how to take positive action and the right steps not simply to preserve our past but to lead others to a brighter future.

      • Children's & YA
        May 2020

        Chi lo sa dove

        by Valeria Salvatore

        Chi lo sa dove  nasce sulla spiaggia, per gioco, lanciando una pallina… ancora non si sa dove porterà l'idea che piano piano prende forma tra i pensieri… questa volta il bisogno è quello di far parlare le immagini. Chi lo sa dove  è una delle domande che fanno spesso i bambini, quelle domande per le quali la risposta a volte ci sembra scontata mentre altre volte non c'è… Eppure la risposta i bambini la cercano e per loro non è scontata né impossibile da trovare. Chi lo sa dove  resta un'idea fino a oggi… ma la risposta non è quella che sembrava all'inizio… la risposta, proprio ora, è solo una ed è davvero la migliore. Chi lo sa dove , attraverso i disegni fatti da due bambine, racconta il mondo visto da una finestra… ad aprile 2020.

      • Children's & YA

        Sam the Washing Bear

        by INGMAR LARSEN

        Sam is very excited: today is his birthday! Grandpa gives him a very special present: a soap dispenser. According to Grandpa, there’s dirt everywhere that can make you sick. But if you wash your hands carefully with water and soap, you’ll stay healthy! Sam now feels very important and can’t wait to tell his friends. Together they learn when to wash your hands: after playing outside, taking the bus, or sneezing, for example. A colourful and topical picture book to teach children about the importance of hygiene. Now extra relevant during the Covid-19 crisis! Helps children and their parents to stop spreading the virus.

      • May 2020

        La lumière de l'archange

        by Adam, Gérard

        Written between 1986 and 1990, while the Internet was in its infancy, published in 1992, finalist for the Rossel Prize (the main Belgian literary prize), La Lumière de l'Archange was at the time a novel by slight anticipation, since it took place at the end of 1999. Pierre Lhermitte, French specialist in viral diseases, Nobel Prize in medicine for the vaccine against AIDS, founder of a brotherhood of scientists, is the victim of the virus he is studying, a formidable mutant that has arisen in the Central African forests. Held in quarantine in his own department, supported by his friends around the world, he participates in the speed race between the epidemic and research, while becoming aware of a contemporary world from which he had until then abstracted himself and that is shaken by deep social or geopolitical upheavals, as well as the explosion of ultraviolent fanaticisms and the advent of millenarian movements in this last year of the twentieth century. But strange psychic changes appear in the survivors. Is the development of life at a crossroads? Pierre Lhermitte, sent to Africa to coordinate the fight against the epidemic in the hope of keeping him landlocked, will be involved simultaneously in an exceptional adventure and in an inner, psychological, metaphysical and spiritual quest. A visionary novel, whose only flaw is that it was published too early. Now that the epidemics of mutant viruses (Ebola, Covid19) are succeeding and amplifying one another, it is extremely topical, and warns us of the dangers that the contemporary world – and our behavior – poses to a humanity rushing headlong towards the wall.

      • Biography & True Stories
        November 2020

        Woman Doctor

        A Specialist in Infectious Diseases in the Time of Corona

        by Karine Lacombe and Fiamma Luzzati

        What is daily life like in a hospital during the coronavirus crisis? A ground-breaking graphic documentary. Karine Lacombe, a doctor, opens the doors to her infectious diseases department in one of the largest hospitals in Paris as it confronts a virus no one there had seen under a microscope: Covid-19. How do you prepare for this battle? How do you run the department? What surprises does daily life have in store? Does it make a difference if you’re a woman doctor? Thanks to Fiamma Luzzati’s clear, spontaneous draughtsmanship, we follow Karine Lacombe’s thoughts and her experiences working in a hospital under tremendous pressure. The perfect incarnation of an educational and informative graphic reportage that puts the Coronavirus crisis in perspective.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        The Only Comfort in Life and Death

        Faith and Hope in the Pandemic

        by Jonathan Lamb


      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2020

        The Day After the Great Epidemics

        From the Bubonic Plague to the Coronavirus

        by José Enrique Ruiz‐Domènec

        How have societies dealt with the "day after" the great epidemics?From the Plague to the Coronavirus, the response of humanity throughout history In extreme situations, human beings need answers and we look back in history for information. The five moments covered here were key episodes in which the challenge of a major epidemic was followed by a judicious response that opened up a promising future. An epidemic comes when you least expect it, but we are not the first to have suffered one, and history offers us excellent examples that we must take into account when redirecting our situation. The bubonic plague of 542 in Constantinople, the great epidemics brought to the Americas in the late 15th and early 16th centuries, or the Spanish Flu of 1918‐1920 generated a health crisis that is familiar to us today. In these episodes, wise and unwise decisions were made, but in the end societies showed they were up to the task. Today the challenge is set, and history can help us find intelligent and creative solutions that lead to a promising future.

      • Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice
        June 2020

        A Cocoon With A View

        by Alice Taylor

        Am I cocooning or self-isolating?  In today’s climate both words mean the same thing, but it’s amazing the different picture each word paints in our subconscious. Alice Taylor explores wellbeing, what community now means and so many other topics thrown into sharp relief by the arrival of COVID19.

      • Geography & the Environment
        February 2021

        Food in a Changing Climate

        by Alana Mann

        Our diets are going to change dramatically as global warming affects growing seasons and the availability of different foods around the world. Meanwhile, our foodways are among the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions.To address these challenges Food in a Changing Climate demands we look beyond our plates to the roots of inequity in our food systems. It presents an unashamedly political agenda for 'deep adaptation', focused on the rejuvenation and strengthening of local and regional food systems that have been steadily eroded in the name of economic efficiency. The colonial origins of fossil-fuel based food production and trade persist in the  marginalisation of farmers, food workers, and fishers in a corporatized food system that promotes the exploitation of the environment, excess production, and hyper-consumerism. These factors contribute to climate change, poverty, and health inequities on a global scale. Drawing on case studies from around the world, this book illustrates how the commodification of food has made us particularly vulnerable to climate change, extreme weather events, and pandemics such as COVID19. These shocks reveal the danger of our reliance on increasingly complex supply chains - dominated by a decreasing number of mega-companies - for our food security.The unsustainability of the way we produce and eat food is clear. It has been for a long time. Food in a Changing Climate explores how we can cultivate resilient communities through the just application of new technologies, the recovery of traditional knowledges, and by building diversity to protect the livelihoods of food producers everywhere.

      • Health & Personal Development


        A new programme for virus-proof health

        by Dr. Ivo Bianchi MD

        Dr. Ivo Bianchi, MD, is a specialist in internal medicine and an internationally renowned expert in the field of homotoxicology. In Activate Your Immune System he explains the best way to strengthen your immunity, your more efficient shield against disease and pandemics. Our immune system is extremely specialised and complex, working all the time against aggressions, within (viruses, bacteria, pollutants) and without (cancer cells, aging-related factors). When its functioning is poor, we tend to get sick at the first aggression, and healing becomes slower and more difficult. When on the contrary it works “too much”,allergies and even serious autoimmune diseases come into play.Dr. Ivo Bianchi explains in detail how this precious ally, its cells, organs and regulatory factors work. In addition, he suggests how and what to eat to strengthen our immune system, and what plant and mineral supplements are best suited.Our longer-term goal in fact is not only stimulating, but above all rebalancing the entire system. Because the secret of health is not in strength, but in balance.

      • The twilight of simple things. Hopeful readings and critical perspectives for a south in pandemic

        by Nelson Specchia, José Emilio Ortega.

        “The twilight of simple things” is an effort shared by more than thirty Latin American voices. This book does not pretend to be a calm evaluative work, it is rushed by the pulse of the situation, its writing emerges in the heat of the moment, set on a reality that moves and jumps, without a clear direction, but with the need to contribute to the emergence of that clarity. And it is also an attempt to help, rehearsing answers, the unexpected needs of this unexpected time of ours. Because a community, totally and unprecedentedly confined in its private environments, with social distance, areas surrounded by sanitary barriers, and communication methodologies mediated almost exclusively by computer screens and cell phones, requires propositional ideas and critical reflections that collaborate in its understanding of a universal problem, and in the ways and modalities in which we will emerge from it to a new normal. The uncertainty that comes with that necessary but painful social isolation, has also brought with it the longing for guiding readings and reflections on the variables that are profoundly, and perhaps forever, altering our daily lives and our environment.

      • Medicine
        March 2021

        Cabin Fever

        Surviving Lockdown in the Coronavirus Pandemic

        by Paul Crawford, Jamie Orion Crawford

        Cabin fever occurs at sea, on land, in the air, in space. Principally, it occurs in our minds. This fascinating book examines ‘cabin fever’ in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and the greatest confinement of people to their homes in history. The book outlines the origins and history of cabin fever, in particular, how this psychological folk syndrome emerged out of the affliction of physical infection,notably in the case of typhus, which spread from the overcrowded, rural cabins of Ireland in the Great Famine to the pioneering frontiers of North America. It was here that the notion of a psychological ‘fever’ or restlessness began to replace the actual physical fever of typhus, as pioneers took to cabins for long periods, especially during winter months. Similar syndromes, with different names, emerged in other challenging or remote regions. The book explores the evidence of mental decline caused by prolonged or extreme social isolation, in particular what we learn from penal history and solitary confinement as well as the importance of social connectivity in maintaining good mental health. Accounts from literature, memoir, and reportage reveal the fascinating and sometimes frightening aspects of the phenomenon. We are all learning how to live with lockdown and may have to do so long into the future. This book provides an account of the chief antidotes for cabin fever.

      • Children's & YA
        July 2020

        The Little Virus Corona

        How children helped defeating it

        by Marie Franz, Daniela Spoto

        This beautifully illustrated book is suitable for children from the age of four.   It explains the whole pandemic to kids and points out all the things they were doing to help to stop the virus from spreading, e.g. washing hands, wearing masks, etc. –  and why all of that makes them SUPERHEROS.   The book tells the whole story of the pandemic, from the time before Corona appeared until the time when it will be history again. This way this book will remain relevant after Corona has disappeared, because it will always be important to remember.

      • May 2022

        Essential Guide to Psychedelic Renaissance

        All you need to know about how psilocybin, MDMA and LSD are revolutionizing mental health and changing lives

        by Antón Gómez-Escolar

        In this guide you will learn all the essentials about the history, neuroscience,legality, therapeutic applications and harm reduction of the most promisingpsychedelic drugs for science. After decades of international prohibitionthese molecules are returning to laboratories and clinics, hand in hand withthe most rigorous science, to revolutionize the way we understand and treatmental health (depression, anxiety, PTSD and addictions). Discover the worldof psilocybin, MDMA, DMT, ketamine and LSD, before society immerses in thisrevolution, which will forever change the perception we have of psychedelics.This guide will be of interest to both therapists and other mental healthprofessionals interested in the clinical applications, parents and educatorsseeking to understand the impact and safety of psychedelics and other drugs,as well as any adult curious to learn about and explore this new world of thepsychedelic renaissance.

      • Children's & YA

        Zero O'Clock

        by C.J. Farley

        In early March 2020 in New Rochelle, New York, teenager Geth Montego is fumbling with the present and uncertain about her future. She only has three friends: her best friend Tovah, who’s been acting weird ever since they started applying to college; Diego, who she wants to ask to prom; and the K-pop band BTS, because the group always seems to be there for her when she needs them (at least in her head). She could use some help now. Geth’s small city becomes one of the first COVID-19 containment zones in the US. As her community is upended by the virus and stirred up by the growing Black Lives Matter protests, Geth faces a choice and a question: Is she willing to risk everything to fight for her beliefs? And if so, what exactly does she believe in? C.J. Farley captures a moment in spring 2020 no teenager will ever forget. It sucks watching the world fall apart. But sometimes you have to start from zero.

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